George Soros: The Most Evil Man On Earth?

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Multi-billionaire George Soros is the archetypal Jewish supremacist. It seems he uses his wealth to hurt white goyim in any way he can, all over the world.

Soros Exposed Orchestrating Ferguson Chaos

George Soros -- the rich man who is hated around the world

"Most everywhere Soros, his foundations or his investment money has gone, trouble has followed.

He’s helped start revolutions, undermined national currencies and funded radicals around the world."

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George Soros - The Most Evil Man in America

"Branding someone the most "anything" is a risky endeavor; superlatives will always be suspect. But I cannot find words strong enough to condemn George Soros.

If you haven't heard of him, you're not alone. Outside of politics wonks and special-interest-group gravy-train riders, he is not well known.

But he should be.

There is no doubt in my mind that George Soros is the most dangerous man in America. Pick most any attack upon our culture you please -- that on Christianity, the push to legalize recreational drugs, the drive to grant amnesty to invaders, the trampling of our constitution, the metastasizing of the nanny state, and many others -- and Soros' fingerprints are all over them. He funds leftist causes to the tune of 400 million dollars a year. This article partially exposes the machinations of this creature, and here is an excerpt:

Didn't the mainstream media report that 2006's vast immigration rallies across the country began as a spontaneous uprising of 2 million angry Mexican-flag waving illegal immigrants demanding U.S. citizenship in Los Angeles, egged on only by a local Spanish-language radio announcer?

Turns out that wasn't what happened, either. Soros' OSI had money-muscle there, too, through its $17 million Justice Fund. The fund lists 19 projects in 2006. One was vaguely described involvement in the immigration rallies. Another project funded illegal immigrant activist groups for subsequent court cases.

Soros is the invisible hand behind much of the manipulation of our culture. He reminds me of the evil emperor in Star Wars; his minions are all about bedeviling us, but you don't see him much. He stays behind the scenes, scheming, calculating, making his deals with the Devil and pulling strings. He is the miasma beneath the demon wings of the foot soldiers who do his bidding, the dirtiest of dirty work.

What is truly disgusting about this man is that he tirelessly tries to destroy the very civilization that gave him the opportunity to make billions. Of course, he has made his money through noble pursuits such as breaking currencies, so I'm sure he sold his soul long ago.

Even more shameful, though, is the media's abdication of its responsibility. The author of the piece I cite bemoans the lack of transparency with respect to Soros' schemes, but the media can render something transparent as easily as invisible. Barack Obama is a "rising political star" because the media decided that he fit their favored profile; Michael Savage is ignored perhaps because they know that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. If the media did its job and spotlighted Soros to a degree commensurate with his endeavors, they would be transparent. Then, the American people could make their decisions with open eyes.

Don't misunderstand me, I don't say that the media have to score Soros as I do.

However, movers and shakers should be scrutinized based on how much they move and shake, not based on which way they move and who they shake. The truth is that the media is one of the greatest enemies our country could have.

So the cancer metastasizes, steadily, inexorably, perhaps irrevocably, as we die a death by a thousand cuts."
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His perpetual evil is covered up and redefined because he is one of the tribe, aka the usual suspects...doing their usual evil.
His perpetual evil is covered up and redefined because he is one of the tribe, aka the usual suspects...doing their usual evil.

One of the most brazenly blatant for sure, confident that his evil will always be protected when not being heralded.

Another is Sumner Redstone, the owner of MTV, who is in his 90s now. Think of the evil MTV has unleashed on America and, through the internet, the world.
Those vile tribesmen make Aleister Crowley look like a choir boy.
The Vampires change their names. "George Soros" real name is Gyorgy Schwartz. "Sumner Redstone", mentioned above, is Murray Rothstein. Barak Hussein Obama used to go under the name Barry Soetoro, and other aliases as well.

Censored in the USSSA, but this is from the USSK Daily Mail:

Billionaire George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create 'echo chamber' and drive national protests[/h]
The one and only mainstream political pundit I’ve ever heard mentioning Soros/Schwartz in any meaningful way is former Fox News host, Glenn Beck. During the height of his show’s popularity (4-5 years ago), Beck essentially produced a documentary-style exposé concerning Soros’ everlasting array of malevolent deeds…



It’s pretty good, considering it was spawned by Establishment Media. He briefly mentions that Soros is Jewish, but he fails to connect the oh-so-obvious dots of Global Zionism and laments Soros’ alleged “aiding” of Nazi Germany as a child in occupied Hungary.

Soros has been practicing his craft (white genocide) longer than any living person. Ruining economies with currency speculation, funding Marxist guerillas (Anti-Apartheid, American Negroes, Communists, ACORN, ACLU, non-white civil rights groups, race rioters, the Obama Campagin, among countless others) and hardcore criminals (drug cartels, stock brokers, banksters), and creating countless “funds” to supply these groups with resources. Soros’ most recent “donation” was for the odious black nationalist “BlackLivesMatter” group.

Soros has 5 children from 2 different women...4 of whom are directly involved in Global Zionism, stocks, Wall Street, banking, hedge fund management, or the supervision of daddy's various “foundations.” Although George “Super Jew” Soros will likely die in the next 5 years, his spawn seem content to carry on his legacy of terror. Lucky us!





Basically every "Democratic" revolution that has gone on In any country this man is responsible for..From Eastern Europe to Middle East.
Pretty amazing that the money trails are easily traced back to him yet he remains unschathed and continues his evil work.
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The current actions of George Soros more closely resemble someone born in 1985 rather than 1930. Soros has a son born in 1985. While its the elder Soros' money financing anti-cop DA candidates, its probably the younger one directing what happens.
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