Genocide of the White race in South Africa


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Not one word about it in the US Jewsmedia that used to run almost daily sob stories about the imaginary horrors of Apartheid, nor one crocodile tear from the US politicians that conspired to destroy South Africa and Rhodesia and turn it over to the tender mercies of Harry Openheimer and Uncle Joe Slovo's Judeo-Bolshevik ANC and the black savages.
GenocideWatch outlines the reasons for moving the Genocide Threat for SA whites to Stage 6:

“Violence against whites is now being planned and incited by one of the most important leaders of the New
South Africa

September 15 2011 -- “Genocide Watch has been particularly concerned for over ten years at the hate crimes perpetrated against Boer farmers and other whites: bodies of murder victims disemboweled and disfigured, old women raped in front of their husbands, and other strong evidence of racially targetted crimes.

However we had no evidence that these crimes were being encouraged by the South African government or that they were organised by an organized hate group.

Now we have evidence of organized incitement to violence against white people. It began with the rise of Julius Malema, president of the African National Congress Youth League, then called for expropriation of white owned lands while he was in Zimbabwe visiting Robert Mugabe, and has most recently called Botswana's racially harmonious society 'neo-colonial' , and has called for the overthrow of Botswana's government.

Malema is a racist Marxist-Leninist. The failure of the leadership of the ANC to discipline him and remove him from the Presidency of the ANC Youth League and his recent reelection to the Presidency of the ANC youth Lague, have led Genocide Watch to conclude that violence against whites is now being planned and incited by one of the most important leaders of the new South Africa.

Malema has considerable support among young black South Africans, and ANC leaders are afraid to discipline and remove him from his position. GENOCIDE WATCH WILL KEEP SOUTH AFRICA AT (PENULTIMATE) STAGE 6 - PREPARATION - until Julius Malema is removed from his position of growing power.

South Africa has not yet reached actual genocide, which is Stage 7, but the preparations for it are ominous. Xenophobic riots and murders of foreign refugees as well as continuing hate crimes against Boer farmers and other whites have caused dark storm clouds to form of the 'rainbow nation.' 15 September 2012,
The millions of white people in South Africa, plus those still left in Rhodesia, are in a terrible situation. The black cannibals have been promising for years that when Mandela dies they will commence their genocide in earnest. Who will even help them? The regimes in the USA and western Europe who sold them out won't even let them in now, even those who have been brutalized multiple times by negro crime. You can go to Youtube and see tens of thousands of cannibals running down the modern streets of Jo'burg singing and chanting "kill all whites".

Sybille writes: “Gang rapes of white victims in holding cells in South Africa take place on a regular basis and are only reported when some of the victims sue the police and government. These gang rapes by black inmates in holding cells committed on solitary white victims, are in fact war crimes, acts of aggression in a sexual manner, under conditions of coercion intended to humiliate and degrade the victim, and has nothing to do with sexual gratification.

These white men (and at times also white women) are usually arrested on spurious charges.

Some are arrested for ‘speeding’, even though many deny they were in fact speeding. Some are arrested for ‘outstanding fines’.Most of the time, the ‘charges’ are dropped after they have been brutalised and gang-raped in police cells…

Some are arrested for ‘being witnesses to other incidents’, one was arrested for’ crimen injuria’which he denies took place. What they all have in common is that they were put in holding cells with large crowds of hardened black criminals who then proceeded to gang-rape them. Some of these men also reported that the black police egged these rapists on to rape them… to ‘teach the white man a lesson’.

Black African males in South-Africa view themselves as victors of a racial war, and view these white men as members of the conquered tribe.

Just some of the recently recorded cases:

“Wimpie, a white boy who was dabbling with dagga, is put in our cell. I don’t know how old he really is, perhaps 16 or more, but he looks no older than 14, with skinny arms and short, spiky-crowned, brown hair. He tries to fight, and so they hit him. His resistance stops abruptly when one grabs the back of his head and smashes his face into the steel bars ...The 20 men take it in turns to rape him. It goes on for more than eight hours, almost the whole night. The boy does everything he can, in his pathetic, limited range of action, to try to deter them, but he is ignored. He screams, he cries, he begs, he tries to bargain, he prays.”

“It is in the morning, though, that I am forced to see what life has coughed up before me. What’s left of Wimpie is lying in a corridor between the bunks, just in front of my bed. He is still naked, shivering in a pool of his own blood where they have discarded him. I will literally have to step over the small body to go and eat my breakfast.”
  • “This is a description by Gayton McKenzie, a hardened gang member, of the rape of a young white teenager only known as Wimpie. Where is Wimpie today? Probably dead of Aids, or suicide, as so many male victims of gang rape. If he is alive he might be homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol as many who do manage to survive the experience. Their lives in ruins around them. “
“An unnamed diabetic man aged 52 from Primrose, Germiston is suing the minister of security for 4.3 million after being illegally arrested twice and being raped in police custody the second time. He was put into a detention cell with 30 black inmates at the Witbank police station. He described how four men carried him around naked in the cell while the rest sang and danced. The man became so emotional, the court had to wait for him to continue with his testimony. The inmates forced him to kneel over a rolled up mattress, then they proceeded to sodomise him until he later lost consciousness. The ‘case’ against him for which he had been arrested in the first place, was withdrawn.
In March 2008 in Polokwane (Pietersburg) a young local man named Nico Bouwer , left with his bride, was sodomised repeatedly while in police custody just a few weeks before he was due to get married. He’s since lost his job due to the emotional trauma, and delivers pizzas to stay alive and keep food on the table for his family. A fundraising effort was launched by Rapport newspaper to help pay his medical bills. Bouwers life is totally in ruins after the attack. Mr Bouwer was on his way home from a friend’s house when his left tyre burst and he hit a light pole and a stoplight. He was taken by ambulance to the Polokwane hospital where he was arrested, and despite being injured in the accident taken to holding cells. He demanded his rights to a phone call but was turned down. In the cell were 25 black inmates. Eight of these black men attacked Bouwer and repeatedly raped him. Some held his arms and forced his face into a pillow while they were sodomising him. He was only allowed to call his lawyer the next day when he was finally released on bail.

In Vryheid, game rancher Etienne van Wyk was being sodomised in a police cell while the inmates were singing, the Pietermaritzburg High Court was told. Van Wyk claimed R1.2m from the Minister of Safety and Security. Van Wyk and Duvenhage were put into the Hlobane police cells after they were arrested for ‘transporting Van Wyk's game animals without a licence”. The suspects in the cells charged with the rape were all hardened criminals predisposed to violence.The farmer did have a license and was released without charges the next day.
Amazing stories. Those who supported the end of apartheid have a lot to answer for.

If there is a God they will surely pay for their evil.
Unfortunately those horror stories are just the tiniest tip of the iceberg.
Don't worry. Our Nobel Peace Prize president is looking for another war to send out slodiers to. He will send our soldiers in to help the innocent people of South Africa. Right?
That is what happens to white men when they lock them up with negroes. This is taking place in "The New" South Africa but it is the same all over if the negroes outnumber the white men. The Jewsmedia won't tell you about this, the same Jewsmedia that used to run daily sob stories about the supposed horrors of Apartheid White South Africa whose biggest problem was negroes trying to GET IN to the country, nor will any of the USSA's or NATO's whore politicians shed any of their crocodile tears over the fate of the millions of White people in southern Africa. And now the Jews and Negroes are suing the state of California to force them to feed more white victims to the black cannibals: [I]

Why are California's prisons still segregated?

The days of Jim Crow are long gone. So why are 165,000 inmates in California segregated by race? After a black inmate sued the state on the basis that living in segregated prison quarters violated his civil rights, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that race couldn’t be the sole factor California prisons use to assign inmates to cells. Instead, prisons in the state were to consider other criteria — such as the crime the inmate committed or gang affiliations — when making housing assignments. But five years later, a staggering amount of California correctional facilities continue to make race-based cell assignments, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. A mere 13 percent of the 30 men’s prisons in the state consider factors other than race when assigning inmates to cells, although two more are slated to adopt the new policies before year’s end and three more are set to implement the new standards in 2011. Women’s prisons aren’t a factor, as the state hasn’t racially segregated them. Jewish murderer sues California prisons, objecting to being classified as "white" & being celled with Aryans! Stephen Liebb is a 45-year-old Orthodox Jew and UCLA law school graduate who has spent the last 21 years in prison for murder. For the past seven years he has been incarcerated at San Quentin, where he said he has occasionally been forced to live and to pray in close quarters with neo-Nazis ...[/I]
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These verminous untermenschen are proof positive of the fact that they & they fellow spawn are lower life-form than animals.
There is only one single white nation that has so much as lifted a finger to help the besieged white people of southern Africa, and that is little old Georgia.
Posting here because the plight in SA is getting worse:

Best I can tell most SA whites are almost as pozzed as those in North America and Europe. That's a black pill on the idea that people will eventually wake up before it's too late in any Western country.
Best I can tell most SA whites are almost as pozzed as those in North America and Europe. That's a black pill on the idea that people will eventually wake up before it's too late in any Western country.

South African Whites eventually voted by a large majority to turn their country over to the anti-White forces out to annihilate them, and they haven't fought back since as their plight has worsened non-stop. Those that think the same process isn't well underway here are delusional.

BTW, welcome to the forum, please keep posting.
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