Gen.Patton on the Judeo-Bolsheviks


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
From some of these memoirs and the Zionist-initiated response(s)...I'd said there's more evidence that General Patton didn't die via a random auto "accident" (as the official story goes). The General was no fan of the Bolsheviks or the Tribe.

General Patton on the Reds & Tribe
The Judeo-Bolsheviks murdered Patton.

He was out driving when a big truck hit his smaller jeep. Two men got out of the truck, one fired a shot at his driver and the other pounded him repeatedly with a metal bar. They left Patton for dead but he survived.

In hospital, he wrote a letter to his wife saying they were trying to kill him. A couple of days later, someone entered his hospital room and injected a vein with air, stopping his heart. His wife later tried to go public about what happened, but she too was soon murdered.

Any goy leader who stands up to the Jewish supremacists and presents a serious threat will be assassinated. Their victims include John F. Kennedy and Russian Czar Alexander II.

They tried to assassinate President Andrew Jackson but FAILED:

President Jackson Assassination Attempt


IN 1833 PRESIDENT ANDREW JACKSON STARTED REMOVING the government's deposits from the Rothschilds' Second Bank of the United States.

In early January 1835, Jackson paid off the final installment of the National Debt. Jackson needed now only to complete the final removal of all US deposits in the Rothschilds' Central Bank.

On January 30 1835, an assassin by the name of Richard Lawrence tried to kill President Jackson but failed. President Jackson later claimed that he knew the Rothschilds were responsible for the attempted assassination.

President Andrew Jackson then removed all the Government deposits in the Jewish Second Bank of the United States and it collapsed. President Andrew Jackson had conquered the Jews! (Unfortunately the Jewish Bankers are back with the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank)."

Edited by: Parody
There is no doubt in my mind that General Patton was murdered!

The Assassination of General Patton

The utilization of so called 'car accidents' is one of the favorite methods of the "Traditional Enemies of Truth" to silence any White Dissidents!

Other examples besides General Patton are the deaths of Ian Stuart Donaldson and Jorg Haider!

However these Martyrs shall not be forgotten!
lost said:
Leon Czolgosz (the assassin of president McKinley.) Was he a jew??

Leon Czolgosz may not have been born Jewish, but he was their "useful idiot". He was heavily influenced and manipulated by Emma Goldman, who was implicated in the assassination. Here is her mug shot:


A Jewish woman tried to assassinate President Ford: Sara Jane Kahn who changed her name to "Moore". The Jews have disowned her, saying she gave her religion as athiest when she entered prison.

And an Orthodox Jew Sam Byck had a plan to assassinate Richard Nixon by flying a plane into the White House - he killed a security guard and a pilot while trying to hijack a plane. It was covered up for about 25 years, but then they even made a movie about it, starring Sean Penn.
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One of seven children of Polish immigrants,[3] Czolgosz was born in Alpena, Michigan[2] in 1873 to Victoria and Romeo Czolgosz. He was baptized in St. Albertus Catholic Church[4].
Czolgosz rejected his family's Roman Catholic beliefs and in 1900 became excited by the news that the Italian immigrant, Gaetano Bresci, had returned to Italy and assassinated King Umberto. He kept newspapers cuttings of the assassination and started to read anarchist newspapers
Was General George S. Patton murdered?

On December 21, 1945, America's iconic four-star General, who had triumphed from the deserts of North Africa to Hitler's doorstep, was pronounced dead at the 130th Field Hospital in Heidelberg, Germany. He was 60-years-old.

Twelve days earlier, General Patton had set off on a pheasant hunting trip near Mannheim when his Cadillac staff car collided with a two-and-a-half ton U.S. Army truck. Patton was immediately paralyzed from the neck down. His driver, PFC Horace Woodring and his chief of staff, General Hap Gay, walked away with barely a scratch. Was it just a freak automobile accident as the Army concluded or was it, as some conspiracy theorists believe, a calculated assassination attempt by the Russians or the OSS?

In "War Stories Investigates: The Remarkable Life and Mysterious Death of General Patton," we tried to uncover the truth. Our investigation uncovered very few records from the accident. When we dug through Patton's military personnel file at the National Archives in St. Louis, out of more than 1300 pages of documents, a mere 15 were devoted to the car crash. Strangely, the Army accident report went missing shortly after the accident.

We traveled to Germany with Oliver North to the scene of the crash and to the hospital room where Patton spent his last days. We also stepped inside Patton's restored 1939 Cadillac, which is on display at the Patton Museum of Cavalry and Armor at Ft. Knox in Kentucky.

Several of Patton's grandchildren spoke to us, including grandson James Patton Totten, who said, "My grandmother had hired several private detectives to investigate it and they didn't find anything to substantiate the rumor."

We met up with Patton's granddaughter Helen Patton Plusczyk in Heidelberg at the Christ Church where her grandfather's funeral was held. She recalled one of the conspiracy theories she'd heard over the years: "The most outrageous one came from a mysterious colonel, who had been a spy for the Russians, the Germans, and Americans during the war, operating radio stations in Normandy. That a nurse, or a medical aide, had been instructed by someone, to â€" as soon as my grandmother would leave the hospital room â€" open the windows of Grandpa's room, so that he would contract pneumonia."
Photo Essays

We tracked down Bertha Hohle, the 24-year-old nurse from Minnesota who cared for the general in the hospital: "He said to me once, 'Why can't I feel my hands?' That's really hard to tell somebody that, look at that, you can't use your arms." Bertha did not feel that Patton was murdered. She believed he died from pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure, which were cited as the official causes of death. An autopsy was never performed.

One person who strongly believes Patton was murdered was military author and journalist Robert Wilcox. Speaking publicly for the first time, Wilcox told "War Stories Investigates" that OSS spymaster William "Wild Bill" Donovan ordered an agent to kill the often outspoken general because he wanted to drag America into another war"¦ with Russia. Wilcox told us: "[Douglas] Bazata is a world class marksman. And he shot, at close range, a special weapon into that car and that's what broke his neck."

When the accident failed to kill Patton, Wilcox said that a Russian agent snuck into Patton's room to poison him." Military Historian Kevin Hymel disagreed strongly with Wilcox's theories: "Yes, he did have enemies. But did he have enemies that were so afraid of him, that they would kill him? That's a pretty far stretch."

While General Patton's death may forever be shrouded in mystery, one thing is certain, he was a brilliant military leader. Retired Brigadier General Albin Irzyk, a tank commander who led Patton's 3rd Army to Bastogne, said it best: "He's the purest warrior we've ever had, I think he's by far the greatest field commander we've ever had. He couldn't have been a Marshall, he couldn't have been an Eisenhower, he was Patton. He climbed his mountain. There's nothing left for him to conquer."Edited by: jwhite96
jwhite96 said:
One of seven children of Polish immigrants,[3] Czolgosz was born in Alpena, Michigan[2] in 1873 to Victoria and Romeo Czolgosz. He was baptized in St. Albertus Catholic Church[4].
Czolgosz rejected his family's Roman Catholic beliefs and in 1900 became excited by the news that the Italian immigrant, Gaetano Bresci, had returned to Italy and assassinated King Umberto. He kept newspapers cuttings of the assassination and started to read anarchist newspapers
Was he a Gentile and just another patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald?

He was influenced by Jewish anarchists like Emma Goldman.
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Parody said:
jwhite96 said:
One of seven children of Polish immigrants,[3] Czolgosz was born in Alpena, Michigan[2] in 1873 to Victoria and Romeo Czolgosz. He was baptized in St. Albertus Catholic Church[4].
Czolgosz rejected his family's Roman Catholic beliefs and in 1900 became excited by the news that the Italian immigrant, Gaetano Bresci, had returned to Italy and assassinated King Umberto. He kept newspapers cuttings of the assassination and started to read anarchist newspapers

Was he a Gentile and just another patsy like Lee Harvey Oswald? Apparently he associated with and was influenced by Jewish anarchists like Emma Goldman.

According to my sources, Czolgotz was a Polish Jew who became an anarchist - be careful of any information you find in the Jewish-edited wikipedia.

The Chosen Ones have also unsuccessfully tried to cover up the fact that Sara Jane Kahn, who tried to assassinate president Ford, is Jewish.
Right, Both bresci and czlgosz had ties to emma goldman!
lost said:
Leon Czolgosz (the assassin of president McKinley.) Was he a jew??

i have stood in the spot where mckinley was assassinated. there is a small placard on a limestone rock in north buffalo that marks the incident.
lost said:
Ok,what about gavrilo princip (who assassinated archduke franz ferdinand.)He was part of a secret society called the " black hand"...Was the black hand a jewish group???

Not sure.

As a youngster in school I was taught that the Archdukes assassins were 'Anarchists'.

Years later working in a school library and just out of curiousity I like to read the textbooks and the ones today say the killers were 'Serbian Nationalists'?!?!?!?!

This is the kind of stuff that Orwell warned about!!

(Clearly the Zionist Conspiracy is interested in black-balling Serbian Nationalism given events in the Balkans in the '90s!)Edited by: Heavy Henry
General Patton: "We backed the wrong side."
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By Eustace Mullins (1984)

In December of 1984, it will be forty years since one of America’s greatest heroes, General George S. Patton, was executed by his Communist foes. General Patton was struck down the day before he was scheduled to make a triumphant return to the United States. He had just been removed from his command of the Third Army, which was in charge of governing the American sector of Germany. Because he not only opposed the dismemberment of Germany, but also because he favored military action against the Communists. As the most popular hero of the Second World War, Patton would have been unbeatable in a Presidential race. This was the reason his skulking enemies ordered his execution before he could leave Germany.

The Patton Papers, 1940-45 recently published by Houghton Mifflin Company in Boston, gives ample reasons for the murder of General Patton. A few months before he was killed, his driver for five years, Master Sergeant John L. Mims, was replaced. Patton was asked by Major General Gay to accompany him on an excursion for a few hours the day before he was to return to America. At 11:45 A.M. in clear weather and on a straight stretch of road, the driver of a GMC military truck turned his vehicle directly into the side of the 1938 Cadillac 75 Special limousine in which Patton was the only person injured. He suffered some internal injuries but did not seem to be seriously hurt. On Dec. 21, 1945, it was announced that he had died of an “embolism,” that is a bubble of the blood which is fatal when it reaches a vital organ. It can be introduced into the bloodstream with a syringe by anyone with brief medical training.

Patton was a vigorous sixty years old with enormous reserves of energy, who seldom needed more than a couple of hours sleep a night. Not only did the U.S. Army make no investigation into the “accident” which had put him into the hospital, but no questions were raised about his “embolism.” On previous occasions when attempts were made to kill him investigations were made, despite the fact that he was one of the most popular and most powerful figures in America’s history. He recorded in his diary that on April 20, 1945, while observing the front in his personal plane, which was clearly marked, an RAF Spitfire made three passes at his plane, attempting to shoot it down, then went out of control and crashed. The story was later put out that a Polish flyer had been piloting the Spitfire. Patton was not injured.*

Patton’s military exploits were such that he was the only American general whom the Germans feared. They transferred entire divisions as soon as rumors were spread that he was on a given front. The Germans’ contempt for Patton’s fellow generals was shared by himself, as he proves on many pages of his diary. During much of World War II, Patton survived repeated efforts of his fellow generals, as well as the British leaders, to get rid of him. In 1943, when he had turned the tide in Africa with his brilliant victories at Gafsa and Gela, Patton was removed from command after Drew Pearson printed a story that Patton had slapped a malingerer at a field hospital and called him a “yellow-bellied Jew.” Eisenhower used this incident as an excuse to refuse Patton command of American ground troops in England, giving the command instead to Omar Bradley, whom Patton exposed as a cowardly dullard. We will never know how many casualties Bradleys’ cowardice and incompetence cost us, but it must have been many thousands.

Patton wrote in his Diary Jan. 18, 1944, “Bradley is a man of great mediocrity. At Benning in command he failed to get discipline. At Gafsa when it looked as though the Germans might turn our right flank, he suggested we withdraw corps headquarters to Feriana. I refused to move.”

Patton cited numerous other examples of Bradley’s cowardice. As for Eisenhower, his references to him are always contemptuous. Patton refers to Ike as “Divine Destiny” but more customarily as “fool.” On March 1, 1944 Patton noted in his Diary, “Ike and I dined alone and had a very pleasant time. He is drinking too much.”

Patton was extremely disgusted with Eisenhower’s infatuation with his “chauffeur,” Kay Summersby, and he persuaded Ike not to divorce Mamie in order to marry her. Kay Summersby was a British Intelligence Officer who had been ordered to prostitute herself to Ike so that he would send American troops into the line instead of the British. England had experienced such a terrible bloodletting at the hands of the German armies in World War I that Churchill and the other British leaders determined to sacrifice Americans wherever possible on the Western front. Although Kay Summersby secretly despised Eisenhower, she was a loyal British subject, and she successfully carried off the affair. It is estimated that she cost the United States 100,000 casualties which otherwise would have been borne by the British.

Patton had noted in his Diary, July 5, 1943 before his successful African campaign, “At no time did Ike wish us luck and say he was back of us—fool.”

On July 12, 1944, Patton wrote in his Diary, “Neither Ike nor Bradley has the stuff. Ike is bound hand and foot by the British and doesn’t know it. Poor fool.”

As a result of Patton’s bold advances in France, Field Marshall Montgomery persuaded Eisenhower to issue one of the most amazing military orders in history. All of the Allied Armies must advance exactly abreast, so that no one (meaning Patton) would receive “undue credit.” Throughout the war, Patton achieved his amazing victories by being in the field, whereas the other generals remained far behind the front in their dugout “headquarters” or in luxurious villas far from the sound of gunfire.

During a press conference on May 8, 1945, Patton was asked, “Would you explain why we (the Americans) didn’t go into Prague.” “I can tell you, exactly,” Patton replied. “We were ordered not to.” Patton wrote to his wife on July 21, 1945. “I could have taken it (referring to Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Eisenhower’s refusal to allow Patton to take Prague and Berlin, holding him back while the Russians occupied these critical capitals, remains one of the greatest performances of treason since Benedict Arnold, like Eisenhower, sold out to the British.

Patton apparently was writing his own death warrant when he entered his frequently voiced opinion in his Diary on May 18, 1945, concerning the advisability of fighting Russians: “In my opinion the American Army as it now exists could beat the Russians with the greatest ease, because while the Russians have good infantry, they are lacking in artillery, air, tanks, and in the knowledge of the use of these combined arms; whereas we excel in all three of these. If it should be necessary to fight the Russians, the sooner we do it the better.”

The danger which Patton presented to his enemies was not merely that he was a great American patriot; he also was impervious to any sort of undue influence. He had married Beatrice Ayer, one of the wealthiest women in America. This made him financially invulnerable, and he was happily married, which made it impossible for him to succumb to the blandishments of foreign agents such as Kay Summersby.

Patton was removed from command in Germany because he actively opposed the swarm of locusts, such as the recently recruited Soviet agent Henry Kissinger, who fought Patton to win control of the Military Government in Germany.

In his Diary, August 29, 1945, Patton wrote, “Today we received a letter in which we were told to give the Jews special accommodations. If for Jews, why not Catholics, Mormons, etc.”


Patton noted in his Diary on August 31, 1946, “I also wrote a letter to the Secretary of War, Mr. Stimson on the questions of pro-Jewish influence in the Military Government of Germany.”


As a result of Patton’s opposition to the Kissingers,† who believed they had won the war and should rule Europe, a furious press campaign again was launched against him. A pro-Patton observer named Mason wrote, “The Daniell-Bevin-Morgan plot to destroy Patton was successful because Bernstein of PM was the most powerful force in Germany in 1945 because he had the support of Harry Dexter White, and Henry Morgenthau, Laughlin Curry, David K. Nile and Alger Hiss.”

On Sept. 29, 1945, Patton wrote to his wife, “The noise against me is only the means by which the Jews and Communists are attempting and with good success to implement a further dismemberment of Germany.”

Removed from command by the Jewish plot against him, General George S. Patton would have to return to the United States to work for the good of his country. It was to prevent this that a truck smashed in the side of his car in one of the strangest and most-ignored event in America’s military history.

Those who fight for America are always in danger, always thwarted by the plotting and the treachery of the subhumans whom Patton recognized and battled to the end of his life. His story is one which enlightens and inspires us all, and this is why we must, after forty years, remind the American people of the cowards who murdered him.
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Very interesting! I enjoyed the in sight on Patton,big fan of history.

Nice article, thanks for sharing.

Contrast Patton’s compassionate remarks to those made by the ruthless, genocidal megalomaniac, Dwight Eisenhower, in a September 1944 letter to his wife…"God, I hate the Germans." The little Europe-razing, civilian-bombing bastard made good on his words (google “Eisenhower Death Camps”) before, during, and especially after WWII...


Patton may have “knew the score” about Jews and Communists whilst scribbling in his diary or quarrelling with military colleagues, but he did their bidding with great efficiency and was promptly murdered when he was no longer deemed useful by his superiors...


CAPTION: Lifelong Millionare, Warmonger & Zionist Puppet

WWII was the worst six years in human history, leaving our great race was forever crippled in its wake when we were at the very cusp of world domination. Since the great “victory” for the Jewish Allies, every single sociopathic, heterophobic, Negrophillic, Marxist, anti-white, anti-male policy imaginable has been gleefully instituted, usually completely unchallenged by the oppressed class (heterosexual white males).
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I've wondered about that Swedish Jew comment about Eisenhower, as I've never seen any other indication of this in his ancestry. He was a terrible war leader, who never questioned FDR's worst policies, such as unconditional surrender, or showed any imagination about maybe being more aggressive and taking much more territory which ended up in Soviet hands. I will say this, however, as President, he retained the US pro-white immigration policies, and interestingly enough signed a military bases agreement with Franco.
Nary a peep from academia. From Kindergarten through Grad School if it's mentioned it gets a yawn. Like, move on nothing to see here. Then the students are told "real" evil is White heterosexual male privilege...
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