Geeorge W. Bush is PATHETIC!!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005

Bush says being called racist was worse than 9/11

Every now and then you come across something that nearly makes you fall out of your chair. You have to read it three or four times to convince yourself that you're actually seeing what you think you're seeing. This is one of those times.
Guess what George Bush says was the low point, "the worst moment"Â of his presidency?
The nearly trillion dollar bailout he had to ask for after helping to engineer the diversity driven mortgage crisis?
Five years of being a complete laughingstock after his idiotic "Mission Accomplished!"Â fiasco?
Being exposed as a flat out liar when no WMD were ever found in Iraq?
Spending a trillion dollars and accomplishing absolutely nothing on a no-win war against a country that was zero threat to us?
Losing both the House and the Senate to the Democrats in 2006?
Thinking back on the thousands of American boys he'd sent to their deaths in Iraq for no reason whatsoever?
3,000 Americans dying in terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001?
No; Bush didn't find any of those things too terribly distressing. He can deal with thousands of dead Americans. He just can't handle a black person calling him a name.
Yes, the lowest point of his presidency was when Kanye West said Bush didn't care about black people.
I'm NOT making this up:
MATT LAUER: About a week after the storm hit NBC aired a telethon asking for help for the victims of Katrina. We had celebrities coming in to ask for money. And I remember it vividly because I hosted it. And at one part of the evening I introduced Kanye West. Were you watching?
MATT LAUER: You remember what he said?
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Yes, I do. He called me a racist.
MATT LAUER: Well, what he said, "George Bush doesn't care about black people."Â
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: That's â€" "he's a racist." And I didn't appreciate it then. I don't appreciate it now. It's one thing to say, "I don't appreciate the way he's handled his business." It's another thing to say, "This man's a racist." I resent it, it's not true, and it was one of the most disgusting moments in my Presidency.
MATT LAUER: This from the book. "Five years later I can barely write those words without feeling disgust."Â You go on. "I faced a lot of criticism as President. I didn't like hearing people claim that I lied about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or cut taxes to benefit the rich. But the suggestion that I was racist because of the response to Katrina represented an all time low."Â
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Yeah. I still feel that way as you read those words. I felt ‘em when I heard ‘em, felt ‘em when I wrote ‘em and I felt ‘em when I'm listening to ‘em.
MATT LAUER: You say you told Laura at the time it was the worst moment of your Presidency?
PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH: Yes. My record was strong I felt when it came to race relations and giving people a chance. Andâ€" it was a disgusting moment.

Good Lord!
What a pathetic, disgusting wimp. Who not only hasn't figured out that blacks toss around accusations of racism and hatred like confetti, but is devastated when an idiot like Kanye West does it.
And to think our young men and women in uniform had to respect him as Commander In Chief?
And notice that Matt Lauer doesn't say something like "You have GOT to be kidding me! The day you got called a racist by a scumbag like West was actually worse than the day 3,000 Americans died in terrorist attacks?"Â
And what does it say about America that everyone seems to think it's perfectly normal and acceptable for an ex-president to say that the day he was called a racist was worse than the day thousands of Americans died in terrorist attacks on his watch? You'd think "conservatives"Â, of all people, would be up in arms. But no. You'd think liberals would be outraged, but for different reasons. But no. No one seems to be bothered by this at all.
How sick, disgusting and depressing"¦


Oct 26, 2008
You should look on C-span archives and see if you can find Vincent Bugliosi ripping him when he was talking about his book that said Bush should be on Death Row for his Iraq invasion.Bush was asked during the war how his day was going when he was on vacation and he said perfect. Bugliosi said Bush is crazy for saying that after being responsible for all those deaths. Bugliosi said that he could never have a perfect day again if he even killed someone accidently in a car accident,but here is Bush having a perfect day.

Bugiosi,who wrote Helter Skelter,was black balled from all media on this book. Usually they love to have him on.
Oct 24, 2005
condi rice told him that this was important.
If I was president I would have said "Kanye who?"


Apr 13, 2005
Bush needed a diaper and a dribble cup long ago.

Nothing to see here people, move along, break it up ...

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
From today's Yahoo News:

It looks like George W. Bush and Kanye West have buried the hatchetâ€"at least for now.

In a taped interview on NBC's "Today" show, the often-impulsive rapper told Matt Lauer that he now regrets having said after Hurricane Katrina that Bush "doesn't care about black people."

"I would tell George Bush: In my moment of frustration, I didn't have the grounds to call him a racist," West said. "I believe that in a situation of high emotion like that, we as human beings don't always choose the right words."

[Photo: Bush calls memorable Katrina image a 'huge mistake']

In Bush's new memoir, "Decision Points," Bush calls the moment "disgusting" and the lowest ebb of his presidency.

Appearing separately on "Today," Bush, upon seeing a video of West's remarks, replied, "I appreciate that." But he added: "It wasn't just Kanye West who was talking like that during Katrina. I cited him as an example."

[Photos: Iconic images of President George W. Bush]

Asked if he forgives West, Bush said "absolutely."

"I'm not a hater. I don't hate Kanye West," he said. "But I was talking about an environment in which people were willing to say things that hurt. Nobody wants to be called a racist, if in your heart you believe in the equality of race."


Bush is indeed a pathetic f**king idiot!


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
The former "leader"Â￾ of the "land of the free"Â￾ fretting over and pandering to this insignificant maggot-negro is an appropriate symbol of the top-down; "love thy negro"Â￾ police state mentality slowly entrenched into the white essence, piece by piece, over the past 100+ years.

Besides Woody Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt"¦has there ever been a more racially-ignorant, anti-white president than George W. Bush?


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Not only that, but as I was skimming through the radio stations yesterday, I caught a segment of an interview that he did with Rush Limbaugh. Bush was defending the TARP slush-fund program and his amnesty proposals as well! Listening to the reasons he gave for supporting each, it's obvious that he is ignorant of the facts (or willfully ingnorant) for each.

Deus Vult

May 6, 2006
Thrashen said:
Besides Woody Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt"¦has there ever been a more racially-ignorant, anti-white president than George W. Bush?

Carter and Clinton come to mind. At least Jorge W's old man campaigned (for Congress) as in opposition to the rights-destroying 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Oct 24, 2005
Woody Wilson love the movie "Birth of a nation" and wanted everyone to see it. On race Woody was fine, it was foreign policy that he was an idioy.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Hunter Wallace is reading Bush's new book and has provided excerpts.George is a moron.He really was nothing more than a North East ruling class liberal at heart.

Bush on No Child Left Behind:

"I was excited. No Child Left Behind stood a much better chance of becoming law with support from the Lion of the Senate (Ted Kennedy). It was the beginning of my most unlikely partnership in Washington. . . .

At the end of my visit, I told students, parents, and the press what I had long believed: No Child Left Behind is a piece of civil rights legislation.

Bush on Social Security:

Social Security was especially unfair to African Americans. Because their life expectancy was shorter, black workers who spent a lifetime paying into Social Security received an average of $21,000 less in benefits than whites of comparable income levels.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
The part of social security where blacks get the short end of the stick is true. Their life expectancy is less by around 15 to 20 years. This is not rocket science. The blacks should champion as the rest of us a form of free market retirement account in conservative funds. But, I guess the gov't thinks blacks and lot of DWFs would mess that up if left to their own devices. No sh*t


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
screamingeagle said:
Woody Wilson love the movie "Birth of a nation" and wanted everyone to see it. On race Woody was fine, it was foreign policy that he was an idioy.

Yes, old "Progressive Woody"Â￾ loved whites so absolutely that he not only "volunteered"Â￾ millions of white American soldiers to fight in WWI (in order to kill other white men), but he also constructed those adorable little German-American Internment Camps in 1917. Like all members of our privileged few of the past 100+ years, Wilson was a deracinated corporate pig-man (no, wait, he wasn't actually a "man"Â￾).

As for George W. (which, of course, stands for "wigger"Â￾) Bush"¦I'm not sure why so many "liberals"Â￾ loathed him so thoroughly. He sent thousands of white soldiers to their deaths, he spent billions on Negro-Socialism, and he was probably "Sword Fighting"Â￾ with that bloated swine, Teddy Kennedy.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
"Jorge Boosh" served his Globalist Elite ma$ters quite well. He played along with the false flag op that expedited the police state, and empire building/service to the Z.0.G in the middle east. He did so while propagating the bogus "left vs. right" paradigm (with fake disdain from the controlled MSM) a good little puppet of the PTB.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Bart said:
Bush on Social Security:
Social Security was especially unfair to African Americans. Because their life expectancy was shorter, black workers who spent a lifetime paying into Social Security received an average of $21,000 less in benefits than whites of comparable income levels.

How is it unfair? Their life expectancies are shorter because of their lifestyle choices! Rampant drug use, dangerous sex practices, anti-social behaviors such as killing each other and Whites at the drop of a hat.

The incredible monetary damage they inflict upon us is staggering. So they average 21k less? Big deal! From cradle to grave they suck many times that amount from our pocketbooks over the course of their highly destructive lifetimes.

I'm sure Bush has never worried about the multitudes of White people who were killed by blacks. What about their lives and families left behind? Most have contributed far greater amounts to S.S than blacks have. How is that for being unfair? No one cares.


Nov 23, 2006
An article entitled "Dubya Memoir Shows He Never Understood Immigration (Although His Nanny May Have)"

So let's reviewâ€"Barbara Bush, in 1959, didn't want to do her own housework, or pay American wages for a housekeeper. As a result, she sponsored a woman who eventually brought her whole family. And who paid for it?

You did!

Bush's nanny is no doubt a nice lady. But Bush is wrong hereâ€"family values actually do stop at the Rio Grande, or to put it another way, Mexican family values start there. Differences between Mexican and American family values include drinking customs, safety and health, respect for women, and women's' rights, sexual harassment, and the age of consent. The age of consent in Mexico is twelve.

Bush views the rest of Mexican immigration simply in the context of his experience with his "second mother"


Aug 27, 2008
I almost vomited. How can this guy not have been hung for treason?


Nov 28, 2009
Our nation's first mentally-challenged and illiterate President declares:

George W. Bush Worried That America Is Becoming 'Nativist'</font>

Former U.S. President George W. Bush said recently that he was
concerned that the country was headed down a slippery slope toward
adopting a "nativist" national mindset, harkening back to a period of
xenophobia that he said was prominent in the America of the 1920s.

Speaking at a forum at Southern Methodist University last month, Bush said
that he had faith a "rational immigration policy" would eventually be
passed, but not for a while. The reason he believed this, he said, was
because the nation was growing increasingly resistant to outside

"What's interesting about our country, if you study history, is that
there are some 'isms' that occasionally pop up. One is isolationism and
its evil twin protectionism and its evil triplet nativism.
So if you
study the '20s, for example, there was an American-first policy that
said, 'Who cares what happens in Europe?'" Bush said. "And there was an
immigration policy that I think during this period argued we had too
many Jews and too many Italians, therefore we should have no immigrants.
And my point is that we've been through this kind of period of
isolationism, protectionism and nativism. I'm a little concerned that we
may be going through the same period. I hope that these 'isms' pass."

During another segment of the interview, Bush also claimed that he was "through with
politics," and that he wasn't interested in getting involved with
campaigning or fundraising for future candidates.
Wow, just wow. But what can one expect from such a puppet anti-American Globalist?

I can still remember the part of his speech at the end of the Asian Economic Summit in November 2008 when he declared "the transfer of economic power from the West to the East". I couldn't believe he actually had the gall to say that, because it proved how bad his economic policies were to allow that to know..."free trade", "open borders", etc....everything that is not "protectionist", "isolationist", and "nativist". There, I said it...all without using any "isms".
Nov 8, 2006
Nothing but the same anti-White drone from our "Coke or Pepsi?" zionist controlled One Party System.

It's always amazing when these evil old bastards paint passively accepting the destruction of our race and culture as some sort of bizarre moral duty and actually trying to do something about it, complete within the letter of the law, as an evil "ism."

Of course I'm against evil "isms" too: communism, marxism, statism, judaism, etc.
Oct 24, 2005
The 1920s were not a bad time, that is if you lived outside of Chicago. (All those gangsters ruined the quality of life.) So lets bring back isolationism, protecionism and navitism.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
screamingeagle said:
The 1920s were not a bad time, that is if you lived outside of Chicago. (All those gangsters ruined the quality of life.) So lets bring back isolationism, protecionism and navitism.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
This is about the Bush's in general, not just G.W.B.

Barbara Bush, Former President George W. Bush's daughter, is featured in
a PSA stating she is for homosexual marriage. Barbara joins her mother,
Laura Bush, and the Dick Cheney family (all are United Methodists) in
support of such anti-family policy. Just one more example illustrating
the phony left-right paradigm of American politics. The so-called
conservatives (neo-cons) are anything but. Here they make Obama look
like the conservative one. The Republicans are indistinguishable from
the Democrats on most issues and offer only token opposition on a few
others. They all support a one-world, globalist government. None of them
are the friend of Christians or America-first patriots.

How much longer
will we let our nation continue to fall? When will we wake up and
realize that things have drastically changed and we need to think
differently about our political situation and our involvement in it. The
"lesser of two evils" is still evil, and as evidenced here can
sometimes be even more evil.

We shouldn't be voting for evil at all, but
for righteousness. Political expediency has brought us to this place
and many naive Christians are to blame for helping to get us here. The
two major parties are wings connected to the same bird, and that bird is
headed toward the destruction of our country and our way of life. Let's
clip the wings of that bird and think independently for a change!