Gayweather's racist rant

This is more TNB on Gayweather's part. This a--hole has absolutely no class. Manny is a good human being who is respected by all. Gayweather is disliked even by many of the DWF's. I pray this fight happens and Pacquioa smashes his face in.
I don't think he will be fighting pacquiao, if he was he wouldnt have said those remarks.
Mayweather is the lord god king of TNB. If I was Manny I would never fight him for those racists remarks. I would remind him of the 30 to 40 million he will never see though, over and over and over.
"Prettymouth Gayweather" is a worldclass @$$clown & would get his backside handed to him by PacMan...and any B-level MMA fighter. Imagine if a White fighter dare to make "racist & homophobic" comments.
whiteathlete33 said:
This is more TNB on Gayweather's part. This a--hole has absolutely no class. Manny is a good human being who is respected by all. Gayweather is disliked even by many of the DWF's. I pray this fight happens and Pacquioa smashes his face in.
TNB by the ultimate ghetto-punk Gayweather.

Note that the BSPN sportscaster says in his interview with the
reporter..."You know he is a bright guy, clever..." (speaking about
Gayweather). What? Maybe compared to my goldfish. Can you imagine that pencil-neck BSPN sportscaster saying that about a White fighter if he made the comments that Gayweather made?

Manny said it best though, as quoted in that article:
Pacquiao dismissed the video, choosing to instead focus on his upcoming fight with Antonio Margarito on Nov. 13 at Cowboys Stadium near Dallas.

"I just heard about that, but I didn't see the video," Pacquiao said Friday, at the final stop of a three-city tour to promote his fight. "But it's an uneducated message."
Pacman is a class act and just as important a true sportsman in every sense. His simple yet eloquent statement"But it's an uneducated message." is a slam dunk on dufus/ignorant/racist Gayweather BS. Just think, English is Paman's second language. Gayweather could only wish in his 30 plus years of being could master the English language such a foreigner.

This motherf****r Gayweather is scum from the bottom of a septic tank. like I said, I would never make this prick rich by fighting him. Let him crawl under a rock and sodimize himself.
It's race-baiting pure and simple. I can't stand Mayweather and I wish that someone would knock him out. I think that if Mayweather signs with King, Arum and King will work on a contract. There's too much money for those old men to not do it. I don't know if I want to see Mayweather suffer by not fighting Pac-Man more than getting beat up by him.

Just your basic average negro expressing itself.  I like it.  Now three billion "yellow chumps" in the world can hate these things even more than they already do, along with everyone else with common sense.

Sometimes I look in on the Philipine boxing forums (mainly to find free streams).  Here's one accurate comment:

"if he really talking about racism dont he ever know that a negro is the most ugliest human creature livng on earth? when i was like 5 years old everytime i saw a negro i screamed to death,a giant smoking treeman they say,and even my 7 yo child wud hide and never come out as long a negro still on the vicinity."
Edited by: ww
Mayweather is trying to bring more hype to this fight. It will mean more money in his pocket. The DWF's will have no problem slapping down 50 bucks to see the fight. He went way too far though.
ww said:
Just your basic average negro expressing itself. I like it. Now three billion "yellow chumps" in the world can hate these things even more than they already do, along with everyone else with common sense.

Sometimes I look in on the Philipine boxing forums (mainly to find free streams). Here's one accurate comment:

"if he really talking about racism dont he ever know that a negro is the most ugliest human creature livng on earth? when i was like 5 years old everytime i saw a negro i screamed to death,a giant smoking treeman they say,and even my 7 yo child wud hide and never come out as long a negro still on the vicinity."
Yep. When I was in Bangkok a couple of years ago, there was a packed bar off of the popular Khao San Rd and they were watching the Calzaghe vs. Roy Jones Jr...all of the Thais were rooting for Calzaghe.
Racist? Homophobic? So what? So am I, at least by the definitions of the types who like to throw those terms around. Since when should we care if somebody is called "racist" or "homophobic"? They're just terms invented by the usual suspects to shout down people who are disagreeing with them by telling the truth.

Good job of hyping the matchup by Mayweather. This doesn't lower my opinion of him at all. It just confirms it.

I really want to see this fight.
The Hock said:
Racist? Homophobic? So what? So am I, at least by the definitions of the types who like to throw those terms around. Since when should we care if somebody is called "racist" or "homophobic"? They're just terms invented by the usual suspects to shout down people who are disagreeing with them by telling the truth.

Good job of hyping the matchup by Mayweather. This doesn't lower my opinion of him at all. It just confirms it.

I really want to see this fight.
I don't really care either, but that's not really the point. It's the hypocrisy of it all. If Gayweather were a White boxer, the media outcry would be deafening and he would probably be banned from ever boxing again.
The Hock said:
Racist? Homophobic? So what? So am I, at least by the definitions of the types who like to throw those terms around. Since when should we care if somebody is called "racist"...?

I agree, Hock. Any man who uses "racist" in the pejorative needs to learn how to pee standing up. "Racist," as opposed to what? Better racist than non-racist or anti-racist.

What's next, we start quoting Marxist Looter King as moral authority?
Any White boxer that talked this way would either have to be crazy or foreign. I can't recall any White boxers that were American talking like this since the White hope days of the Johnson reign. I think the money and fame that he has generated has rotted his brain. When he first broke into the pro game he and his father were marketed as the next Sugar Ray Leonard.
Let it go everyone! Manny is one of the best. He's bigger than this.

In the end whose going to heaven and who is going to hell?? Karma is a bitch.
Highlander said:
The Hock said:
Racist? Homophobic? So what? So am I, at least by the definitions of the types who like to throw those terms around. Since when should we care if somebody is called "racist" or "homophobic"? They're just terms invented by the usual suspects to shout down people who are disagreeing with them by telling the truth.

Good job of hyping the matchup by Mayweather. This doesn't lower my opinion of him at all. It just confirms it.

I really want to see this fight.
I don't really care either, but that's not really the point.  It's the hypocrisy of it all.  If Gayweather were a White boxer, the media outcry would be deafening and he would probably be banned from ever boxing again.

Yeah, that's true. The double standard is such a given nowadays I don't even catch it sometimes.
Accusing a fighter like Pacquiao of taking steroids is just ridiculous. Manny weighed in at a whopping 145 pounds for his last fight. Sure he started his career at barely over 100lbs but that's a different story. Is it so hard for a male to add 40 lbs of muscle? C'mon now!
Highlander said:
 I don't really care either, but that's not really the point.  It's the hypocrisy of it all.  If Gayweather were a White boxer, the media outcry would be deafening and he would probably be banned from ever boxing again.

It's about time this racist piece of trash learns a lesson. What can I say, karma is a bitch.

Boxer Floyd
Mayweather Jr. has been arrested and booked on charges of grand larceny
according to the Las Vegas Review Journal. Floyd allegedly took an
iPhone from an ex-girlfriend. The woman, who has three children from
Mayweather, also claims Floyd abused her and threatened to kill her.
Police confirmed to local media that the woman had minor injuries
however as of now no charges have been filed.</font></font>

On top of that, brain dead rapper 50 cent comes to the rescue.

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<h1 style="clear: both;" align="left">50 Cent Comes to Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s Defense About Domestic Abuse Allegations</h1>

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Author: Staff | Date: September 10th 2010 | LEAVE A COMMENT

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Rapper 50 Cent</span> has stepped in the middle of the ring to help defend his good pal boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr.</span> against the domestic violence allegations made by his baby mama.

According to TMZ, Josie Harris</span>
made a 911 phone call early Thursday morning (Sep 9) claiming that
Mayweather attacked her at his L.A. home. Cops arrived on the scene,
however Floyd was no where to be found but will be brought in for
questioning"¦"¦Well like any good friend, 50 has jumped in the mix to rep
his boy and <nobr style="color: darkblue; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial;" id="itxt_nobr_7_0">tweeted<obr> not long after the incident.


"I talked to him before and after the situation he wasnt
even upset. He said he asked her why was the house so dirty she started
trippin."Â￾ He also tweeted. "Another case of angry baby mama wanting
money. Police are looking for [Mayweather]. I just got off the phone
with him."Â￾ 50 then added: "She's claiming he hit her but has no bruises.
Floyd went to see his kids last night if a fighter of floyd caliber
hits u, u would b bruised."Â￾

Read more:

Maybe he can blame whitey?

Edited by: whiteathlete33
ww said:
Highlander said:
 I don't really care either, but that's not really the point.  It's the hypocrisy of it all.  If Gayweather were a White boxer, the media outcry would be deafening and he would probably be banned from ever boxing again.

Floyd is the king of TNB , with fidy cent as is advisor. Lol
<cite>Associated Press

LAS VEGAS -- Undefeated boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. was hit Thursday
with three more felony charges in a domestic violence case that already
had him facing a theft charge.

Clark County District Attorney
David Roger significantly raised the ante in the case alleging that
Mayweather hit and threatened the life of his ex-girlfriend, Josie
Harris, and threatened to beat two of their children during a pre-dawn
argument at the woman's home a week ago.

Mayweather, 33, is one of
boxing's most recognizable figures, with a record of 41-0 and 25
knockouts. The welterweight goes by the nickname "Money" and earned more
than $20 million in May in one fight in Las Vegas against "Sugar" Shane

Mayweather remained free on $3,000 bail pending
arraignment Nov. 9 following his arrest last Friday on a felony grand
larceny charge.

Authorities alleged he took cell phones belonging
to Harris and two of their children following the altercation. That
felony charge carries a possible sentence of five years.

The new
criminal complaint filed Thursday added two felony coercion and one
felony robbery charge along with one misdemeanor domestic battery and
three misdemeanor harassment charges.

Convictions on all eight
charges would increase the possible penalty Mayweather could face if
convicted of all charges to 34 years.

Mayweather's lawyer, Richard Wright, told The Associated Press he hadn't seen the new complaint and declined immediate comment.

Wright has previously denied wrongdoing on Mayweather's behalf.

initially labeled the scuffle with Harris a domestic battery case after
she told police Mayweather was angry about her relationship with
another man when he confronted her at the Las Vegas home where Harris
and the children live.

Mayweather wanted to evict her from the house, which he owns, Harris said.

new charges name the couple's 10-year-old and 9-year-old sons as
victims of coercion, for alleged threats to beat them if they called 911
or left the apartment during the scuffle.

Under Nevada law, coercion is when a person compels or forces someone to do something they have a legal right to do.

harassment charges allege that Mayweather threatened Harris and the two
children, and the battery charge alleges Mayweather grabbed Harris by
her hair, hit her and twisted her arm.

The couple had three
children, now ages 7 to 10, during what Harris characterized for
authorities as a 15-year relationship. She said she lived with
Mayweather for seven years before separating in May.

also made headlines earlier this month with an online video laced with
expletives and racial rants against boxing rival Manny Pacquiao

It's nothing new from Mayweather

In 2004, Mayweather was convicted
on two counts of battery for punching two women at a Las Vegas
nightclub the previous year. He was given suspended prison sentences,
$1,000 in fines and ordered to complete impulse control counseling.

Mayweather in 2002 pleaded guilty to two counts of domestic violence
in one case and battery in another. In 2005, a jury acquitted him of a
third domestic violence charge, a felony, after his accuser changed her
story. He reportedly was convicted of battery in his hometown of Grand
Rapids, Mich., and he has also been the subject of civil lawsuits
accusing him of battery.</span>

Taken from this article -

know what's funny? I remember Mayweather proclaiming before his fight
with Diego Corrales, another guy who liked to attack women, that he was
going to beat Corrales "for all the battered women out there" or
something to that effect.
American Freedom News