foxsports article with jason sehorn

This seems to be just the sort of divide-and-conquer technique that the media wants to instill in white athletes, past and present, in order that they continue to preach the status quo, with only their final extinction from the athletic field to look forward to.

"Make me feel special, and I'll preach anything."
backrow said:
he is not a disgrace for f**k sakes. he doesn't have to speak out for anyone. do you think ANYONE would listen? it will take thousands of fans to change the perceptionm and more than one has-been.
it is a damn shame he didn't say anything, but still, caste system doesn't depend on him coming out and saying it. if none of the former greats is speaking against it, why would he throw himself under the bus?

anyhow, can we have a link please?

the whole point is that white people as a group get screwed because successful/powerful whites won't lift a finger to help other whites. large numbers of white people are not going to act until someone in a percieved position of authority says it first. that's basic human psychology.
cjay said:
the whole point is that white people as a group get screwed because successful/powerful whites won't lift a finger to help other whites.

That is the truth!
What is it with these guys we grew up watching. From Sehorn to Larry Bird to countless others. Everyone has to be so politically correct. I doubt that they are speaking the honest truth. I agree with Don in just that they don't want to damage their career by attempting to stand up against the powers that be.

We need a guy like a Jeremy Shockey who will say it like it should be said. Basically just not give a damn and speak from the heart. Very few people ever get to hear our side of the story. Racism against whites is everywhere.
White people (men in particular) are allowed two roles in the PC religion either villain (the majority) or the "Great white father/mother" role. Sehorn was auditioning for the latter so as he could join up with Howie Long and the too numerous to list coaches. In retrospect it is in itself a bit of white supremacy since Sehorn and others are basically looking down on the black athletes in a patronizing fashion.
Tired old White said:
Also no buying college or NFL junk until they clean the racsim up.

I second that. I refuse to pump money into an organization that belittles and destroys White talent in the droves.

Although, I have a great idea for marketing my new line of Michael Vick jerseys. Instead of having the traditional #7 as his number, it will have "K-9" on the back in place of it.

That one got more than a few laughs at work yesterday.
jaxvid said:
Ground Fighter said:
If more White kids stood up and said, "F*ck you coach, I'm a corner NOT a safety, dammit!", we'd see more White skill players in the NFL. Not much more, but at least some. Bottom line: White players need to start being more assertive and stubborn.

You'd see more white kids on the bench is what you'd see. Coaches are all powerful, no one is going to tell them what to do and by nature they are hard asses who would get pissed off by some kid telling them what to do. What's the option? Play another position or stand on the sidelines every Friday and/or Saturday. Not much of a choice for most kids.

I have to agree with that. Coaches do not like being told what to do by kids, who usually DO NOT know better than the coach. I think that there are a lot of bad coaches, but they still know more than all but a few kids.

However, a young athlete who thinks that he can play another position very well can keep asking for a fair chance to show his/her stuff and should get the opportunity. Hopefully you read the post about high jumper Scott Sellers who was assigned to be a distance runner, but believed himself to be a high jumper. He kept asking for a chance to high jump and finally, after months, got his opportunity. He cleared 6 feet on his first attempt and then went on to set the U.S. high school high jump records for freshmen, sophomores, and juniors. Unfortunately, he was injured his senior year and did not break that record.

In my opinion, a coach who does not experiment to find out who can really do what well is not a good coach. You cannot tell who is good just by looking at him/her. When i go to track & field meets the 1st placer and the last placer usually LOOK pretty much alike, but thy sure do not perform alike.
If it were me, I would just straight up bring up the subject of anti-white racism to the coach. I wouldn't be aggressive or emotional about it but I would ask straight out if the coach was aware of the caste system and why white players are subjected to this type of institutionalized racism.
This might be a bit off topic, but I notice that black players give the impression of not really liking their white teammates, be it not hi-fiving them or not passing them the ball.

Seems a bit classless, but then, you know, yeah.
Did any of you ever see the ESPN telecast where they played the audio tape of Sehorn calling into ESPN and complaining about being "singled out" by ESPN.

This occurred during his last year on the Giants. He said something very similar to the following:

"Don't think I don't see it, cause I do...every game, you guys only show Sehorn getting beat, Sehorn getting burned."

He went on and on with his justifiable rant, but that's the part I definitely remember. Did any of you guys see this? The f*ggot EPSN host that morning just laughed and joked his way around explaining the comment Jason was making.

Adam Archuletta got 'Sehorned' this past week. A black defender misses a tackle right before Archuletta missed. Who's name gets mentioned? You got it.

I remember years ago when the Giants played the Pats and Craig James caught Lawrence Taylor from behind after a turnover. Taylor's post game quote? "It's embarassing to get caught by a white guy". Funny?
Here's my quote: "I'll be embarassed if a black kid gets a higher SAT score than my daughter".
I wonder if that's funny, too? Nahhhh...probably 'racist', right?
Archuleta was playing with a broken hand, no wonder he couldn't wrap up Barber. he still made several important TD saving tackles in this game.
I know the Bungles are missing our man Kevin K. They stink in their secondary.
What was it, 2 years ago that Urlacher was voted the most over-rated player in the league? Why? The guy is one of the top 3 LB's in the league!
The reason: so our liberal sportscasters can show their 'fairness' by taking down a white player.

I won't let them have it both ways. Want to keep it real? Black IQ's are much lower than any other group. Blacks are at the bottom of every single society they live in. If the NFL is a 'meritocracy' then so is life itself.
Thank you, Lumsden.

My top 3: Urlacher, Lewis, and Hawk.

I am sick and tired of the communist media and their sycophant liberal broadcasters disparaging whites in general.
I'm more fed up with their preposterous defense of black pathology being caused by 'racisim'.

Much more to follow...

With respect to Jan's statement re whites (particularly educated whites) admiring black (and to a lesser extent (predominately African ancestry) Hispanic) athletic achievements, I think it has a lot less to do with true admiration and a lot more with searching for something positive to see in black/Hispanic culture and achievements in face of the discomfort caused by the glaring achievement gaps between whites and blacks and Hispanics and the other social consequences caused by the 1.1 and 0.7 SD differences in cognitive ability between whites and these minorities, respectively. Whites can't help noticing these differences and the sense of democratic egalitarianism inculcated into children by modern Western society and fear of having racist/un-PC thoughts often makes them feel guilty. Since we're all stuck here and have to try to live together, many people seem to gain comfort by trying to find admirable accomplishments things, no matter how trivial in the grand scheme of things, by otherwise socially problematic minority groups in the vain hope that this will somehow make the real and serious problems go away.

-Philly Guy

9/20/2007 12:28 AM
From the NYT...

NYT: "Even if U.C.L.A. tried to get around Proposition 209 by giving a big leg up to low-income applicants, it wouldn't increase its black population very much. At every rung of the socioeconomic ladder, the academic record of black students is worse than that of other groups. As Taylor says: "There is a great deal of pressure to look for a proxy for race. There is no proxy for race.""

Research shows there is a huge achievement gap between EVERYONE and blacks, so they throw them the 'athletic' bone.
I'd like to extend Sehorn's advice to the black community: study hard so you can be an anomaly, too!
Don Wassall said:
I just refreshed the article and all the comments are gone!   
Don, what was the content of the comments? Were they on our side? I hope.
cslewis1 said:
Don Wassall said:
I just refreshed the article and all the comments are gone!
Don, what was the content of the comments? Were they on our side? I hope.

Yeah, they were pretty much fed up with the double standards. Maybe there actually are limits to how far white Americans can belied to, dumped on, and demonized. Let's hope so.
It may be because Fox didn't like what a lot of them had to say, but there's no way to know for sure.
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