Jervey, "The Moral Conscience of Caste Football," has returned with more pablum.
Why don't you spare us the criticism and put your money where your mouth is? Perhaps you can engage young miami305 in some discourse that will enlighten him as to the nature of the caste system. Explain to him how white athletes are discriminated against, how white athletes are stereotyped in athletics in the same way that he and his black friends are stereotyped negatively in academics, crime, and so forth.
Perchance it is only one so erudite as yourself, who has a complete grasp of the complexities of the socio-economic dynamics inherent in the formation of such cultural prejudice, who would even have the knowledge required to expound such ideologies in layman's terms to one such as miami305.
After all, you've already indicated more than once on this forum that you believe that you are intellectually, morally, and ethically superior to those of us who post here. What makes you suddenly think we have the capacity to convince a 14 year old black high school kid who uses his telephone area code as a cultural identifier that whites are discriminated against? A kid who believes what he thinks he sees - white boys play 'quater back,' tight end and 'o line,' - and that's it. You have never believed us capable of making a cogent argument regarding the caste system in the past; why start now?
So please, do explain to miami305 how statements such as: "Don't you know nuttin' whi' boy? You cain't run like no brother, man! Get the f*** outta here with that s***!" are considered racist by those of us who post on these forums. Please expound your theories on the caste system to miami305 here on this forum, so we can all see, learn, and understand, how we should properly address the trolls who come here to tell us that white men cannot compete with blacks in sports. Show us how we might convince them differently, by use of wise words and succinct argument, that this is not true; and is of the same biased and prejudicial mind of which they so often complain is levied against them.
We're waiting.
But I won't be holding my breath.