First Time Here


Mar 26, 2007
I go to north miami beach highschool in south florida,(CB)-black I see that this whole website seems to complane about white football players, also one of the articles i read said white highschool players should go to byu, wyoming and those west colleges. Now look at those colleges compared to Michigan, Ohio State, and Florida in terms of winning. Thats why the west are so sorry, also now well atleast in miami white kids want to play on computers all day and skate board not play football, and the few that do end up not being better than a black athlete, and thats why they dont start. They are mostly slow. not quick, lazy, and just fullbacks, quater backs, tight ends, and o linemen.
Welcvome to the forum. It may be nice to get another point of view.

It certainly is true that there are white athletes who are slow and lazy and that they mostly play QB, FB, TE, and O-line, but that is a stereotype---and the purpose of this site is to educate people about accepting stereotypes as absolutes.

Also, this post seems like a put-on because of the punctuation and sentence structure (but good spelling), which is stereotypically typical of blacks.*******.jpg
Thanks, and just to mention noracism comments please i am just giving what i see down here that would affect the number of whites in the sec, and im a big leonard fan, and eric(utah).
Their are no whites in Miami what are you talking about. You need to go away before you make your self sound dumber than you are if that's possible. I'll give you one example of the caste system at work in South florida. Heath Evans led his team to the state playoffs as a one man show at running back only to be switched to full back in college. Your theory dosen't even make sense, and you my freind need to learn to spell lol. Equality means for everyone you can't have it both ways. Edited by: White Power
highschoolcoach said:
this post seems like a put-on because of the punctuation and sentence structure (but good spelling), which is stereotypically typical of blacks.

Good spelling? Good compared to what? He uses words like "complane," and "quater back," and you consider that good spelling?
White Power said:
I'll give you one example of the caste system at work in South florida Heath Evans led his team to the state playoffs as a one man show at running back only to be switched to full back in college. Your theory dosen't even make sense, and you my freind need to learn to spell lol. Equality means for everyone you can't have it both ways.

Three more from FloridaI can think of off the top of my head -- Chris Doerring was a Florida high schoolall-state wide receiver. Not recruited by any of the Big 3 Florida programs and ended up as a walk-on at Florida.

Vinny Sutherland -- also a Florida high school all star at WR, also not recruited by any of the Big 3.

Tre Smith -- all state running back in Florida, not recruited by any of the Big 3.

Tell that to all the supporters of the status quo who claim that there would be white running backs and receivers at the major programs and the NFL "but none are qualified." Edited by: Don Wassall
Hey Shotgun don't bee two hard on eberyone else on the boad jes cause dey ain't gost the edumacation that you and me is.

Do you see anything racist in the first post you wrote for this thread?
Wow everyone get on the 14 year old freshman back for spelling and who ever said no whties in miami get your facts straight there about 11% whites here and like 60 % hispanics, all the tight ends on north miami beach roster is white most of christopher columbus roster is white plus there half back who got a scholar ship to colorado state, Dr micheal krop roster full of white people what are you talking about...Miami Beach full of white people. What you want all sports to be all white football one of the few sports with majority black, baseball?hockey?golf?nascar?
miami305 said:
What you want all sports to be all white football
one of the few sports with majority black,

No, just a fair system.
Ok why arnt the people here giving me fair system in stead of just talking football, all they talking about is my spelling.
miami305 said:
White Shogun: Do you see anything racist about this website?

Tsk, tsk, miami305. I asked you a question. It is impolite to return a question for a question.

This is a forum. A forum is used by people to engage in conversations by asking one another questions, commenting on posted articles, and to have social interaction with one another over the Internet.

If you are inexperienced in the use of forums, please see a copy of the guidelines posted here.

I was not criticizing your spelling, merely pointing out to highschoolcoach that your spelling was as bad as the rest of your punctuation and grammar. And quite frankly, the fact that you are in high school and do not know the proper use of capitalization, punctuation, sentence structure, or basic spelling is an indictment of both you and the education system in this country.

Now, again, is there anything in your first post to this thread that you would consider racist?
Pro-black PC

Pro-white racist.

I kinda get what you're saying miami. Rich white kids are not as "hungry" as kids from the ghetto. I remember a rap song from the 90's something like "streets are a short stop, either you sling crack rock, or you got a wicked jump shot..."

"all the tight ends on north miami beach roster is white"

tight end is a "white possition"

"most of christopher columbus roster is white plus there half back who got a scholar ship to colorado state"

Colorado is one of the few schools to let whites play rb
miami305 said:
and is it fair the your first post you post on this
topic was someone hand sticking up his butt?
The picture that I posted is symbolic of your knowledge of sports,
race, and life in general. To answer your question, no, it was not fair.
But I don't really care. I could tell from your first post that you were
incapable of having an informed exchange of ideas on this topic.

And yes, there are posts on this site that is racist, prejudice,
ignorant, rude, and insulting. The racism against Europeans in this
country has many of us very frustrated. Since there is no pro Euro
voice in the sports media, people post here to tell their stories. Not
all of us are as polished as Michael Irvin. Edited by: C Darwin
Great news!

I seem to have so far been unable to communicate with our young black friend from Florida, miami305. In the interests of enhancing our communication with one another, I decided to surf the web in search of something that would help me to be a more effective communicator with boys like miami305 and his friends. And I found just the program! I've already ordered my copy, it's being shipped express mail! I can't wait to install it!


Edited by: White Shogun
White Shogun said:
Great news!

I seem to have so far been unable to communicate with our young black friend from Florida, miami305. In the interests of enhancing our communication with one another, I decided to surf the web in search of something that would help me to be a more effective communicator with boys like miami305 and his friends. And I found just the program! I've already ordered my copy, it's being shipped express mail! I can't wait to install it!



Oh man, that was awesome Shogun!
After reading that story that Don put up, I needed something to cheer me up.
Hello Guest-
I think you validated our site and cause in your post about the tailback from Columbus. His name is John Mosure and he carried his team deep into the playoffs almost single handed. He was the top rusher in Mighty Dade county and destroyed the highly acclaimed Miami Northwestern when they met. One would think, in a sane environment, that the hurricanes, or The U, would have been falling all over themselves and offered the kid. But unfortunately, he is white and had to go halfway across the country just to play division 1. This is just one of the hundreds of kids each year that get overlooked because of racial profiling. I know in the PC world only minorities can be profiled, but if people would only open their eyes they would see it happens all the time to white athletes. No rational person can honestly say that if he were black, he would not be a national recruit and donning any uniform that he wanted if he played for Northwestern and were black.
Way to go, guys. Some kid came in here parrotting negative racialist stereotyping about White footballers and you all laid into him like, well, like a bunch of grown men into a 14-year-old boy.

Kids like that are funnels into whole communities which foster and breed negative stereotyping. You could have poured a little pablum into the funnel and maybe opened a couple of his kid friends' minds to the notion of White kids as capable athletes; instead you chose to lay into him. Nice work.
Jervey, "The Moral Conscience of Caste Football," has returned with more pablum.

Why don't you spare us the criticism and put your money where your mouth is? Perhaps you can engage young miami305 in some discourse that will enlighten him as to the nature of the caste system. Explain to him how white athletes are discriminated against, how white athletes are stereotyped in athletics in the same way that he and his black friends are stereotyped negatively in academics, crime, and so forth.

Perchance it is only one so erudite as yourself, who has a complete grasp of the complexities of the socio-economic dynamics inherent in the formation of such cultural prejudice, who would even have the knowledge required to expound such ideologies in layman's terms to one such as miami305.

After all, you've already indicated more than once on this forum that you believe that you are intellectually, morally, and ethically superior to those of us who post here. What makes you suddenly think we have the capacity to convince a 14 year old black high school kid who uses his telephone area code as a cultural identifier that whites are discriminated against? A kid who believes what he thinks he sees - white boys play 'quater back,' tight end and 'o line,' - and that's it. You have never believed us capable of making a cogent argument regarding the caste system in the past; why start now?

So please, do explain to miami305 how statements such as: "Don't you know nuttin' whi' boy? You cain't run like no brother, man! Get the f*** outta here with that s***!" are considered racist by those of us who post on these forums. Please expound your theories on the caste system to miami305 here on this forum, so we can all see, learn, and understand, how we should properly address the trolls who come here to tell us that white men cannot compete with blacks in sports. Show us how we might convince them differently, by use of wise words and succinct argument, that this is not true; and is of the same biased and prejudicial mind of which they so often complain is levied against them.

We're waiting.

But I won't be holding my breath.
White Shogun said it about as good as anyone could.I nominate you for the poster of the month! We have one site on the whole internet supporting white athletes and they can't handle it.How many black athlete and other sites are there to celebrate their culture?At least we have one place we can go to vent.We are tired of our people being discriminated against.
American Freedom News