First Time Here

miami305 said:
Ok why arnt the people here giving me fair system in stead of just talking football, all they talking about is my spelling.

Most of us are still trying to decipher your posts. Do you have any white friends? Anoffensive lineman on your school's football team would be able to compose a few paragraphs for you. ItriedBabel Fish, but it doesn't have an option for Blacktardto English .
Why are we all assuming that this kid is actually 14 years old?..Yes he types like a uneducated 14 year old, but maybe that's his shtick. He may be some college kid(white) just trolling for a reaction while he shows all this stuff to his skateboarding friends.
I believe there should be a repository of information regarding stereotyping and racial discrimination in athletics. This information would be composed in a succinct manner, so that anyone can at a glance find out the purpose of the site but ALSO see that there is a significant amount of supporting material for what Caste Football argues.
miami305 said:
I go to north miami beach highschool in south florida,(CB)-black I see that this whole website seems to complane about white football players, also one of the articles i read said white highschool players should go to byu, wyoming and those west colleges. Now look at those colleges compared to Michigan, Ohio State, and Florida in terms of winning. Thats why the west are so sorry, also now well atleast in miami white kids want to play on computers all day and skate board not play football, and the few that do end up not being better than a black athlete, and thats why they dont start. They are mostly slow. not quick, lazy, and just fullbacks, quater backs, tight ends, and o linemen.

Going back to Miami305's original post, I am glad that the white students at least do play fullback, quarterback, tight end, and o line. I know of schools where they just don't play football period (See "White Flight" in "Other Sports"). Apparently, either there is not a "tipping point" percentage of blacks in the school or there are still whites who have not taken the path of least resistance and just opted out of football.
We have not opted out of anything, but we are smart enough to know we getting the shaft. We could beat blacks all day long and still miss out on the big scholarships. We can run the ball but that's a glamour position, the PC folk don't want to see a Csonka or Riggins run over some slim colored boy .
The path of least resistance!! Lots of White males will be good enough to play at some level of college football but not be given a real chance, so those same White Males will become Army Rangers,Navy Seals or Marine Recon, meanwhile the colored boys will become army cooks or bakers!!!
Miami 305-
I hope you realize that as strong white men, we are extremely frustrated with the current trends that have occurred to our people. We as whites need to stand up to obstacles that are being thrown in our direction just as your people did in earlier times. I believe everyone here somewhat admires blacks' ability to stick together when an issue against other races comes up. At heart, all we want is the same opportunities as everyone else without being discriminated against. After all, this is America and everyone should be judged on merit and not perception.
Miami 305-
I hope you realize that as strong white men, we are extremely frustrated with the current trends that have occurred to our people. We as whites need to stand up to obstacles that are being thrown in our direction just as your people did in earlier times. I believe everyone here somewhat admires blacks' ability to stick together when an issue against other races comes up. At heart, all we want is the same opportunities as everyone else without being discriminated against. After all, this is America and everyone should be judged on merit and not perception.

I personally don't care if anyone else is discriminated against or not. I just don't want it to happen to me and mine. I'm all done with "equality for all" because all that got us was lesser status for whites. So that dance is over. I want whites to get opportunities and I don't care why. Favoritism? Great, white coaches and fans should favor whites. Racism on the part of white management? Fine. All for it. Makes sense to me.
JerveyGotGypped said:
Way to go, guys. Some kid came in here parrotting negative racialist stereotyping about White footballers and you all laid into him like, well, like a bunch of grown men into a 14-year-old boy.

Kids like that are funnels into whole communities which foster and breed negative stereotyping. You could have poured a little pablum into the funnel and maybe opened a couple of his kid friends' minds to the notion of White kids as capable athletes; instead you chose to lay into him. Nice work.

"Way to go guys" whines Jervey. Frickin' typical. Well too bad, poor 14 year old "funnel to the community." Did those hateful racist white sports fans ruin your day. BOO HOO

Funnel to the community indeed. Screw that community! You mean the community (black and white) that wants to see white culture and people destroyed????

Good! let them know that there's a group of white people that don't play that passive whitey game and roll over for every negro that brings up race.

And let him understand that we're not skinheads or Nazi's AND we're a hundered times smarter, so dig that miami, read and learn.

I hope he does "spread the word" and I hope it gets to some white kids with balls. The rest are a lost cause anyway.
I agree that we should favor our own because no one else really gives a rat's ass otherwise. When I say we, I mean people such as ourselves that post on this forum. We all know that white favoritism on the part of coaches, management, and casual fans will never happen.My rant about discrimination in any arena isn't confirmation that we should go out of our way to cheer or be happy about blacks becoming CEOs or excelling in sports. But, I still believe in fair play and know that if our people are just given a level playing field, we would have many more athletes to cheer for. There are plenty of whites out there that can perform at a superior level than what we are seeing on tv from the minorities and all they need is an opportunity. I don't cheer for Charger's rb Tomlinson, but I can understand why he's on the field. The same cannot be said for underforming qb's such as Vince Young or mighty Vick that are entrenched in their positions when other whites can do much better.
guest301 said:
Why are we all assuming that this kid is actually 14 years old?..Yes he types like a uneducated 14 year old, but maybe that's his shtick. He may be some college kid(white) just trolling for a reaction while he shows all this stuff to his skateboarding friends.
Cheesehead said:
I believe there should be a repository of information regarding stereotyping and racial discrimination in athletics.  This information would be composed in a succinct manner, so that anyone can at a glance find out the purpose of the site but ALSO see that there is a significant amount of supporting material for what Caste Football argues.
That's a very good idea and perhaps I haven't navigated this website sufficiently but it would be a great idea to have just one link to a number of quality, objective articles and studies that bring up the caste system. I'll start with the ubiquitous Orlando Sentinel two-piece article on white running backs:
In addition, someone posted an article written by a black man in which his point was that blacks were like boys, whites were like girls. It was lengthy but it actually turned out to be a pretty solid article that basically argued that white under-representation in sports was due to a self-fulfilling defeatist attitude (among other things). Those are three articles that I would nominate to the proposed "repository of information".
I also encountered a journal study while researching for an English paper that concluded that draft magazines/websites and scouting services were far more likely to describe black players in physical terms while attributing white achievements to mental ability. The intent of the study (naturally) was to promote more black representation at the QB, C, and MLB positions but it still reaches the same conclusions that we preach.
jaxvid said:
I personally don't care if anyone else is discriminated against or not. I just don't want it to happen to me and mine. I'm all done with "equality for all" because all that got us was lesser status for whites. So that dance is over. I want whites to get opportunities and I don't care why. Favoritism? Great, white coaches and fans should favor whites. Racism on the part of white management? Fine. All for it. Makes sense to me.

Great post. All I know is this: 1) When whites (esp. white men) are ridiculed, attacked, discriminated against, or ganged up on, I take it very personally, like it could happen to me. And 2) We don't owe any other group anything, period!
JD074 said:
jaxvid said:
I personally don't care if anyone else is discriminated against or not. I just don't want it to happen to me and mine. I'm all done with "equality for all" because all that got us was lesser status for whites. So that dance is over. I want whites to get opportunities and I don't care why. Favoritism? Great, white coaches and fans should favor whites. Racism on the part of white management? Fine. All for it. Makes sense to me.

Great post. All I know is this: 1) When whites (esp. white men) are ridiculed, attacked, discriminated against, or ganged up on, I take it very personally, like it could happen to me. And 2) We don't owe any other group anything, period!

Thanks. I would encourage every white person who considers themselves "racialist" or "aware" to check out the following link. It's about the two models of white racialism. Very interesting.

Two models of white racialism

some samples:
How would white men of previous centuries or even those of earlier decades of the twentieth century view contemporary presentations of the case for racialism? As surprising as it may seem to some, in all probability they would have seen recent racialist apologetics as hopelessly infected with many of the central assumptions of multiracialism. This is due in no small measure to the fact that, although it may be possible (albeit rare) to dissent from widely accepted public policies, it is far more difficult to reject the assumed and often unstated philosophical assumptions of the age. This presents racialists with a particularly difficult task. Conceding their opponents' core beliefs before engaging in theoretical battle is akin to wrestling with a handicap: all right for Haystacks or Andre, but poor strategy for lesser men.

In short, by advocating either an egalitarian separatism or "level playing field," many racialists have accepted the fundamental dogmas of their opponents that all men are, by virtue of their humanity, "entitled" to certain political and social "rights." One must search long and hard in movement literature today to find a clear advocacy of a dual moral standard, differentiating between the in- and out-group, or of the right to wield power and domination over the out-group.
jaxvid said:
I personally don't care if anyone else is discriminated against or not. I just don't want it to happen to me and mine. I'm all done with "equality for all" because all that got us was lesser status for whites. So that dance is over. I want whites to get opportunities and I don't care why. Favoritism? Great, white coaches and fans should favor whites. Racism on the part of white management? Fine. All for it. Makes sense to me.

Exellent post jaxvid.
I right there with you.
jaxvid said:

Another sample:

Blacks have long since learned how to manipulate the white man by utilizing white compassion, fair play, and the like while having no intention of practicing the same virtues in return.<SUP>38</SUP>

The Jews have demanded and received their own state based upon religious/tribal identity. Yet when they live amongst non-Jews they always advocate pluralism and universalist states. Thus, they too have mastered the skill of using the rhetoric of universal morality only when and if it advances their own tribal agenda.<SUP>39</SUP>
jared said:
guest301 said:
Why are we all assuming that this kid is actually 14 years old?..Yes he types like a uneducated 14 year old, but maybe that's his shtick. He may be some college kid(white) just trolling for a reaction while he shows all this stuff to his skateboarding friends.

Good point. I strongly suspect he is indeed a troller or an agent provocateur of some sort. How would an "African American" high-school kid just happen unto our site here? Come on! Most HS kids are total sheeple, heads down into video games, MTV, sports & chasing tail. If they are's doing celebrity-worship/taking sheeple-bait, watching bafoonery on YouTube or spreading gossip on MySpace. I'm pretty skeptical by nature, so I don't buy it one iota!Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
jared said:
guest301 said:
Why are we all assuming that this kid is actually 14 years old?..Yes he types like a uneducated 14 year old, but maybe that's his shtick. He may be some college kid(white) just trolling for a reaction while he shows all this stuff to his skateboarding friends.

Good point. I strongly suspect he is indeed a troller or an agent provocateur of some sort. How would an "African American" high-school kid just happen unto our site here? Come on! Most HS kids are total sheeple, heads down into video games, MTV, sports &amp; chasing tail. If they are's doing celebrity-worship/taking sheeple-bait, watching bafoonery on YouTube or spreading gossip on MySpace. I'm pretty skeptical by nature, so I don't buy it one iota![/QUOTE

I, too, strongly suspect that Miami305 is not a high schooler, but an agent provocateur (See post below). If so, he was very successful in provoking some response.

Welcome to the forum. It may be nice to get another point of view.

It certainly is true that there are white athletes who are slow and lazy and that they mostly play QB, FB, TE, and O-line, but that is a stereotype---and the purpose of this site is to educate people about accepting stereotypes as absolutes.

Also, this post seems like a put-on because of the punctuation and sentence structure (but good spelling), which is stereotypically typical of blacks.
I take into consideration the fact that a person may not be who they claim to be when I write a post. Not only that, we have to realize that we are not just engaging in a small conversation between a few members here on Caste Football when we write; we must remember our words are visible to any one of millions of people who surf the internet.

The truth is it doesn't matter if miami305 is a 14 year old black kid, a 50 year old white man, or a 90 year old Jewish woman. Their arguments stand and fall by themselves. The first question I directed at miami305 was to ask him (her?) if there was anything racist in his first post. That question was never answered. He was hoisted on his own petard, so to speak.

There have been others who have posted here who claimed to be black teenagers, yet who had decent grammar and engaged in civil conversation with the members here for quite some time before leaving the forum. But there can be no dialog when one half of the conversation refuses
to answer questions or comment on the topics at hand.

So we aren't arguing with the troll itself, we're arguing against the views espoused by the troll. The posts written in response are read by others who stop by this site, and hopefully either encourage them to continue to support white athletes, or discourage their support of the caste system. That is the point, after all.
Shogun, please review the thread.

highschoolcoach and Don Wassall responded reasonably; most of you layed into the kid. 2nd response: head-up-ass pic. Of course his head's up his ass...he's 14. He may be a troll; presume otherwise and cut-&-paste a reasonable retort to his ignorance.

You mocked his spelling & punctuation, then posed the loaded "Do you see anything racist in the first post you wrote for this thread?" The very act of mentioning the fact of race is racist, in America, so what's the point? Then you went into your My Documents folder to retrieve the inane "Microsoft WORD" pic so as to further belittle him.

Bart's contribution: "I tried Babel Fish, but it doesn't have an option for Blacktard to English."

Colonel_Reb's contibution: "Hey Shotgun don't bee two hard on eberyone else on the boad jes cause dey ain't gost the edumacation that you and me is."


Seriously, who do you suppose you're re-educating with that? Alot of you guys are, what, 30, 40, 50 years old? Haven't you life-experience enough to wrap your head around the notion of intellectual tact in dealing with nit-witted 14-year-olds?

Ironically, your diatribe in response to my "whine" was a bugger of alot more "erudite" than the stuff you laid on that kid/troll. If you'd have invested even a fraction of the energies you just did on my criticism, instead fashioning an effective retort to his first point, you'd have had at least a hope in modifying his prejudice.

Cheesehead said:
I believe there should be a repository of information regarding stereotyping and racial discrimination in athletics. This information would be composed in a succinct manner, so that anyone can at a glance find out the purpose of the site but ALSO see that there is a significant amount of supporting material for what Caste Football argues.

Good idea. Be sure to expunge the epithets and other excreta.Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
Jervey only cares about the kid because it's another way to try to assert his
moral superiority when he has no argument. Why don't you post another
piece of your famous bullsh*t on comic-book "fascism", then give us another
lecture about staying on topic and treating other posters with respect? If
any excreta deserves to be expunged from this site, its you.
It was impudent for that miami kid to come on to a white man's forum and question our views. Fourteen year old kids should be seen and not heard. It is bad enough to have to suffer his better educated tribesmen without having to deal with his semi-literate postings.

Furthermore the idea that he was in anyway misused by the very easy ribbing we gave him is preposterous. I have visited sports forums frequented by black teenagers and the response I get from those "funnels" of the community goes something like: "F@@@@CK you redneck white cracker KKK nazi biatch racist mofo".

So rest easy Jerv, I'm sure the boy was not TOO hurt by the picture of the head in the ass, although I think a better use for it would be as your avatar.

What spurs your visits to our site? Do you have a pop-up message in your Lotus notes that is set for every 3 weeks or so "DING...stop by and flame the guys there by snidely inferring that their message has some truth but they are poor deliverers of it...and don't forget to use the "Word-of-the-day calendar" to spruce up those pretentious posts!!!!"

Jerv seems to think that the reason people like me come to this site is to convert others....spread the gospel if you will, do outreach. All that's fine but I come to this site because I want to defend me and mine. My message is right and I don't give a rats ass if 1 or 1,000,000 people agree. If it's just me and Don talking to each other (and it was for a while
) then that's fine. But I know that there are others just like me. Let them stop by, stick around and join in.

I could care less if Brian Leonards second cousin twice removed comes here and sees the posts and thinks: "Brian can't be a tailback and it has something to do with Jewish control of the media..... what the??? how does that work?"

I don't expect people to come here and be fully developed on the ideas we have spent a lot of time and thought on. On the other hand I have no desire, and there is no reason, that we have to retard our message so newbies can catch up. That don't happen nowhere! You go to any site with a message and you get the fully developed concepts not the Basic 101.

So stow the BS Jervey. Get on board. If you want to live in a world where people are interested in intellectually honest discussions then the 'lessers' are going to have to understand their place in relation to their 'betters'. That's how we do it here and we like it just fine.
I agree with Don, great post jaxvid. I think my humor went over Jervey's head!
Just like I expect to catch crap if I go to a pro-black site, blacks coming to this site should expect to catch some too.