Without provided too many specifics it's obvious that there is a world wide planned agenda to diversify the white race out of existence. Why does the historically Scandinavian state of Minnesota get pelted with the largest population of Somalians in the country and at the same time Norway and Sweden are infiltrated with the exact same problem? The blackest skin people in the world mixed with the whitest-skinned people in the world - how convenient. It's not like Somalians enjoy the beautiful Minnesota and Swedish winters. So what brought them there? BTW, the town I live in (Rochester, MN) has the highest population of Somalians per capita in the nation.
The small hometown I grew up in was 99.9% white in the 1980's, but now you can barely go anywhere in town without seeing diversity. Apparently some great low income (scratch that) no-income housing was plopped down in town a few years ago. A town with a population of maybe a thousand and a 45 minute drive away from a Mcdonald's or Burger King. Doesn't make sense.
In Rochester, the Mayo Clinic is pushing to have a new light rail to be built around the city through my dad's farm (20 miles away) instead of directly through the city. The re-route will conveniently connect inner-city Chicago and Minneapolis to small town Minnesota. Oh joy! My dad would be unfairly compensated by receiving market value only for the sliver of land they will need to run the rail throught the middle of the farm.
Do you notice politicians pushing the light rail agenda? Odd you would think as nobody seems to want a light rail and especially when our country is bankrupt. Is it a coincidence that it has been one of Obama's major objectives since day 1?
There seems to be hidden in nearly every large ominous bill (farm bill, fair housing etc) an agenda to move forward with attacking the whitest of communities in the countryside. Apparently government funds will be withheld from areas that are deemed too white. I don't have the details right now. I see a future - perhaps even an unknown present in which lily white areas will be fined, penalized, taxed at a higher rate, and further punished until they finally accept diversity to flood them.
Here's a blurb from an article that defends the latest Hud bill:
"To change that, the new rule refines what "affirmatively further fair housing" really means and how HUD grantees should document their progress to achieve it. The big news, however, is that HUD is now planning to help them do that by publishing extensive local data on patterns of integration and segregation, discrimination, poverty, access to good schools, jobs and transit, among other things. The tool will for the first time map all of this data for every neighborhood in the country. As Donovan put it to the NAACP:Make no mistake: this is a big deal. With the HUD budget alone, we are talking about billions of dollars. And as you know, decades ago, these funds were used to support discrimination. Now, they will be used to expand opportunity and bring communities closer to the American Dream."
Well it is the Black, Latino, and Jewish American dream, but definitely not the original American Dream.