Fighting techniques for defending yourself


Jul 15, 2011
Because I have a background in Martial arts and wrestling, I figured I'd start a thread of techniques to teach everyone about fighting.
I will start with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In BJJ the only two techniques from the bottom are rubber guard, which requires flexibility and butterfly guard, which is great for sweeps. Here is a technique from butterfly guard tough by BJJ black belt Marcelo Garcia.
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Dec 1, 2006
I have only a boxing Background (some kickboxing) and a sadly very long street fighting Background (darn whiskey).
I agree that knowing the basics of BJJ is very helpful indeed.
My philosophy on self defence is as follows: in the limited free time that you have as an employed person, practice one or two things in extreme detail. For me thats the power jab, the straight right, and the jab-cross-jab. Ill train the right elbow and jab-cross-hook too, but only for a few minutes.
My point is that after a few weeks you will have this one thing down at a decent amateur levell of speed, power and technique.
Ive literally won fights against numerous opponents using only a power jab. Naturally a bjj player would kill me if i dont knock him out. But in my experience (sadly too much) the stand up works best. (Im 6'5 and 250 so that helps).
In conclusion: become an expert at one strike and one combo. If you have time for more, learn more.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I too have a "101" background in BJJ, CACC, MTKB & "bar brawling" (many moons ago). I also have a size & strength advantage over 90% of the mugs out there (at 6'8, 300+). However, in a street defense situation, I'd advise using the MMA "illegal" tactics up front...weapons, headbutts, groin & eye strikes & small joint manipulation. When your life (or loved ones) are in jeopardy, it's time for lightning quick brutality (giving no quarter).


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I too have a background in BJJ, MTKB, CACC & "bar brawling" (many moons ago ;-). I also have a size & strength advantage over 90% of the men out on the street (at 6'8, 300+). However, in the way of "street defense", I'd recommend 1st utilizing "MMA illegal" techniques such as weapons, headbutts, eye, trachea & groin strikes. When you (or loved ones) are in jeopardy, it's time for lighting quick brutality. Here's an example of what I mean...
Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
I used to box quite extensively as a teenager and that's part of the reason why I've always been a boxing fan for my whole life (I just turned 26 years old). It's the only sport I really participated in and was actively involved in. I also have a few friends I know from Toronto who went on to become pro boxers. I had about 5 amateur fights and spent probably 7 or 8 years training in boxing.

Because of my job, and time commitments, I no longer box today but I follow the sport religiously and I do workout pretty much every single day to stay fit. Staying fit is an important part of being a man.

I also think its important for any male to be able to defend himself. The difference between someone who has trained in a combat sport (boxing, mma, wrestling, what have you...) is truly huge compared to the"average joe" who's never spent any time in these areas.

Boxing is a great way to stay fit and defend yourself. The ordinary guy would literally stand and trade punches/kicks with you and in a standing fight (which is most street fights) boxing would be absolutely deadly. The problem would be if you are taken to the ground however. Most "average joes" won't know that you are a boxer though and they will thus fight you standing upright.

The most "effective" way to defend yourself in a street fight would probably be wrestling, however...

Ideally, you could have training for both standing and ground fighting, a combination of boxing/wrestling would be optimal. Then you'd never be out of your element!
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Dec 7, 2011
Calgary, Canada
How do you defend yourself against blacks with hammers?

It seems two different Bosnian immigrants were murdered in St Louis this past weekend.

That's sad. And the Jews News' refusal to report on black on white murder in St Louis/Ferguson MO area is not at all surprising to anyone who knows the score. Another example of the media slanting the story and propagating their agenda, while censoring that which doesn't fit into their narrative

As we see so often with black on white crime, weapons have been used by the black murderers.

It's great to know how to box, wrestle, or do MMA but when weapons come into play all that goes out the Window.

Take Corrie Sanders, white South African boxer who was a great boxer but murdered by several blacks recently. Never had a chance to defend himself as he was shot...
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Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
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