Fighters to look out for in 2008

Josh Rhodes and George Bush are two fighters I keep forgetting to put in here. Rhodes is 22 and is fighting at 205. His record is 5-0 but which includes first round koes of both Wayne Cole and Lamont Lister.
Bush has been a pretty sucessful heavywight also. Bush walks around at 230 he has one loss to Ricco Rodriguez in one of those five minute tournament matches. He did however destroy Vinny Malghase for TUF 8.
Here is another 185er Lyman Good. He is oneof the best young strikers in all of MMA. He is from New York 22 years old and sports a record of 7-0 in MMA. He crushed Mike Dolce when he was in the IFL apparently he turned down an offer from the UFC but is expected to join sometime next year.
I think the tatoo on cain valasquez reads bronx power not brown power, I believe cain is from the bronx
it's over. all that progess made just to some smeely ****** take the belt away. f**k you guys for contributing nothing to this site.
patriot said:
f**k you guys for contributing nothing to this site.

Not sure who you're talking about here but I don't see 'Member' attached to your name, patriot.
Whats with patriot? Geez! Some wild incoherent slapping away at the rest of us going on here. He's not connecting and I don't know why he is trying too.
guest301 said:
Whats with patriot? Geez! Some wild incoherent slapping away at the rest of us going on here. He's not connecting and I don't know why he is trying too.

It probably wasn't the "real" Patriot, but one of his buddies (over to watch the fight, etc.). Maybe they'd been throwing back the cold un's & his "drunk white fan" buddy thought he be a wisenheimer & get his pal Patriot in hot water with his fellow CF'ers here. You know how cute the drunk white fans can be after tossing a few back...especially if they know their pal is WN.

I've got a good buddy of mine who's "mainline" conservative & isn't a PC pansy (per se) but always laughs & jokes when I mention the Caste System or send him links from here, etc. He means well & is a good fella, but is still isn't racially aware/proud, etc. He always tries to "laugh it off".
American Freedom News