FIBA Americas

When do they play the Euros? When do they play Ginobilli and his Argentinians?
I'll give Wolverine the benefit of the doubt. Seems like he is not anti-white. Maybe he is one of the few blacks that cheers for the USA in hockey or swimming. As we all know, some blacks are much fairer to whites than white followers of the Caste System (ex. Tony Dungy is much beter than Jack Del Rio).

But sorry, man. I just can't cheer for a racist nation and a racist system. I am not discriminated against becasue I am an American. I am discriminated against because I am white. Are you telling me there is no white American talented enough for the Dream Team?

I have lived overseas and in black neighborhoods in the U.S. I feel much more at home in Liverpool or Buenos Aires, even though I stand out with my American accent and mannerisms. There are some decent blacks but the main emotion I felt in black neighborhoods (and living with blacks in the military) is anti-white racism.

The Dream Team will most certainly be hyped in 2008. I'm sure the sports bars will be filed with goofy whites giving each other high-fives and talking about how athletic "Kobe" and "LeBron" are. But I'm cheering for my people, whether they live in Lithuania, Italy, Serbia, Spain, Argentina or Germany. The USA "Dream Team" team doesn't allow people who look like me to play. For me, it is a "Nightmare Team" and I hope they are defeated.
The announcers for the Americas FIBA tournament were as excited as little girls when describing the U.S. team. Kobe was a defensive phenom. Everybody was selfless. Watch out world, America is back!

But some good may come out of having the meaningless tournament televised. Americans are incredibly uninformed about Latin America. Seeing all-white teams from Uruguay and Argentina, and whites on other teams, may cause Americans to ask the Bush-like question, 'Do you have white people too?' And, 'With all these good-looking white people in chili pepper land why do we only get ugly brown squatties as immigrants?'
American Freedom News