Felix Jones Best RB In NFL?


Oct 21, 2004
I know we're used to hearing the jock-sniffers on TV overrating mediocre black players, but this one takes the cake. I just heard ultimate jock-sniffer Brian "Baldy" Baldinger state, quite emphatically, that Cowboys backup RB Felix Jones is "possibly the best running back in the NFL." Hmmm. Yes, Baldy, that makes a lot of sense; someone who can't start for his team is the "best" in the league.

What else could you expect from the self-hating white clown who participated in one of the most offensive "skits" ever on the NFL Network a few months back? For those of you who don't recall, the show had some supposedly "random" fans send in video questions for the nearly all-black talking heads on the channel. One "random" fan was an idiotic middle-aged white woman who pretended to be upset that the network showed "Baldy" with his shirt off in a hot tub. After making fun of "Baldy's" physique (which isn't bad at all), she cooed predictably, "Now, if it had been Rod Woodson...." I'm sure "Baldy" was only too happy to grin like an idiot and nod approvingly when this refreshing idea was scripted.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
"I'm sure "Baldy" was only too happy to grin like an idiot and nod approvingly when this refreshing idea was scripted"

Hahaha, a talking head's pride is always for sale. The price of "Baldy's" pride has always been very cheap.

As is the pride of white/jewish neo-geeks like Trey Wingo, Chris Berman, Max Kellerman, Rich Eisen, Sean Salisbury, Mark Sleareth, Merrill Hodge (who might be finally growing a pair), Trent Dilfer, Ron Jawarski, Mike Golic, Colin Cowturd, Chris Collinsworth, Mike Ditka, and my personal favorite, Tony Kornheiser.

Holy God, that's ALOT of sissy-boys.

Bigunreal, I cant believe a guy like you (who I feel is one of the best and most observent posters on CF) could stand watching NFL network (AKA: Jocklickers Paradise). I get offended 5 seconds into more mild shows like "Sunday NFL Bore-Down." How do you stand it?


Oct 21, 2004

I enjoy your posts, too. We seem to be on the same wavelength. I don't know why I watch any NFL games, let alone the stuff on the NFL network. Sometimes I think it's like a drug addiction that can't be kicked. If it wasn't for fantasy football, I know that I'd have absolutely no interest in NFL games at all. By the mid-1970s, I was firmly convinced the games were fixed, and stopped watching altogether from about 1978-1982. Then....

Joe Theismann was my favorite player as a youth (I know, what a favorite player!) He has repaid my loyalty by becoming perhaps the most sickening of all the incredibly bad jock-sniffers. Anyway, I'd always rooted for Theismann during his Redskins career, and fumed when they started the ridiculous Billy Kilmer over him. When the Redskins surprisingly made the Super Bowl after the 1982 season, they sucked me back in, and I watched them (and Theismann) loyally for the next few years. After Theismman's career was ended by injury, I lost interest again, but then I was talked into joining my first fantasy football league and the rest is history.

I actually don't get all that upset by what the idiots on the NFL network say, because it's almost all entirely predictable. They (and ESPN) make great research tools for those who post here, and whenever I see something even more objectionable than usual, I promptly post about it on Caste Football.

Even with all the racial discrimination and the (imo) fixed games, I still enjoy fantasy football. However, I readily admit any intelligent person is crazy to follow modern day professional sports. Edited by: bigunreal

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Even in limited play, the already"great" Felix Jones has managed to injure his hamstring and is out for 2-4 weeks.