Farrakhan: Jews Pushing the US into War


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Ol' Calypso Louie has never had any reservations on calling out das juden. He also questioned 9/11, the H1N1 flu vaccine and the NOI is staunchly against miscegenation. On the Zionist issue, he has bigger stones than 90%+ of the puppets on "Crapitol sHill".

Farrakhan: Jews are Pushing the US into War

03/02/2011 10:10

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said on Tuesday that Jews and Zionists are "trying to push the US into war"Â￾ and that "Zionists dominate the US government and banks."Â￾

Farrakhan, 77, made the comments at the Nation of Islam's annual meeting near Chicago.

'Jews are blacks' worst enemy'
Farrakhan: 'Israeli lobby' controls US government

Farrakhan said his comments on Jews were meant "to pull the cover off Satan."Â￾

"President Obama,"Â￾ Farrakhan said, "if you allow the Zionists to push you, to mount a military offensive against Gaddafi and you go in and kill him and his sons, as you did with Saddam Hussein and his sons... I'm warning you this is a Libyan problem, let the Libyans solve their problem among themselves."Â￾

Farrakhan called Muammar Gaddafi "my brother and my friend."Â￾

The Nation of Islam leader also accused American Zionists of attempting to push Israel into war with Iran, stating that "Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system."Â￾

"Some of you think that I'm just somebody who's got something out for the Jewish people,"Â￾ Farrakhan said. "You're stupid.

Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again."Â￾

ADL National Director Abe Foxman said in response that, "Anti-Semitism has suffused the Nation of Islam's message, and Farrakhan is the standard bearer and bigot in chief... Perhaps what's more disturbing is that despite his anti-Semitic rants, he has not been made a pariah in his own community. What does it take for him to stop being a pied piper of hatred?"Â￾

Farrakhan is unapologetic in speaking out against Zionism. I also recently heard him rail against the "New World Order", The Fed and Globalist Bankers, the 9/11 official story, the dumbing-down of Americans, and the cultural depravity of the West.

He seems to be singing a different tune lately...not much talk about "The White Devil" anymore. A recent speech of his on the dumbing-down of Americans was brilliant. If one just read the text of some of his recent speeches without knowing who wrote it, some WN might be shocked to know who said it. Has he been visiting Henry Makow or Alex Jones' site's the last several years?
In some ways I respect Farrakhan, and his teachings of many subjects especially coming down hard on blacks and being responsible.

He has cheating death at least once. A couple of years ago, he was on his death bed with colon cancer, now is back to his old piss and vinegar self.

I agree with him about Libya. WTF are we going over there and establishing some 'no fly zone'! Let the Libya people solve their own problems no matter how many may die.

In the meantime we the US should be drilling up in Alaska non stop for oil. I guess it will take 8.00 a gallon of gas to think about doing it.
I went to see Farrakhan speak back in 1985. He was really demonized for several years in the '80s but has been pretty much ignored by the power structure in recent years. He's had health problems, as Westside mentioned, maybe they thought he wasn't going to live much longer.
Farrakhan is one of the few black leaders I would consider 'good'. I think he knows the big 'game' being played. He speaks proper English and has a certain presence. Its too bad White People don't have a leader in the same mold willing to speak the truth. David Duke comes to mind, but lacks the command presence. No, we Whites have to push our agenda watered down by the TEA Party, but its better than drowning on and being a DWF or White Sheeple person.
I many ways, Farrakhan and pro-white leaders such as George Lincoln Rockwell had very similar aspirations for their respective peoples. Racial separation, anti-mixing, anti-Zionism, increased cultural identity, etc. Farrakhan is certainly an intelligent man. He's as proud of his race as I am of mine. I kind of respect that.

As Don mentioned, the Mainstream Media Machine hasn't mentioned him in decades"¦anti-Jew comments such as these are probably one of the main reasons.

Louey and Nelson...
Edited by: Thrashen
Highlander said:
If one just read the text of some of his recent speeches without knowing who wrote it, some WN might be shocked to know who said it. Has he been visiting Henry Makow or Alex Jones' site's the last several years?

Funny you should mention that, Highlander. Years ago a speech of Farrakhan's was aired on C-Span. Much of it dealt with 9-11. I specifically remember thinking the man has read the What Really Happened website and he decided to formulate a presentation around it.
Farrakhan's been talking about the NWO and Illuminati long before Makow or Alex.
Used to buy an NOI paper whenever they were on my street. If in the future I have spare money I'll start again. Farrakhan is a good dude.
DWFan said:
Used to buy an NOI paper whenever they were on my street. If in the future I have spare money I'll start again. Farrakhan is a good dude.

Good dude? A guy who hates whites and would wipe them off the face of this earth in a second. Yes, I guess I'd consider him a "good" dude as well.
Farrakhan and the NOI are no friends of ours. They hate all whites and blame us for thier problems. The Zebra Killings in the San Francisco Bay area in the 1970s were carried out by members of the NOI. Over 70 whites were killed.

They are certainly not "good dudes."
Louis hates Whites as much as DWFs and White libs hate themselves. How many DWFs do we even call friends? I know I have a couple.
Liverlips said:
Farrakhan and the NOI are no friends of ours. They hate all whites and blame us for thier problems. The Zebra Killings in the San Francisco Bay area in the 1970s were carried out by members of the NOI. Over 70 whites were killed.

They are certainly not "good dudes."
I'm sure no one here condones what happened with the Zebra killings in the 1970's by the NOI nor agree with all or even much of what Farrakhan says, especially from the past. However, I've heard Farrakhan include "Whites", along with "Blacks" and "Hispanics" when speaking about those suffering damage at the hands of the Zionists, International Bankers, and NWO miscreants, so there is some crossover of philosophy. As the old saying goes..."the enemy of our enemy is our friend"...? It's not all "black and white" (no pun intended) but many shades of gray, at least as far as this subject is concerned, IMO.
I'm not a "fan" of the NOI...but they do have some common ground with the WN movement. I don't "like" Farrakhan, but I respect some of his positions & his racial pride (as we WNs have in our race). As Thrashen alluded to above, the NOI gave WN legend G.L. Rockwell a platform to address the common ground of "voluntary" segregation, anti-miscegenation, etc.


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
If any thing Whites who are pissed should be more like Loius, but from our prespective. The MSM will never come down as hard, with him being black though. I do think BO will not establish a no fly zone over there. The 1st smart thing he has done. Already the tribe's neocons are begging For a no fly zone.
Good dude?  A guy who hates whites and would wipe them off the face of this earth in a second....[/QUOTE]

Not sure I'd call him "good," either, but so what if he doesn't like white people? I don't want to integrate with him (or to borrow from Eric Holder, with "his people").
About the only thing I see in common between WN and Farrakhan is the recognition that Jewish globalists are running the show, and must be exposed.

Although the PTB have been somewhat successful in muting him, he is a dilemma to them in that he is black.
The Nation of Islam encourages its followers to live drug and alcohol free lives, dress respectably, marry within their own race, and be responsible parents. The black community and the disintegration of the black family unit isn't entirely their own fault; the replacement of the black father with the government, in the form of welfare and other handouts, greatly speeded up the process; drugs and feminism finished the job. The same thing is happening to the white family structure and for many of the same reasons.
The guy that started the whole thing was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and I remember him having many positive things to say about George Lincoln Rockwell. Dixie, I believe that picture of George Lincoln Rockwell is from 1962 Saviour's Day Celebration in Chicago.Edited by: jcolec02
jcole02, I like your avatar. It looks great! Do you have tiger blood running through your vains? LOL
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