Family Goy

Comedy and humor are greatvehicles forpropaganda. White peoplewill embrace every suggestion, andanyform of deviant behavioraccompaniedby a laugh track.
About 15-20 years ago, you would see quite a bit of female nudity in movies. I read somewhere that many actresses did not like it, but the producers and directors forced it on them. Some actresses, when they became a big enough star, insisted on no nude scenes.
WHAT THE F@*#>!?!?!?!? that f-ing garbage was shown on television?!?!
TV is such a reflection of tribe's worst aspects that it is self parodying satire. You could ask the creators of
South Park why jews and their strange religious habits are never lampooned, but that might take away from your self pitying. We are all becoming jews, whiny little bitch people.