Even the Weather Channel

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I watched the Weather Channel a fair amount in its early days as I find weather in general interesting, but little in recent years. Browsed there a bit ago to get the latest local forecast and lo and behold three of the four meterologists on-set were of the Magical Race, the one that's just over one-tenth of the population.

It's nothing short of astounding the way the black presence on TV has been ratcheted up in the past few years, from it's long-standing extreme over-representation, to an off the charts omnipresence.

In "real life" I would be shocked if the percentage of black U.S. meterologists is anything but less than their proportion of the general population. But in the cultural communist run "mainstream" media, blacks are most of those seen in prestigious jobs and positions, and in general now seem to comprise a majority of people seen overall in advertising (every commercial must have a black, but it's perfectly fine to have all black casts in others) and as anchors and reporters for many shows. Additionally, most "non-fictional" TV content is now centered around the "black experience" -- the lives of blacks, the ongoing "oppression" of blacks, the "first black" this and that, ad infinitum.

The Caste System in sports of extremist black over-representation has spread from the field of play to reporters, announcers, and coaches, and from there is spreading to everything else that is presented to the masses on television. But no one is supposed to say anything about this highly racist construct, because to do so results in the observer himself being branded as the one who's "racist" for mentioning its existence.
I'm all but convinced the system is intent on spreading the Caste System throughout the government-corporate media to every nook and cranny of The Matrix they present to the masses. Blacks here, there and everywhere on television these days, the onslaught is amazing. The goal appears to be presenting blacks as not only some kind of gifted master race, but as the clear majority of Americans.

Even when the Oscars were blasted for having too many "White" nominees (White in the loosest definition possible), it was more than made up for in other ways as this article details:

The Blackest White Oscars Ever


1-Oscars - they live montage.jpg
I was hoping with Ferguson and Garner that people had hit peak negro and the tide would turn. I sense that with people I talk to but of course the media has not changed and is still all in on it.

It seems like there is a negative feedback loop on blacks that is spiraling out of control as black everything gets ratcheted up with less enthusiasm for it. There is a building pressure as the repressive culture against saying anything bad crashes against the reality of the problems being caused.

It will be interesting to see how the new Will Smith movie does. From what I saw in commercials the plot of the movie is hot white blonde woman goes crazy for black guy. I don't see much of an audience for this, apart from race mixing skanks. But maybe Will Smiths popularity can carry it.

I also wonder how good the black audience will be, this kind of thing has to piss off black women who are open about not liking their mens being taken. Hard to imagine many black women enjoying going to this movie. On the other hand from what I have seen of young people they have had the instinctive repulsion of mixed race relationships totally brain-washed out of them. 24-7 of mixed race relationships and black heroes on TV and movies has pretty much been successful.
It will be interesting to see how the new Will Smith movie does. From what I saw in commercials the plot of the movie is hot white blonde woman goes crazy for black guy ...

I also wonder how good the black audience will be, this kind of thing has to piss off black women who are open about not liking their mens being taken. Hard to imagine many black women enjoying going to this movie.

If the propagandists are smart, they will have the usual muh dik storyline to titillate and indoctrinate, but will have the white woman swindle him at the end. That way, the white woman gets to be the whore and evil, so black women can still be pleased with the outcome, and white women can think themselves clever.
Yeah, this constant race-mixing propaganda makes me literally sick to my stomach. The end goal is the full-scale mixing of whites with the other races (and hence our final destruction). They're not even concealing their designs anymore, they just expect the goy to accept it without thinking critically. It's so obvious at this point. I can't fathom how people can miss it.
It amazes me how pussified this country is, even though it has a thousand overseas military bases, troops on the ground in most nations of the world, and who knows how many wars and secret wars going on at any given time.

School never used to be delayed or canceled where I live because of cold temperatures or "wind chills," which is a term that wasn't even used until fairly recently. But now, when the actual temperature drops to near zero or a little below, many school districts delay or outright cancel classes. We're supposed to get some sub-zero days each winter, it goes with the territory, but now it's high drama when it occurs. Similarly, it used to take at least a good half foot of snow for kids to get a day off, now a couple inches seems to result in delays and cancellations.

When I lived in Vegas it always amused me how rain or the threat of rain was played up on the local news like some ominous event like a major snowstorm. But when I moved back to Pittsburgh it had become almost as bad here. The on-air weather people now were called the "Severe Weather Center" on the channel I usually watch, even though Pittsburgh gets severe weather only a few times at most in a given year. Now the weather forecast often leads off the local fake news broadcasts, and each meteorologist is always sure to urge all viewers to take the proper precautions, even for rain. And though they brag about their fancy new instruments, the forecasts are more inaccurate than ever, which always tickles me.

My rant for the day.
School never used to be delayed or canceled where I live because of cold temperatures or "wind chills," which is a term that wasn't even used until fairly recently. But now, when the actual temperature drops to near zero or a little below, many school districts delay or outright cancel classes. We're supposed to get some sub-zero days each winter, it goes with the territory, but now it's high drama when it occurs. Similarly, it used to take at least a good half foot of snow for kids to get a day off, now a couple inches seems to result in delays and cancellations.
With this it boils down to the lack of personal responsibility and responsibility for one's family that has been fostered in by the nanny state. Here in the KC area if it drops to around zero or below in the morning, districts will cancel school because they deem the parents of the small children to be too stupid to properly dress their crumb-crunchers for the weather. And unfortunately in many cases they are correct. How can the wards of the State be expected to purchase (or bother to pick up for free at the local churches) coats for their kids when they need the money for their meth fix??

And unlike the old days when parents would have the responsibility of getting their kids to school when it snowed, or kids actually WALKING to school, nowadays almost every kid is bussed to school. Here, kids can't walk two blocks to school on their own. They must have parent walk them, or they must take the bus. Even if they only live 100 yards from the school! If the district deems the roads to be too treacherous with a lousy inch of snow, school's cancelled.
All last week the local media was in alarmist mode about an upcoming "major snowstorm." Meteorologists began tracking it when it was still in the Pacific Ocean and it dominated the news cycle all week. Pennsylvania's governor declared a "state of emergency" for the entire state. Where I live a foot of snow was predicted. Tons of events scheduled for the weekend were cancelled days ahead of time.

Well, turns out a surge of warmer air pushed up from the south, and the hysterical media's week worth of alarming reports and warnings turned out to be a day of rain instead of a foot of snow. We did get a couple of inches of snow late last night, big deal.

The pussification of society, at least as promoted by the media, just gets worse and worse.
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All last week the local media was in alarmist mode about an upcoming "major snowstorm." Meteorologists began tracking it when it was still in the Pacific Ocean and it dominated the news cycle all week. Pennsylvania's governor declared a "state of emergency" for the entire state. Where I live a foot of snow was predicted. Tons of events scheduled for the weekend were cancelled days ahead of time.

Well, turns out a surge of warmer air pushed up from the south, and the hysterical media's week worth of alarming reports and warnings turned out to be a day of rain instead of a foot of snow. We did get a couple of inches of snow late last night, big deal.

The pussification of society, at least as promoted by the media, just gets worse and worse.
Many years ago I worked upstate Minn. on the Iron Range (well above Duluth). They used to announce absolutely everything on the radio. One morning as we were driving to work, they made an announcement that the Lutheran ladies knitting club was going to meet that evening in the Cook Lutheran church, which I promptly forgot. The next morning on the way to work they announced that the ladies had met as planned except for one lady who had died the previous afternoon. The thing about it is that it snowed furiously that whole night yet the ladies went to the scheduled meeting as if nothing was happening. Correct sir. We're like a bunch of scared children anymore.
I moved south 5 hours and they cancel school and events with an inch of snow. I seriously can't believe it!
I moved south 5 hours and they cancel school and events with an inch of snow. I seriously can't believe it!
I've been thinking about this type of thing for awhile now. I believe in the future people will be ordered to stay indoors during what is deemed inclement weather. I'll probably be dead by then and if I'm not then I'll be relentlessly ticketed and locked up I guess - The good thing about it though is it'll be for my own good.
I've been thinking about this type of thing for awhile now. I believe in the future people will be ordered to stay indoors during what is deemed inclement weather. I'll probably be dead by then and if I'm not then I'll be relentlessly ticketed and locked up I guess - The good thing about it though is it'll be for my own good.

That sounds horrible, but sadly I could see some sort of scenario with this. A weather curfew so to speak. If that were to happen, there's a rule I'll be breaking.
Can't overhype "climate change" without making a big deal out of normal seasonal weather. Good commies never let anything go to waste.
I monitor NBC's nightly hate propaganda report that masquerades as "news" when I can as well as that of the other dinosaur networks and now even they often lead off with semi-hysterical weather warnings. "15 straight days of tornadoes!" NBC shrieked tonight then they cut to Al Roker, who solemnly announced that "61 million people are at risk tomorrow" because of possible tornadoes, storms, and flooding. Only 61 million??? Why not round it up to at least 100 million.

Yes, tornadoes are terrifying and destructive, but even in the country's "tornado alleys" the chance of having one ever hit a person's home is very, very small. Bad storms and floods are nothing to trifle with, but claiming huge swaths of the country are in imminent danger of these events?

The media becomes not only ever more openly biased, but also more infantile in the system's need to control the sheeple through fear and anxiety. Bad weather happens, always has, always will. But what's different is the emphasis on it now, locally and nationally.
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I monitor NBC's nightly hate propaganda report that masquerades as "news" when I can as well as that of the other dinosaur networks and now even they often lead off with semi-hysterical weather warnings. "15 straight days of tornadoes!" NBC shrieked tonight then they cut to Al Roker, who solemnly announced that "61 million people are at risk tomorrow" because of possible tornadoes, storms, and flooding. Only 61 million??? Why not round it up to at least 100 million.

Yes, tornadoes are terrifying and destructive, but even in the country's "tornado alleys" the chance of having one ever hit a person's home is very, very small. Bad storms and floods are nothing to trifle with, but claiming huge swaths of the country are in imminent danger of these events?

The media becomes not only ever more openly biased, but also more infantile in the system's need to control the sheeple through fear and anxiety. Bad weather happens, always has, always will. But what's different is the emphasis on it now, locally and nationally.
Undergirding all of the hysteria is the overarching myth of "manmade climate change". All of these tornadoes and horrendous weather is OUR fault! Nevermind that the historical data shows that we've always had bad weather events and that this is nothing out of the ordinary.

This, from one of my favorite internet sites, shows how environmentalism is simply an offshoot of communism and world government: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/05...ys-and-only-about-achieving-world-government/
Undergirding all of the hysteria is the overarching myth of "manmade climate change". All of these tornadoes and horrendous weather is OUR fault! Nevermind that the historical data shows that we've always had bad weather events and that this is nothing out of the ordinary.

This, from one of my favorite internet sites, shows how environmentalism is simply an offshoot of communism and world government: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/05...ys-and-only-about-achieving-world-government/

No question about that. According to NBC, the number of Americans "at risk" has skyrocketed from a mere 61 million yesterday to 85 million today and tonight. I'm hopeful that we'll breach the 100 million mark tomorrow and maybe by the end of the week every inhabitant of all 48 contiguous states will be "at risk."

We had a series of bad storms here last night and again this afternoon. A fair amount of localized flooding in spots; the biggest problem was a lightning strike that caused an electrical pole to fall and drag others with it across a major interstate, causing it and another interstate that flows into it to be closed until sometime late tonight, with resulting humongous traffic backups. But no deaths have been reported from the bad weather, not even a single injury, just property damage. But the (propaganda) show must go on.
Amen brothers. Also never mentioned is that tornados and other weather is so dangerous because there are so many more damn people in the country. If they weren't adding a million more targets a year then those tornados and storms would be hitting empty corn fields not trailer parts.

The weather service is now naming thunder storms! Anytime the sky gets dark in my area the TV lets loose with that horrid bleating signal and a solemn voice announces that severe weather is in the area, so prepare to die. One thing the weather does expose is our crumbling infrastructure as every heavy wind knocks power out for "millions".
Amen brothers. Also never mentioned is that tornados and other weather is so dangerous because there are so many more damn people in the country. If they weren't adding a million more targets a year then those tornados and storms would be hitting empty corn fields not trailer parts.

The weather service is now naming thunder storms! Anytime the sky gets dark in my area the TV lets loose with that horrid bleating signal and a solemn voice announces that severe weather is in the area, so prepare to die. One thing the weather does expose is our crumbling infrastructure as every heavy wind knocks power out for "millions".
Yep, I yelled at the town council in my town for their "Code Red" phone calls about telling citizens it was going to be a cold/hot day and to dress correctly or stay indoors for the extreme weather as if a citizen had to be told not to wear cold weather clothing on a day in Aug. when the temperature was 98 degrees. They finally did stop those dumb phone calls.
This is one of my favorite miscellaneous threads as it perfectly incapsulates the ever expanding Clown World we live in coupled with the pussification of Amerika 2.0.

As I read and reread the posts here I couldn’t help but think of George Carlin or similar comedians of yesteryear riffing on this absurd phenomenon and using this thread to harvest funny material. After all this type of paranoid hysteria over typical weather is ripe for lampooning. Sadly, comics like that no longer exist. In their place are woke comedians, who merely mouth platitudes of globohomo and the Democratic Party platform. The “punchlines” produce applause from fellow NPCs instead of laughter. The material isn't funny enough, and how can it be when you are only allowed to mock White men and president Blormph, to warrant uncontrollable laughs but merely an agreeable handclap in the communist echo-chamber. I’ll leave it there, as it’s off topic, but it’s just another reminder that our judeo-communist / judeo-corporatist elite have stripped us of all joy and replaced it with anxiety producing fear mongering.
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This is one of my favorite miscellaneous threads as it perfectly incapsulates the ever expanding Clown World we live in coupled with the pussification of Amerika 2.0.

As I read and reread the posts here I couldn’t help but think of George Carlin or similar comedians of yesteryear riffing on this absurd phenomenon and using this thread to harvest funny material. After all this type of paranoid hysteria over typical weather is ripe for lampooning. Sadly, comics like that no longer exist. In their place are woke comedians, who merely mouth platitudes of globohomo and the Democratic Party platform. The “punchlines” produce applause from fellow NPCs instead of laughter. The material isn't funny enough, and how can it be when you are only allowed to mock White men and president Blormph, to warrant uncontrollable laughs but merely an agreeable handclap in the communist echo-camber. I’ll leave it there, as it’s off topic, but it’s just another reminder that our judeo-communist / judeo-corporatist elite have stripped us of all joy and replaced it with anxiety producing fear mongering.

Spot on post. George Carlin was a genius at parsing the English language and how it's used to manipulate and persuade, as well as observing the many absurdities of daily life in the US of A. He's sorely missed, though some of his routines are available on YouTube.

In today's overbearing climate of stifling communist conformity in which making fun of Whites and Christians is still presented as "cutting edge" and "daring" by cultural gatekeepers and change agents, comedy is rarely funny anymore. To the extent I follow such things I find Bill Burr to often be funny. Adam Corolla is now a conservative of sorts but I rarely see or listen to him. He and Jimmy Kimmel were funny on The Man Show 20 years ago, but Kimmel has since become an insufferable self-righteous leftist. Joe Rogan used to be unique but has become more system friendly in recent years. Same with Norm MacDonald after taking a lot of flak for some of his jokes.
I used to listen to Joe Rogan quite a bit, but he has definitely changed over the years. He still is funny and often has his own unique views on things which can be refreshing. I totally forgot that Corolla and Kimmel were on the man show together. Time flies!
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