European Championship 2008

Welcome to Caste Football, Magellan, it's great to have your perspective.
Magallan, I also thought leaving out Mexes, Guily and Squillaci was a bit suspect, Pires however is maybe too old now. That Abidal is rubbish, Malouda has done nothing to Chelsea and does the same for France, Makelele is way past it (as is Thuram) and just fouls anyway, and Henry and Anelka are just so damn lazy!

Hollands team is the whitest it's been in years and just look at how well they are doing! The darkest team in Europe 'France' is out in the group stage and the second darkest team England (my home) didn't even qualify! Things are looking good!
The exclusion of Pires has an "explanation". He allegedly tried to seduce the future wife of Raymond Domenech (true !!!)

And... after the yeterday game, Domenech refused to acknowledged his faults, he prefered proposing wedding to the young journalist committed to comment the game !! (true !!)

everyone is puzzled and schocked by this lack of decency. Among the commentators after the game, on the same channel, two made public their support for Italy (both french from italian origin : David Ginola for instance)

in the french news today, no one understand why he had not selected Mexès, Flamini.

The list of players not selected by Domenech :

- Pires (problem with the future wife of Domenech)

- Giuly (??? no explanation !). He was a creative and technical player, just the opposite of the would-be bodybuilders that he selected

- Mexès : no explanation. Domenech began to ruin the international career of this player, a subtle and technical player far more clever than Abidal, Gallas or Boumsong (three heavy players, among them two were injuried !). The result : Thuram (36 years) was a catastroph, and Abidal was excluded by the referee. You should know that Thuram is politically committed : he is would-be politician, engaged in the High Council for Integration (dedicated to bolten immigrants in France)

- Flamini : no explanation. Domenech preferred chose Patrick Vieira, an injuried old player that was unable to play even a single game during the tournament and that clashed with Patrick Evra

- Rothen : no explanation. His club (PSG) was very very bad this season, but Rothen is an agressive and technical player, who can, unlike other french players, deliver good passes, good centers and strike at point blank

- Sylvain Armand : not selected. His club (PSG) was bad, but unlike Thuram, Gallas, Abidal, Henry or Sagnol, he played and could very well be better than Sagnol or Abidal

- Squillaci : selected but he did not play a single game during the tournament. He is a center defender, but after the catastrophic Thuram, Domenech chose not him but Abidal, a lateral defender not very good obviously (totally shut down by Luca Toni). Squillaci is of course a subtle and elegant defender

- Yoann Micoud : slow and physically weak, but elegant and creative midfielder. Big gun in Germany, but Domenech not even gave him a shot !

- Trezeguet : and old but very accurate shooter. He was this season best marker in Italy !

In fact, among this list, all players were white and were excluded, save Trezeguet (a mullatoo), for no valuable reason. Domenech selected old, tired and sometimes injuried black players.

You should know also that the official hymn for the french team this year was about "tolerance" and the fact that "our differences (in France) made us superior". Has everybody see the superiority of our team ??? It is irrelevant and really pitiful

last but not least : the italian player Gattuso had said to a french newspaper that the "french were weird, had a lot of big black players, true beasts, but utterly stupid from the tactical viewpoint". He made clear that the french soccer officials prefer only physical players (???) with no other qualities. With such criterias, players as Platini would not have been professional ! Even Ribery, in his youth, was excluded from soccer training (he is small and physically not impressive, despite his high speed and agressive attitude)
heey Magellan good posts white brother.
The only thing I dont understand is that you see the black players as very strong.Gallas is a ''beast" 72 kg and gallas 75kg.The first goal from the match holland french kuyt fully controles a black player and scored.But blacks have little bit lower natural bodyfat(the fat your don't want to lose) that is the reason you see the muscles more on them.tho survive in the cold climate whites neaded a bit more fat to survive than the people in hot africa.they loke more masculair without shirt becuasee of that but I don't think they are stronger.
Welcome to the board Magellan. I also enjoyed seeing the french knocked out of the tournament by the Italians as I watched it live. I especially enjoyed seeing them play a man down for a majority of the match because a certain black player couldn't keep his temper. For the same player to be redcarded and give up a penalty kick on the same play is pathetic.

A player worth watching in this tournament so far is Lucas Podolski of Germany. He's one of the leading goal scorers in the tournament and in my opinion Germany's best player with all due respect to Ballack, Klose and the extremely quick Lamm. Podolski has incredible pace and seems to get under the skin of the opposition quite often. Go Germany, they will need some good fortune to get by talented Portugal, a team that plays with alot of flair and creativity and the world's best player Cristiano Ronaldo.Edited by: guest301
yeah Waterbed, you are right : it is a misunderstanding and i was only repeating the commonplaces in french newspaper about black athletes strenght (it is why i put exclamation points and quotes)

in fact, when you look at the french winning team in 1998, Desailly (black) was in fact a physical monster, but also Petit (a french descendant of Viking), Lizarazu (a small Basque from southern France) were impressive...

yesterday the physical strenght was obviously on the side of Luca Toni, the gigantic italian striker. Had he been less clumsy that he could have score 5 goals to Italy...

in fact, i think that Domenech, who was before the trainer of the french youth team and that contributed to the blackenization of the team, has an uncounscious inferiority complex toward blacks. In fact, he also seem to prefer black to arabs. For instance, Karim Benzema, a young Kabyl (the whiter arabs, like Zidane), had not played the game against the Netherlands. Domenech, to the astonishment of the commentators, chose to put the young black Gomis

the last one is so black he looks blue. I don't know his biography, but given his looks, i'd bet he was born in Africa. You know : african-born black people often look and behave differently than europe-born black people. Their features and their facial expressions are different, and Gomis looks more like an african than a black suburban in France

N.B : i checked it on the internet. In fact, Gomis was born in the southern France, but could have played for an african team. He was asked by the Senegal to play the africa cup 2008, but prefered to play for France

about black strenght, i agree with you. This year, i tried Free fight in France. There were a lot of blacks in my club. Only one clearly beat me, and not everytime yet. I beat the ten others, including a Malian (108 kilos), a Nigerian (100 kilos +) and other nationalities. I am myself 1 m 80 and 85-88 kilos

I did never fight with blacks before, except in the streets some times and the first time i was against a black in free fight, i was surprised to be more powerful

in fact, i wondered how i could master guys that looked more muscular than me. I think you are right about fat and muscle being differently dispatched. I found out that one can, with eyes closed, guess that one's opponent is black : their skin is softer, like silk and the quality of the flesh is quite different

they indeed look more muscular than they are. Furthermore, some of them could benefit of a better range (long arms and legs), but they have absolutely no benefit once on the ground

also : it's obvious that whites population (including arabs and maybe asiatics) grow slowler than most blacks. In my freefight club, i was the older and i am now 10 or 15 kilos heavier than i was years before. I m slower at running, but much more powerful. When i looked at my white counterparts, they were mostly thin and light at identical ages compared with the blacks

what was odd too was the behaviour of some blacks. The first time i came to train, a black uttered in the room that he "wanted to fight only with negroes". Later in the year, he was regurlarly congratuling black fighters for "having fought like a black man". If i myseld had said something like that, i would have been excluded i think...

funny too. The same black that said that was accompanied all the first trainings by his girlfriend, a nice but not too pretty mulatoo

guess what ? at the end of the year, when some white girls joined us, his girlfriend stopped coming and he tried to seduce them, sometimes harassing them during the training

at one moment, the whole group laughed when our trainer said to him in public "stop running after her like a savage coveting the priest's daughter"

in fact, he had forgotten all his bullsh*t about black pride and communautarism, as soon as a white girl ass had shown !
Interesting comments and anecdotes about "black strength". I agree that its completely overrated, One anecdote from my own life. I played (American) football in high school--I was a defensive tackle. But before high school, I had been raised on a steady diet of propaganda about "black pride" and 'black strength" and " duh badass black man"; so I was slightly apprehensive as we played schools with larger black populations. I was surprised to find out that their runners and lineman were weaker than the whites. Their runners seemed to collapse quicker when tackled--they were shifty, but once you got a grip on them they went down with little or no effort. Sometime it seemed you could move them about like mannequins. Their body mass seemed to have little inner strength like there was no central energy core, or maybe it was just these particular runners.

I think the difference in body structure and mass may account for why whites dominate wrestling and blacks do so poorly in wrestling.
Germany is a very exciting game to watch downed Portugal 3-2. Bastian Schweinsteiger newly inserted in to the starting lineup scored a goal and assisted on the other two by Ballack and Klose. Portugal looked horrible on the set plays of the much taller Germans and the portuguese goalie wasn't nearly aggressive enough on set plays and waited for the ball to come to him. It cost them the game. I am hoping Crotia beats Turkey tommorrow to set up the rematch with Germany in the semifinals. International soccer is so much fun to watch and to listen to the German people sing loudly all through the game this afternoon was glorious to behold.Edited by: guest301
I understand it now Magellan.

if you google:black french soccer teamall articles are the same and say: whites are racist, black are good and powerhouse and other minorites are great players and other places like in politics most be like the french soccer team blah blah
I wonder if they write tommorow that the germans did so well because of his white players and that they are strong and have good endurance.I don't bet my money on it
Waterbed :

yeah you're right. If you were in France in 1998, you would have seen all the propaganda following the french victory. "SOS-Racisme" - a leftist bunch of african supporters; close to the socialist government - tried to convince french people that it was a shame that the father and mother of Zidane had no right to vote in elections (they did not care, obviously, filling a form for the french nationality...)

but... about the last defeat of yesterday; i had the feeling that some people and some journalists were fed up with stupid coaching from Domenech and too much affirmative action

for instance, some journalists made strange comments about the redcarding of Abidal. They said it was a "double peine", referring to a controversial debate in France : formerly, foreigners convicted of crime could be drove in their country. Leftists were at this time lobbying because it was a scandal for them that an african can be expelled back in his country for having committed crime (if he had not yet the french nationality)

it's looks nothing, but it reveals a comparison between Abidal and african immigrants... not very politically correct indeed...

Solomon Kane :

you know what ? i was about to write the same thing as you. When fighting and grappling with the so-called "superior race", i had the feeling that my white muscles were indeed more powerful than their. It stroke me, just like you. I had the feeling that my body cells were more efficient, despite the fact that i was feeling the proeminent muscles of my opponent in my hand !

but... it could also have been because you and I are not followers of black supremacy. Even when i was a pure "non-racist", when i was playing soccer as a teenager, i took playing against blacks like a challenge and made sure that i was giving the best of myself.

I could be all psychological at the end !

I think the challenger/champion factor can explain much of the blacks successes and of the white spectacular come-backs : when you are the challenger, you are most motivated and you are on the rise. And sometimes it could take a generation to fill the gap between challenging and winning.
Turkey had just qualified, and in my french city i can hear several turkish supporters in their cars, screaming. I think it is the same thing in all the suburban areas of France. Turkish are not our biggest immigrant communities, but they are plenty, still

One of the car had just passed under my window, with a turkish girl waving their flag. Don't really care : i do not have problem with the turkish. They are, on the whole, nice enough people

too bad that we, the french, could not support a true national team no more

the good thing is that Domenech is being, these days, blamed in all newspapers and in the whole european press as an idiot

they are talking about Didier Deschamps as new trainer. He is liable to be less stupid than Domenech, maybe !

Edited by: Magellan
Germany should beat the Turks in the semifinals on paper because they are more talented and the turks will be missing at least four starters because of too may yellow and red cards. That being said, they are on a incredible roll and not to be taken lightly. I wish Greece and Turkey had been in the same bracket because I would have loved to see two enemies forced to play each other where the stakes and passions are so high. It makes for good drama and at the end of the match, hopefully nice sportsmanship between the two teams.
Matra1 said:
Saw this picture at a serbian blog called Gray Falcon


OK the image will not upload so here's the link

Apparently it is somewhere in Germany.

Saw the picture. That sure isn't the German flag.
It reminds me of the matches the USA plays against Mexico on US soil, sometimes over half the crowd are rooting for the Mexicans and waving their flags. "Beat the gringos".
Well I am headed home to watch the Holland-Russia match. Not sure who i am rooting for but I always have enjoyed watching the Dutch star Arjen Robben on the pitch. Glad he's healthy now.
Russia 3 The Netherlands 1 in extra time. The Russians full value for the win. The Dutch were incredible in the group stage but were out played today when it counted.
If Italy wins against Spain, 3 of the 4 finalists will start all-white squads. Even Spain and Turkey only start one black a piece (what the heck is a black man doing in Turkey???).

Meanwhile, the mostly black French side is long gone. So much for the "blacks are better athletes" nonsense.
I'm not and never have been that much of a soccer fan, but I think it's absolutely great to turn on the TV and see a major sporting event -- and one that blacks participate in heavily -- that features so many white athletes for the world to see on national network.

I hope some white kids somewhere in America will see it and realize they don't suck as badly as MTV tells them they do.
yeah... i m currently living with my girlfriend and our daughter in the area described by the author (Les Ulis and Viry-Chatillon, where Thierry Henry once played), in a housing project

we indeed have a basket playground just besides our building. But i can testify that the neighbourghood youth, including blacks and whites, are more interested in growing and raising huge dogs than playing sports lol lol
Russia is getting alot of consistent praise from the announcers calling the game for it's incredible youth and quickness. Yes I said quickness and the other adjectives they have used to describe them, speed and pace. I would love to see the Russians go up against Cameroon or Nigeria to compare speed.
too bad about Italy...but maybe not...10 out of the 11 spanish starters are white. as long as the lone black starter doesn't get an official goal...its OK.

BTW, did anyone see the spanish black guy over-celebrate his successful PK during the shootout? Come on dude, PK's are what...75-85% successful? take it in stride. You're supposed to make them.

I wouldn't mind seeing Russia win the cup...(I agree with Angelcynn about Arshavin...dynamite!), because they are really the last European nation with a totally white consciousness. They remind us that there is nothing wrong with thinking about your nation as having a traditional racial identity and maintaining it.

In fact all of the Slavic nations have something to teach us in this regard. Maybe the victory of an all white Russia in the euro cup combined with Zenit's win in the UEFA will prompt the European conscience to limit third world immigration.

Germany v. turkey on wednesday! go Germany!
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