

Dec 22, 2004
Lots of pre WC media talk about racism in Europe against black players, mainly imported players. Seems to me that most everyone in this group would not resort to name calling at stadiums and in public etc... and it seems over the top. But the media also blindly ignores one of the roots of it. Basically the underlying theme that blacks are superior therefor they will take the glory away from the Euro natives. And most often the imports play the flashier positions like striker /forward etc and score goals and grab all the headlines..
Human nature --- if the media insists blacks are faster and superior and blacks "take over" the sporting events---one can understand the frustration building in the white euros who are beginning to feel not only inferior but left out. The media pretty much neglects that angle and just sees it as some kind of Nazi reaction. The media cannot seem to figure out what causes racial distress.
The black guy in ESPN's Pardon the Interruption said the other day that he considered going to the World Cup but won't go because of the racism. He then said he was worried about the safety of a friend (mixed race) who's reporting from the World Cup. Apparently an anti-black pogrom could break out at any time!
That is total rubbish.
The world cup has teams from all over the world - made up of players and fans of evry color you can imagine. This is because qualification is done on a regional basis. So East Asian, South Asian, Arab, African, South American, North American, and European nations are all represented.
There could be violence - but the worst violence has always been between differnt groups of rival white european "fans".
devans said:
That is total rubbish.
The world cup has teams from all over the world - made up of players and fans of evry color you can imagine. This is because qualification is done on a regional basis. So East Asian, South Asian, Arab, African, South American, North American, and European nations are all represented.
There could be violence - but the worst violence has always been between differnt groups of rival white european "fans".

Thats a good point,their wont be any racism in the world cup due to the fact that most fans geniuinly appreciate the fact that different nations and regions of the world are represented,it makes the competition more exciting.In Europe,the climate is different from that of the world cup.The fans in European stadiums are using football and the booing and jeering of Black players to voice their discontent about enforced multiculturalism and the mass third world immigration their nations are experiencing.Its no coincidence that racist chanting has become increasingly commonplace in country's like Italy and Spain as their immigration problems have worsened over the past ten years.The media will never put that point across though as its a little too deep for them.Thay'd just rather portray these fans as mindless thugs.
The ominous thing is teams in league play will be penalized if their fans say bad things (I heard as much as three points in the standings). How does one determine if a chant or a comment is racist? If a black player is booed for any reason, even a bad or thuggish play, is that racist? Are only black players protected from hurtful speech?

The WC will penalize a team if a player or coach says something racist. Once again, how would this be established? 'Eh ref, that Mexican player called me a mayate. I think that deserves a free kick under FIFA guidelines, don't you agree?'

I do feel sorry for the blacks who react so poorly to the insults, but they hardly help matters when they cry, pick up the ball and refuse to let the game proceed. Very Hollywood in their thinking. Hey, pay me millions to play a child's game and you can insult me and throw all the bananas you want.

Germany's part-Ghanian player entered the last part of the game. Announcer says, '...oh yummy, he is so fast, I'm so thrilled to see him enter the game, though late it is, he can run like the wind, 10.9 in the 100 meteres, I may swoon...' Or something like that.

Which tends to make Sunshine's point, such unthinking fawning over blacks is bound to cause resentment.
The brawling between the fans is hardly racial but nationalistic. I guess the extreme whackos may take it to that but a snow white fan wearing a brazilian jersey will get bashed by the lunatic brit,german, dutch fan the same as someone of of colour..
it's hard for americans to understand, but a large percentage of the
people in most european countries want their societies to stay white
and aren't afraid to say it in public.
We had our first racial brawls of the world cup. Nary a black face was a victim. Hardcore Polish nationalists took it to the streets and were quickly sent to the paddy wagons waiting for the lunatic fringe.........
Edited by: white is right
Man arrested for 'racist' tweet

You can't even tweet without being arrested in the UK. Just like good party members, many people called the police on him.

[h=1]Fabrice Muamba: Racist Twitter comments admitted by Swansea student[/h]
Liam Stacey admitted a racially-aggravated public order offence

Continue reading the main story[h=2]Related Stories[/h]

A student has admitted posting racially offensive comments on Twitter about footballer Fabrice Muamba.
Liam Stacey, 21, appeared at Swansea magistrates' court after tweeting about the Bolton Wanderers player who collapsed during a FA Cup tie against Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday.
The 23-year-old, who suffered a cardiac arrest, remains critically ill.
Stacey, a Swansea University student from Pontypridd, admitted a racially-aggravated public order offence.
He was arrested after his comments on the social networking site were reported by other users.
He has been released on bail and is due to be sentenced on 27 March,
Prosecutor Lisa Jones told the court: "Fabrice Muamba collapsed on the pitch and was believed to have died."
The court heard shortly afterwards Stacey posted the offensive comments.
Magistrates were told police forces across Britain received complaints following the comments.
Stacey tried to "distance himself" from the tweets by claiming his account had been hacked, the court was told.
Magistrates heard he later tried to delete his page but he was arrested on Sunday at his student house in Swansea.
Fabrice Muamba, 23, collapsed during a match on Saturday

When interviewed by police, Stacey said he had been drinking since lunchtime on Saturday and was drunk when he made the comments.
He told police: "I was at the bar when I heard what had happened to Muamba. I don't know why I posted it.
"I'm not racist and some of my friends are from different cultural backgrounds."
Stacey was close to tears as the evidence was given about his tweets.
The court heard he later texted a friend and said: "I said something about Muamba that I shouldn't have and tweeted back to some people who abused me. Getting police on me now which isn't good at all."
Stacey was told in court that he could be jailed over the comments.
He has been bailed until he is sentenced and has been ordered not to use Twitter and other social networking sites.
You can't even tweet without being arrested in the UK. Just like good party members, many people called the police on him.

Fabrice Muamba: Racist Twitter comments admitted by Swansea student

iam Stacey admitted a racially-aggravated public order offence
Continue reading the main storyRelated Stories

A student has admitted posting racially offensive comments on Twitter about footballer Fabrice Muamba.
Liam Stacey, 21, appeared at Swansea magistrates' court after tweeting about the Bolton Wanderers player who collapsed during a FA Cup tie against Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday.
The 23-year-old, who suffered a cardiac arrest, remains critically ill.
Stacey, a Swansea University student from Pontypridd, admitted a racially-aggravated public order offence.
He was arrested after his comments on the social networking site were reported by other users.
He has been released on bail and is due to be sentenced on 27 March,
Prosecutor Lisa Jones told the court: "Fabrice Muamba collapsed on the pitch and was believed to have died."
The court heard shortly afterwards Stacey posted the offensive comments.
Magistrates were told police forces across Britain received complaints following the comments.
Stacey tried to "distance himself" from the tweets by claiming his account had been hacked, the court was told.
Magistrates heard he later tried to delete his page but he was arrested on Sunday at his student house in Swansea.
abrice Muamba, 23,llapsed during a match on Saturday
When interviewed by police, Stacey said he had been drinking since lunchtime on Saturday and was drunk when he made the comments.
He told police: "I was at the bar when I heard what had happened to Muamba. I don't know why I posted it.
"I'm not racist and some of my friends are from different cultural backgrounds."
Stacey was close to tears as the evidence was given about his tweets.
The court heard he later texted a friend and said: "I said something about Muamba that I shouldn't have and tweeted back to some people who abused me. Getting police on me now which isn't good at all."
Stacey was told in court that he could be jailed over the comments.
He has been bailed until he is sentenced and has been ordered not to use Twitter and other social networking sites.

Is this supposed to be a joke? How does the UK, arguably a more progressive society than the U.S., not have basic freedom of speech laws? This is almost as bad as Islamic Sharia Law.
Now people are calling someone racist and a xenophobe because someone criticized Wenger.

Look at this exchange in the comments section of The Sun.

your comments go past xenophobia and border on the racist. The Empire is dead, get used to it. Maybe if we listen to this Frenchman we might not burn out the best young midfielder this country has produced since Paul Scholes.

Here is the original comment that above comment is referring to as racist:

If Wilshere is selected for England or the Olympics, Wenger has NO say. Why should a Frenchman get to decide if an English player goes to a tournament? In Spain the clubs don't have this problem they encourage their players to go with the National team. The FA should tell Wenger to Foxtrot Oscar. FIFA has given National Associations the power to call up players and their clubs CANNOT refuse. I hope the next England manager really puts the clubs in their place with regards to this.

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Read more:
You can't even tweet without being arrested in the UK. Just like good party members, many people called the police on him.

Fabrice Muamba: Racist Twitter comments admitted by Swansea student

Liam Stacey admitted a racially-aggravated public order offence

Continue reading the main storyRelated Stories

A student has admitted posting racially offensive comments on Twitter about footballer Fabrice Muamba.
Liam Stacey, 21, appeared at Swansea magistrates' court after tweeting about the Bolton Wanderers player who collapsed during a FA Cup tie against Tottenham Hotspur on Saturday.
The 23-year-old, who suffered a cardiac arrest, remains critically ill.
Stacey, a Swansea University student from Pontypridd, admitted a racially-aggravated public order offence.
He was arrested after his comments on the social networking site were reported by other users.
He has been released on bail and is due to be sentenced on 27 March,
Prosecutor Lisa Jones told the court: "Fabrice Muamba collapsed on the pitch and was believed to have died."
The court heard shortly afterwards Stacey posted the offensive comments.
Magistrates were told police forces across Britain received complaints following the comments.
Stacey tried to "distance himself" from the tweets by claiming his account had been hacked, the court was told.
Magistrates heard he later tried to delete his page but he was arrested on Sunday at his student house in Swansea.
Fabrice Muamba, 23, collapsed during a match on Saturday

When interviewed by police, Stacey said he had been drinking since lunchtime on Saturday and was drunk when he made the comments.
He told police: "I was at the bar when I heard what had happened to Muamba. I don't know why I posted it.
"I'm not racist and some of my friends are from different cultural backgrounds."
Stacey was close to tears as the evidence was given about his tweets.
The court heard he later texted a friend and said: "I said something about Muamba that I shouldn't have and tweeted back to some people who abused me. Getting police on me now which isn't good at all."
Stacey was told in court that he could be jailed over the comments.
He has been bailed until he is sentenced and has been ordered not to use Twitter and other social networking sites.

UPDATE: The guy got 56 DAYS is jail for a tweet. I am sure he won't serve the whole thing, but it is ridiculous.

What is racist about saying LOL F--- Muamba. He's Dead.

From the BBC

A student who admitted posting racially offensive comments on Twitter about footballer Fabrice Muamba has been jailed for 56 days.
Swansea University student Liam Stacey, 21, from Pontypridd, admitted inciting racial hatred over remarks about the Bolton Wanderers player, who collapsed during a FA Cup tie at Tottenham.
A district judge in Swansea called the comments "vile and abhorrent".
Muamba, 23, who suffered a cardiac arrest, is still in intensive care.
Sentencing Stacey at Swansea Magistrates' Court, District Judge John Charles told him: "In my view, there is no alternative to an immediate prison sentence.
"It was not the football world who was praying for [Muamba].... everybody was praying for his life."
Stacey broke down in tears as he was led away to begin his jail term.
As he passed the public gallery, he was briefly embraced by friends and his parents.
A second year biology student at Swansea, Stacey was arrested after his comments on the social networking site were reported by other users.
A number of people challenged Stacey on Twitter following his first comment, and he responded with a number of offensive posts aimed at other Twitter users.
Fabrice Muamba, 23, remains critically ill after collapsing during a match on 17 March

Last week the court heard how Stacey posted the offensive comments shortly after the former England Under-21 star collapsed during the FA Cup quarter-final at White Hart Lane on 17 March.
Magistrates were told police forces across Britain received complaints following the comments.
Stacey tried to "distance himself" from the tweets by claiming his account had been hacked, the court was told.
He later tried to delete his page but was arrested the following day at his student house in Swansea.
When interviewed by police, Stacey said he had been drinking since lunchtime on Saturday and was drunk when he made the comments.
Stacey was initially released on bail pending sentence and was ordered not to use Twitter and other social networking sites.
Jim Brisbane, chief crown prosecutor for CPS Cymru-Wales, said: "Racist language is inappropriate in any setting and through any media.
"We hope this case will serve as a warning to anyone who may think that comments made online are somehow beyond the law."
A Swansea University spokesperson said: "The student remains suspended from the university pending the conclusion of our disciplinary proceedings."
Stacey has also been de-registered as a player with Treorchy rugby club, where he has turned out for the second team on occasions.

More people are likely to be prosecuted for making racist comments on Twitter, says media law expert Prof Duncan Bloy

Club chairman Andrew Jones said: "We haven't met as a committee yet but we recognise the need to respond at the earliest possible opportunity and we've taken the decision to de-register him as a player at Treorchy Rugby Football Club as of today."
He added: "Like other members of the public, we as a club in no way support the comments made and the last thing we would want would be to associate ourselves with them.
"I sincerely hope he takes time to reflect on his actions."
There has also been a reaction on Twitter to the sentence, with Lord Sugar - former Spurs chairman - saying "Be warned idiots!," while Gary Lineker posted "Let it be a warning to all you immature souls. #thinkbeforeyoutweet"
Muamba remains in intensive care in a London hospital where his condition is described as serious but stable.
Bolton and Tottenham played their re-arranged FA Cup fixture on Tuesday evening, with a minute's applause before kic

Look out. I was just watching highlights of the Borussia Dortmund v Bayern Munich match. Bananas were thrown by Dortmund fans on to the the pitch presumably directed at some Bayern players. BD won the match 1-0 but I wonder if there'll be some punishment for this incident.
American Freedom News