ESPN will Quit Showing Baseball

The ESPN talking head shows from 9AM to 5PM have catered to the unemployed black since ~2008. The topics are low IQ and focused on the Cowboys and Lebron. When I see it on at the gym I just shake my head.
One of the most annoying things about the gym I go to is what’s on the tv is espn and cnn. Thankfully with trash like that it’s hard for me to get distracted!
BSPN has been a key in the anti-White subversion that runs rampant in sports. It is to televised media as Sports Illustrated was to print media in terms of pushing the anti-White athlete agenda. As a kid in the 90s I did enjoy watching Baseball Tonight and Sunday Night Baseball. The coverage of the game by ESPN has been pathetic, it is right above Hockey and below the WNBA, Soccer, NBA and NFL. BSPN has become an awful network full of black racist talking heads essentially proving every stereotype of a black true. Loud mouth, incoherent, irrational, overly-emotional, cackling etc. The gynozation of the network has also become apparent with unqualified women taking over the anchor roles.

That's not to say that the MLB is not to blame. The league has struggled and developed too many stupid rules to ruin what was once a great and near perfect game. Bring back the pre-1994 rules in baseball and the fans come back. A game where the hitters can not hit out of a shift because they try to pull the ball, hit homeruns or strike out isn't anything close to the small ball era. Juiced balls, HGH, steroids, starting pitchers only lasting 6 innings, the pitch clock, starting at 2nd in extra innings all need to go away.
MLB should stream most/all their games on YouTube. Easy to find, youngsters will watch, can donate easily, can thumbs up, can get advertising revenue, can chat, on everybody's cell phone. But now we have blackouts and weird Balleys? apps.
American Freedom News