Eric Weddle in the NFL

Apparently, Mr. Weddle's big contract has got some of the "brothas" in the league upset a bit. Here is a link to a San Diego Charger forum thread started today about the deal. Unbelievably, the thread is like 50 pages long, with the content more and more delving into the racial aspects of black players making negative comments about one of their NFL "brothers" "getting paid". Warren Sapp came out and said something to the effect of "why would you pay that much to someone you couldn't pick out of a lineup".....someone posted a response that said "lineups are something that Warren Sapp is very familiar with" along with his mug shot....LMAO. One poster on the thread just flat out comes out and says this is all because Weddle is white....good read:
I read the first half dozen pages and everyone seemed happy until the dollar amount was revealed. One poster writes that Weddle will never compare to Polamalu and Reed, lol two perpetually injured guys. And they're thrilled that the Chargers now have Bob Sanders, forgetting that he plays about one game per season before getting injured.

My impression of the early FA signings is that the owners are throwing around considerably more money than before, so Weddle's contract won't seem that extraordinary as other players continue to be signed to big money. At any rate he's definitely an elite safety; watch the Chargers on defense and he's almost always near the ball carrier when not actually making tackles. If they let him roam more he'll make more interceptions, which seems to be the only statistic a lot of DWFs care about.
Jamie Dukes and Warren Sapp openly ridiculed the signing of Weddle. These black announcers don't even attempt to hide their hostility towards white players. Meanwhile, reliable Rich Eisen stated to Sapp, "Now you said they gave all that money to a guy no one could pick out of a lineup."

If you put all the NFL safeties together, it would actually be quite easy to pick Weddle out of the lineup.
Warren Sapp has to be the most disgusting, vile black pig on television. I dislike him ever more than the racist Keyshawn Johnson and that's saying a lot. I watched a few minutes of the NFL Network yesterday and I couldn't stand listening to Sapp anymore . The guy has the iq of a 12 year old but in today's America he gets a high paying television job because of his skin color. If this buffoon knew anything he'd be aware that Weddle is easily one of the best safeties in the league.
Those of you who get the NFL network and actually watch it, I don't see how/why you do it. I'd be in constant ticked-off mode if I watched that mess. I deal wiff ebonics on a regular basis and have no desire to hear more of it in my living room. No doubt those ignorant axe clowns are affirmative action poster-boys. Watching Sapp do anything without a helmet on would definitely make me physically ill, as watching him play football in uniform nearly did on more than one occasion.
When it comes to Eric Weddle's contract, I say good for him! He deserves it, just like countless other White athletes deserve to be starting in the NFL and CFB.
second week in a row Eric came up big in a clutch moment: ended opponents drive with an interception!
Eric with 2 INTs and 4 passes defended in the Pro Bowl. :high5:
Weddle also gets props from Walterfootball and he may just be the best safety in the NFL.

Free Safety of the Year - Eric Weddle, Chargers.

San Diego's pass defense was a disgrace, but don't blame Eric Weddle. He intercepted seven passes and surrendered only one touchdown. I guess the "Weddle isn't a play-maker" critics don't have anything to say anymore.
It's hard to believe that Weddle isn't better than the worst black CB in the NFL, which is where he should be starting if the "best players play" mantra was even remotely true...
Originally Posted by davidholly
Weddle blocking a Manning pass...

There's no doubt that Eric Weddle could be a quality cornerback at the NFL level but the NFL doesn't allow white cornerbacks because of anti-white racism.
Originally Posted by davidholly
Weddle blocking a Manning pass...

There's no doubt that Eric Weddle could be a quality cornerback at the NFL level but the NFL doesn't allow white cornerbacks because of anti-white racism.

There's some earlier posts in this Weddle thread, starting particularly around post #56, about how Weddle was ridiculed by Antonio Cromartie and other black San Diego DBs because of his physique. In the meantime, Weddle is a better all-around athlete than just about any other DB in the league, but to blacks it's more important to look "cut" and "look good" than it is to produce.

I'll give Gruden credit for saying after Weddle's leap, "Talk about mile high!" Great line, and very appropriate as that was an amazing jump.
Originally Posted by davidholly
Weddle blocking a Manning pass...

There's no doubt that Eric Weddle could be a quality cornerback at the NFL level but the NFL doesn't allow white cornerbacks because of anti-white racism.
That's one of the most amazing displays of athleticism I've seen in the NFL this year, for either a White or black player.
Originally Posted by davidholly
Weddle blocking a Manning pass...

There's no doubt that Eric Weddle could be a quality cornerback at the NFL level but the NFL doesn't allow white cornerbacks because of anti-white racism.

Dang, it looks like he defied gravity for an instant there.
I'm thinking maybe Knoshown Moreno inadvertently pushed Weddle up a little higher, otherwise he likely did defy gravity.
I'm thinking maybe Knoshown Moreno inadvertently pushed Weddle up a little higher, otherwise he likely did defy gravity.

I am not sure if he pushed him up but he definitely got a hand on him and pushed him away (maybe also up). The optical effect of the defender staggering Weddle's progress makes it seems like a mario bros double jump. Like Weddle's hitting a secondary rocket booster three quarters the way up. It's pretty hilarious.

I've observed this in basketball when a player is dunking but also colliding with the defender on the way to the rim.
I don't know if he got pushed up, looks like he arches his back when the hands on are on him allowing to push off while in the air and extend the time he is in the air. Im sure he has a strong core.

he did, that created even more upward momentum (something often seen in Aussie rules football, btw). great play

Could be just pure coincidence but noticed something with Eric Weddle on the ravens this year. It almost seems like he has been “camouflaging” his whiteness this year. Beard, tinted visor, full length sleeves and pants, and gloves. I would usually mistake him for a black player in any game the ravens were playing

With the discussion we had about targeting white players this year (albeit less prevelant on the defensive side of the ball) it just got me wondering if Weddle had “caught on” to the afflete antics

Could be just pure coincidence but noticed something with Eric Weddle on the ravens this year. It almost seems like he has been “camouflaging” his whiteness this year. Beard, tinted visor, full length sleeves and pants, and gloves. I would usually mistake him for a black player in any game the ravens were playing

With the discussion we had about targeting white players this year (albeit less prevelant on the defensive side of the ball) it just got me wondering if Weddle had “caught on” to the afflete antics
Definitely noticed this and there is no doubt in my mind he knows the deal. How can you not?
Sadly, Eric Weddle retired today after 13 NFL seasons. Hard to believe how fast time goes by, doesn't seem that long ago we were rooting for him at Utah. He was a top safety and almost never missed games because of injury. Weddle should eventually make it to Canton, though knowing how political the voting has become, it may be a long wait for him if it happens at all.
Weddle was one of my favorite players to follow and to think of the huge impact he made as a player in today's caste NFL. It's a longshot but I would love to hear him start speaking out about the stereotypes against white athletes. Former Buckeyes CB Dustin Fox has done this to a small extent. My favorite safety tandem was Weddle and Steve Gregory while they were both with the Chargers. Weddle could of easily been a CB - he played all over the field at Utah including CB. I can still vaguely remember the bowl game where he shut down Calvin Johnson. I do hope we will get to see some more DBs like Weddle in the future.
Considering that Weddle liked to wear dark sleeves and a visor on the field, I think he knew the score about the Caste system and the old "pan to a white defender whenever a black defender gives up a big play" trick the media love to use. However, I wouldn't hold it against him for not wanting to jeopardize his legacy by "coming out."

I hope Weddle and Harrison Smith both make it to Canton; Lord knows they've both earned it.
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