Emmitt Smith/Keyshawn-Commentators


Oct 21, 2004
I've been watching the ESPN pre-game show tonight, and even I am amazed at the overall inarticulate nature of the "commentary" being provided by Emmitt Smith and Keyshawn Johnson. Listening to them fracture the language makes one wince in disgust. Basic grammatical errors, constantly confusing plurals and singulars- it's really a mess. Yet there sits Trey Wingo, the only guy at the table who is able to speak the language properly, hanging on every ignorant comment they babble, as if they are imparting some kind of great wisdom. Really, have they just dropped all standards when hiring these guys? Then again, with black non-athlete "commentators" like Stephen Smith and Michael Smith cluttering up the airwaves with their own ear-shattering ebonics, I guess that the standards for retired players will be even lower. Nothing advertises just what kind of pathetic country we've become clearer than this; affirmative action dictating the hiring of blacks to these highly visible and well- paid positions, which they aren't remotely qualified for.
The goalmust befor the number of black announcers to be the same as their absurdly inflated numbers on the field. The NFL Network already looks to have achieved it.

What's nauseating is that a lot of white fansare irritated by affirmative action broadcasters who can't speak basic English well, but are unable to comprehend that the product on the field has been tinkered with racially as well by dropping standards, and to fit the same agenda.
You know who could make a good commentator (and was a former burnout). I heard Mercury Morris doing commentary and he articulate and humble and didn't speak ebonics/ghetto speak. I guess rehab works for some people....
Having Emmitt Smiff as a commentator could be a good thing if it finally punctures the myth that he is "one of the good (blacks)." Emmitt gets a free ride, accompanied by the illusion that he is "classy." Some even suggest that Emmitt is/was a "consumate team player."

Emmitt was always a me-first, selfish player. Emmitt was always arrogant, and an ******* toward his teammates. Everytime he opens his mouth, something stupid will fall out. He cannot help it; it's who he is. Not classy, not unselfish, not a team leader.
I actually don't think Michael Smith is that bad. I would consider him to be one of the better analysts that ESPN has. Steven A. Smiff and those other clowns on the other hand, hearing them butcher the English language makes me cringe.

As for Emmitt Smith being a me-first player. I would tend to agree with this. A few years ago, I probably would have disagreed but I remember a few years ago in a game against the Titans, Steve McNair injured himself because idiot Emmitt being the prima donna that he is, had his case of game balls right by the sideline and McNair wound up crashing into it during a play. I lost some amount of respect for Emmitt Smith after that.
bigunreal said:
Then again, with black non-athlete "commentators" like Stephen Smith and Michael Smith cluttering up the airwaves with their own ear-shattering ebonics, I guess that the standards for retired players will be even lower.

This morning Michael Smith was sitting in for Mike Golic on ESPN2's "Mike and Mike in the Morning". He didn't know the meaning of the word "Litigious". I guess they'll have to bar him from covering Barry Bonds...
bigunreal said:
I've been watching the ESPN pre-game show tonight, and even I am amazed at the overall inarticulate nature of the "commentary" being provided by Emmitt Smith and Keyshawn Johnson. Listening to them fracture the language makes one wince in disgust. Basic grammatical errors, constantly confusing plurals and singulars- it's really a mess. Yet there sits Trey Wingo, the only guy at the table who is able to speak the language properly, hanging on every ignorant comment they babble, as if they are imparting some kind of great wisdom. Really, have they just dropped all standards when hiring these guys? Then again, with black non-athlete "commentators" like Stephen Smith and Michael Smith cluttering up the airwaves with their own ear-shattering ebonics, I guess that the standards for retired players will be even lower. Nothing advertises just what kind of pathetic country we've become clearer than this; affirmative action dictating the hiring of blacks to these highly visible and well- paid positions, which they aren't remotely qualified for.

When O.J. Simpson was on Monday Night Football in the early 1980's, the TV critics rapped O.J. constantly for his poor diction. The Juice would say "hisself," instead of "himself," for example.

Simpson was hard on the ears. He was all right in a 60 second commercial, but hard to take for 3 hours. O.J. combined poor diction with a LOUD voice. I remember that ABC was doing the Super Bowl and replaced O.J. with Joe Theismann for the game. The NAACP complained but it didn't make big news, as I suspect most of the press agreed with ABC.

Simpson was on the Monday night team for one more year, 1985. He was then let go. Nearly a quarter century later, former players with poor diction and loud abrasive voices are accepted.
That's funny you mention OJ. He is the perfect teleprompt reader. Most people wouldn't know that he is barely literate and speaks butchered english. I remember reading that he was given soft courses to keep his eligibility at USC. I guess his handsomeness and warm smile glossed over his rough edges for a while....
I remember Keyshawn saying misconscrewed</font>in an interview once instead of misconstrued</font>. I guess that university education he received should be blamed for screwing up his English. Get him out of the job, one he is utterly unqualified for, and get someone more deserving in there-for instance, Wayne Chrebet.
Some good candidates are

Jason Whitlock - non athlete
Fred Hickman- Non athlete
Mike Wilbon- non athlete

Robert Smith (Minnesota Vikings)- Athlete
Tiki Barber- Athlete
Ahmad Rashad (Sammie Moore)- Athlete
Well, to be fair, they gave Tony Siragusa a job as a sideline reporter, too.
Emmitt Smith, I never liked him, he may be the all time leading NFL rusher, but is way over glorified by the caste media. He played what 15 years? He also ran behind one of the greatest O-lines ever and with Moose Johnson as his FB and Aikman as the QB to counter his rushing attack and still only has a career average in the low 4's per carry.

Emmitt was good at making the most of good blocking by making one or two nice quick cuts and then finding the huge whole and breaking a couple tackles. He's a lot like Brock Forsey a similar cutback runner with good vision without blazing speed (who of course never got a chance) IMO.

I am almost certain that there are white RB's out there that could have done more than him in the same circumstance, but very few Americans would ever believe it. I think I'd take Jesse Lumsden, a pre-injury Luke Staley or Mike Alsott over Emmitt on that team, maybe even Brian Leonard, and Sam McGuffie most certainly; McGuffie is the white Ladamian Tomlinson I didn't believe existed. He's so good he will break through the caste system.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
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