
GiovaniMarcon said:
... but to be fair, he managed to get through that atrocious "Just for Men" moustache dye commercial without fainting from stupidity.

Good stuff, Phillybirds. I once tried to do something similar for Shannon Sharpe, but I couldn't understand anything he said.
Edited by: White Shogun
That website is seriously hilarious! Emmitt literally screws up every single contraction, haha. PhillyBirds, in only a few short posts here at CF, you're already becoming a valued member of the forum...keep it up, dude!
Complete transcript of every statement from Shannon Sharpe: "Unintelligible."
The title of this thread should have been called "Emmitt Smiffisms".
Emmitt Smith did go back to school and finish his degree. He majored in Public Recreation. What did he do? Go clubbin` with some of his friends? I need some recreation. Hey, let`s go out and find a ho or two in a strip club and I`ll write a paper about it tomorrow. Well, I`ll...err...pay someone in the athletic department to help me out a bit, you know.

I`m sure the University of Florida was proud to confer such an honor on one of its favorite sons, Emmitt Smith.
Come to think of it, maybe the university has a speech therapy program he could enroll in. A work/study program would be suitable, I think.
Repeat after me, Emmitt: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain....
the sad thing about shannon sharpe to me is that unlike emmitt, he actually often has pretty good insight when you can piece together what he is saying, unlike most of the dumbass analysts these days. its just a shame his english sucks so bad because really does know his stuff pretty well.
oh man that was f*ckin hilarious !! I'm still though trying to figure out who the hell is Wes Worker???
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