Elite XC is horrible

Bear Backer

Jan 23, 2007
nothing but hype for Kimbo Slice with dancing rappers and girls and ghetto culture. I am pretty convinced that it is worst thing to happen to MMA, I hope it doesn't last.
terrible performance by kimbo the entire fight. Butterbean did a better job against Thompson. I though they should have called the fight in the second round because Thompson was just pounding on kimbo the last two minutes of the round. Even the people that jumped on the kimbo band wagon agreed that he lost the fight. If any other fighter spent the last two minutes of the fight getting pounded on they would have stopped it. Kimbo has no ground game or take down defense. I think even a ufc light weight like BJ Penn would have a field day with Kimbo.
Robbie Lawler had an impressive victory though. I wish UFC would pick up him and Jayson Miller.
patriot said:
Robbie Lawler had an impressive victory though.

it was called a No contest

The Kimbo fight was fixed, i've never seen a worse referee than Dan Miragliotta.

He made way too many questionable call today.Edited by: itsme
Elite XC is garbage.Hate this org,always have.Gary Shaws the biggest POS in the fight game so its hardly surprising.
Elitexc is a all nonwhite affair. Even the guy interviewing Kimbo after the fight was a affirmative action boy. As for Kimbo, I think he has went about as far as he is going to go in the world of MMA.The only way I see him lasting is if he is continually given tomato cans to beat up on. I had to watch the show online because Australia did not mention it nor televise it. Anyway, it was a sh*t show that basically tried to promote hip-hop thuggery, and as always, the caste system. I think I seen my first and last Elitexc.
On a side note, it is interesting watching a main stream production put together a show while pretty much excluding any good white heavyweight fighters. Since most of the elite fighters in the world today are white (This holds true particularly in the heavyweight division)I knew this show was dammed from the beginning. The powers that put this together had every intention of misleading the white couch potatoes who don't follow MMA regularly. Below is a short list of why I think this is the case.

1) CBS chooses to showcase a 34 year old unproven street fighter that represents everything that the white man is told he should be afraid of.
2)This black hope is facing a white man that has been badly KO'd several times in his career.
3) CBS chooses to put this on free to air TV (never done before) so the whole country will be able to tune in and see this sub par white fighter knocked out brutally. (Atleast they thought he would be badly KO'd no doubt.)

Edited by: aussieaussie31
except for the smith-lawler, the other fighters looked like amateurs, shaw is pathetic honkey hater and kimbo slice should change his name to kimbo slug, even his standup looked lame
Well Kimbo must be the best MMA fighter in the world. He is on the yahoo front page today and I've seen the fight clip on national news this morning - not just sportscenter but an actual national news network station. Wow, this Kimbo guy is the greatest!
When I saw the highlights on ESPN (to think of all the MMA and boxing matches that they ignore, and this is the fight they showcase, despicable,) I was amazed that Thompson lasted three rounds. A hand-picked opponent, with seven (now eight) KO losses on his record, including an eleven second KO loss at the hands of Aleksander Emilianenko, and a 43 second loss at the hands of Butterbean, and he couldn't put him away until the third round. How embarrassing.Edited by: JD074
After that performance, there isnt a top tier fighter that is even remotely concerned about Kimbo Slice.

One fighter, during the post fight conference, accused Kimbo of tapping during the fight. It sort of looked like Kimbo did tap when I relooked at the fight on youtube.
So much went wrong with this show, it's unbelievable.

One of the prelim fights was stopped between rounds because they were out of time. There was 20 minutes to show time and they still had the remainder of that fight and the next. They told one fighter to quit, and rushed the other two fighters to the cage.

Brett Rogers, the first fighter of the night (big black guy with mohawk), KO'd James Thompson in his last fight. The CBS announcer actually pointed this out during the pre-fight intro period. Yet, Thompson is in the main event?

Frank Shamrock gave a quick intro to MMA which was pretty decent. But when he was explaining that no knees to the head of a downed opponent were allowed, the fight clip they showed to illustrate the rule was from the Frank - Baroni fight when Frank was kneeing Baroni to the head while Baroni was on all fours. Frank then said that these men fight only in the cage - they do not fight in bars or on the streets. Yet, they're billing Kimbo Slice as King of the Streets!? Retarded. Frank tells the viewers at home, "Any one of these fighters can knock you out with one punch or choke you unconscious." Then later they refer to mixed martial arts as 'deadly.' This is exactly the image that the UFC and other responsible orgs have been trying to get away from - the 'human cockfighting' label that almost got MMA banned. And now they're saying stuff like this on MMA's debut on network television???

Gina Carano was way over weight for the fight. She weighed in 4.5 lbs over the limit, and was fined 12% of her purse. The fight went on however, and it was obvious Gina was much bigger than Kaitlyn. After the second round, you can hear someone in the background say 'Elite XC wants *inaudible* to stop the fight.' Seconds later they're saying, 'It's all over!' because Young can't continue?

Scott Smith should have been given the full five minutes to recover. It's in the rules published by the NJ State Athletic Commission. They wait until the ref is about to re-start the fight and then the doc waves it off? I believe this was another production issue, they were running out of time and needed to get the main event on the air. And Gary Shaw coming out to say he is giving both of them their 'win' bonus is copycat Dana White during the Forrest - Bonnar fight when he gave them both contracts.

As has been pointed out in this thread already, the Kimbo fight should have been stopped in the second round when Thompson hit Kimbo with about 40-50 unanswered elbows and fists. Yes, they didn't appear all that damaging but the fighter was unable to defend himself from that position, and the rules clearly state the referee should stop the fight in such cases. Furthermore, earlier in the fight the referee put them back on their feet when Thompson had just established side control, which isn't supposed to happen either. The ref never warned Kimbo to improve his position or defend himself, but he constantly warned Thompson he was going to stand them back up - and he did!

What's more, Thompson was rocked in the second round just before he took Kimbo down and put him in the crucifix. He was hurt worse then and the referee didn't stop it, but he did in the third? Thompson had just thrown a punch when the ref stepped between them! Thompson was alert enough to be pissed and push the ref in the face.

And how pathetic was Kimbo in the post-fight interview? He was so gassed and out of breath he couldn't even talk. 'That's all, boss,' and walks off. WTF??

This was a terrible introduction to MMA for network television.
Here is a video of an interview in which Shaw admits it's all about the money. He says he will not put Rogers up against Kimbo because there is no money in it, and makes a few other idiotic comments:

Gary Shaw interview

(For those of you who don't know, Gary Shaw is the promoter for Elite XC. You might say he is their Dana White.)
Well, it's no surprise the Kimbo Slice will become a household name where as the literally dozens and dozens of superior white (and, it must be said, also non-white) MMA fighters who would eat him for breakfast will continue to be only marginally recognized by dedicated fans of the sport.
michiganblkman said:
After that performance, there isnt a top tier fighter that is even remotely concerned about Kimbo Slice.

One fighter, during the post fight conference, accused Kimbo of tapping during the fight. It sort of looked like Kimbo did tap when I relooked at the fight on youtube.


You be the judge
I'm not a big MMA fan more of a Boxing fan but I was going to watch this but when I turned it to CBS Saturday night they were showing so old movie from 1992
So how was the ratings for the show?
Kimbo says it was in their contract to bang...

The tap issue is actually small potatoes compared to the rest of the shenanigans that took place at this show. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture just because Kimbo didn't tap in that gif.
This is somewhat off topic but I noticed that Kimbo Slice despite extremely strong ******* features, has pattern baldness, chest hair and the ability to grow a full beard. I'm no anthropoligist but aren't these exclusively caucasian features. I am guessing somewhere down the road he has significant white ancestery.
rogers would destroy Kimbo easily. Originally it was suppose to be Ron Waterman against Kimbo, However when Shaw found out that most likely Waterman would dominate Kimbo on the mat he changed it to Thompson. Thompson has no ground game and he had him in side control three times in that fight and didn't know what to do.
What a horrible debut for EliteXC on CBS. I don't feel the need to repeat what others have already said in this thread about the show, because I agree with all of them. What I do have a problem with is trying to squeeze everything into a two hour format and trying to cut corners when a fight goes unexpectedly long. CBS should treat this like they would any other sports they cover. When a football game goes into overtime, it's no big deal and they don't pressure the NFL or any other sports league they cover to shorten things up. The same deal should go for any future MMA events on CBS.
GiovaniMarcon said:
Well, it's no surprise the Kimbo Slice will become a household name where as the literally dozens and dozens of superior white (and, it must be said, also non-white) MMA fighters who would eat him for breakfast will continue to be only marginally recognized by dedicated fans of the sport.

Yeah, it is a crooked caste system dream. On the bright side though,Elite XC has been getting some serious negative press though because of this event, and I am hoping that it goes the way of the Dodo very quickly. The only ones I feel really sorry for is Lawler and Smith. I have always thought Lawler was talented and Smith looked like he belonged in there with Lawler. It would be a shame if both of them were tainted because of Elite XC. I could care less about Frank Shamrock, I have never liked his attitude and he gets exactly what he always deserved it Elite XC taints his legacy. The women put on a good fight, but it is pretty much a side show for MMA. There is something about seeing two women beating each other to a pulp that turns my stomach.
Jim Rome (as unbearable as he is) called out Slice on his program this afternoon. He stated that Kimbo would be stomped by any half-decent MMA fighter and that the refereeing and scoring of the match was dubious, if not outright unfair.

I've always seen Rome as a Caste perpetuator, so it would appear that Slice really is just an average-to-bad fighter.
PhillyBirds said:
Jim Rome (as unbearable as he is) called out Slice on his program this afternoon. He stated that Kimbo would be stomped by any half-decent MMA fighter and that the refereeing and scoring of the match was dubious, if not outright unfair.

I've always seen Rome as a Caste perpetuator, so it would appear that Slice really is just an average-to-bad fighter.

Even a broken clock will be right twice a day. I will always remember that ass-clown for what he did to former Rams QB Jim Everett, he called him "chrissy" twice and he almost got his ass kicked for it on air. I am sure it's on youtube somewhere.
White Shogun said:
Kimbo says it was in their contract to bang...

The tap issue is actually small potatoes compared to the rest of the shenanigans that took place at this show. Don't lose sight of the bigger picture just because Kimbo didn't tap in that gif.
The interview smacked of wrestling and the promotion of a fighter. Fine Slice is raw and inexperienced then bury him somewhere on your card. If he is going to be the flagship for your promotion then you can't spoon feed him patsy's and expect to have any credibility with real fans of the sport.....
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