
I’ll be voting straight republican ticket in one of the biggest Democrat strongholds. Even though my vote won’t matter, I’ll do so in solidarity with all you good goys who live in states that matter.
You are a good and principled man, Freethinker.

In regards to my last post, I see that the snakes are just very desperate. They will stop at nothing now. Stealing means nothing to them.
VP Pence is saying that we will keep the house. Hope he has internal polls showing this. Regardless I have some hope for Tuesday that the Repubs will keep the House and for sure the Senate. We shall see. Big drama show Tuesday.

Everyone get out and VOTE TODAY!!!!!!!!!
I’ll be voting straight republican ticket in one of the biggest Democrat strongholds. Even though my vote won’t matter, I’ll do so in solidarity with all you good goys who live in states that matter.
I'm voting and campaigning for local candidates. But here in the people's republic of new jersey it's hard to win for Republicans because of the giant democratic base needs food, clothing and shelter daily, 365 days a year (they are wards of the state). Obviously, they're going to put in dems who will give them money and free stuff. I have a big problem with popular sovereignty like that. What does a person who has zero net worth care how tax money is spent - they pay no taxes.
I'm voting and campaigning for local candidates. But here in the people's republic of new jersey it's hard to win for Republicans because of the giant democratic base needs food, clothing and shelter daily, 365 days a year (they are wards of the state). Obviously, they're going to put in dems who will give them money and free stuff. I have a big problem with popular sovereignty like that. What does a person who has zero net worth care how tax money is spent - they pay no taxes.
Tom, you are indeed right, people who contribute nothing and are net drains on the state should have no vote. Our founders understood that you need to have skin in the game to vote in any sort of responsible way. That is why they limited the vote to white, landowning men.

If we have any chance of ever having a functioning Repulic again, we’d have to go back to that. First, mandate that only land / property owners may vote. Then when the demographic and wamen problems are “taken care of” you can “go all the way”. A bit LARPy but we need to think big again.
In Fl at 7:45 EST a Black Communist is leading by 4%...
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DeSantis and Scott have to win Florida! If the Republicans can not hold this state and Texas. MAGA will be a moment and not movement. So far Florida is looking good with over 94% in.
Can't believe here in Tx Cruz is behind to "Beto". Totally insane that the baby-murderers and gobohomo Communists are in such huge numbers. Texas seems to be toast. I may have to move...
Can't believe here in Tx Cruz is behind to "Beto". Totally insane that the baby-murderers and gobohomo Communists are in such huge numbers. Texas seems to be toast. I may have to move...
Texas is less than 50% White now. "Demographics is Destiny" as they say. Perhaps Tennessee is a good choice to move to.
Demographics and relentless ideological indoctrination of young Whites. If it doesn't change while Trump is President, not just Texas but the entire country is toast. Texas and Florida are already very close to following California's path from conservative stronghold to communist people's republic due to immigration and feminism.

Fox News has projected that the Dems will win control of the House, hopefully the margin will be small but it's too early to say. The Republicans are doing well in U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races. All in all the "resistance" is not having a good night, but control of the House will mean gridlock at best and determined attempts at bringing Trump down through bogus investigations and maybe an impeachment attempt.
Gridlock from the demoncrats just means nothing positive will get done and the borders will stay open wider and wider.

I truly despise the evil forces in our once great nation.
Demographics and relentless ideological indoctrination of young Whites. If it doesn't change while Trump is President, not just Texas but the entire country is toast. Texas and Florida are already very close to following California's path from conservative stronghold to communist people's republic due to immigration and feminism.

Fox News has projected that the Dems will win control of the House, hopefully the margin will be small but it's too early to say. The Republicans are doing well in U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races. All in all the "resistance" is not having a good night, but control of the House will mean gridlock at best and determined attempts at bringing Trump down through bogus investigations and maybe an impeachment attempt.
Same with Georgia, Arizona and Louisiana. Only chance is hoping that traditionally blue states like Wisconsin and Michigan go red along with Ohio and, perhaps, Pennsylvania. Keeping control of the Senate is important though, so Trump can continue to make appointments to the Federal courts and, hopefully, get 2-3 more Supreme Court picks.
Shocker that Kansas has elected a Liberal Democrat Governor, by a landslide...wow. Kobach was a solid choice, but the RINOs are still bitter over their primary loss to him. Much of this blame tonight can also be put on the RINO establishment.

45.0% of precincts reporting

Win/lead Votes Pct.

Laura Kelly (D) 349,161 51.4%
Kris Kobach (R) 275,504 40.5%
Greg Orman (I) 39,451 5.8%

Total Votes 679,897
Same with Georgia, Arizona and Louisiana. Only chance is hoping that traditionally blue states like Wisconsin and Michigan go red along with Ohio and, perhaps, Pennsylvania. Keeping control of the Senate is important though, so Trump can continue to make appointments to the Federal courts and, hopefully, get 2-3 more Supreme Court picks.

Yep, and if the process isn't halted and reversed even the Second Amendment will be toast. It will fall just as all the other conservative standards eventually did. It is mostly middle-aged and old Whites still voting for traditional rights and values that comprises Trump's base. The alt-right, now decimated and driven back to their keyboards since Charlottesville, is a small segment of young Whites, who are the most left-wing White generation by far. That's why Trump needs a political and social movement behind him otherwise he'll be seen in retrospect as the last gasp of America 1.0 and universally demonized and reviled by the winners in the days to come. A decent amount of his base seems to grasp that, but the subversives are relentless, and their near total control of the media is the most powerful anti-American, anti-human weapon that's ever existed.
Can't believe here in Tx Cruz is behind to "Beto". Totally insane that the baby-murderers and gobohomo Communists are in such huge numbers. Texas seems to be toast. I may have to move...
Well, it looks like Cruz pulled it out, thank God.
This doesn't bode well for Republican's winning Florida in the future:

Florida restores voting rights to more than 1 million former felons
This doesn't bode well for Republican's winning Florida in the future:

Florida restores voting rights to more than 1 million former felons
Good grief...but that's what Leftist-controlled entities do. It keeps them in power, wherever they may be.
Just called. DeSantis wins Gov!!!!!
Waiting on Scott to be called the FL Senator.
Just as in 2016, looks like the Trumpites narrowly defeated the radicals in key states.
Just as in 2016, looks like the Trumpites narrowly defeated the radicals in key states.
Agreed. This is getting by and only by the slimmest of margins in Tx, Az, and Fl. And as the demographics keep changing the worst could be ahead. The good is; at least 3 Senate seats picked up. This is wearing me out tonight...
All things considered, given the fact that the entire MSM was against Trump, all of the social media giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, et al), all the celebrities, all of the "musicians", much of his own party and that neither Paul Ryan nor Mitch McConnell did anything to help Trump out this election cycle (he was all on his own, even doing three rallies yesterday) and the fact that midterms almost always go to the opposing party in large margins, it could have been much worse.

Disgusting that Pelosi will be Speaker of the House and that Adam Schiff will be head of the Judiciary Committee. Disgusting beyond words. All the probes into FISA Gate gone. Republican Devin Nunez (one of the best) relegated to nothing. A win for the Luciferians.
All things considered, given the fact that the entire MSM was against Trump, all of the social media giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, et al), all the celebrities, all of the "musicians", much of his own party and that neither Paul Ryan nor Mitch McConnell did anything to help Trump out this election cycle (he was all on his own, even doing three rallies yesterday) and the fact that midterms almost always go to the opposing party in large margins, it could have been much worse.

Disgusting that Pelosi will be Speaker of the House and that Adam Schiff will be head of the Judiciary Committee. Disgusting beyond words. All the probes into FISA Gate gone. Republican Devin Nunez (one of the best) relegated to nothing. A win for the Luciferians.

Heretic, I like your positive spin. All things considered, Trump was against the entire Luciferian Cabal!! This could have been much, much worse. And thank God also that Cruz won here in Texas against "Beto", the non-Hispanic empty suit like another Obummer with the msm all behind him here. We are against the world's system at every turn so we should be glad for the positives. And Trump, at what, 72 years old (?) did 50 rallies! What a tireless and admirable leader!

I am actually totally looking forward to Ditzy Pelosi being Speaker. It will be a nonstop barrel of laughs listening to her dimwitted lunacy :)
Heretic, I like your positive spin. All things considered, Trump was against the entire Luciferian Cabal!! This could have been much, much worse. And thank God also that Cruz won here in Texas against "Beto", the non-Hispanic empty suit like another Obummer with the msm all behind him here. We are against the world's system at every turn so we should be glad for the positives. And Trump, at what, 72 years old (?) did 50 rallies! What a tireless and admirable leader!

I am actually totally looking forward to Ditzy Pelosi being Speaker. It will be a nonstop barrel of laughs listening to her dimwitted lunacy :)

He is absolutely amazing, his stamina and the way he just shrugs off the mind-boggling stress he's under not just as President but all the powerful enemies doing everything they can to ruin him every day non-stop. I've come to really admire him over the past six months. He's been saying all the right things, even if he isn't totally sincere he's given White America a template to follow. If we don't it's totally on us. We need to pray for his continued health.
Scott just called as FL Senator. McConnell was a yuge help to Trump with SCOTUS and circuit court judges.
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