Ed Wang

Does Wang pronounce his last name so that it rhymes with "hang", or does he pronounce it "Wong"? I ask this because a lady named Suzanne Whang (that's how she spells it) hosts (most episodes of) HGTV's House Hunters (a favorite show of my mother's). She (Ms. Whang) pronounces Whang "Wong", not "Wang".

JohnEdited by: foreverfree
C Darwin said:
i can't wait to see the DWFs rockin' their 'WANG' jerseys. could there be anything more appropriate?

No doubt his fan section at games will consist of a group of DWFs dressed up like samurai, ninjas, and sumos. Yeah these are mostly associated with Japan, but what do the DWFs know.
If being like a sumo is supportive of Wang, I'm sure some of his black teammates are already some of his biggest fans.
Deus Vult said:
ToughJ.Riggins said:
...I think that typical Chinese men although most are ethnocentric, would not be enthusiastic about how rabidly pro-black the NFL is. I'm sure they'd prefer more diversity with Caucasians- as a second desire to more Asians. Asians IMO, also seem to mix and mingle better with whites than with blacks.

Why would this be good? Is mixing and mingling ultimately what we want? I say we facetiously -- I know it is not what I want for my family

I read a lot of comments on this site that lead me to conclude that many posters are less-than-enamored with Negroes, but would meekly accept mass integration/misgcegenation of whites with other, less offensive races. For the record, I bear no other group any particular ill will. But none of them are "us." As Jared Taylor famously said, we deserve to be us, and only we can be us.

Mixing and mingling isn't where I meant to go with that. I really was trying to say "get along with" and "relate" to. Mix and mingle typically means marriage, or mating/reproducing, so I clearly used the wrong expression.

I think people should try to stick with people who are similar culturally and values wise to themselves- which often times, but not always is the same race. I don't think black-white dating is a good idea, because the cultures are so different.

When you truly love someone their race doesn't matter though. Whites and whites typically match well, but sometimes whites and Native Americans/Mestizos, whites and Arabs and whites and Asians are good mixes genetically and culturally as well. True love is blind.
SteveB said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Fightingtowin said:
I think any Asian aware of the caste system and its favoritism toward black athletes would be excited about Collie, Gerhart, etc. Asians are caste busters and I'll root for them over a black athlete.
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<div>you really think so? tell me again exactly how big a fan favorite Yao Ming is over in China, and then tell me if the Chinese cheered on David Lee with the same fervor. or how about another uber White athlete, Joe Alexander who spent a big portion of his life living in China and even speaks Mandarin. hmm ...  
<div> </div>
<div>the Chinese stuff the NBA all-star ballots every year for Ming, despite his often being injured for half the season. do they put in a lot of votes for Lee or Alexander? no.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>the Chinese aren't dumb enough to love "others" more than their own. it's only idiot White people who cast(e) aside their own kind in order to worship the "other." this idiocy is a HUGE component of White people's problems and integral to the continuance of the Caste System.</div>

True, I work with a Chinese based company and have discussed the NBA with them. They tell me that Kobe Bryant is just as popular as Yao in China, which surprised me.

You guys are making me think hard about what I posted. Maybe the Chinese could care less if it's a white or black athlete on the field when they can cheer on their own. Still I think a large Chinese OT will help debunk some stereotypes for the numb brained DWFs. The more stereotypes that are debunked- the harder it will be to be a true fool DWF.

I wouldn't like to see a large influx of Chinese players, when they might be taking roster spots from more qualified whites in the name of spreading the market to China. But a few Chinese players shattering the idea of black athletic supremacy, might cut down on the black monopoly a bit. My goal is to eventually see the NFL eclipse 50% white in my lifetime like it was until the 70s. It will take some brave souls who have mega influence to launch an attack on the caste system with books, documentaries, Hollywood movies etc. I doubt that day will come in my lifetime, but who knows?
Colonel Callan said:
How many whites with stats as good or better than Wang's have been ignored over the years?

Not to pick at Wang, but it seems any time I read about a non-white, of any background, being compared to whites, he's "... simply more athletic," than his white teammates, etc.

I guess we'll simply see what happens.

In Wang's case at the combine old boy put up better numbers than Bryan Bulaga who was taken in the first round. Wang was stronger with more bench reps, was faster with a better 40 and more nimble with a better shuttle.

Wang is "athletic" in reports because he's athletic. His parents were both Olympians and he probably goes in the 99th percentile of athleticism for his race. Seriously, in what newspaper in the world are Asians continuously portrayed as "athletic"? What you say about black athletes versus whites might be true. Can't see stereotyping in any way applicable to this case.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div>you really think so? tell me again exactly how big a fan favorite Yao Ming is over in China, and then tell me if the Chinesecheered onDavid Lee with the same fervor. or how about another uber White athlete, Joe Alexander who spent a big portion of his life living in China and even speaks Mandarin. hmm ...
<div>the Chinese stuff the NBA all-star ballots every year for Ming, despite his often being injured for half the season. do they put in a lot of votes for Lee or Alexander? no.

The old adage is that Americans see things through the prism of race, the rest of the world see things through the prism of nationality.

Step one is to let go of the idea that those people over there think the way we do or really care how we do things over here. Chinese dont give a rat's ass about race. They think about China. They don't even follow Chinese-American athletes like Michelle Kwan or Michael Chang because to them, those athletes are American. They're the product of American culture and the American sports system and have little to do with their own sports. Why would they be cheering Joe Alexander or David Lee when they dont even support "Asian" Manny Pacquiao or Ichiro? Because you want them to? Sorry it's only white Liberal Americans who bend over backwards caring what other people dictate to them about race.

What's significant about Ed is that his parents are Chinese and a product of the old Chinese sports system. He's seen as a continuation of that system and therefore a validation of their own sports.

And for the record, Yao has won the ballot box in the USA the past 4-5 years. The votes from China pad his numbers but Americans vote for him as a started in the West every year as well because he's the best center in the West and statistically responsible for a good 15 wins to his team per season. Don't know how much basketball you follow but it's plain if you do watch the NBA.
Some interesting points, but I may add that Joe Alexander lived in China for a lot of his life so the Chinese SHOULD want to support him as he assimilated into Chinese culture quite a bit. China is VERY DIFFERENT culturally from the U.S and they would not be fans of our culture, so that indeed could be a big part of the issue, but that would mean Joe Alexander SHOULD be popular over there. I would say though, from my experience living in the Toronto area (where there are lots of Chinese people) for basically my whole life, that Chinese people are more ethnocentric than whites. But then again what race isn't?

I by no means am a white "power" person, but I have a lot of "pride" in my Celtic heritage and cheer for Irish and Scottish athletes first b/c they are probably my 15th or 20th cousins (and it makes me picture myself playing in the NFL as a RB when I watch McGuffie for instance- and that was my dream as a kid).

My second favorite racial group (after Celts) to cheer for are Native Americans b/c my wife is 3/16s Amero-Indian and I have learned a lot of great things about Native American culture and history and respect them a lot. My wife is a quarter Coptic Christian Egyptian as well and the rest mostly Sicilian- so she's very dark. If you love someone nothing should stop people from being together, but I should add that black and white marriage I don't think works well b/c the cultures are so different. And culturally and genetically I don't think it's the best match for having children either.

Tex79, if you care about white athletes being discriminated against, YES you should care about the putting down of Chinese athletes who are very gifted like Wang as well. I find Chinese people are often disparaged as athletes even more than whites. Somehow though, I think you may be a troll with the way you came on here and started arguing with veteran posters right from the get go. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but something makes me think this may be TexasTech/Maximus again...I hope I'm wrong here.
I should also add that Wang was NOT drafted higher because he's Chinese. There have been ZERO people of 100% Chinese ancestry to make an NFL roster, so they are probably discriminated against more than whites (even though they are a small portion of the U.S populous, are smaller on average and typically have less interest in pursuing football at high levels culturally). Still I have looked up Wang's measurables and Tex79 is right (that he is a very impressively athletic prospect). Robert Gallery was even more so- and he didn't pan out for as high as he was picked to be a franchise tackle (he's now a very average guard) and similarly Nate Solder is for the 2011 draft. I hear Wang is a little raw, but only time will tell if his athletic upside will pan out! Good luck to him- to be another warrior to contribute to debunking the whiterivals, black-afroletic-supremacy myth of the NFL.
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