Earthquake in Haiti

Thanks for the link! It's written quite well. I like this part -

I recoil at the notion that I'm SUPPOSED to do something. I would like to help, but only if I feel that my assistance is deserved and justified. If I perceive that I am being told to feel a certain way, and if I can point to a pattern of mistakes made in similar situations, I lose interest.

I was surprised last night as I surfed the net while riding the stationary bike at the gym. On CNN, Anderson Cooper, who I have to give high credit to did a story on the failure of the Haitian Government to accomplish the most basic and humane services; burial of the dead. The AKs in high and low level positions only thinking about themselves and targets of instant gratificaition have put burying the dead way back on the back burner.

Cooper reported that there were literally 1000s of decomposing bodies out in the fields awaiting a hole to to dug. When Cooper did some investigative reporting all the AKs pointed at the other person whose responsibility it was. This simple, gruesome but required task is not being met the AKs. To me it is just TNB on a grand scale. A natural crisis(earthquake) has been made worse by people who will never get their act together and will continue to be a burden and a pain in the ass to the rest of us.
Ex-NBAer Paul Shirley has a point. he's really struck a nerve, and he writes very well. espn has just fired him as a commentator, of course. check out all the comments on ESPN's article--a lot of negative ones from dwfs and bruthas, but also a lot of supportive ones.
Westside said:
Cooper reported that there were literally 1000s of decomposing bodies out in the fields awaiting a hole to to dug. When Cooper did some investigative reporting all the AKs pointed at the other person whose responsibility it was. This simple, gruesome but required task is not being met the AKs. To me it is just TNB on a grand scale. A natural crisis(earthquake) has been made worse by people who will never get their act together and will continue to be a burden and a pain in the ass to the rest of us.

I agree with you entirely. In fact most of the world knows the truth about Negroes but it cannot be spoken of openly.

The differences between blacks and whites is never more obvious than in the way disasters are handled. Whites join together, instinctively know what needs to be done - then do it. Negroes are walking, talking disasters. Playing games or singing child like songs is all they are capable of doing. Everything else needed to create, maintain, and function in modern civilized societies -- MASSIVE FAIL!

It's time we STOP destroying ourselves trying to accomplish what is totally impossible.People need Negroes like wooden houses need termites.Edited by: Bart
Bart said:
Westside said:
Cooper reported that there were literally 1000s of decomposing bodies out in the fields awaiting a hole to to dug. When Cooper did some investigative reporting all the AKs pointed at the other person whose responsibility it was. This simple, gruesome but required task is not being met the AKs. To me it is just TNB on a grand scale. A natural crisis(earthquake) has been made worse by people who will never get their act together and will continue to be a burden and a pain in the ass to the rest of us.

I agree with you entirely. In fact most of the world knows the truth about Negroes but it cannot be spoken of openly.

The differences between blacks and whites is never more obvious than in the way disasters are handled. Whites join together, instinctively know what needs to be done - then do it. Negroes are walking, talking disasters. Playing games or singing child like songs is all they are capable of doing. Everything else needed to create, maintain, and function in modern civilized societies -- MASSIVE FAIL!

It's time we STOP destroying ourselves trying to accomplish what is totally impossible.People need Negroes like wooden houses need termites.

But according to negroes whites stole all of their special powers. Don't you know they were able to move stones with the power of their minds?
Bart said:
... In fact most of the world knows the truth about Negroes but it cannot be spoken of openly.

The differences between blacks and whites is never more obvious than in the way disasters are handled. Whites join together, instinctively know what needs to be done - then do it. Negroes are walking, talking disasters. Playing games or singing child like songs is all they are capable of doing. Everything else needed to create, maintain, and function in modern civilized societies -- MASSIVE FAIL!

It's time we STOP destroying ourselves trying to accomplish what is totally impossible.People need Negroes like wooden houses need termites.

It is glaring, isn't it? For example, Leonhard Seppala, et al, and the 1925 Nome Serum Run or local responses to the 1985 killer tornado swarm in PA. The first group endangered their very lives to save people hundreds of miles away in the deadly cold of the Alaskan winter; for the second, the response was assistance rather than mayhem, looting and rape so common when disaster strikes black or majority-black communities.

I might say people need negroes like people need cancer, but the house analogy works as well.
Well, I thought the raping and pilleging of what is left, would have started a week to ten days earlier, but alass, it is in full affect right now. Over 7000 criminals are on the lose and looking for anyone female and young to rape / sodomize.

On a side note, those four attractive white females who are missing probably meet a similar fate and will never been seen alive again. If they died in that earthquake, hopefully it was sudden and quick, and obvisously without being violated.
This says it all about the race-betraying, castrated, weak-minded (so-called) guilty "White" sheeple adopting all these ******* Haitians...


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
I am sure they are going to rebuild and be just fine.
That is always the case when you are dealing with the world's most intelligent race: negroes.
Dixie, that cartoon (or is it a portrait of an american family?) is certainly not an exaggeration...neither are the baseball-sized nostril holes of 100% pure-bred afros.

They are only the 2nd ugliest human beings to ever walk the earth, as aboriginal Austrailians were basically monster-faced ground apes.Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
...the baseball-sized nostril holes of 100% pure-bred afros.

They are only the 2nd ugliest human beings to ever walk the earth, as aboriginal Austrailians were basically monster-faced ground apes.

You're not wrong, mate. Our welfare-addicted "indigenous Australians" are a frightening sight to behold, especially those of the "full-blooded" variety - snouts splattered across their repulsive dials from ear to ear. It's sad to say, but their stellar intellects make Your "Afro-Americans" appearas supra-geniuses in comparison, which is rather disconcerting to say the least...

Mind You, thenatives of Papua New Guinea are also in the running for the "ugliest human beings" award ("human" being a loose term of reference, of course...),as are many Dravidian Indian types, as are...well, the"rich diversity" of the non-white worldprovides a seeminglyendless list of potential candidates
. But one thing is certain - the Australian Aborigine is definitely guaranteed a permanent podium finish

Speaking of repulsive specimens, the one-and-only Tiger Woods, whoseems to be specifically bred for ugliness, deserves a mention...

Great cartoon, Dixie.
It perfectly encapsulates the programmed thinking of whites and the sinister glee of those who set the programming - The Haiti "charity fest"says it all...
Breast milk? Is there nothing sacred? Handing out bundles of paper money is one thing...but to donate the part of their very body distinctively designated for the well-being of their own white children [vomits].

I'm sure this beautiful initiative is being fully authorized by American liberals, conservatives, and moderates (none of those tiresome buzz words mean anything, obviously). They are all, and have always been, contaminated with the same hideously misguided passion and empathy, articulated and executed from the safety of their ivory towers.This unbounded infatuation for grasping the literal and figurative shovel to personally dig the graves for white children, this self-poisoning, this anti-white hatred, one day, will come spiraling down to hell, where it rightfully belongs.

I can hear daddy; "Pump your breast milk, dear, so that the spawn of our enemies may grow stronger yet."Â￾ This goes well beyond the homosexual 1960's hippie culture, this is true psychosis. Edited by: Thrashen
Looks like the (so-called) "stars" are dragging back out the pro-******* "relief" chant "We Are the World" for Haiti. As if that cultural marxist anthem wasn't grossly overdone enough circa 1985 (for Africa "relief").

"Stars" to Cover "We Are The World" For Haitian Relief

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
This whole Haiti debacale is a given amoungst the learned CFers but I wonder why a reasonable educated white woman with self esteem would ever want to mix with this sort?

Majority of women who interlope with AKs, regret it and wish they could do it all over again. I have seen it time and again. Part of me feels sorry for them and greater part feels, you big DUMMY!
The local newsperson had a report from Haiti. She says the people are very spiritual.
See, They don't need our help! They will do fine without us.
I submitted a tough letter to the editor to the local liberal rag (asbury park press). We'll see if they print it. They seem to be letting up on their censorship a bit lately, in that their readership is down so much. It doesn't mean anything to me though. I'll still be happy when they go down. Too little. too late on their part.

Tom Iron...
They printed my letter today. I laid it right out about why the devastation in haiti was far worse than it would have been in a normal society. "Extreme savagery, indolance, corruption and superstition." They printed that. It's good to come out and say things out in the open like that. Otherwise, people would be bs'd by the media.

As I said above, the small liberal rags have had to back off on their censorship since their existance is so precarious. A year or two ago, such a letter would never have been printed.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:
They printed my letter today. I laid it right out about why the devastation in haiti was far worse than it would have been in a normal society. "Extreme savagery, indolance, corruption and superstition." They printed that. It's good to come out and say things out in the open like that. Otherwise, people would be bs'd by the media.

As I said above, the small liberal rags have had to back off on their censorship since their existance is so precarious. A year or two ago, such a letter would never have been printed.

Tom Iron...

You should post your letter. Sounds like a good read.
American Freedom News