dutch volunteers raped in Kenya

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Apr 4, 2007
Outside North America
Dutch volunteers raped in Kenya

Published: Monday 28 July 2008 12:46 UTC
Last updated: Monday 28 July 2008 14:05 UTC

Five Dutch women, aged between 17 and 25, on a working holiday in Kenya have been raped by a group of men. The women were repairing a school in the village of Kakamega in western Kenya. Last Thursday, approximately 10 Kenyan men armed with spears entered the school compound and forced everyone into a room, where they were robbed and bound.

The five Dutch women were then taken to a separate room and raped. The women worked for Livingston, an organisation based in the Dutch town of Amersfoort. A representative for the organisation said they were "extremely shocked" by what has happened.

http://www.rnw.nl/internationaljustice/news/international/58 94639/Dutch-volunteers-raped-in-Kenya


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I am not shocked at all. Sometimes, no good deed goes unpunished. The dark continent seems to be getting darker and more evil by the day. I have sent money to Chrisitian missionairies in Africa before and I suppose I will do it again, there have been some very good reports coming back. But I personally will never make the trip.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
waterbed, guests301,

All out of sympathy for such women. They knowingly put themselves in harms way and then want somebody to feel sorry for them. Ignorance is no excuse. Too bad/TS.

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
That's your sad conscience. I have sympathy for any woman that gets raped. They knew of the dangers and wanted to help anyway, they should have nothing but your respect and sympathy, regardless of whether you agree with their actions or not.
Nov 8, 2006
Tom Iron said:
waterbed, guests301,

All out of sympathy for such women. They knowingly put themselves in harms way and then want somebody to feel sorry for them. Ignorance is no excuse. Too bad/TS.

Tom Iron...

I agree for the most part, but in fairness our enemies have been very busy preaching to our women that negroes are cool/harmless, that miscegenation is "cool," that primitive savages are "spiritual" and more in tune with nature, etc, etc. A lot of the blame for cases like this belongs on the marxist jews who have relentlessly pushed this sort of message for nearly a century.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
guest301 said:
They knew of the dangers and wanted to help anyway, they should have nothing but your respect and sympathy,



Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I have avoided responding directly to any of your posts for about 6 months and so have you but you want to start crap up again.Life makes you vomit Bart and I could care less what a Nazi ball-buster like you thinks about anything. Go throw another temper tantrum you crybaby and get all rankled at the guidelines like you did not long ago and leave the site.Edited by: guest301


Jul 12, 2007
I avoid everything but sports discussion on this website, but I think have something to add to this topic, however small.
A girlfriend of mine (roughly 15 years ago), told me the story of how her aunt and cousin (teenage girl) were gang raped in this same fashion in one of the African countries. I forget which one, although I doubt it makes any difference. That was in the late 80's. Since then, I have always had sensitive ears for such events. I tend to notice when these things are reported, even when they just pass out of everyone else's attention.
These violations occur non-stop all over the continent, and have been going on for decades. They are completely ignored/buried by the American media, but you can sometimes find reports in the European press.
I'm split on the issue of sympathy. Although my initial reaction is always in the realm of "What did you expect?", I also realize that a lot of white women are kept ignorant of the savagery of these African demons. It's certainly possible for aid workers to travel to Africa without having any knowledge of the danger that awaits them there.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
You make good points Riddlewire and I know for a fact that the dangers of going to places like that for Christian missionairies is rarely discussed. Hope this thread doesn't get further derailed by personal issues between posters.


Apr 13, 2005
I was going to scold some of you for your callous remarks about these poor women. Then I remembered some of the harsh statements (though not near as nasty as what I have read here) I have posted on these boards. So, instead, I'll try to practice what I'd like to see out of others.

My niece is a Christian missionary in Thailand. I cannot think of a more decent, brave and dedicated person. So hearing about atrocities like this one in Kenya is pretty near the knuckle for me.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
guest301 said:
You make good points Riddlewire and I know for a fact that the dangers of going to places like that for Christian missionairies is rarely discussed.

Rarely discussed? Not here. The internetis loaded with sites warning people.I've brought it up several times here myself, citing facts and figures like a broken record.Nothing I hate more than altruistic, good-hearted, well meaning white people sacrificing their lives on the altars of diversity. Most people are well aware of the dangers involved associating with africans. They've heard it all before countless timesbut choose to call those of us who warm themasbeing Nazi's, hate mongers, bigots, low lifes etrc. etc. Fine. If they eat the bitter fruit of their harvest don't blame me.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I agree with you Bart. Whites go to Africa to help these savages and get attacked. White people need a rude awakening. I have had mine and I will continue to educate my fellow people.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey

Sir, your niece didn't go to Africa. She went to Thailand. Different ballgame altogether. If something like that happened to your niece, I'd feel sympathy and remorse. Such things as happened to these Dutch women in Kenya don't happen constantly in the Orient. They do in Africa and they should have known it and acted accordingly (not gone there).

Tom Iron...
Jan 1, 2006
I know these young ladies put themselves in harms way to help others and I know they were not informed entirely of the dangers due to "sugar coating" of the truth or out right concealment. Regardless, a white man and/or a white woman has a right to freely go whereever they care to venture on God's green Earth and nobody should get away with any transgression upon them.

There was a time when heads would roll (not just figuratively) if anything like this happened in any corner of the world. Thanks to so called progressive egletarianism, justice is no longer ours and others know this and are no longer respecting of the white man and feel they can rob,intimidate,rape,and murder our people without recourse. One does not have to travel over seas to see this, it happens right here in America everyday. Maybe I am old fashion but I see that as being quite the contrary of "progressive."


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Yes it does happen right here. 3000 whites murdered a year by blacks, 15000 white women raped, and who knows how many robberies and burglaries. Our country is allowing the black genocide on whites to go on. Every single newspaper you read theres an article about blacks screaming racism. They have caused trillions of dollars in damages in this country through rioting and violence.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Run Stuffing LB said:
I agree for the most part, but in fairness our enemies have been very busy preaching to our women that negroes are cool/harmless, that miscegenation is "cool," that primitive savages are "spiritual" and more in tune with nature, etc, etc. A lot of the blame for cases like this belongs on the marxist jews who have relentlessly pushed this sort of message for nearly a century.

Excellent post - change the word "marxist" to "supremacist" and it's exactly what I think.

I feel sorry for the women who've been brainwashed and misled.


Nov 15, 2007
i watched "Rambo" about 3 weeks ago and i recommend it. it deals a bit with the dangers and extremes of missionary work. in the case of the movie i think the Christian missionaries went into Burma. it deals with the naivete of people trying to help people.

i for one really respect and admire people who are willing to help others, especially those they don't know. i just think the organizers and participants need to be more, much more weary of where they're going. to send unarmed women into africa is just asking for trouble. some people live in such miserable conditions that they digress to a primitive animal like condition, where their conscience goes out the door. i for one would never let my sister go into africa without me and preferably some sort of security staff.

by the way. if anyone has ever been to Thailand, you know it's not a walk in the park. how does the song go??.."one night in Bangkok makes the world seem colder, i feel the Devil standing next to me." songs like that are only written for some hard places.



Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
johnnyboy said:
i watched "Rambo" about 3 weeks ago and i recommend it. it deals a bit with the dangers and extremes of missionary work. in the case of the movie i think the Christian missionaries went into Burma. it deals with the naivete of people trying to help people.

i for one really respect and admire people who are willing to help others, especially those they don't know. i just think the organizers and participants need to be more, much more weary of where they're going. to send unarmed women into africa is just asking for trouble. some people live in such miserable conditions that they digress to a primitive animal like condition, where their conscience goes out the door. i for one would never let my sister go into africa without me and preferably some sort of security staff.

by the way. if anyone has ever been to Thailand, you know it's not a walk in the park. how does the song go??.."one night in Bangkok makes the world seem colder, i feel the Devil standing next to me." songs like that are only written for some hard places.


I agree completely, and I've been in Thailand for 3 months.
Jun 21, 2007
Outside North America
If these Dutch women want to help people then how about starting out at their local orphanages in Denmark. How about helping out a orphanage in Russia, or the Ukraine, or Belarus, or even Italy, or Germany for that matter. This incessant submission to African needs has driven me from the Christian church. I will never again give a dime to any charity that donates to a third world country. Nothing against those children, I personally get no joy from watching children starve whatever their ethnicity. However is it not counter productive to assist the future competitors of OUR nephews, OUR nieces, OUR very children by giving Africans the means to multiply in greater numbers. To me, I would think that if you are going to help anyone it should be those who carry your DNA.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
aussieaussie31 said:
If these Dutch women want to help people then how about starting out at their local orphanages in Denmark. How about helping out a orphanage in Russia, or the Ukraine, or Belarus, or even Italy, or Germany for that matter. This incessant submission to African needs has driven me from the Christian church. I will never again give a dime to any charity that donates to a third world country. Nothing against those children, I personally get no joy from watching children starve whatever their ethnicity. However is it not counter productive to assist the future competitors of OUR nephews, OUR nieces, OUR very children by giving Africans the means to multiply in greater numbers. To me, I would think that if you are going to help anyone it should be those who carry your DNA.

I agree with that completely as well. Too much work to do at home to put so much focus on the world.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I would be curious to know if these women will continue their work in Kenya. If they do and get raped again, I would have to lose all respect and sympathy for them at that point.

I try not to get too emotional about these crime reports, wherever they happen. There are just too many of them. But stories like these do give me opportunity to sit down with my daughters and talk about the real world and why they need to avoid minorities in so many situations.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
johnnyboy said:
i watched "Rambo" about 3 weeks ago and i recommend it. it deals a bit with the dangers and extremes of missionary work. in the case of the movie i think the Christian missionaries went into Burma. it deals with the naivete of people trying to help people.

i for one really respect and admire people who are willing to help others, especially those they don't know. i just think the organizers and participants need to be more, much more weary of where they're going. to send unarmed women into africa is just asking for trouble. some people live in such miserable conditions that they digress to a primitive animal like condition, where their conscience goes out the door. i for one would never let my sister go into africa without me and preferably some sort of security staff.

by the way. if anyone has ever been to Thailand, you know it's not a walk in the park. how does the song go??.."one night in Bangkok makes the world seem colder, i feel the Devil standing next to me." songs like that are only written for some hard places.


I rented the same Rambo movie three weeks ago and I would also heavily recomend that movie to every christian missionary that heads over to places like Burma and Kenya. My brother and a few of his friends recently visited Thailand and Cambodia and came back and told me some of the horror stories and conditions over there. I certainly would never go. I would rather take my vacation and go to places at the top of my list like Austrailia, England and New Zealand.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Bart said:
guest301 said:
You make good points Riddlewire and I know for a fact that the dangers of going to places like that for Christian missionairies is rarely discussed.

Rarely discussed?  Not here.  The internet is loaded with sites warning people.I've brought it up several times here myself,  citing facts and figures like a broken record.Nothing I hate more than altruistic, good-hearted, well meaning white people sacrificing their lives on the altars of diversity.  Most people are well aware of the dangers involved associating with africans.  They've heard it all before countless times but choose to call those of us who warm them as being Nazi's, hate mongers, bigots, low lifes etrc. etc.  Fine.   If they eat the bitter fruit of their harvest don't blame me.

I was clearly talking about the dangers being discussed among missionairies themselves and among the people that send them out. Most of them are not accessing the internet to catch your rants and others warnings about such places. They typically go in with blinders on.
You seem to revel in such atrocities and others misfortune like the bigoted Nazi you are. You are by far the most pathetic of all posters here. We have had many posters leave this site from one time or another for various reasons and some have come back. But you left for the most pathetic and truly petulant of all reasons, because the owner of this site chose to enforce the guidelines rather stringently one day , you got in a huff, threw a hissy fit and left the site for 8 months because you couldn't call blacks and jews some of the very choice names you have for them. You come slinking back in talking about how you had some vague personal issues but alot of us know why you left and how what a pathetic crybaby you really are. Just remember, you started this crap.Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
guest301 said:
You seem to revel in such atrocities and others misfortune like the bigoted Nazi you are.

Oy Vey!! I come home for a bite to eat and find you kvetching again? Your posts come right from the JDL, ADL,Meir Kahane handbooks,filled with lies and distortions. And of course you shriek NAZI!!!
The only thing I revel in is getting the truth out about how your parasitic brethren have destroyed this country, and everywhere else on the planet their hissing sounds can be heard. I really enjoy getting your serpentine blood pressure skyrocketing. Just don't fall off of your library stool. Everytime you pop your cork and send youryamulke flying you embolden me more to get the word out.
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