dutch volunteers raped in Kenya

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Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
You don't have my blood pressure flying, don't give yourself so much credit. It's interesting how you always ignore the elephant in the room but the elephant is still always there you cretin.You are still a temper tantrum throwing crybaby poster who took his ball and went home because you couldn't get your way no more.
I was feeling kind of sorry for you the other day thinking of the high gas prices. I guess you will have to soak those rags you use for crossburning now with something else besides gasoline. Have you drugged any old black men lately chained to your pickup like your friends in Jasper, Texas did? I am sure you dream of doing such things or have you done such things.
The 1850's on a plantation in the deep south as a overseer would have been more your style. As far as your charge about me spreading lies on this website, that is indeed a joke. I am the most honest person here, maybe too honest. I may be wrong sometimes but I don't tell or knowingly spread lies. You must be a miserable person to live with.

Edit. One more thing. I will pick on this very personal and embarrassing scab of yours every single time you attack me with one of your posts. Three years from now if this is still going on, I will still be picking at that scab to remind the old-timers and let the newbies know what you are truly all about. Folks, he basically quit the website for 8 months because he couldn't say the n word or other assorted adjectives to describe the people he hates. He used to be real big on that stuff. Now we get the spayed and neutered Bart.Edited by: guest301


This traipsing off to darkest Africa the neediest place on Earth is due in part to the self-centeredness of these feminine minded missionairies. "The Stuff White People Like" blog lampoons this and deservedly so. But since the Africans can at time act exactly like children (as we were told by Dr. Shweitzer) I suppose women just lap this up.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
guest301 said:
I was feeling kind of sorry for you the other day thinking of the high gas prices. I guess you will have to soak those rags you use for crossburning now with something else besides gasoline. Have you drugged any old black men lately chained to your pickup like your friends in Jasper, Texas did?

Beautiful!! You've learned your lessons well. What do you do, consult with Abe Foxman before each post? You are putting on a clinic. What 's next Mr. Honesty?
Will you accuse me of making soapand candles from dead jews? That scam was exposed as being bogus too, along with the gas chambers.


Nov 27, 2005
Outside North America
There are plenty of suffering Afrikaners in South Africa whose language is basically Dutch dialect and who are mostly of Dutch descent. I wonder if any do-gooders in the Netherlands care about them? I doubt it. The Dutch were amongst the most pro-Mandela anti-Apartheid nations in the world.

Put this incident down as a lesson learned.Edited by: Matra1


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Really beautiful Bart. You continue to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room but that said elephant keeps kicking you in the ass, doesn't it. Your personal history around here is a bitch, isn't it. Abe Foxman who. I honestly don't know who that guy is, I am sure he is with the JDL or something, don't really care. I don't get my talking points from anybody. Again folks, this is a poster who got mad at the owner of this site one day and left the site for 8 months because he couldn't use all the racial slang attack words he was used to using around here. He cares nothing for this site, or it's growth and he will be one of the main reasons this site won't reach the heights it could have with out him and his ilk present here. Still it was nice to see him leave the site for 8 months and have him crawling back with his tail between his legs was especially nice. As another poster around here so cleverly stated about you once, you are indeed a "douche bag", and a miserable one at that. You will stand before God one day and the secrecy and safety of the internet won't hide you or me. So keep on denying the Holocaust if you will, but if the Jews even do 20% of the stuff you claim they do, it's people like you throughout history that have given them the excuse. So keep on parsing my posts but the elephant is still kicking you in the ass.Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Well I am off the computer for the rest of the day. I will embarrass Bart some more tommorrow if need be. Have a good evening, folks.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
guest301 said:
Really beautiful Bart. You continue to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room but that said elephant keeps kicking you in the ass, doesn't it. Your personal history around here is a bitch, isn't it.

Personal history? You keep bringing that up like it some sort of huge skeleton in the closet.How dense are you? So, Idisagreed about something which at the time coincided withan untenablesituation in my lifelargely due to Negroes and my utter exasperation in not being able to resolve the issue.Oh, I am so very evil!!

I had since e-mailed Don several times in the past and the minorissue was cleared up nicely.It was due to my misunderstanding and have come to agree with and sympathize completely with Don, and why he had placed such rules in place for this site. But, in other areas of my life, I will continue using the - N - wordat appropriate times. No way in hell, willI refrain from using a word that every Negro uses habitually.


Apr 6, 2007
Bart said:
...I will continue using  the - N - word at appropriate times. 


Would those appropriate times be while you are safely cruising the net?


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Menelik said:
Bart said:
...I will continue using the - N - wordat appropriate times.

Would those appropriate times be while you are safely cruising the net?

If it is permissible for blacks to use the -n- word it is pemissible for ME and every white man to use it in various situations of OUR choosing.


Nov 15, 2007
Menelik said:
Bart said:
...I will continue using  the - N - word at appropriate times. 


Would those appropriate times be while you are safely cruising the net?

haha. i was having a sh*tty day, thanks for the laugh Menelik.
Jan 1, 2006
I think blacks are just classic school yard bullies going through life. They use the "n" word to show us they can use it and we can't. Its a power move for them. They are not these sensitive souls they are made out to be as I don't think hearing a white or any non black use the "n" word hurts their feelings. I think its all about power.

They want to enforce their power to not have the word utterred by a non black. If the word is used they feel they have a free pass to inflict any degree of bodily harm they like by attacking as a group on one. Sadly a lot of whites feel they have that right.


Sep 9, 2005
And I'm sure all five of the victims will forgive their attackers, and will try to make amends.

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Bart - Guest301,

Can we please keep to the topic and end the personal attacks?

Tom Iron...


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Bart said:
guest301 said:
Really beautiful Bart. You continue to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room but that said elephant keeps kicking you in the ass, doesn't it. Your personal history around here is a bitch, isn't it.

Personal history?  You keep bringing that up like it some sort of huge skeleton in the closet.  How dense are you?   So,  I disagreed about something which at the time coincided with an untenable situation in my life largely due to Negroes and my utter exasperation in not being able to resolve the issue.  Oh, I am so very evil!! 

I had since e-mailed Don several times  in the past and the minor issue was cleared up nicely.It was due to my misunderstanding and have come to agree with and  sympathize completely with Don, and why he had placed such rules in place for this site.    But, in other areas of my life, I will continue using  the - N - word at appropriate times.    No way in hell,  will  I refrain from using a word that every Negro uses habitually. 


That feeble excuse for you throwing a temper tantrum and leaving the site for 8 months because you couldn't use those words anymore around here anymore is still a elephant on your back. I wouldn't be on you like white on rice if you hadn't posted that disgusting emoticon about a man puking blood after one of my posts. We had left each other alone for the previous 6 months when we had another fracas much like this one. But you had to start crap up again and you are the one poster I won't get punked by. I will bring this up everytime you attack me and the only way to stop me is to ban me. No pms telling me to ignore you and that you are not worth it will stop me, no censoring or banning. Just leave me alone like you did before and this will stop. You have attacked me since the very beginning when I joined this site and you have never in my almost 2100 posts posted a agreement with me on anything. Are all my sports posts Zionist lies and deceptions because I got a wee little Jewish blood in me? Just sick of you and you are sick of me, so leave it alone. Because I won't stop bringing that story up and the fact you use that word in your personal life routinely is very telling about you as well. I thought you were more of a sophisticated bigot than that.Edited by: guest301


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Menelik said:
Bart said:
...I will continue using  the - N - word at appropriate times. 


Would those appropriate times be while you are safely cruising the net?

very funny.


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Tom Iron said:
Bart - Guest301,

Can we please keep to the topic and end the personal attacks?

Tom Iron...

I want to stop very much so but it's up to him. Not getting punked by him, others I can turn my cheek on when it's called for, not him.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
White racial realists are aware of an interesting dynamic in these cases. Here it is:

I'm guessing that these broads believed in "White skin privilege." In actuality, they may not feel guilty about being born White and in the West. Au Contraire, the mentality is often times quite different.

They might think that their White skin will protect them from harm. They think that their glowing, shining skin will get the "locals" to respect them. It's their huge ego that drives them to the "great White mother of the world" role. Of course, they want to survive unscaved and then tell everybody how great they themselves are and how great the "locals" were.

Frankly, they are the epitome of "White Supremacists." What happened to the, "we are all automatically equal" line? That way, every White would just let Africa be.

It's one thing to get raped by savages in Europe, which happens quite often these days, and another thing entirely to go to Africa to receive that "African hospitality." You know, AIDS? These broads probably have HIV now, amongst other things. What can I say?

It would make more sense if me and my buddies went to Africa with an arsenal of weapons. It would show a level of recognition when it comes to obvious dangers. Me and my buddies could die in Africa, but before it's all said and done, we wouldn't be the only one's dead.

White broads going to Africa unarmed shows pure arrogance. It displays such a disconnect with reality. They have learned the hard way that instant death is not the worst thing that could happen to a person.

Stop "White Supremacy" NOW.....


Nov 25, 2004
When you consider that these missionary and other religious types are pushing for more African mass immigration to our every white country where these transplanted blacks reak havok on our native white women, I also have very little sympathy for these Dutch women. I only have so much sympathy to spread around so I'll save it for the women who weren't ignorant but got raped anyway because of some ignorant do-gooders personal agenda to make their homeland less white. Edited by: Kaptain Poop


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
guest301 said:
Bart said:
guest301 said:
Really beautiful Bart. You continue to ignore the proverbial elephant in the room but that said elephant keeps kicking you in the ass, doesn't it. Your personal history around here is a bitch, isn't it.

Personal history?  You keep bringing that up like it some sort of huge skeleton in the closet.  How dense are you?   So,  I disagreed about something which at the time coincided with an untenable situation in my life largely due to Negroes and my utter exasperation in not being able to resolve the issue.  Oh, I am so very evil!! 

I had since e-mailed Don several times  in the past and the minor issue was cleared up nicely.It was due to my misunderstanding and have come to agree with and  sympathize completely with Don, and why he had placed such rules in place for this site.    But, in other areas of my life, I will continue using  the - N - word at appropriate times.    No way in hell,  will  I refrain from using a word that every Negro uses habitually. 


That feeble excuse for you throwing a temper tantrum and leaving the site for 8 months because you couldn't use those words anymore around here anymore is still a elephant on your back. I wouldn't be on you like white on rice if you hadn't posted that disgusting emoticon about a man puking blood after one of my posts. We had left each other alone for the previous 6 months when we had another fracas much like this one. But you had to start crap up again and you are the one poster I won't get punked by. I will bring this up everytime you attack me and the only way to stop me is to ban me. No pms telling me to ignore you and that you are not worth it will stop me, no censoring or banning. Just leave me alone like you did before and this will stop. You have attacked me since the very beginning when I joined this site and you have never in my almost 2100 posts posted a agreement with me on anything. Are all my sports posts Zionist lies and deceptions because I got a wee little Jewish blood in me? Just sick of you and you are sick of me, so leave it alone. Because I won't stop bringing that story up and the fact you use that word in your personal life routinely is very telling about you as well. I thought you were more of a sophisticated bigot than that.

Bump. He knows why.
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