Duke Lacrosse Hoax Thread

Dec 18, 2004
Back in 2006, there was a long thread on the Duke Lacrosse Hoax. Could someone provide the link to the thread?
Dec 18, 2004

Thanks a lot. I mistakenly thought it was in the Happy Hour forum. Sometimes my memory is a bit off! We must remember that not only was the MSM instrumental in pushing this hoax, but Sports Illustrated and ESPN were as hostile to the falsely accused as the New York Times. My theory on this is that they wanted to find criminality among white athletes to deflect attention from the widespread crime by black football and basketball players.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Sport Historian, I believe that is your first ever memory slip up!

Jason Whitlock recently went ballistic on Selena Roberts and the way she propagated the Duke lacrosse hoax "Al Sharpton" style:

Bio hazard: A-Rod author has credibility issues

Tuesday, as I listened to Roberts defend her New York Times columns that painted the Duke lacrosse players as rapists, cowards and liars during an interview on Jim Rome's nationally syndicated radio show, I couldn't help but notice she went with the Sharp-tongue defense.

"I wrote about the culture at Duke, and there's no doubt about that. I stand by that today," Roberts said. "I separated the criminal investigation from the culture."

full article: http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/9542614/Bio-hazard:-A-Rod -author-has-credibility-issues
Dec 18, 2004
I can remember watching the 1958 World Series on television, but I couldn't remember that the Duke Lacrosse thread was in the Media Racism and Stereotyping forum!

In her March 25, 2007 NY Times column, Roberts wrote:

"Don't mess with Duke though. To shine a light on its integrity has been treated by the irrational mighty as a threat to white privelige." And, "Feel free to excoriate the African-American basketball stars and football behemoths for the misdeeds of all athletes, but lay off the lacrosse pipeline to Wall Street, excuse the khaki-pants crowd of SAT wonder kids."
Dec 10, 2012
Anyone watch the 30 for 30 (Duke lacrosse) documentary last night, Fantastic Lies (?)

Any thoughts (?).. /I thought it was a fair telling of the events. Especially the film makers' focus on District Attorney (Nifong), and his role as a (politically opportunistic) bigot who tried to sacrifice the players to community & (self-proclaimed) social justice outrage.

If u missed it, it's uploaded to YouTube in it's entirety.. just search "30 for 30 Fantastic Lies".


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Anyone watch the 30 for 30 (Duke lacrosse) documentary last night, Fantastic Lies (?)

Any thoughts (?).. /I thought it was a fair telling of the events. Especially the film makers' focus on District Attorney (Nifong), and his role as a (politically opportunistic) bigot who tried to sacrifice the players to community & (self-proclaimed) social justice outrage.

If u missed it, it's uploaded to YouTube in it's entirety.. just search "30 for 30 Fantastic Lies".

I saw it and found it to be very fair. They repeatedly stated that the "national outrage" was almost exclusively due to the fact that the Duke lacrosse players were white (as well as "privileged" and "rich") and the stripper was black. They showed Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Oprah, and countless clips of the corporate news media running wild with this complete hoax of a story before any evidence was presented.

Mike Nifong, the Democrat District Attorney at the time who attempted to frame the players through phony DNA evidence, was rightly portrayed as a corrupt, liberal lowlife only interested in "appeasing" blacks in NC by sending innocent young white men to jail. This scum was disbarred, successfully sued, and filed bankruptcy.

Sgt. Mark Gottlieb (Jew?), who also "had it in" for the Duke players, was also accurately portrayed as a lying, crooked, anti-white prick. He committed suicide in 2014.

Crystal Mangum, the lying black stripper, was eviscerated. Her ridiculous history of arrests, domestic violence, mental health issues, and general sociopathic behavior were heavily discussed. She murdered her boyfriend in 2011 and is currently incarcerated...


Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I mentioned this article by William L. Anderson in the Trump thread. He did the best investigative journalism of anyone in the country after this monstrous hoax was started. It's a long article and if you don't have time to read it all, the concluding part alone is worth reading, because the kind of witchhunt that took place at Duke has now more or less become established policy at universities across the country over the past decade. Innocence is totally irrelevant if a White kid is accused of sexual assault, the charge itself proves guilt. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2016/03/william-l-anderson/4-innocent-boys-barely-escape/


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Jack Montague, the captain of the Yale Bulldogs basketball team, was expelled in February for "sexual misconduct." The story is getting a fresh round of press as Yale qualified for March Madness last week by winning the Ivy League. The team recently wore warm-up t-shirts with Montague's number and nickname to show their solidarity, and soon after some flyers got taped up around campus demanding the players stop "supporting a rapist." The media narrative is now that the "student body" might not in fact be cheering for their own basketball team.

There was no police report filed; the expulsion was solely the result of the university's Title IX hearing. Looking through a half-dozen major publication articles, I had to find the most relevant facts linked in a comments section, which are here: Lawyer: Sex in 2014 was Consensual

The University hired an independent investigator to investigate this matter and, as reported by her, the facts not in dispute and as stated in the female student’s account are these:

– The two students developed a relationship that led to them sleeping together in Jack’s room on four occasions in the fall of 2014.

– On the first occasion, the woman joined Jack in bed and stayed the night.

– On the second occasion, she entered his bed voluntarily, removed all of her clothes and, during the night, woke him to perform oral sex.

– On the third occasion, she joined him in bed, voluntarily took off all her clothing, and they had sexual intercourse by consent.

– On the fourth occasion, she joined him in bed, voluntarily removed all of her clothes, and they had sexual intercourse. Then they got up, left the room and went separate ways. Later that same night, she reached out to him to meet up, then returned to his room voluntarily, and spent the rest of the night in his bed with him.

The sole dispute is as to the sexual intercourse in the fourth episode. She stated that she did not consent to it. He said that she did.

A year later she reported the incident to a Title IX coordinator. A Title IX official – not her – filed a formal complaint with the University-Wide Committee.

The accusation alone was proof for both Yale's dean and provost to uphold the expulsion. The female remains anonymous.