Don on Political Cesspool-July 25! 6-7PM Central


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
I just got through listening to Hour 1 of Don's interview. Good stuff all around.

Blue Devils

Feb 27, 2008
I just finished listening to the first hour. Good show as always.

Great points made by Don


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Your welcome Don, although I didn't do much. I'm glad to be a tiny part of helping CF and TPC wake up the white masses. We do need more James Edwards around. I'm glad you were able to spend time with family. I know how valuable that time can be.

C Darwin

Mar 29, 2006
New York
James did a better job this time in letting Don talk. I remember the last interview when James wouldn't let Don complete hardly any of his thoughts.

Can anyone guess as to how many people actually listened to that broadcast?


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
I agree about James letting Don talk more, C Darwin. Your question about audience size is a good one. I know LRN has quite a few AM and FM stations across the country, plus a nice sized online listening audience. I wish I knew the audience size, but I can tell you that James now gets more emails than he can personally answer, so the audience is pretty large and getting bigger.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Hey Don, just fininshed listening to your piece on the radio. It was interesting listening to your voice rather than just posts or your articles here on CF.

Regarding the interview, I still believe the biggest villians are white people, ie Head coaches, atheletic directors and GMs . Many are spinless and cowardly. The Eastern European are the opposite. White Americans have been suckered and now believe they are inferior and should know their place. Hopefully CF will be the lynch pin and catalyst to end self loathing of white people. Thank God I have boxing to look forward to year round. It truely gives me hope that American whites will WTF up and stop disaparing themselves and glorifing the affelets. Don thank again for creating this forum in exposing the truth of whats going on.


Mar 23, 2009
Nicely done, Don.
You should speak more often. I wonder if we are the silent majority, you know? Maybe there are a lot of people out there that know what we know, but they don't get any attention or speak up, or even care. The northeast is overflowing with DWFs though. I gotta get out of here.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
The DWFs are everywhere. In the Deep South college football is still king and their are fans who live and breath "their" team. Even if someone is aware enough of the Caste System to quit being a rabid team fan, they will still pull for SEC teams over other teams in non-conference regular season games or bowl games. I've had people tell me "you gotta pull for the SEC over the Big-12" or some such nonsense. They turn it into a sectional or regional thing, which I fully understand as a Southerner but don't buy into anymore because of the Caste System. I tell them I'm not going to pull for the SEC over anybody because they are systematically discriminating against white men like us. I tell them if they start playing whites more, then I might pull for one insanely black team over another insanely black team. If and when the SEC cares about people like me, then I might consider caring for them.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Colonel_Reb said:
The DWFs are everywhere. In the Deep South college football is still king and their are fans who live and breath "their" team. Even if someone is aware enough of the Caste System to quit being a rabid team fan, they will still pull for SEC teams over other teams in non-conference regular season games or bowl games. I've had people tell me "you gotta pull for the SEC over the Big-12" or some such nonsense. They turn it into a sectional or regional thing, which I fully understand as a Southerner but don't buy into anymore because of the Caste System. I tell them I'm not going to pull for the SEC over anybody because they are systematically discriminating against white men like us. I tell them if they start playing whites more, then I might pull for one insanely black team over another insanely black team. If and when the SEC cares about people like me, then I might consider caring for them. 

Most conferences are discriminating against white players but the SEC especially. The only school where whites are never discriminated against is BYU.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Its the individual schools that make up the conferences that are the biggest part of the problem. The coaches, recruiters, and athletic directors at each school is where change is most needed. This is different than the drunk white fans, but part of the same problem. Because of the extreme discrimination of each school's personnel in the SEC, the SEC becomes a discriminatory league. Considering this, every conference in the country looks discriminatory against whites. There are schools in each conference that are less discriminatory than other conference members. Schools like BYU, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, Stanford, Central Michigan, Cincinnati, and Boise State often stand out from other conference members by playing more whites than the rest, but often the conferences are still far from being as white as they should be.

Let's take the MWC for the first example. As a conference with 9 members, they have 4 teams that are majority white (BYU-17, Air Force-15, Colorado State-16, and Wyoming-16) and 1 team that may start 10 whites (Texas Christian), and the rest should all start 8 whites (New Mexico, San Diego State, UNLV, and Utah).

This is probably the whitest conference by starters in the nation in the whitest conference area in the nation, but it still has teams that should be whiter than they are. The SEC is probably the blackest conference in the nation in the blackest conference area in the nation, and it has a majority of teams with less than 6 white starters. Vandy is the whitest team with 12, then comes Kentucky with 9, Alabama-8, Arkansas-7, Tennessee with 6, LSU, Georgia, and South Carolina with 5, Ole Miss and Mississippi State with 4, and Auburn and Florida with 3.

The differences are pretty stark, 70 white starters out of a possible 264 (26.5%) in the SEC versus 106 white starters out of a possible 198 (53.5%) in the MWC.

I wouldn't say that BYU doesn't discriminate against whites. I would say they tend to do it less than just about anyone, but I have been waiting for a white starting RB for 4 years and still haven't seen one. There are still areas for improvement. Two years ago I would have put Air Force on top, because they started the whitest team I've ever seen. Generally speaking though, those two schools tend to be the fairest toward white skill players.

Edited by: Colonel_Reb


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
BYU was the only school to allow Luke Staley to start. He was the best running back in the country that year and still ended up getting drafted in the 7th round.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
whiteathlete33, you are correct about Luke Staley back in 2001, just as LSU was the only school to let Jacob Hester start in 2007. We see how he's getting screwed in the NFL after getting drafted pretty well. My point is that BYU isn't alone in trying to be fair to some white athletes and they aren't perfect either because they haven't had a starting white RB since then.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Dustin Johnson was a FB who got a few carries and quite a few catches. His last season was 1997. Luke Staley played as a Freshman in 1999 and then left for the NFL after his junior season in 2001. Like I said, BYU hasn't had a white starting RB since Luke.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
I'm going to listen to Don's hour interview when I get the chance this week (I just downloaded it), I'm sure he did a great job. The Political Cesspool has a decent sized audience of racially conscious whites I hear, particularly in the south where the SEC is. Hopefully this will help wake some DWF SEC fans up.

I guess you could say "The Political Cesspool" isn't entirely mainstream, but are a good medium to reach out to mainstream intelligent whites. In order to have an effect we can't become like the mainstream line of thinking, but we have to do our best to reach out to them to make them rethink their train of thought.

About the closest we'll get on television to a true conservative/ realist is Glen Beck. He is an example of a guy who isn't a "typical" journalist or pundit, but has reached out to the mainstream and made some people question their MO.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
BTW guys, I am going to set up a "Peyton Hillis and Sam McGuffie" Myspace page after I get back from my honeymoon with highlights of white football players/ dunkers/ articles etc. I will put as my quote "our goal is colorblind sports". I also am going to spend some time on various message boards respectfully arguing against the caste system.

Rivals, Scout and ESPN would probably eventually ban me to protect their Marxist recruiting service agenda. However, I am going to go to NFL teams message boards, CBSsports message boards and spend a little more time on Youtube. I will try H.S and college forums as well. I may go on Footballsfuture, but that site is the webs #1 DWF site and will ban you for even mentioning race. In a whole 4 page thread of the best RBs for 2010 not one poster mentioned Toby Gerhart on that site. That site is run as a Marxist tool to emasculate whites and may be a lost cause.

We have to bring this fight to the mainstream to have an effect and do it tactfully and respectfully.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
TJR I feel your enthuasim for our cause. Here is a tip. On your honeymoon don't let your wife catch you posting here on CF. She and you deserve each others full attention, just joking. Congrats on your marriage!

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Fist of all, great job on TPC Don.

Now let's compare the SEC's 26.5% white starters to two other major conferences. First, the Big 12

Colorado - 12/22
Iowa St. - 7/22
Kansas St. - 12/22
Kansas 11/22
Missouri 9/22
Nebraska 13/22

Baylor 9/22
Oklahoma 7/22
Oklahoma St. 5/22
Texas 9/22
Texas A&M 10/22
Texas Tech 8/22

112/264 42.4% of starters are white. The loser of the Big 12 is Oklahoma State with 5 white starters. After that, the next lowest teams start 7. Should be over half, but still almost 16 points better than the SEC.

Here is the Big 10

Illinois 4/22
Iowa 12/22
Indiana 9/22
Michigan 7/22
Michigan State 11/22
Minnesota 11/22
Northwestern 15/22
Ohio State 11/22
Penn State 8/22
Purdue 11/22
Wisconsin 13/22

112/242 46.2% of the Big 10's starters are white. Not counting SEC duplicate Illinois, the lowest number of white starters would be Michgan's 7. This should be over half as well. The Big 10 is nearly 20 points better than the SEC. The Big 10 has a majority of teams starting 11 whites or better, but the total is dragged down by the Illini's 4 white starters.

I'll put up Big East and Pac-10 number later, unless someone else wants to do them.
Edited by: Jack Lambert


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
For those of you who haven't yet heard Don's interview, LRN has made their broadcast archives free, so you can listen to it anytime!

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Listened to the interview the other day. Fantastic stuff, Don - especially the part about why coaches comply with the caste system as it rewards them the greatest to do so.