Diversity is a strength?

Yeah, learning philosophy, womens studies etc is pointless, but with Business and Economice degrees there are good job oppurtunities. Same for engineering etc.
Riddlewire said:
I considered making a new post for this, as it's only slightly related to this thread. But it's really just an observation on my part.

Here is an article about a school district ending their race-mixing bussing laws. The article is from last year. You can tell by the website's motto ("Young People Working For Progressive Change") what kind of sentiments are contained in the article. It's just a bunch of whining about how Wake County will return to the days of slavery now that the forced bussing policy is dead. How terrible it will be for white kids to be allowed to go to school with other white kids in their own neighborhood. Oh, the horror...

The truth is, I only got about halfway through before I decided reading any further would be a waste of two minutes of my life. As I was scrolling down the page, about to close the tab, something caught my eye at the bottom. The author's bio:
"Alison Grady is a sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she is majoring in Peace, War & Defense and minoring in Philosophy, Politics & Economics and Women's Studies."

Ok, now for the whole point of my post.
Don't send your kids to college. Send them to a trade school. Get them into a trainee program with a solid company. Or just encourage them to take two part-time jobs. Four years after high school, they will be much better off than the garbage that emerges from our "higher education" factories these days. Just consider the protomarx unit mentioned above. Here is a human female who possesses absolutely no value whatsoever. She is completely worthless to all of human society. At best, she will be able to secure a shady taxpayer-funded job at a D.C. Think Tank/Lobbyist firm. At worst, she will be a spell-checker for a small-town newspaper, surviving paycheck to paycheck. Meanwhile, the non-college bound kid will have four years of valuable work experience on his resume, as well as some savings if he is careful with expenditures.
I say, let's take this idea one step further: just give the option to opt out of schooling entirely, and give the parents the 12 years x $13,000 that it costs; provided that the child can pass a literacy exam.
it's a shame Tough hasn't been around of late to explain how this happens in "enlightened" Canada, but the following story is quite telling of how firmly entrenched preferential treatments for blacks, sometimes known as affirmative action, is in the not-so-Great formerly-White North ... a collegiate teaching assistant (ta) is so terrified of facing racially-based legal action that she isn't sure if she should report the fact that EVERY SINGLE BLACK STUDENT IN HER CLASS committed plagiarism on a paper. she posted the quavering query on reddit.com, and i'll share it below. if you want to read the comments, i will also post the link to the original site. it generated over 2,500 comments.

I am a TA at a university. My professor and I are currently in an unusual and very awkward situation, and we could use some advice... (self.AskReddit)

The course in question is an introduction to writing for first-year undergraduates at a Canadian university. They submitted their first full-length papers of the term a week ago, and we've been dutifully marking them with the intention of handing them back next week.
We've been extra-rigorous when it comes to checking these papers for plagiarism, both because it's the first real work they've submitted and because of a memo sent out to our department back in late August urging every instructor to take greater measures. We've been cross-checking passages (especially suspicious ones, but also some that have been randomly chosen) using Google all along the line. We have been finding plagiarists.
Specifically, we have found six plagiarists (out of a class of 50).
All of them are black. And there are no other black students in the class.
My prof and I are both pretty sure that other students have probably plagiarized (it happens so, so much), but these are the only ones we can definitively prove. It's not even circumstantial or flimsy proof, either; complete, ****ty, largely unaltered papers taken directly from sites like this. Anyone with a search engine could find them.
It would seem to be an open and shut case, but the fact that every last one of the students is black is making us hesitate. I don't know what it's like in other countries, but in Canada we have a well-established Human Rights Commission that would be all too happy to accommodate some or all of these students bringing both my professor and me up on charges of racial discrimination. It wouldn't even matter if we were to be eventually vindicated; the process is really expensive and time-consuming, and many people who have to deal with it end up settling even though they maintain their innocence. This, anyway, is quite apart from anything the university itself might do to us, which is another story entirely.
It's possible that our worries are unfounded, but we still have them - these things have happened before. How on earth should we proceed? The idealist in me insists that we give these students the failing grades they deserve and maintain some spirit of academic integrity, but neither I nor the prof wish to have our careers ruined over something like this.
The most annoying part: neither of us even wants to teach this class.
What do you think, Reddit?
EDIT: Lots more replies here than I anticipated, so thanks for that! I'm trying to reply to everyone who's given useful advice, but it's pretty late and I have to go to bed soon. Still, I'll try to get back to everyone in the morning, at the very least.
EDIT 2; SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Wow, this went absolutely nuts. There's no way I can respond to everyone, but thank you all for your advice (and your jokes, too).
My prof and I have decided to take this situation directly to the department chair and describe exactly what's going on. As much as we tend to agree that it would be best for us to just pass the papers along without any comment about the strange racial clustering that took place, mizike's comment is an astute one. All the cards have to be on the table if the chair is to take this seriously and provide the right sort of guidance.
We're also going to follow the advice of some other posters here and ask the chair if she thinks we ought to go to the HRC ourselves to get them to provide additional scrutiny. hmasing's comment here gives the best account of what that should probably look like. I'm somewhat nervous about this, but we'll see what the chair says first.
All of this could come to nothing, and I really hope it does. In the best-case scenario, the students will get their zeros (just on the assignments, not in the course in its entirety), learn a valuable lesson about etc., and we can all move on to the next round of papers.
If there's still any interest, I can post a follow-up about all this later in the week. With luck, it will just be to say that everything went better than expected. Here's hoping!
Thanks again, everyone, for all your contributions.

James Edwars take on Steven Crowder

Somewhere on this sight is a link to an Australian beer commercial about a wihte fighter who fihgts a balck fighter. The back ground music is a techno verson os the song deliver me tha ironically was written by Steven Crowder.
I find it funny that Republicans are just as big of castewhores as Democrats are. Prime examples are Bobby Bowden, George Steinbrener, and Bob Knight. I was pissed when I read that the bulk of George Steinbrener's charity donations went to black college sports teams and building baseball parks in the inner city.
The reason I brougth this up is because I remember an arguement I had with my father-in-law, He was saying that he tought in inner city schools kids who show tremendous athletic ability early should be able to go to schools where they are required to do the minimum academically, mostly he thinks they should have to go to class three hours a day, and then spend four hours training for sports. His said that blacks are built for sports and that they are a better investment that way than actually being required to learn something.

Your father in law may be right. After half a century of desegregated schools better than 50% of the black adults I encounter in the work place have problems with reading comprehension and simple math. When I was young man this was blamed on the segregated schools which gave blacks a substandard education. But now in the region I live in the only segregated schools are a few private academies that the wealthy send their children ant the generally all black charter schools that the militant blacks send their children to. I am not saying that blacks are superior athletes but they are definitely inferior scholars and in many cases forcing them to into academic training is torture for them and a wast of resources for the tax payers.
It's not so much that aspect of it as it is the fact that he is saying we should give blacks a leg up by letting them take time to train, over white kids who both go to school and play sports. I'm not a fan of giving anybody an unfair advantage.
speaking of the nightmare that is the public school system ...

this "racial incident" "mars" a high school basketball game.

this "outrage" is from the same douchebag white multi-cultists who encourage the illegal brownies that populate the southern States to "celebrate their heritage." apparently, White American kids are prevented from doing the same. :frusty:

SAN ANTONIO - A local school district is apologizing after an apparent incident of racism at a boys high school basketball game this past weekend.

When the final whistle blew Saturday, Alamo Heights celebrated a convincing victory over San Antonio Edison.

Alamo Heights Head Coach Andrew Brewer said he was proud of his team.

"Tremendously proud,â€￾ Brewer said. “Tremendously. It's the best group of kids."

But it was just after the trophy presentation when the coach was not proud of the chant coming from Alamo Heights fans.

"USA, USA, USA," they chanted.

San Antonio Independent School District officials took the chant as a racial insult to a school with all minority players from a school with mostly white ones.

On the KSAT 12 Defenders Facebook page, Santos Villarreal's post reads “this has to stop.â€￾

SAISD Spokeswoman Leslie Price heard about the incident after it had happened.

"This is very disrespectful to our students,â€￾ Price said.

She said the district is glad the coach put a stop to the chant immediately and hopes Alamo Heights addresses it quickly.

"It is surprising and it's disappointing to hear that anyone would be out there making those kind of remarks," Price said.

Edison students who attended Saturday's game were shocked when they heard the chant. Some thought the fans of the victors should have been better behaved.

Ruby Arredondo and Forest Lebaron are seniors at Edison and Julian Castellano is a junior.

"I was very surprised,â€￾ Castellano said. “Very appalled."

"They didn't really have any class," Arredondo said.

"It just rubbed us the wrong way," Lebaron said.

Alamo Heights Superintendent Dr. Kevin Brown also apologized for the chant.

"We just hope that people know that that's not who we are and we're not going to let it happen again," Brown said.

Alamo Heights has apologized to SAISD and the students identified will also have to apologize and have been banned from the state title games.

"We think that you have to earn a right to be there and that's not a reflection of our school district," Brown said.

Both districts are now just trying to move past this disturbing incident.

Another SAISD school, Lanier High, faced a similar incident within the last year from students in the Cedar Park school district.

i wonder what will happen to the White students who refuse to "apologize" for their evil Whiteness ...
speaking of the nightmare that is the public school system ...

this "racial incident" "mars" a high school basketball game.

this "outrage" is from the same douchebag white multi-cultists who encourage the illegal brownies that populate the southern States to "celebrate their heritage." apparently, White American kids are prevented from doing the same. :frusty:

i wonder what will happen to the White students who refuse to "apologize" for their evil Whiteness ...

These mexcrement untermenschen just don't get or won't accept the fact that this IS NOT THEIR COUNTRY! They do not, never have and never will belong here. This Republic was founded and made great by the White man....period. I'm so sick & tired of the endless cultmarx deluge. :censored:
Jimmy Chitwood,

Interesting how the White "leadership" runs to grovel. It's also interesting that after all the brainwashing that so many of our young people reject what they're being told. Slowly but surely, the young people are coming around to our way of thinking. It was inevitable. Mainly because of the small fact that we're right. Those things known as facts are always popping back up, no matter how much people try to suppress them. In the end, we win and I'm not talking about some little basketball game. I'm talking about we win this country back.

Tom Iron...
Okay, I've written letters to both the principal of the H.S. and Supt. of the district stating my support for the students and my disgust with them both.

Tom Iron...
I was going to put this in the crime thread but I thought it highlights the wonders of diversity so much more. Every time I think black people haven't sunken to a new low....

[video=youtube;Rb1L_Fq4HYk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb1L_Fq4HYk[/video]Warning: Loads of foul language and extreme TNB.
White share of U.S. population drops to historic low

check out these two headlines:

White Share of U.S. Population Drops to Historic Low

White majority in U.S. gone by 2043

the headlines speak for themselves, but i'll quote a couple of poignant excerpts.

The U.S. continued its transformation into a majority-minority nation last year, with Census Bureau data showing non-Hispanic whites making up the lowest percentage of the population in American history.

The estimates released today capture several milestones in the country’s demographic makeup. For the first time in more than a century, deaths outpaced births among white Americans. Almost half, 49.9 percent, of the nation’s children younger than 5 were minorities as of July 1. And the nation’s total minority population grew 21 times faster than whites.

The new census estimates, a snapshot of the U.S. population as of July 2012, comes a year after the Census Bureau reported that whites had fallen to a minority among babies. Fueled by immigration and high rates of birth, particularly among Hispanics, racial and ethnic minorities are now growing more rapidly in numbers than whites.

It’s the latest in a series of reports that have signaled a major, long-term shift in the demographics of the United States, as non-Hispanic white Americans are expected to become a minority group over the next three decades. For years, Americans of Asian, black and Hispanic descent have stood poised to topple the demographic hegemony historically held by whites.

Based on current rates of growth, whites in the under-5 group are expected to tip to a minority this year or next, Thomas Mesenbourg, the Census Bureau's acting director, said.
The government also projects that in five years, minorities will make up more than half of children under 18.

White folks are in big, BIG trouble ...
Diversity is a code word for anti-white genocide. Those who promote diversity are genocidists. They're evil.

Calling diversity a "strength" is a way of making something that is evil and bad sound good.
A warm welcome back to the living legend himself, Jimmy Chitwood!

Speaking of “diversity” being perverted into a measure of “strength”…

This past Saturday, I was working in my garage to fix the fuel pump in one of my truck’s gas tanks while my wife and kids were in the backyard. Just as I was dropping the tank, a white man in a suit and a white woman in a dress (both looked at least 60 years old) parked their car at the end of my driveway and began walking towards me. I crawled out from under my truck, turned off the heavy metal music and greeted them. They both clutched dark red bibles, and were obviously Jehovah Witnesses. Despite the particularly rural location, they seem to come to my house probably once every 5-6 months and I’ve always been nothing but kind to them and accept their inane literature attempting to “convert” me to their religion…it makes for great kindling in the winter.

This time, however, the white man, some forty years my senior, extracted a much different pamphlet from his coat pocket and immediately began reading about the heinous felony that is “racial prejudice.” As he paged through his homoerotic, unconditionally-Marxist, fantasy-laden, racially-insensate brochure, I noticed a “hallowed” image of the hyper-violent, prostitute-slapping, white-abhorring, serial-adulterer, Cultural Marxist, anti-white bigot and known communist, Michael King (alas “Dr.” Martin Luther King, Jr.). I couldn’t suppress a facetious chuckle when the man began to leaf through the brochure, uttering assorted mendacities such as: “Jesus and Dr. King were preachers who taught us that every human life is equally precious!” and “racism is everywhere, especially Pennsylvania!” and “we all have prejudice, but the Bible can help you overcome them!” Thirty seconds of searching the internet revealed the PDF version of the pamphlet that this puerile ****** had the audacity to bring onto my doorstep…


Here are some of the “highlights”….


CAPTION: Rainbow-Colored Mechanics Loving Life as Interracial Butt Buddies


CAPTION: Arch Fraud Supreme – Little Mikey Queen


CAPTION: Pravda 2.0 – Limited Jehovah Witness Edition

Suddenly, I stopped him, mid-sentence, and informed him as to a few truths concerning his precious Negro savior, Michael King. From his plagiarized “doctorate” degree, to his rabid proclivity for prostitutes (the good reverend even entertained a mangy gaggle the night before receiving the Nobel “Peace” Prize in Sweden in 1964), his money-laundering of church funds for sexual gratification, his drug addictions, his ties to Communists and other hardcore criminals, his “classified” FBI file, etc. The man kept saying “Sir, I believe you’re mistaken.” I told him that I’ve researched the topic far more extensively that he had. I then informed him of the necessity of “Apartheid” and the ghastly, appalling, vile-beyond-words occurrences that befell whites immediately subsequent to April 1994. The PC buzz-words continued to disgorge nonetheless when he stated something like “yes, sir, I’ll admit that…sometimes, um, racism can actually work both ways.” At this point, I nicely told him that for the past 100+ years, “prejudice” against whites was transformed into a global practice, instituted by all races and all members of society. He pretended to acknowledge my points, but then read from the Book of Matthew, saying: “Jesus instructs us to turn the other cheek.” I told him it was a fantasy, an inversion of natural human emotions. I told him about my European heritage and how much it meant to me…how I didn’t want to share it or dilute it with another. I told him that I fundamentally disagree with every single word in his pamphlet and that nothing, especially religious fear-mongering, could dissuade me. At that point, we shook hands and they left on good terms. Fifty yards down the road, I saw him speaking to my next door neighbor…


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