Dirk Nowitzki

You know I try to judge every man based on his actions and merits. This includes affelets. Years ago I respected Kobe Bryant until he attempted to sodimize that White girl in Colorado as well be unfaithful to his adoring wife. After that I threw Kobe into the TNB box. He remains there until this day.

Well Kobe has a couple of affelets that will keep him company in that TNB box now, Dufus Wade and LaBrown James. Mocking any player who was certifably sick and dropping 27-9 on you a night is disgusting and dumb. Wait til the Mavs see this.
I hate the fact that the media is comparing Dirk to Larry Bird. Dirk is a great player, no doubt about it, but a Larry Bird he will never be. What do they have in common other than skin color? Bird had a much better all around game. He was a better passer and rebounder than Dirk.
Lebron and Wade are obviously feeling somewhat emasculated right now because a tall skinny White guy is making them feel like total punks in "their" game.

Typical. Remember that Mexican dude (Margarito?) who tried to clown on Pacquiao's trainer, then Pacquiao made him look like an idiot in the ring?

Basically that's what Dirk's doing to Lebron.
whiteathlete33 said:
I hate the fact that the media is comparing Dirk to Larry Bird.  Dirk is a great player, no doubt about it, but a Larry Bird he will never be.  What do they have in common other than skin color?  Bird had a much better all around game.  He was a better passer and rebounder than Dirk.

I'll do ya one better...Bird was the greatest player to ever play the game...period.
whiteathlete33 said:
I hate the fact that the media is comparing Dirk to Larry Bird.  Dirk is a great player, no doubt about it, but a Larry Bird he will never be.  What do they have in common other than skin color?  Bird had a much better all around game.  He was a better passer and rebounder than Dirk.
They're doing that to put unwanted pressure on Dirk. In fact, every promising white player (but fell short) in the last 20 years, have been tagged the "next Bird." Well, as Magic Johnson best said it, "there won't be another Larry Bird," but it's safe to say that Dirk Nowitzki is the BEST of the "next Bird."

Besides skin color, and shooting prowess, Bird and Dirk couldn't be more different from each other. Bird had that competitive fire and leadership Dirk will never have, he was an elite defender, rebounder, and passer, traits Dirk will never have, and was possibly the best player the game has ever seen.

Dirk though, is on the verge of stepping out of Bird's shadow, to become a legendary, iconic white player on his OWN. Let's just say that anytime another promising white player (especially from Europe) comes along, he'll be tagged as the "next Dirk." Although it's obvious that like there won't be another Larry Bird, there won't be another Dirk Nowitzki.

But, there will certainly be another White NBA Superstar. That's to make up for the crazy rantings I did when I first came to this site (this thread especially).
I disagree somewhat. Thus far, the media has been fair and at times lauding Dirk to a fault. I believe alot in the media want the Heat to crash and burn espeically this Sunday.

Unlike the NFL , the beat writers in my opinion are hoping that the affelets lose Sunday to a decent White Superstar and his band of merry vetrens. I can not believe I am writing this! But it appears to me that is what is happening.

Dirk is showing the fire and leadership this series. He has also been very clutch.
Dirk's great shooting, his great 3 point shot, his dead-eye free throw shooting, and his ability
to score from anywhere are all very Bird-like. They are both pretty good rebounders although Bird
grabbed more. However, Dirk gets more dunks. Bird got a ton of steals but Dirk gets more blocks.
Bird was an awesome passer and got a lot of assists but he had hall of fame teammates with him
including Kevin McHale in his prime. The passing/ball handling comparison is the only thing that differs.
However, Dirk is better in the low post and can play all three front court positions.

If Dirk can get more assists then he will be even better. Then you can't double team him. He has made some good passes this series.

Can Dirk pass Larry Bird? Well, Bird had 3 straight MVP's, 3 titles and 2 Finals MVP's plus a ton of triple doubles and a 60 point game. If Dirk wins this year he will have had one MVP, one title, and one Finals MVP.
Not sure what his career high in scoring is but I don't think it is 60. Not sure if he has any triple doubles.
The good thing is he is playing great and could make a run at an MVP and another title next year. If he does that he would be really close to Bird considering Dirk doesn't have a Hall of Famer in his prime to play with. If he plays another 3 or 4 years after next year he will move up the all-time scoring and rebounding ranks and could get a 50 point game or two. And I am sure he could get a few triple doubles if he tried.

This series has showed that Dallas has the best TEAM. It has also showed that Dallas has the
best PLAYER (Dirk) which is awesome given that LeBron and Wade are 2 of the top 5 guys in the league.
RIGHT NOW Dirk is the best player in the league.

I think the league (aka Stern and his henchmen) want a Heat vs. Lakers Finals next year with LeBron looking
to get his first title against his old coach and Kobe trying to bounce back and get his sixth ring to tie MJ.
Dirk Nowitzki is a great player, but Larry Bird is up there with the all-time greats to ever play in the NBA, arguably the best.

I'm just looking forward to the Mavs winning the title and then seeing how James and Wade make excuses for losing.
whiteathlete33 said:
I hate the fact that the media is comparing Dirk to Larry Bird. Dirk is a great player, no doubt about it, but a Larry Bird he will never be. What do they have in common other than skin color? Bird had a much better all around game. He was a better passer and rebounder than Dirk.

IMHO, Dirk is more comparable to Tim Duncan than Bird.
When Keith Van Horn was drafted they compared him to Larry Bird. To be perfectly honest, Van Horn was more athletic than Bird but he had only about half the skills of him. Every single white forward in the NBA who averages double figures is somehow labeled as Larry Bird. Very stupid.
whiteathlete33 said:
When Keith Van Horn was drafted they compared him to Larry Bird.  To be perfectly honest, Van Horn was more athletic than Bird but he had only about half the skills of him.  Every single white forward in the NBA who averages double figures is somehow labeled as Larry Bird.  Very stupid.
I think the question is what a player has to do to be the "next Larry Bird"? Shoot? Pass? Score 30 ppg? I know that Larry was a good player even though he was not that athletic I think this is where all this comparisons are coming from, non athletic players who can shoot, pass and score but don't have the heart to be in winning mode at all times like Larry.

There are plenty of black players (Lebron or Carmelo for instance) who are never compared to Larry Bird whose games are more like his than any of these white guys. Unfortunately, it's mostly about race. The same would be true for Jordan, no white player can be compared to him.

My favorite was when Wes Unseld drafted Tom Gugliotta when he was with the Washington Bullets. A reporter asked Unseld if Googs could be compared with Bird and Unseld foolishly said "He's gonna be Big Bird".

Tom Gugliotta was a good player that started out hot and just fizzled after a few injuries but yeah, I remember Unseld making that remark.

Out of all the players I've heard compared to Bird (other than Dirk), he probably came the closest. He was a good rebounder, had a high basketball IQ, was an above average passer, and could score.
I was reading an article today and found out that Brian Cardinal has replaced Stojakovic as the primary backup behind Nowitzki. Stojakovic has been struggling but he's way, way better than Cardinal. I'd like to see him get his spot back.
I think Cardinal brings more energy and is alot better defensively. He can hit the shot when needed as he has demonstrated. But Peja is alot better career wise. and hopefully they will all get that coveted ring tommmorrow.

Peja for what ever reason(age?)never got on track and cofidence has grown for Cardinal.
Cardinal has played his role well in the limited minutes he gets. The series has been pretty fairly officiated, except that every time Cardinal plants and a driving Heat player bowls him over, Cardinal gets called for the foul instead of the offensive player. That's how Wade was injured in the last game, plowing into Cardinal's brick wall defensive posture.
How PASSIONATELY I hate the NBA. It's enjoyable to see pigs like Lebro James and his friends get beaten by a superior White player. The sports media of course enjoys the insult frenzy against the White basketball player, much like Caste insults of White football players. It would be wonderful if Dallas an Nowitzki could win the series, as the hate-Whitey media has been drooling over the "Miami Heat" from day one and the various animals that play there.

The hate is pernicious, universal. The workout club I belong to in Middle Atlantic "diversity" Amerika is CRAWLING with large male Negroes. The criminal, bitter Hate Whitey kind (is there any other kind?). They're seething with hatred and rage that Nowitzki is winning the Finals battle against their beloved co-Animal, Lebron

It would be wonderful if Dallas an Nowitzki could win the series, as the hate-Whitey media has been drooling over the "Miami Heat" from day one and the various animals that play there.

That's very strong language. From what I've seen, D-Wade might be one of the few blacks that are loyal to black women. Anyone can correct me if I've missed something. Anyhow, he has played balls-to-the-wall in the Finals. That block of Tyson Chandler was RIDICULOUS!

Yes, Lebron can be prone to just ramming into defensive players. Chris Bosh is ugly, but he doesn't play at all like "an animal".. if you know what I mean!

But, what has always bothered me about the media's treatment of Bosh (and, of course, this was mostly when he was with Toronto).. was how ESPN would always put him on programs like "First Take" to play the ROLE of the EDUCATED negro.. there was a clear agenda behind it, and I doubt that Bosh is super-intelligent. The media does promote, very strongly, Bosh (and Kevin Durant) as "saintly" bruthas for White kids to look up to.

A few year's ago, Lebron did appear in some stupid commercials where he was a lawyer or whatnot, but, since he's been with Miami, I haven't really seen him in much advertisements. I think the MSM understands that it would be hard to promote him as a saint now, after all of the hoopla that surrounded him leaving Cleveland, like his self-centered "announcement." Being a free agent is one thing, but Lebron took things too far.
D Whistle mocking Dirk and implying that he was faking ? LOL look who's talking.


And what about his own "injury" in game 5? He hits Cardinal with his right hip, but then he complains that he "injured" his left hip. And by the way, this is a clear charge, instead DWhistle gets 2 FTs.


What about 2006 ? End of game 6, DWhistle hits Dirk with his right hand, but Dirk gets called for the foul and DWhistle gets 2 FTs.


End of game 5, Mavs up 1 with 1.9 sec left, Dirk gets called for the foul which sends DWhistle to the line. Where is the foul ????? Another phantom foul.


Dirk was robbed of a ring in 2006 by the refs.
Of course Wade and "Pig" James said they only did the cough because the cameras were in front of their faces and they knew the media would make something out of it and start controversy. Yeah, sure, real good way to lie. As we all know black affletes never fake any injuries during games because they are just so "hard." I'm sure we could give a million examples of those supposed "injuries."
-- because it just makes SO much sense that Dirk Nowitzki should fake an injury, in order to explain his mediocre performance, right? Oh, wait -- Nowitzki's playing in full on BEAST mode where as by comparison Wade, James, and Bosh are in little rat mode.

Faking an injury to overcome the shame of a defeat is a common thing among Black athletes. I like to call it the Serena Williams Syndrome. The Serena Williams Syndrome also explains biological human females that nevertheless resemble the Predator with his mask off and for whatever reason think they look sexy in short shorts.

"Oh, the White dude is about to beat me in this sprint -- time to 'pull up lame' to give me an out!"

^^^ Yeah. THAT.
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