You know I try to judge every man based on his actions and merits. This includes affelets. Years ago I respected Kobe Bryant until he attempted to sodimize that White girl in Colorado as well be unfaithful to his adoring wife. After that I threw Kobe into the TNB box. He remains there until this day.
Well Kobe has a couple of affelets that will keep him company in that TNB box now, Dufus Wade and LaBrown James. Mocking any player who was certifably sick and dropping 27-9 on you a night is disgusting and dumb. Wait til the Mavs see this.
Well Kobe has a couple of affelets that will keep him company in that TNB box now, Dufus Wade and LaBrown James. Mocking any player who was certifably sick and dropping 27-9 on you a night is disgusting and dumb. Wait til the Mavs see this.