Dirk Nowitzki

I probably shouldn't have said "as good as O'Neal,"
because I didn't mean to imply that he's skilled. But
with his size and strength he doesn't really need to
be as skilled as Tim Duncan or Hakeem Olajuwon.
Of course he can't shoot free throws; that's one of the
many reasons he shoots as many as he does. He's
less likely to make a free throw than a field goal.

"Sprinting to the basket and drawing the foul" isn't a
bad strategy. White players should do it more often,
rather than hanging out at the three point line. Also
he has extreme athleticism, so it's easy for him to
drive around every single defender in the league and
get to the basket.

Officiating isn't perfect. Life's unfair, s*it happens.
Oh well. But that's not an excuse. The original
discussion was about white stars and one-on-one
play. Remember? The bottom line is that being
aggressive, having an assortment of one-on-one
moves, driving to the basket, and scoring at the low
post will get any player to the free throw line, white or
black. Also, being extremely athletic helps because
a defender's only recourse is to foul (or just stand
there and watch you score). As overrated as Bryant
may be, I have yet to see a defender be able to
actually keep up with him. They have to rely on him
having a bad shooting night. I'm not talking about
skill. Skill is great, but athleticism (and sheer size
and strength with regards to O'Neal) can make up for
that to a certain extent. Regardless of skill, they
dominate the game physically in a way that
other players don't. That's just the sad truth.
Refrees like their job. In America it is almost impossible to be racist against a white person. On the otherhand, a white person has to be very careful in everything we say or do toward a black person. Thus it is much easier for a refree to not call a foul on a black player when a white player sprints to the basket. It is also easier for a ref to call a foul on the white player defending the "sprint to the basket" that Colby is well know for. If a refree was ever called racist against a black players, his job would be endangered. So the refrees are very generous toward black players in general. White players have tried sprinting the the basket and being aggressive but they are very often mauled and hacked without a foul being called.
Nash and Ginobli are two guys that are very aggressive. If by "athleticism" you mean athletic feats with the basketball, then I think ginobli is comparable to bryant. He makes highlite plays every game and is a very good one on one player. In addition, he also shoots a much higher field goal and three-point percent and his team is winning. Nash and ginobli also have the ability to see the whole court while being athletic and Byrant simply doesn't. Yet they will never be rewarded at the free throw line like Kobe. Yes Shaq is big and strong. If he were white we wouldn't really know this because he would foul out in the first half of every game or he would have to change his game and be more passive.
Nash is aggressive but he's not driving in the lane trying to
draw fouls. Usually he either kicks the ball out to a shooter,
shoots a short fadeaway, or sometimes a floater or scoop shot.
In basketball, I think "athleticism" generally means running/
jumping/ agility. Ginobili is very athletic, but I don't think he's
on par with Bryant. Better shooter, better passer, better
teammate, oh yeah. As far as his winning team, he does have
Duncan for a teammate, who's arguably the best player in the

Being good shooters and passers are two of the reasons why
they don't drive to the basket as often, and therefore don't get
to the line as much. And, it saves their bodies in the long run,
which isn't a bad thing. They're both small by NBA standards;
it would be a lot of punishment for them. Or anyone. Who
would really look forward to getting knocked down by a
seven-footer? Same thing with black players like Ray Allen.
Why get floored when you can just knock down a three? They
may not ever score 30 points a game like Bryant or McGrady,
but they'll save themselves a lot of wear and tear. Doug Collins
said that playing with "reckless abandon" cost him some
playing years; I'm sure these guys are well aware of that

Vince Carter is another guy who I personally don't like, but his
agility and vertical leap are phenomenal (whenever he's
healthy anyway). I would rather have a team player with skills
and character, but there's no denying that these guys have
enormous athleticism.

In regards to Shaq being white, Mark Eaton was white.
Obviously he wasn't a dominant scorer, but he was a great
shot blocker. He didn't foul out of every game before he had
the opportunity to swat shot after shot. Have things changed
so much since the mid- to late-80s? The league was less white
then than it is now. He won two Defensive Player of the Year
Awards as well, the second in 88-89. One year he averaged
over 5 blocks per game! I'm surprised the refs let him get
away with blocking all those black guys.

Kirilenko is averaging 4.4 blocks per game during his limited
play this season. He was third in blocks per game last year.
And Lafrentz was second in blocks per game a few seasons
ago. Why aren't the brothas getting the calls?
JD, so are you saying that if Kobe and Shaq were white, the refs would give them the same calls? I just cant see it happening. Sadly the NBA offciating has fell victim to the caste system. I bet the refs watch ESPN every night just like the majority of america's sports fans. They've all been living in a society that glorifies black athletes. It would be hard for them not to call the games in favor of the black athletes. Do you think they want to go home and watch ESPN ripping on them for a "questionable" call against Kobe? No, they would rather call the foul on Stockton or some other unfourtunate white guy, because they know that it will go over smoother with the fans, other players, media etc.... They may not do it on purpose, its just part of what they have become. To change the way the refs see the game, we must first change the way the media spins it. Until that happens the refs will ALWAYS favor the black athlete.

Are we to believe that white players simply need to be more aggressive and they would be superstars? Are they just that stupid? They play basketball for a living and this has never dawned on them? Hard to believe. Or, is it possible that they simply don't get rewarded for aggressive plays like black players do in general. Sometimes in college basketball an all white team plays and all black team. Have you seen these games? The officiating isn't even close to fair. I hate to bring up women's basketball, the one that sticks in my mind is Minnesota Gophers in the NCAA tournament. Every game they played they had to overcome the officiating as they were an almost all white team. They finally lost to Conneticut in the final in a game that wasn't close to fair.

As for Tim Duncan being the greatest player in the world, he had a lot of foul trouble in every game in the Olympics and was ineffective. Why was the officiating unfair in the Olympics?

We need to start a different post topic as this discussion doesn't belong under Dirk.
Back to the latest Dirk update.He had 36 points and 8 rebounds tonight in another win.It was good to see him
have a good game as he was having alot of 20-25 points games which for him is only below average.lol.Even though
he's playing good as usual,it has to be weird being the
only white guy on the team for the most part.His best friend,Steve Nash leaving has to be hard on him to at least missing someone to hang out with.Regardless,Dirk
is having a great year & is a lock to make the All Star Game again.
After tonights 36 point 14 rebound effort,I think Dirk
should just about catch Kobe Bryant for 2nd on the
leading scorers in the nba.Keep up the great shooting
Dirk. He brings back memories of the great Larry Bird!
>Whenever there comes along a white player as good as O'Neal
or Bryant, maybe they'll get the same calls, or at least most of
the same calls.

? Keep dreamin man. We already have pleyers that are just as good if not better. Kobe, like iverson is just a ball hog and shoots everything. It takes a true star to lead a team though. Dirk has other shooters on his team yet he was #1 in ppg for some stretch. Of course kobe can't lead the lakers anywhere just like iverson. this is why dirk is #3 but his team is in a higher position. True stars lead teams to quality records.

>We have a lot of good of white NBA players,
but none of them are at the same level as those two,

Absolute bollocks man. You need to look closer and understand politics and that many of the coaches and owners are often liberal jews. You have to know that it's preferential treatment for the blacks.

>: they can dominate the game physically in a way that no white basketball player can. Maybe someday...

You're sounding insane here. Are you even white?

why does jake tsakalidis punk shaq around everytime they match up?

Why did 7'1 340 lb. robert gulyas punk shaq?

What about 7'2 325 lb. alexander kuehl?

7'3 320 lb. sabonis(when he was in the nba and younger)?

7'4 300 lb. mean mark eaton?

Dude we have had a lot of guys that are bigger and badder than shaq and lots others who are stronger than all the skinny black stiffs in the league.(mikke moore 7'0 225)

It comes down to this, the nba is p.c. and pro black so it's an uphill battle for any white player to even get to start. notice, primoz brezec, c. anderson(etc etc) finally gets a chance.
Blondebomber, who do you think could beat Kobe
Bryant in a game of one on one? It's purely
hypothetical, but I'm just curious what you think.

? Keep dreamin man. We already have pleyers that
are just as good if not better. Kobe, like iverson is
just a ball hog and shoots everything.

I agree. There are white players who are much
better team players, have better shooting ability, are
better teammates, etc. But I wouldn't say that there
are any white players in the league with Bryant's
athletic ability. There are plenty of athletic whites out
there, and there has to be some white guys out there
who have better overall athleticism (specifically,
running + jumping + agility) than Kobe. I just don't
think any of them are in the NBA at the present time.

It takes a true star to lead a team though. Dirk has
other shooters on his team yet he was #1 in ppg for
some stretch.

It helped that Finley was injured.

Of course kobe can't lead the lakers anywhere just
like iverson.

Yeah, he's in trouble without that big fat slob, Shaq.
Iverson got to the Finals but was beaten down in four
out of five games by those pesky Lakers.

this is why dirk is #3 but his team is in a higher

His team has more talent, too. But I don't really care.
This is just the regular season. I want our white
players to dominate in the playoffs. That's what
matters. We need a star white player to lead his
team to a championship. We haven't had that in
almost twenty years. Dirk has played well in the
playoffs but the Mavs haven't gotten over the hump
yet. Peja hasn't performed well in the playoffs. I
want him or Dirk or Nash or somebody to get a
Finals MVP.

True stars lead teams to quality records.

And to championships. O'Neal and Bryant have
three; Dirk, Peja, and Nash have zero.

why does jake tsakalidis punk shaq around
everytime they match up?

He's on a team that gives four white players (Gasol,
Williams, Miller, and recently Cardinal) significant
playing time. If he can stop Shaq, he should play

Why did 7'1 340 lb. robert gulyas punk shaq?

What about 7'2 325 lb. alexander kuehl?

I'm not familiar with them. When did they beat up on
Shaq? Olympics?

Sabonis did defend Shaq well, but got in early foul
trouble whenever he defended Shaq in the playoffs.
Bad officiating, no doubt about it. And Eaton was
clearly one of the best shot blockers of all time. I
would've loved to see him defend Shaq.

Edited by: JD074
>Blondebomber, who do you think could beat Kobe
Bryant in a game of one on one? It's purely
hypothetical, but I'm just curious what you think.

Clearly you're all over kobe's nutsack but i'll give you an answer anyway.
Manu ginobili. He's done it in playoff games.

>I agree. There are white players who are much
better team players, have better shooting ability, are
better teammates, etc. But I wouldn't say that there
are any white players in the league with Bryant's
athletic ability.

Again, you're all over kobe's balls. Many players have amazing athletic ability.
Ginobili, nash, etc. etc.

>There are plenty of athletic whites out
there, and there has to be some white guys out there
who have better overall athleticism (specifically,
running + jumping + agility) than Kobe.

Kirilenko, anderson. etc.
Boy do you suck black kobe bryant dick or what?

>I just don't think any of them are in the NBA at the present time.

Well, you're blind and worship kobe. Why else would you?

>It helped that Finley was injured.

Means very little as Dirk has done great with him in their as well. Mavs are my favorite team btw.

>Yeah, he's in trouble without that big fat slob, Shaq.

Well he is. I've heard kobe tagged him shaq albert.

>We haven't had that in almost twenty years.

I consider bill laimbeer a past star center. You probably do not.

>And to championships. O'Neal and Bryant have

Kobe alone can't win anymore. Shaq alone will not beat the spurs who have many stars. Admittedly Dirk will need another star on their team. Bird did not do it alone, he had mchale.

>If he can stop Shaq, he should play

I have him on tape blocking shaq and kobe. Also pushing shaq around in the lane. It's funny to watch.
Jake is a free agent this year I believe but even if he wasn't, he's had fratello and brown who he does not get along with.

>I'm not familiar with them. When did they beat up on
Shaq? Olympics?

Exibition games mainly.

>Sabonis did defend Shaq well, but got in early foul
trouble whenever he defended Shaq in the playoffs.

Only at the end of sabas nba career and only for 1-2 games tops. A healthy and younger Sabonis always obliterated shaqwillie.

>And Eaton was clearly one of the best shot blockers of all time. I
would've loved to see him defend Shaq.

And one of the best defenders of all time.
He threw shaq around(when shaq was on orlando) quite a bit more than jake throws shaq around now.
Ginobili is athletic but I don't think that he could beat Bryant in a
1-on-1 game. We'll never know for sure, but that's what I think.
I don't like Kobe Bryant. I'm not a fan of his. If I had a team I
wouldn't want him on it. Period. I'm pointing out the one thing
that he's got going for him, athletic ability. That's all.

You're really grasping at straws if you think that Nash is even
close to comparable to Bryant with regards to running +
jumping + agility. Better shooter? Yes. Better passer? Yes
Better teammate? Yes. Better human being? Yes. But more
athletic? No. Not even close. And Bryant would kill him in a
1-on-1 game. Sorry.

Kirilenko is my favorite player. And he is very athletic. But
more athletic than Bryant? No. And 1-on-1 with Bryant? No,
not on the perimeter. Bryant would drive right around him, just
like he does in NBA games. I've seen it several times. AK47
can block his shot in the lane, but he can't keep up with him on
the perimeter.

Andersen is also a fine athlete. But, again, not comparable,
and couldn't beat him in a game of 1-on-1. Besides, Andersen
doesn't have that many offensive skills, and would have a
difficult time handling the ball and creating off the dribble with
Bryant defending him, starting at the top of the key, in a 1-on-1

Bill Laimbeer was a very good player, but he wasn't the
number one guy who lead his team to a championship. He
averaged 10.6 points in the '89 and '90 playoffs (when his team
won their two championships.) Our last Finals MVP was Bird in

That's very impressive that Eaton defended Shaq well, given
that it was his last year, and it was Shaq's first. Very

Kobe alone can't win anymore. Shaq alone will not beat the
spurs who have many stars.

I also don't think the Heat could beat the Spurs. The Lakers
won't either. But Duncan is San Antonio's number one guy. It
would be great to have a white-friendly team like San Antonio
win the championship, but it would be extremely special to see
a white player lead his team to a championship.

Admittedly Dirk will need another star on their team. Bird did
not do it alone, he had mchale.

Dirk had Nash and Finley. Who did Duncan have when he won
his second championship? An over-the-hill David Robinson
and a bunch of role players.

McHale wasn't a big presence in two out of the three
championship campaigns for the Celtics. He was a rookie in
'81, and only played 17 minutes per game in the playoffs. He
only had 14.8 ppg in '84. He was big in '86 though, averaging
24.9 ppg.

Jake should learn to get along with his coaches. He's on one of
the white-friendliest teams in the league. If he can't succeed
there, where's he going to go? Utah, Sacramento, Seattle and
others already have plenty of white centers; they may not be
looking for any more. Maybe he should go to the Eastern
Conference where he'll face Shaq more, and prove that he's a
valuable asset in that regard. Because he is a valuable asset
to any team in the league if he can defend Shaq, especially to
Eastern Conference and playoff teams. Edited by: JD074
Dirk went over 10,000 career points on Tuesday. He is only 26 years old. If he can keep scoring like he is this year (27 ppg) for a number of years he could end up very high on the all-time scoring list.
Yes hello simian, He beat him "one on one" in the
playoffs, two seasons in a row. 

I guess that's why Ginobili averaged 10 ppg in the
playoffs. (Bryant averaged 28.4 ppg over the last two
years, by the way.)

Nash has a different position, dummy.

Blondebomber compared his athleticism to Bryant
and I responded to that.

Translation, not your fav. player and he owns
bryant. And one on one, hell yes. Especially one on

Not on the perimeter.

All one need to do is refer back to the lakers jazz
game this year when andre blocked kobe not once
but twice..

A lot of guys could block Bryant's shot in the lane
after he's blown by the primary defender (Ratliff,
Duncan, Wallace, and Bradley come to mind.) That
doesn't mean that they're as athletic as Bryant. Later
on in the game when Kirilenko got mismatched with
Bryant on the perimeter, Bryant easily got past him
and finished with a reverse dunk. I love AK47 but
that's the truth.

That's actually false. He systematically lead the
pistons from an almost losing round to wining it all
and coming from behind in a series and hitting
game wining shots. Sparking wins in 3 games.

Okay, but he also averaged a measly 10 ppg in the
playoffs in their two championship seasons. I want
white Finals MVPs.

An emerging all-star named tony parker who lead
them to vitory and a team of former all stars.

Parker averaged 14.7 ppg in the playoffs during their
championship run. He's also one of the most
inconsistent guys in the league. He disappeared at
times and other players had to pick up the slack.

That's an opinion, not a fact.

McHale only averaging 11.7 ppg in the playoffs
during their first two championships is a fact, not an
opinion. (He was great in the playoffs after that
though, including their third championship.)

Is that what you call an org. ran by a liberal-jew
named michael heisley?

Is that why they start Pau Gasol and Jason Williams,
play Mike Miller, and signed Brian Cardinal to a 39
million dollar contract? Along with Tsakilidis, that's
five players on their roster.
"Yes hello simian, He beat him "one on one" in the
playoffs, two seasons in a row.

>I guess that's why Ginobili averaged 10 ppg in the
playoffs. (Bryant averaged 28.4 ppg over the last two
years, by the way.)

Doesn't matter. Your question was about one on one. Everyone from l.a.(including me) knows kobe's a ball hog. He like iverson can score 30 ppg all they want. Without being good enough to make your team better, you're just a scorer. Great players make their team better.

>Not on the perimeter.

Why did manu strip kobe of the ball one on one in the playoffs? You telling me that's not one on one?

>A lot of guys could block Bryant's shot in the lane
after he's blown by the primary defender (Ratliff,
Duncan, Wallace, and Bradley come to mind.)

I'm talking on the ball, dude.

>Parker averaged 14.7 ppg in the playoffs during their
championship run. He's also one of the most
inconsistent guys in the league. He disappeared at
times and other players had to pick up the slack.

Whatever, you asked the question. I gave the answer. Tony lit it up and pushed them over the top. Not to mention manu's off the bench key play.

Manu's got how many rings now? 2? How long before he passes kobe? 2-3 years?

The spurs have built a dynasty and they won't be goingaway anytime soon.

>McHale only averaging 11.7 ppg in the playoffs
during their first two championships is a fact, not an
opinion. (He was great in the playoffs after that
though, including their third championship.)

But he contributed greatly during key games and put them over the top. That's what a star does.

>Is that why they start Pau Gasol and Jason Williams,
play Mike Miller, and signed Brian Cardinal to a 39
million dollar contract?

Teams will do anything to win even if it means signing a few players where they lack.
Pau hook nosed gasol is a spanish jew.(also their golden boy). Brian cardinal got overpaid but much of it was luxury tax and people screamed at jerry west for that one. Mike miller is a german jew. J-will is an anglo and valuable pg who gets paid small in comparison to gasol.

>Along with Tsakilidis, that's five players on their roster.

Jake gets burried.
Edited by: marko
Without being good enough to make your team better, you're
just a scorer. Great players make their team better.

Great players lead their teams to championships. Are Dirk and
Peja "just scorers," too?

>Not on the perimeter.

Why did manu strip kobe of the ball one  on one in the
playoffs? You telling me that's not one on one?

I was referring to Kirilenko. As for Manu, my memory is that
Bowen guarded Bryant for the most part last season. I don't
remember the year before. He was a rookie so I doubt that
Popovich would've put him on Bryant most of the time.

Whatever, you asked the  question. I gave the answer. Tony
lit it up and pushed them over the top. Not to mention manu's
off the bench key play.

Dirk and Peja both have had excellent point guards in Nash
and Bibby. Personally, I would take either of them over Parker.

Manu's got how many rings now? 2? How long before he
passes kobe? 2-3 years?

He has one, and he could very well surpass Bryant. I hope so.
I like him and the Spurs very much.

But he contributed greatly during key games and put them
over the top. That's what a star does.

That's what a good role player does. Larry Bird was a star.
We need more Larry Birds. That would sound far-fetched to
most basketball fans, but why? He wasn't an incredible
physical specimen. He had height, all around skill, a great work
ethic, and drive. His championship teams were talented but
not extraordinarily talented. I would consider the Mavs, Suns,
and Kings to all have as much or more pure talent as those
Celtics. Maybe not all the intangibles, but they have the talent.
A white player should be able to replicate his success and win
a Finals MVP. A white star on a black team, like Dirk or Nash,
or at least a white-friendly team like the Spurs, Sonics, or
Kings, should win a championship this year. With Shaq
and Bryant on separate teams, there's no excuse this year.
They should be able to beat a Miami, Detroit, or some other
black team. This is the way white players can finally earn

Jake gets burried.

But you said they'll do anything to win. So Hubie Brown and
Mike Fratello must be stupid to not play him if he's good
enough to help them win. My point is that since they play four
white players, not playing Jake is probably not racially
motivated. We can't read those coaches' minds, but that's my
educated guess.
All I know is Dirk plays hard and he's fun to watch. He's agressive and is a good model for up and coming white players. I get excited watching him and Steve Nash play ball, which I haven't been since Bird played.
Dirk has a better shooting percentage than Kobe and Iverson and kills em at three's. He's going to have to throw it up a lot more to win the scoring title. Dirk isn't shy but those two shoot just about every time they get a touch.
I'll tell you the reason for that Bart. It's good ole, 100% pure, unadulterated, selfishness, greed, and individualism. It's what got the so called coal black "dream team" beat in the Olympics last year. That kind of play is all about them and their accomplishments. Dirk is a team player, and in my book, that is what makes him a credit to the game. I could care less if he wins the scoring title by imitating two thugs. I think more of him if he sticks to what he does best, even if he doesn't get the press. Those creeps are an embarrasment to the game, by Iversons looks, and Bryants law breaking. I like Dirk because he is different from the rest, who are just primadonnas who want to see themselves lifted up, while caring less than a dam* about their teams.
The announcers do their share of contributing to the selfishness. I tuned in the Timberwolves-Spurs game last night in the fourth quarter. San Antonio was up by 13 with about six minutes left. Latrell Sprewell missed an easy layup. The play by play announcer said that was the third or fourthgimme he had missed in the game. He then started to say, "IfLatrell had made those shots. . ." I expected him to complete the sentence by saying "then Minnesota would be right in this game instead of being way behind." But what he actually said was "then Sprewell would be looking at a 20 point game tonight." Unbelievable! A selfish thug like Sprewell getting his points was more relevant to this announcer than Sprewell using his ability to help his team win.
Exactly Don. That's why I say we have to get new, unbiased people into sports and the media. Without that, I don't see how anthing will change. Lets face it, we live in a selfish society. We value self over others all the time. These guys take it to a whole new level, along with their willing accomplices in the media.
Another big game for Dirk tonight.He had 36 points and
9 rebounds.The Mavericks are really playing good ball
with a month to go until the playoffs.Expect Nowitzki
to take it to even another level in the playoffs.He
wants to get a ring so bad that he can taste it.
Here comes the 2005/2006 season.Dirk and the Mavs will play the Suns tonight on TNT.It should be a very high scoring and entertaining game.Hopefully Dirk can help lead the Mavs to the promised land this season.Keith Van Horn has really been playing good in the Pre Season.The only bad note is that their 2nd year 7'5 center from Russia got hurt and is out 3 - 4 months.I say that Dirk will put up around 30 points or more tonight in a Mavs victory.I do like Steve Nash though and wish him another great season like last year.
Dirk had 28 points and 15 boards in the first game.
Dirk is currently 8th in the NBA in scoring at 24.9 points per game.He will probably end up in the top 3 in scoring again by seasons end.I would love for him to get a MVP Award and to take the Mavs to the Finals.Good luck to him and the Mavs.
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