An interesting poll, I think.
I vote for Noah & his sons Shem, Japheth, Ham. But also, Noah's wife and his son's wives. Noah's wife: blue-eyed, all the others brown-eyed.
The genetic data is interesting and very relevant, but the time scales put on these genetic mutations are almost meaningless. It is not possible to say that "X changes take place per Y generations". Environmental pressures can effect not only mutation rates, but the acceptance/survivability of these mutations. Even so, my guess is that genetics is only a partial explanation of racial differences. There is some research (see Susan Crockford and her "Rhythms of Life" thyroid idea) that indicates that the EXPRESSION of the genetics also becomes "fixed" because of some large environmental pressure while the fetus is developing in the womb, and that the female offspring will then produce a similar hormonal environment when her own children are developing within her womb (or if a bird, in the egg). For instance, certain pigeons are closely related to dodo birds. Given the same environmental pressures, the pigeon could again morph phenotypically into a dodo bird (in other words, the morphing is not the effect of a chance mutation, but already built-in to the genetics). Her offspring would also remain dodo birds, until some large environmental pressure is again encountered. In other words, the phenotypic expression is very plastic, although the genetics themselves are chemically very conservative. A more immediate example is cloned cattle embryos put into different surrogate mothers. These twins will not be as identical as classical genetics might expect, nor will their offspring.
Now, to tie this environmental pressure idea to Noah...
According to data from many cultures (including the Bible stories), the Earth has undergone massive environmental pressures during the history of man. The greatest of these would, of course, have been the Flood. The Biblical life spans decrease rapidly after the Flood time, and it is likely that even before the Tower of Babel there were environmental pressures causing changing maturation rates which would have made the pronunciation of certain sounds in the original language more difficult for certain peoples to pronounce.
Ham /son Canaan laughed at Noah's nakedness. For this there is a curse that he will be the servant of the others. My guess is that this curse would involve some kind of exile from the main group, perhaps somewhat voluntarily in shame or to avoid servitude. As such, this Hamite/Canaan subgroup would have been exposed to the harshest environmental pressures, with those tending to the southern regions maturing at a faster, but comparatively "incomplete" rate. (For an analogical example, compare a wolf and a dog. The dog matures more quickly, but it cannot match the cunning or organ capacity of the wolf.)
Sometimes I wonder if it is at humanity's peril that we ignore this curse that Canaan will "serve the others". If Canaan's descendants have undergone a change in maturation, then it is for Canaan's own good and welfare that he is a servant to others. Perhaps when Canaan is set in the position of not a servant, but a leader, then destruction and chaos become commonplace. South Africa, Rhodesia, and other examples come to mind. Perhaps Ham himself became connected with this curse and shame and exile, because many peoples usually associated as Hamites have been associated with regions that are either very hot or very cold or very distant -- regions of exile.
Rudyard Kipling's "White man's burden" maybe is more than just a happenstance of history, but perhaps also has a basis in race and this ancient curse and the environmental pressures encountered by those living on the outskirts. Japhethites, Hamites, Semites --- we are all brethren, and so I believe that it is not ethical to just leave certain peoples to decay into chaos when we have the means to help. In other words, like it or not, it may be the case that the white race has the obligation to allow Canaan's descendants to be servants (and maybe also the Hamites generally). I think this means that the white nations cannot just close themselves off in a happy isolation, but must either (1) allow some immigration, or (2) be proactive and become colonizing powers.
I still think that 97% of the success of European civilization is attributable to the civilizing effect of the Benedictine monks in the West, which took more than a thousand years. Other Caucasians have also had the good fortune to be Christianized at a fairly early date. With time, I think that East Asians, Africans, and Native Americans will also do very well. However, there does seem to be a white genius for organization that goes back a very long time in history, with Rome being the prime case, but there are others. Maybe whites are fairly closely-related to an extent sufficient to make close cooperation and productive labor possible? Or maybe it is because the great family of Indo-European languages are somewhat closely linked with the Caucasian races? Perhaps it sounds wacky, but my own guess is that a genuine scholarly effort on the legend of Atlantis and its influence as a civilization-builder might shed some light on these various puzzle pieces.
Edited by: Observer