Devon Allen WR Oregon

Why? Because it reminds me of all those Republicans who say they'll move to Canada if Obama was elected, even though Canada is much more liberal than the US. People are so willing to leave this country that was built by the sweat of strong whites for centuries to go to places where they emphasize multiculturalism and liberal policies, especially social welfare and non-Christian values. Switzerland, Germany, the UK, anywhere you go, they're becoming more and more liberal. The US is still much more conservative than these places. So what if we have more non-whites? There are still thousands of small 100% white communities scattered throughout rural areas in the US. Move there if you can't stand seeing black people out and about. Going to another country under the false assumption that you'll "fit in" there is hilarious because they don't take too kindly to anything perceived as "racist". They don't allow freedom of speech. Criticizing Muslims for example can be considered hate speech for instance in many European countries.

You don't have to love what America became, clearly the entire country is going to ****. But if you're not gonna stand up for yourself, you're a coward. Running away from problems is the sign of a coward. Plain and simple. White flight has nothing to do with it - that was people moving away from cities to rural/suburban areas in the US. Not to other countries...

Devon Allen, what's the census on him?
American Freedom News