David Lee

guest301 said:
I have noticed lately that some ESPN and Yahoo Columnists are pushing Al Horford over David Lee for a All-Star spot. They make a bizarre case for Horford's defense being more important than the offense that Lee provides for the Knicks. I fear Lee is going to get screwed.

I called it right there in that post. Horford over Lee. I wish I had been wrong. Barkely said last night that he disagrees with the snubbing of Lee and that Kaman is the best center in the Western Conference.
Lee's numbers are way better thaan Horford's. He is averaging almost 6 ppg more and almost 2 more rebounds per game. In regards to Kaman I watched the game against the Nets a few days ago. Ian Eagle said that Kaman's hook shots would make Abdul-Jabbar proud.
celticdb15 said:
J4 thats ridic I do not knowhowyou can program yourself to ignore his stats. Who cares about the NBA All Star game anyways? The players goof around the whole time anyways laughing and are more concerned with conversation then the game. If Allen Iverson can still make the game based on fans votes alone that will keep me from watching this sad excuse as an "All Star" game.

Ill re-pos this. For gods sakes Allen Iverson is a starter for the East. That's how you know the All Star Game is a f**kin joke.
I watched the Knicks-Wizards game last night. Lee was blowing right by afflete Brendan Haywood the whole game and went on a streak of scoring all the Knicks points. Lee and Gallinari are the only two players that keep the Knicks at least winning some games.
Looks like justice has been served, as David Lee will be replacing Allen Iverson in the All-Star game.

Now, if one of those undeserving Celtics could sit out, Bogut could take this place as well.
I know we put alot of blame on DWFs in the NFL, but the DWFs who support the NBA are far worse. I believe the players are totally selected by the fans, irregardless of the numbers players put up. Case in point David Lee.

Statistics whats that? These DWFs are only interested in selected the affelets for the most part who don't put up the numbers. They embody what is totally wrong with white America. Congrats to David Lee earning his spot on the team.
This is the best news I have heard all year. It could not go to a more deserving player. This guy was 2nd in the nba last season in double/doubles to only Dwight Howard. Yet he gets very little or no credit. I will have to watch the game now due to these late additions. I'm so happy for David Lee and Chris Kaman.
Allan Iverson who isn't good enough to start in the league anymore is still a king of kings to 12 year old boys...
This is why I can't take all star games seriously. Nice to see Lee make the teams with Kaman. Hey you throw in Kidd and you have 3 white replacements....
Edited by: white is right
Yes I know that's why I had the wink. Genetics wise hee is more than that he is probably genetically 80 percent Caucasian. Edited by: white is right
Dirk will also start the all-star game in his hometown of Dallas now that Kobe is injured.
I just saw that about David Lee.
Plus Dirk is gonna start!
With Dirk, David Lee, Pau Gasol, and Chris Kaman that is four white big men which is not bad. More than most years.
Lots of good white power guys in the NBA. So taking a good white big man will no longer be taboo. Plus you have Nash plus some rotation point guards.
What we need now are more white players at the shooting guard and the small forward positions. Those are the real 'showy' positions.
Singler and Sheyer may help.
Just as the best NFL teams have the most white players pretty soon NBA teams will realize that you need
white players. For example, the Lakers have Pau Gasol and three white players on the bench if you count Adam
Exactly! I've been waiting for the second coming of Chris Mullin. Could shoot from anywhere, could penetrate, could post or run and was a sneaky defender with great hands. My favorite small forward of all time who could take over a game as well as any big star today. I would love to see a new version come into the picture soon. Anybody out there at the collegiate level that comes close in your opinion?
I'm not an expert basketball scout (like I am football) and I didn't watch basketball when Mullin played. However, I think Robbie Hummell and Kyle Singler- are great AMERICAN SF prospects with a great stroke. Both can pass and defend well also.

I really want to see white scoring guards though. Ben Woodside and Lee Cummard from last year and Jon Schyer from this year are all guys who I think could be very good players in the NBA. And what about Chris Kramer as a defensive phenom specialist. And he can pass pretty well without turning the ball over and can at least score when he has to. Kramer would be a great situational player who can really throw down a monster dunk to excite fans! Sadly most of these white guards get passed over.
Agreed that there's a good re-surgence of white power guys in the NBA. Don't forget young guns like Kevin Love and Marc Gasol, Troy Murphy, Brooks Lopez is white in my book, Spencer Hawes and Marcin Gortat also round-up the list.

In any event, I was watching the rookie-sophomore game tonight, and it was an amazing contrast at display.

The white players were doing all the right things: Pass, rebound, post-up, set-picks, play defense, you know, the way basketball was meant to be played.

The blacks players were doing something, but I'm not sure that garbage should be called basketball. Almost every time a black player had the ball in his hands, there was some sort of street/thug-ball action going on, usually resulting in silly errors and turnovers.

And what about Jonas Jerebko? The Swede is a very athletic player indeed. And seeing a white athletic guy like that on the floor, I have to say, it'a crime that there aren't more players like him in the racist NBA.

Imagine if every team had 4-5 legit white players on their roster for each position. I'd instantly become a fan of the NBA once again.Edited by: foobar75
5 white players in the All-Star game???


Another thing, when was the last there were 2 WHITE AMERICANS in the All-Star game???

This will be an All-Star game to remember!!!!!

Also I might add that Kevin Love will probably be a future All-Star. If he keeps pulling down rebounds the way he is now he has a bright future.
My local leftist rag newspaper wants nothing to do with David Lee. I haven't watched the Knicks for years because I don't like the players - the last guy I remember liking was Allan Houston. But I do read the sports pages and stats and Lee is having a great year.

The leftist piece of sh*t journalists in this paper though, can't be bothered. Very rarely is there anything but a small article on him, and it's like they're hoping the Knicks get rid of him. Lebron though, they slobber over. TIf they saw Lee dying on the side of the road they're drive right by so they can get to Lebron and worship at his feet, and maybe shine his shoes for him. If Lee were black the paper would be drooling over him like pathetic whites usually do. They'd try to make him a star.

Yeah, Lebron is good, I get it, but we have a guy now that is an exciting player. One of the hardest working guys in the league, nice guy but has attitude, fans like him...what more do you need? If the Knicks don't resign Lee I will be disgusted. And I hope they get Lebron and still lose.
swedish fish said:
My local leftist rag newspaper wants nothing to do with David Lee. I haven't watched the Knicks for years because I don't like the players - the last guy I remember liking was Allan Houston. But I do read the sports pages and stats and Lee is having a great year. The leftist piece of sh*t journalists in this paper though, can't be bothered. Very rarely is there anything but a small article on him, and it's like they're hoping the Knicks get rid of him. Lebron though, they slobber over. TIf they saw Lee dying on the side of the road they're drive right by so they can get to Lebron and worship at his feet, and maybe shine his shoes for him. If Lee were black the paper would be drooling over him like pathetic whites usually do. They'd try to make him a star.Yeah, Lebron is good, I get it, but we have a guy now that is an exciting player. One of the hardest working guys in the league, nice guy but has attitude, fans like him...what more do you need? If the Knicks don't resign Lee I will be disgusted. And I hope they get Lebron and still lose.

Lee and Gallo are a part of a good core along with Wilson Chandler.
If they don't get Lebron then they should go after D-Wade. He would be great for that team.

Lee's numbers are awesome. What else does he need to do?
If Lee were black he would be hailed by the media as a savior for the Knicks which have had bad teams for years now. He should have been a starter years ago.
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