David Haye: The Great Black Hype

"He also suffered from confidence problems that
he saw a sports psychologist for which cost him more in his career than
his fitness ever did IMHO."

Link/evidence for that, please. Confidence problems? He ko'd most of his opponents in the 1st to 3rd round. I oughta have confidence problems like that.

Edited by: ww
Westside -

There were a lot of Mexicans at the Vitali-CS fight? Surprising.

Talented as he was CS just hated to train and seemed more interested in golf than boxing. They say he's a world class golfer, but i have zero interest in golf.

I agree about the K brothers vs. the so-called greats of the 70's, and Foreman too.
ww said:
"He also suffered from confidence problems that
he saw a sports psychologist for which cost him more in his career than
his fitness ever did IMHO."

Link/evidence for that, please. Confidence problems? He ko'd most of his opponents in the 1st to 3rd round. I oughta have confidence problems like that.

Sanders confidence problems were well documented before and after his fights with both Klitscko's. Before WK, Sanders got KO against his two biggest named fighters, Nate Tubbs knocked him out in 2 and Hasim Rahman knocked him out in 7 (CS did good before losing but that loss really hurt his confidence) rounds.

In preparation for
the (WK) fight Sanders hired Ross Purity (who was the only person to beat
Klitschko) as a sparing partner, shaved off his mustache and visited
sports psychologist for confidence.

http://www.chiangmai-mail.com/021/sports.shtml Scroll down because the Sanders info is near the bottom of this page.
""He also suffered from confidence problems that
he saw a sports psychologist for which cost him more in his career than
his fitness ever did IMHO."

I looked at that link of yours. It's something written by a guy who also asserts that a strong wind could knock out Wlad. Like I said, CS was doing all sorts of innovative and intense training for the Wlad fight, and it included visiting a sports psychologist, so what? - but you and that guy who wrote that are extrapolating on that to make it sound like he was a mental case. I don't think he should have shaved off his mustache, though...

A guy from the good old Golota Forum made a CS website years ago, and it's still there -


PS I used to have a Sevylor inflatable kayak like the ones at the top of that page. Then I got a bigger and better ik.

Edited by: ww
That was the only link that was letting me copy from it. Google has plenty on CS seeing a psychologist. I'm not saying CS is a "mental case" I like CS. Before Sanders fight with Vitali HBO did an in depth analysis of Sanders confidence problems and him seeing the shrink. I'm not knocking CS for doing that because it obviously helped him.

I wouldn't put any credence in anything HBO, or the rest of the controlled US media says, though. I remember an earlier white South African heavyweight contender named Kallie Knoetze. Every time they said his name they said, "Kallie Knoetze, former South African policeman who killed a black child." It was as if that was his full name.
Have they mentioned the two people that Don King killed? Or would that be considered racist to bring that to people's attention since King is black?
ww said:
Westside -There were a lot of Mexicans at the Vitali-CS fight?  Surprising.Talented as he was CS just hated to train and seemed more interested in golf than boxing.   They say he's a world class golfer, but i have zero interest in golf. I agree about the K brothers vs. the so-called greats of the 70's, and Foreman too.

What is the best Sanders ever did as a golfer?
whiteathlete33 said:
Have they mentioned the two people that Don King killed? Or would that be considered racist to bring that to people's attention since King is black?

One of King's victims, whom he shot in the back, was a teenaged negro. The kid had grabbed a small amount of cash and was running away.

That one was ruled a "justifiable homicide".

For his other murder, when he beat and kicked someone to death who owed him money, he was convicted of second-degree murder (later reduced to non-negligent manslaughter) and served four years in prison.
whiteathlete33 said:
Have they mentioned the two people that Don King killed?  Or would that be considered racist to bring that to people's attention since King is black?

Of course.  And the "black child" (honor student, no doubt) that Knoetze killed was probably a rapist pointing a gun at him.  Knoetze became an actor after his boxing career.  Videos of his fights are very rare.  Here's one, vs. a "British" Negro, from South Africa, when South Africa was still South Africa, before it was handed over to the bolsheviks and the cannibals..


Great old school boxing announcing by Don Dunphy, so much better than the crap they inflict upon us now.
ww said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Videos of his fights are very rare. Here's one, vs. a "British" Negro, from South Africa, when South Africa was still South Africa, before it was handed over to the bolsheviks and the cannibals..


Great old school boxing announcing by Don Dunphy, so much better than the crap they inflict upon us now.

Are you from South Africa or Rhodesia? I cant stand what those countries were forced to do by NWO, give away their countries to incometent blacks and now the blacks kill and rape White people at will and steal their farms even though the blacks aren't capable of farming so the once plentiful of food country is short on food and people are starving...
Right, but no - though I once tried to join the S.A. police. I figured that due to my experience here they'd like to have me, but I still have a rejection letter from a Lt. Jacobs lying around someplace. He said they were only hiring people from the British Commonwealth. I was lucky. A friend of mine was a Rhodesian pilot, now working in Ireland. He just told me that white pilots still living there are complaining that they are being bypassed for S.A. police jobs.

White women in "new" S.A. now have a one in three chance of getting raped at least once in their lifetimes. Rape, including rapes of babies, is considered a very popular sport amongst the negro youth. White farmers in Rhodesia and SA, by the thousands, have been systematically tortured to death by the cannibals, including very recently the famous Eugene Terreblanche. Here's how you know who tries to spin it in their media (CNN): "Eugene Terreblanche, one of South Africa's most notorious white
supremacists, was killed Saturday in an apparent dispute over wages with
workers on his farm."

News from "New" S.A.:


Not a word about what's really going on over there on CNN or the rest or from the US and European politicians who used to wring their fat little hands and shed daily crocodile tears about the supposed horrors of Apartheid.


ww said:
Right, but no - though I once tried to join the S.A. police.  I figured that due to my experience here they'd like to have me, but I still have a rejection letter from a Lt. Jacobs lying around someplace.  He said they were only hiring people from the British Commonwealth.  I was lucky.  A friend of mine was a Rhodesian pilot, now working in Ireland.  He just told me that white pilots still living there are complaining that they are being bypassed for S.A. police jobs.  White women in "new" S.A. now have a one in three chance of getting raped at least once in their lifetimes.  Rape, including rapes of babies, is considered a very popular sport amongst the negro youth.  White farmers in Rhodesia and SA, by the thousands, have been systematically tortured to death by the cannibals, including very recently the famous Eugene Terreblanche.  Here's how you know who tries to spin it in their media (CNN):  "Eugene Terreblanche, one of South Africa's most notorious white
supremacists, was killed Saturday in an apparent dispute over wages with
workers on his farm."
News from "New" S.A.:http://www.africancrisis.org/default2.aspNot a word about what's really going on over there on CNN or the rest or from the US and European politicians who used to wring their fat little hands and shed daily crocodile tears about the supposed horrors of Apartheid.ww
When I was young and had my firstn job, I would come in from work and watch the world news, they loved to show videos of the SA police beating the poor black people, almost every night! now, what do you see???? Nothing!
In America we were bombarded non-stop about the evils of apartheid during the 80's and since the end of it we don't hear a peep about the raping, murdering and stealing of the White people in SA or the incompetence of the corrupt kaffir government..

Could you imagine how much media attention a White president of a country doing the things Mugabe is doing to the minority White population would get? I honestly think the USA would go to war to stop a White Mugabi.

I also hate that Mandela is made out to be a hero (much like MLK here) instead of the communist terrorist scumbag that he is...
The Greatest "African" Heavyweight... Gerrie Coetzee!

I love his pride and humility (funny accent), while greatly disturbed by Larry "@sshole" Merchant's stupid questions concerning race and apartheid.

I will never forget the Coetzee vs spinks fight! A friend of the family was staying with us, And he watched all the heavyweight fights back then, Looking back, The media "hype" around spinks was outrageous!Spinks was coming back from his two fights with Ali, The two most boring fights I ever watched as a kid, But back then It was called a "fight of the master's of defence!" "The art of hiting and not being hit," That only a "sick" white Racist would call boring, Spinks was almost skilless,but the media mad him out to be a cross between jack johnson and george foreman.And Coetzee was just a waiting victim of this fighting animal! You would think that cotzee didn't have a hope of winning! Spinks had "Maybe" four teeth in his head, and it made him look even more foolish than he was. Well, Coetzee hit the illiterate, alcoholic, with a bomb in the very first round! and the fight was over!People just didn't believe that this white guy beat that killer spinks! And the media was in full panic,And semi-backing some of the most outrageous charges against coetzee,I remember one about the bones in coetzee hand being replaced with steel bones! Edited by: lost
Great description Lost. I enjoy your style. Sometimes you're like a kid that has come running up to you to tell you about something and is all excited and half out of breath.
Edited by: The Hock
Actually Leon came out of his corner believing the nonsense of the American MSM and that his "blackness" would beat Coetzee. His swarmed Coetzee only to run into the bionic right. End of Story!

What is upsetting is Coetzee losing to fat affelet John Tate! I remember both of these fights in the early 80s. I thought Coetzee was the real deal. He had Tommy Morrison affectlion, a weak chin. But I was riding high with his victories over prime Dokes and overhyped Spinks. His son(Spinks) was an overhyped fighter as well. He now fights at the superwelter weight class. Right now he has a weakness for over gorging on baby back ribs.LOL
On to Larry Merchant, he is a great boxing commentator. But obvously a misguided liberal fool. If a great black boxer was to capture the world imagination, he would never question the black fighter like he did Coetzee as to the conditions of the hell hole known as S. Africa now.

I remember when JFK Jr died in that airplane crash, this fool Merchant at an end of a boxing telecast, got on the air and started crying like a little bitch because "John John" died. As if JFK Jr was his son!
Nobody seems to know where Gerry Coetzee is. Kallie "Southafricanpolicemanwhokilledablackhonorstudent" Knoetze is, on the other hand, well-known in the boxing community. It was in the news a few years ago that Knoetze actually joined the ANC, but who knows what pressures he is under. Also, there was an online discussion about them a few years ago on another boxing forum and some South Africans were on it. Supposedly blacks called Coetzee a "racist" but liked Knoetze, or so some guy said, whatever that's worth, and it's worth nothing.

"Actually Leon came out of his corner believing the nonsense of the
American MSM and that his "blackness" would beat Coetzee. His swarmed
Coetzee only to run into the bionic right. End of Story!

That was pretty funny, and take away Spinks' zoot suit and he'd fit right in at the gorilla house in the Bronx Zoo, except he'd be the ugliest gorilla there. Actually there really were Negroes on exhibit in the gorilla house at the Bronx Zoo in the early twentieth century. The NAACP protested. True story. Look it up.

Tate beat both Coetzee and Knoetze, and Duane Bobick too, but now the white man rules the heavyweight division!


Edited by: ww
I recall a story in our paper about john tate dieing a few years back, He was broke and alone, and sweeping the floors of his old gym, and doing handyman work for his old trainer....Edited by: lost
Tate - from the little biography section on BoxRec:

<ul>[*]Admitted to a cocaine habit during the 1980s and served time in
prison for petty theft and assault before resorting to panhandling on
the streets of Knoxville.
[*]Died at age 43 in Knoxville, when he suffered a massive stroke,
caused by a brain tumor, while driving. The pickup truck crashed into a
utility pole. Two other passengers were not seriously injured. The Knox
County medical examiner stated that Tate "had been using cocaine
regularly in the last 24 hours of his life."
ww said:
Tate - from the little biography section on BoxRec:<ul>[*]Admitted to a cocaine habit during the 1980s and served time in
prison for petty theft and assault before resorting to panhandling on
the streets of Knoxville.
[*]Died at age 43 in Knoxville, when he suffered a massive stroke,
caused by a brain tumor, while driving. The pickup truck crashed into a
utility pole. Two other passengers were not seriously injured. The Knox
County medical examiner stated that Tate "had been using cocaine
regularly in the last 24 hours of his life."
Same thing with leon spinks, he had a happy retirement full of lowclass "hoes" and cheap fortified wine! But then he discovered "crack" and started fighting again. Spink even tried mma! But had a panic attack under the body of a 300lb white guy and quit! Edited by: lost
So tragic. Leon Spinks and John Tate, with their great minds - if it wasn't for white racists holding them back - could have been another Albert Einstein, ot at last *honor students*. Riddick Bowe, too.


Honor student Leon Spinks

Edited by: ww
American Freedom News