Date of the Takeover of America


Mar 23, 2009
When would you say the takeover of white America began? Such as the exclusion of white athletes from the NFL and NBA, the media exposure and spin on blacks, and the pushing of wrong moral values. Based on sports and media coverage I would say the process was completely underway by 1984.
Well the Caste System was definitely in place before 1984. Cultural Marxism became dominant by the late 60s. Its hard to put a specific year on something as big as that, but somewhere in that time period is when the takeover began.
1984 marked the beginning of the black dominance in the 100 meter sprint. For the first time, the winner of this sprint (Carl lewis) became the first of a long list of gold medallists that tested positive for performance enhancing drugs.

M-tv started airing black people. In a Star Wars Standpoint, the death star was complete. The tools to exclude white athletes and morals were fully operational. The scariest thought is that the creators of the caste system are dead, and there is no way to prove their guilt, and we are blindly following in their footsteps. Kind of like in Orwell's 1984; you have no idea if Big brother is still real or not, just The Party.
StarWars said:
When would you say the takeover of white America began? Such as the exclusion of white athletes from the NFL and NBA, the media exposure and spin on blacks, and the pushing of wrong moral values. Based on sports and media coverage I would say the process was completely underway by 1984.

It began in earnest in 1967 and especially 1968. We have covered this in other topics in depth, though they are now essentially lost in time because of the endless posts that thisboard has added over the years. 1968 was THE crucial year in the decline and fall of Old America, as all the poisons now gnawing away unimpeded at our vitals were openly unleashed that year, against sports and all other institutions of power and control. Counter-battles by whites, some in institutions of control that hadn't yet been completely taken over, and by whites in their neighborhoods and in the streets and in the high schools, went on for years until they were for all intents and purposes snuffed out by the mid-1970s. The beginning of the "disco era" symbolically marked full-scale white capitulation and surrender to the battles at hand in favor of mindless consumerism, instant gratification, and decadence on a much larger scale than previously. Ever since, whites have been putty in the hands of the Cultural Marxist vanguard of the Permanent Revolution unleashed in the 1960s.

The glorification of the negro athlete and the degrading of the white athlete gradually intensified amidthe refinement ofmethodsafter the 1968 launching point; in the '70s there were still world class white athletes at taboo positions in football, basketball and sprinting, but they were often flaky, in tune with counter culture values that did not encourage their all-out training or allow for any white awareness that they were fighting an increasingly rear-guard battle against the overrunning hoards of black athletes who were on the verge of completely replacing them. These types -- the Bill Lees, Bill Waltonsand Roger Carrs among many other notables -- wereuseful foils for the goals ofthe anti-white system. Even the dinosaur John Riggins, The Last White Running Back in History, pretty much fell into that category.

The '80s was the decade when the basic template of the Caste System was permanently put into place for football -- no white featured backs, white receivers kept to an absolute minimum of no more than 5 percent, while defenses quickly became between 75 to 100 percent black. No announcers, no commentators, dared to mention the obviousand dramatic changes--- all of a sudden the Nation's Pastime, heretofore dominated by extremely tough, athletic white men with indominatible spirits (equivalent to the Canadians who have always dominated hockey), had been replaced in the blink of an eye with black monopolies at most positions, monopolies that, defying all rules of random probability, rarely deviated in the least beginning in 1985 and are continuing in full force a quarter century later in 2009.Now the last "white bastions" of quarterback and offensive line are under full frontal attack, while whites, because of sheer determination by so many unstoppable athletes, are chipping away at black dominance at tight end and linebacker, and to a lesser degree at wide receiver and defensive end.

My own feeling is that the black talent pool for football (roughly only 12 percent of potential football talent) has shrunk to almost embarrassing numbers thanks to the continued collapse of the black family, which will put increasing pressure on the Caste System's abilityto perpetuate itself. So will growing white awareness of the grotesque (criminal actually) discrimination against whites at RB, WR, DT, S, and CB. Black dysfunction combined with growing awareness of the situation by white athletes and their families and friends is already chipping away at the racist Caste System with its rigid and perpetual rules that allow no deviation from the basic black supremacist formula.

As strong asthe Caste Systemseeminglyappears, as with so much else in this country, the foundations of the control mechanisms are taking a big hit from the deepening Depression and the general anti-system feelings thathave beengrowing for some time. Things are and can be in flux, but it will take determined grassroots efforts of various kinds to stir the pot to the point where it boils over and this country can finally move again toward freedom, self-responsibility, local control, and away from totalitarian control exercised jointly by Washington, the corporate media (which is for all intents and purposes the government's propaganda arm), and big business and the Zionist Lobby.Edited by: Don Wassall
Don, what's most saddening when I read your incredibly accurate post is the fact that IF every Amerikan were to read it....they would undoubtedly laugh and label it the ignorant rantings of a "bitter racist, white man" who just can't "get with the times."

I'm 23, and I've noticed the items you've pointed out a thousand times over. It seems as though you've lived through it...witnessing this transformation would be 1,000 times harder.

I want a revolution so badly. I was excited when the "economy" crashed. I was excited when Obongo was elected. I'm excited for the extreme media bias. I'm excited when people like Sotomayor are appointed to the supreme court. I'm excited whenever a minority benefits from affirmative action while a more deserving white person gets screwed over.

All these anti-white occurrances are ammunition for useful idiots who inhabit Amerika. At this point, I don't think we deserve to "take back what is ours."
Great post by Don who was able to accurately descibe the situation in just a few paragraphs. And nice reply by Thrashen who hit the nail on the head on how Don's post would be received by the many cluless people who march on to their own extinction. Though I have to feel good that there are people like Thrashen who at a young age "get it". It makes me feel better about the future I'll leave to my kids. I am very glad there is this caste football community to help me get through what is increasingly becoming a very difficult world. Thanks guys.
I'm 22 and can't believe how most others, especially those older than me, don't notice. My father is a very intelligent man and I just now am beginning to open his eyes to what is at hand. At first he told me I sound like a skin head
</div><div>I too am looking forward to the downfall if you will. Some eyes need to be opened.</div>
I'm 19 and i noticed it freshman year of high school. It was the end of the year virtually, and my teacher made the class write a quick paper on who our "hero" was and why. He went around asking the class their heros, most answers were the typical ghandi, MLK jr., jackie robinson. (i personally made a joke paper about a teacher from another class who was my soccer coach and my team made fun of).

He then said that college kids who were polled to name their heros also named the same people. He told us to think for ourselves, and not to make a hero of someone just to be politically correct. Living in an 99% white town, those people had virtually nothing to do with our lives.

I can also relate to the plight of white athletes, not necessarily the race part, just the treatment they recieve. Having developed athletically late in High School, there was a perceived image by my soccer coaches that i was soft and weak. I was constantly underrated. Like white athletes in sports, i was only given a chance to play once there was an injury to a starter. I played outside midfielder, which is the position in soccer with the most running. Anyways, i did much better than the guy ahead of me would have ever done (of course thats just my opinion, but im a modest guy so im confident its true). Anyways when he came from the injury i instantly lost my starting job. In our one playoff game, a player had gotten by me (and 3 other players on my team) and scored. Only i was taken out for the rest of the game and that was how my soccer career ended.

Now im not against black athletes, but when i see a white player playing in a position such as defensive back or wide reciever i root for them more. I also realize that the idea that no white man has been capable of being the starting running back for a football team during the 19 years ive been alive is absolutely ridiculous.
If your not just talking about sports, the 1965 Immigration ACt had an affect also. This allowed many people into the country from the 3rd World. Then we have all the Latin American players in baseball now. They shouldn't even be playing in this country. Almost no one questions that. I know many people on this site like the European basketball players because they help balance the NBA a bit, but I still don't like it. At this point I couldn't care less about the NBA.
Europe said:
If your not just talking about sports, the 1965 Immigration ACt had an affect also. This allowed many people into the country from the 3rd World. Then we have all the Latin American players in baseball now. They shouldn't even be playing in this country. Almost no one questions that. I know many people on this site like the European basketball players because they help balance the NBA a bit, but I still don't like it. At this point I couldn't care less about the NBA.

I agree, especially about the Euro white basketball players, I think it's ridiculous that white guys from countries that just started playing the game have a larger prescence then the millions of white kids playing across this country. It sucks. The NBA is off limits to me, I don't watch it or care about it at all.
The United States of America was mortally wounded in the early 20th century with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act and 16th Amendment.

America died in the 1960's with the passing of the Civil Rights Acts, Immigration Reform, and the Coinage Act.

Old America was then buried with the election of Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th president of the United States.
Excellent post Don,

This caste concept has always had feet of clay. It's always been about flimflam. Nobody who is in any way aware of his/her surroundings can believe what's being sold as reality. All anyone has to do is see blacks walking down the street and a mechanism goes off subconsciously questioning their supposed superiority. That's why the brainwashing has to continue at such a pace to forestall the inevitable questions that automatically arise when people observe blacks just naturally going about their business.

At some point, the "pot will boil over." Nobody can stop it. As you say Don, it's already begun on many fronts. For instance, the "Teaparty" thing. The politicians think thats over. Far from it. That was only the beginning.

We're in for a bumpy ride, but the fact is that one good White person is better than any ten minorities. It's so obvious, it's freightening.

Tom Iron...
Tons of white kids consistently set records at the high school level. Guys like Joe Martinek, who is the all time rushing leader in NJ, are later screwed at the college level. My all time favorite running back from NJ, Ray Van Peenan, ended up being a walk on at Rutgers. He was the best running back in NJ and even better than Kwoshon Moreno. We all know where Moreno is and where Van Peenan is.Edited by: whiteathlete33
Don, I remember Spaceman Lee's flakiness (didn't he grow maryjane at home?), but I never knew about Walton's or Carr's flakiness. Can someone explain?

foreverfree said:
Don, I remember Spaceman Lee's flakiness (didn't he grow maryjane at home?), but I never knew about Walton's or Carr's flakiness. Can someone explain?


I had to laugh at your naïvété regarding Walton. Walton was a deadhead, a vegetaraian and a leftist activist during his UCLA days. He got considerable brownie points with the press throughout his career.
the media is trying to emasculate white men. By praising blacks. however, whites are a strong people. They had to work themselves to death when they came over from europe because of famine and war. Also the strongest and toughest people in the world are white. The idea of black superiority will only be further pushed with obama in office. Edited by: green fire317
the media was also saying that obama is going to unite all the races...that is a bunch of nonsense. he even refers to himself as black and not biracial. Edited by: green fire317
green fire317 said:
the media was also saying that obama is going to unite all the races...that is a bunch of nonsense. he even refers to himself as black and not biracial.

The MSM will always depict magic coloreds as race "uniters".
This is a very interesting question to me, and it's had some awesome responses.
I'm too young to know too much about when the system went into total offensive mode against whites. It does seem to me, though, from what I've read, that there was already a counter-cultural system firmly in place (e.g. Walter Winchell and the coverup of genocide against Russians, Ukrainians, and Baltics) that was later co-opted by those who hoped to, and have largely succeeded in, displacing European-Americans. The race war against us appears (again, I wasn't around so my opinion might not be right) to have begun, as other posters have said, in the late 60s--coincidentally, around the same time the tribe hit the apex of its paranoia and hate.
Nice responses guys. I hear all the time that the best draft in NBA was 1984. In 1984 the olympics were in favor of blacks for the first time since Jesse Owens. I don't know how baseball has the reputation of steroiids when track and football require them more. So many blacks in the NFL get away with crime. And so many in track get away with drugs like Sotomayor, Greene, and others. Then athletes like Matt Jones and Kostas Kenteris get examples made out of them even though they aren't a quarter as bad as other blacks.
The caste system started in the 60s and took about 15 to 20 years to be put into place. It was hard to find adequate black athletes.
If you went into a disco in the 70s you would have know that something was up. We just didn't have a word for it. Caste football would have been the perfect word.
I and my friends were inspired by an article in the paper about discos. It sounded like a nice place for guys to meet girls. Years later this writer would come out of the closet.
For most of us, discos was the first experience where straight whites were not the majority. When I grew up, I rarely heard any racist comments and even then it was considered tacky. Just because you do not like someone doesn't meant that you have to hate them. Non-whites give in to their hate and when in the majority freely express it. This is why many white males hate disco.
I was saved, first by punk music, but more importantly by the new wave of Heavy Metal. Motorhead! Judas Priest! You knew queers and minorities hated this sound and the audience would be white.
One lesson I learned from the discos is that if you have a dance floor filled with queers and blacks, most of them are terrible dancers.
screamingeagle said:
I was saved, first by punk music, but more importantly by the new wave of Heavy Metal. Motorhead! Judas Priest! You knew queers and minorities hated this sound and the audience would be white.

You do know that the lead singer of Judas Priest is an open homo don't you?

Nothing promoted by the corporate establishment is free from the obligatory poisons of Cultural Marxism.
Don Wassall said:
screamingeagle said:
I was saved, first by punk music, but more importantly by the new wave of Heavy Metal. Motorhead! Judas Priest! You knew queers and minorities hated this sound and the audience would be white.

You do know that the lead singer of Judas Priest is an open homo don't you?

Nothing promoted by the corporate establishment is free from the obligatory poisons of Cultural Marxism.

