Danica Patrick Wins Japan 300

Tom - no offense but you sound like a liberal there.

I wholeheartedly disagree, weight training is much needed for white men. White men are constantly made out to look like skinny/fat ugly dorks in commercials. Nothing shatters myths like a lean, muscular white man.

Guys - educate yourself about weight training, then hit the weights hard. I have trained with weights for about 5 years and have never been injured because i use good form and avoid "macho" syndrome, aka lifting way more then you can to impress other guys in the gym.

Men WILL treat you differently in life when you are muscular. Your wife/gf will thank you as well.
Petite Brunetts get away with everything. Danica (Sluggo)Patrick has struck again. She DNf because of a problem in the pits. This time she was hit by another driver- clearly his fault. She walked down the pit row intending towallop the driver, but was stopped by security. This may have been a good for Danica. The other driver may have put her over his knee and spanked her.

Sir, I'm talking about condition here. Weight traing isn't good for the performance of work. I've never seen a guy who weight trains who can do manual labor worth a da*n. What good is it if you look good, but your musculature is useless?

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:

Sir, I'm talking about condition here. Weight traing isn't good for the performance of work. I've never seen a guy who weight trains who can do manual labor worth a da*n. What good is it if you look good, but your musculature is useless?

Tom Iron...

We all know people who are "big" and suck at manual labor, but it is usually not because of weight training.

If you don't use steroids or train all day, you aren't going to get a "useless pro-bodybuilder" physique.

I was super-weak before I started to weight train. I was a sorry waste of White flesh. Because I significantly strengthened my lower back, upper back, shoulders, neck and forearms -- I can perform manual labor 100 times better than I previously could.

I am built like a solid powerlifter. Weight training gave me the strength that I needed and I gained that strength faster than I could have otherwise. Nothing else could have given me that kind of physical edge. It had to be some kind of lifting, afterall.
screamingeagle said:
The other driver may have put her over his knee and spanked her.

Ahahahhahaha...that is HILARIOUS. Naughty naughty girl.
screamingeagle said:
I may be old fashioned about this, but men do not hit women, even if they deserve it. It is the basis of civilization. Men are the protector of women.
However, taking her over your knee and giving her a spanking is acceptable.

That understandable, but she crossed a line. She threw a punch, not a slap. Once you cross that line, you're fair game, I don't give a frog's fat ass what chivalry says. I'll give you a quick story that relates to this that I mentioned about a year ago in another thread. Listen to this, and tell me if you still feel the same way:

A couple of years ago, my friends and I were making our rounds at the local bars in Hoboken, NJ. It was almost 2:30, so we were getting ready to call it a night. Anyway, we come out of this one bar and start to walk to our car when we hear a loud argument between two people. Across the street were a guy and a girl fighting. Now, the guy was skinny, probably about 6', 160 lbs. The female on the other hand was pushing a good 225-250 lbs. (thats a huuuuuge bitch) Now, I don't know what was said or done to cause this to get physical, but she was wailing on this guy with right hands like he was a punching bag. And all you see is the guy (who's getting his ass whooped) keep turning his back, so no one thinks he's hitting her back. So anyway, here's this fat bitch going absolutely buck wild in the street on some dude and he does nothing. I've had about two...three...okay seven beers in me, so I start yelling across the street at this guy to turn around and punch her lights out, but still he kept turning his back to her. Finally the cops come. Does anyone want ot guess what happend? You guessed it. They put the GUY in handcuffs while they questioned him, and treated her like the victim. Un-f*cking-beleivable. Luckily, they let him go home and htere was no arrests made, but they should have thrown fatties ass in the clinker for what she did.

Now, screamingeagle, I ask you, if YOU were in THIS guy's situation, would you do the same? Or would you do what I would do? Think about it.
I know I am not screamingeagle but I will try to answer it. That's a hard one groundfighter and I have never hit a woman and always have thought I never would unless there was some type of a fatal attraction type attack on me. That situation you described above is pathetic. The guy should have either gotten away from her(she's fat after all) or just take her legs out from under her and put her on the pavement. I am assumming it was a lovers fight and he probably didn't want to hit her back.

But as a general rule I think it is wrong for a man to hit a woman and it should be avoided in 95% of the situations that could come up. Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, when you lose that, what do you have left?
guest301 said:
But as a general rule I think it is wrong for a man to hit a woman and it should be avoided in 95% of the situations that could come up. Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, when you lose that, what do you have left?

Agreed, however I once hit a woman with a great right cross, one of the best I ever threw. She deserved it. I think the "no-hit" rule only applies to woman you know.
jaxvid said:
guest301 said:
But as a general rule I think it is wrong for a man to hit a woman and it should be avoided in 95% of the situations that could come up. Honor is the only gift a man can give himself, when you lose that, what do you have left?

Agreed, however I once hit a woman with a great right cross, one of the best I ever threw. She deserved it. I think the "no-hit" rule only applies to woman you know.

I think the no-hit rule still applies to even ladies you don't know. It especially applies to the ladies you do know. If some random woman attacks me on the street and has a weapon then all bets are off. We can all think up situations where it would be ok to hit a woman. But some of you guys could come up with many, me only a few.
guest301 said:
I think the no-hit rule still applies to even ladies you don't know.

The key word there is "ladies". A lady is a female who acts and conducts herself as such, and DOESN'T lose her mind and get physical with the opposite sex. Case in point, the 250 lb. fat bitch that I mentioned in my story LOST her "lady" privelages when she initiated that fight with that guy outside the bar.

If you act like a lady, then you should be treated as such. But once you cross that lady/psycho-bitch line...you're fair game. I'm all for chivalry, but there's a limit people. A scenario involving a 250 lb. fat bitch throwing right hands outside a bar is more than an acceptable situation to hit back.
I agree with you on the distinction between a lady and a woman and I will leave it at that.
Sooo... is Danica Patrick's new schtick that she's some kind of a bad-ass?

Who's the coward? The person who refuses to hit a man he knows he will destroy in a fight, or the other man, who takes advantage of the first man's honor in order to get in all manner of cheap shots?

Maybe this Danica Patrick chick should take a note from Harpo Marx's book and shut the hell up already and make us all a sandwich.
A woman who hits a man is acting like a man and deserves to be treated like one.

Knock her ass out.

Hopefully, none of us will ever be forced to hit a woman for any reason.

Tom Iron...
Men don't hit women, and women don't hit men. That's the way it's supposed to work.

Obviously, that code hasn't been followed for decades.

You don't let a man beat your ass, and you shouldn't let a woman, either. Just my take.

If you can't handle hitting a woman who is beating you up, then take her down and submit her.

Better yet, avoid being any kind of relationship with a woman who has the temerity to assault a man in the first place.
White Shogun said:
Better yet, avoid being any kind of relationship with a woman who has the temerity to assault a man in the first place.

Bingo! About half of domestic assaults are now committed by women. Another sad commentary on how so-called feminism has warped our society by destroying femininity. Of the many "isms" that have been unleashed by this country's hive-like army of internal enemies, feminism has been as catastrophically damaging as any.
Don Wassall said:
White Shogun said:
Better yet, avoid being any kind of relationship with a woman who has the temerity to assault a man in the first place.

Bingo! About half of domestic assaults are now committed by women. Another sad commentary on how so-called feminism has warped our society by destroying femininity. Of the many "isms" that have been unleashed by this country's hive-like army of internal enemies, feminism has been as catastrophically damaging as any.

They see skinny-ass women in the movies beating up huge, well-muscled (white) men and think it's real. The hot skinny babe kicking male ass is a hot trend in Hollywood these days.
White Shogun said:
Don Wassall said:
White Shogun said:
Better yet, avoid being any kind of relationship with a woman who has the temerity to assault a man in the first place.

Bingo! About half of domestic assaults are now committed by women. Another sad commentary on how so-called feminism has warped our society by destroying femininity. Of the many "isms" that have been unleashed by this country's hive-like army of internal enemies, feminism has been as catastrophically damaging as any.

They see skinny-ass women in the movies beating up huge, well-muscled (white) men and think it's real. The hot skinny babe kicking male ass is a hot trend in Hollywood these days.

Good points gentlemen! I can't stand that attitude or Hollywood practice either. It is sickening. I am teaching an intro to sociology class and commenting on these trends to my students. I've brought the effect of feminism into the discussion and so far none of the young ladies have argued about it.Its good to see thatmy female students are old-fashioned in that way.
If women can be in the Marines then they can be hit. You can't have it both ways.

If I were faced with a situation where I might have to hit a woman I think I would try to restrain/ submit her first.
White Shogun said:
A woman who hits a man is acting like a man and deserves to be treated like one.

Knock her ass out.

Thank you Shogun. Finally, someone in my corner.
And on the Danica Patrick front.....not much. She still has not won in NASCAR, she's one of the worst drivers on her team. She's got a great car but has not been able to do anything with it. Latest news is she was voted into the All-Star Race. No reason why, except I guess because she has a pussy. Most fans are upset but as with everything else the PC steamroller just keeps rolling along.

The vote that she won (a record second time!!) was not released, so perhaps she didn't win, like every election it's all about who counts the votes. Might be her last year, rumors are she's going back to Formula One when GoDaddy stops sponsoring her team at the end of the season. After Formula One I'm sure there is a school district that could use a good bus driver. After all it's for the kids.