Cultural Genetics



Negroes on tv are all brave and brilliant noble leaders, and of course Jews are all godlike creatures, benevolent and caring only about the welfare of mankind, and of course the white man is thoroughly evil and stupid and cowardly and filled with hate and jealous of the Negroes' magnificence, and jealous of the Jews' godlike qualities. That's how the story line goes, and that's how they brainwash the kids in their schools and the kids watching tv and going to their movies, and that's where the wiggers on the boxing forums come from.

wwEdited by: werewolf


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I've seen that commercial, and it's a piece of sh*t, for real. Talk about a hidden agenda!

The sickest part is, 95% of white males in this f*cked up country would find that, and other commercials that portray white men as weak, stupid, lazy, etc. hilarious. I wonder what it feels like to be brainwashed?


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Anyone see the PSP (Sony portable video game system) commercial with Michael "fruitcake" Strahan and for all intents and purposes -- a drunk White fan -- who tries very hard to engraciate himself with his affletic hero.

It's another one of those, "Whites are only important if they're in the company of blacks" theme.

What happens to the drunk White fan?! All his worship and pestering of the "saintly black super-human" is rewarded with a scowl and threatening elbow gesture.

The DWF got what he deserved, and the commercial may have revealed a little bit too much "reality."

I don't care if he was trying to make buddy-buddy with "Strahand" in order to freeload off his game-system. What I'm saying -- there was more dynamics at work than just a video game system. The White was a loser, but he got what all wiggers deserve!!


It will only get worse before it gets better. Remember this during the up coming election. The Democratic Party as a tool for the negros and other minorities and as a weapon to beat down the white man. You members who are in big time organized labor have a decision to make. Go with the Demos and further aid in the deteriment of us or tell them to jump in a lake wif their black affelets and see who can swim!

And I don't what to hear how the Republicans are the same. They have their problems but are infinitely better for the white man than the Democratic Party. I don't want to hear of Jews and Pres Bush being responsible for 9/11. If so, give me the proof and impeach and imprison him and the rest.


". I don't want to hear of Jews and Pres Bush being responsible for 9/11."

The ISRAELIS and the Bush crime gang were responsible for 911. I've been addressing this issue from day one. I recognized it as a hoax right on day one. That's my business, see, cutting through the bullsh*t and recognizing what's true and what's not true. This isn't the place for it, but if you want proof drag yer ass over to the 911 board at and I'll show you all the proof you need, assuming your mind is open and you're brain hasn't been turned into f'ing sill putty by listening to Michael Weiner Savage and Bill O'Reilly and all the other paid media shills. And you can believe that if I had the power I'd impeach and imprison Dubya and Cheney and Congo Lisa and their "neocon" handlers and the whole lot of those mass-murdering backstabbing traitors in a heartbeat!




By the way, did you ever hear of the Israeli sneak attack on the USS Liberty? I should say the joint Israeli-Washington DC sneak attack on the USS Liberty. How about Operation Northwoods? Do you know what that was? How about teh Lavon affair? 911 was hardly the first joint Israeli-Washington DC false flag terror attack on Americans.



I knew you would show up. I need a silver cane and bullet to protect myself from your hysteria. Regarding Mr Ron Paul, he is a pipe dream.

If people were to believe you, the damage is done and this Grand Jew Cabal has already won, and we are just peons awaiting our fate in terms of lifestyle,power and fate as white men.

Instead of insulting me, you should organize and prove this myth to be true. But I suppose your venting at me will suffice. Wow you and those hollywood nuts have alot in common, i.e. Charlie Sheen!


Silver canes are useless against us, and silver bullets are impossible to find.

On the one side ya got the wigs and the **** and on the other side ya got the brain dead flag-waving Bush-loving tv watchers. All we got in the middle is THE PEOPLE - the people who gave over six million dollars to Ron Paul in one single day - the people who are awakening to the steady diet of devils lies flowing from the mouths of these stinking politicians and their embedded media - including - especially - their 911 false flag terror attack!



Hey, I don't give a sh*t - if the moderator gives me permission I'll change this place from a dumb-assed boxing forum to a 911 truth forum and educate people about the 911 hoax. Anyplace any time!



Nov 15, 2007
Kukulcan said:
I knew you would show up. I need a silver cane and bullet to protect myself from your hysteria. Regarding Mr Ron Paul, he is a pipe dream.

If people were to believe you, the damage is done and this Grand Jew Cabal has already won, and we are just peons awaiting our fate in terms of lifestyle,power and fate as white men.

Instead of insulting me, you should organize and prove this myth to be true. But I suppose your venting at me will suffice. Wow you and those hollywood nuts have alot in common, i.e. Charlie Sheen!

dont waste your time arguing with "weretard". he's delusional and he serves no purpose other than to make outlandish comments w/ no regard as to how stupid he sounds. he does the same exact thing at other boxing forums. the sad part is, the blacks on other forumns are quick to label him as a typical "caste footballer".

i agree with you on the republican party. its not perfect but its a hell of a lot better than the democrats. i hope everyone else here realizes how important this election is. there is a very good possibility that we may have a black guy winning the democratic nomination.....a black guy. its important we all think about this when we vote. dont throw away your vote on some fringe candidate. we need tonominate someone who can win. dont vote for the ross perots this election, do that in an election year w/out a black candidate. dont take away any votes from the republican party. this will only strengthen any shot Obama has at winning. hes the "great black hope" and the mainstream media is going to push him like no other. personally i dont have any fear of some "Grand Jew Cabal", nor do i believe in it, but i'll tell you this, i do fear a black president. you think things are bad now, close your eyes and picture a black president.


Johnnyboy, I agree. I hope other members on this site agree. Look at Hillory and Obama and then look at a rock and a hard place and deteriment to whites and furthering of entitlements to the negros and minorities who pick up their dysfunctional/anti social behavior. This can not happean.

Whats up with that 'Werewolf'? Anyways wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, in case I forget later.


May 3, 2006
"Bush and the Jews were behind 9-11." I don't know how to respond to that. Well, to put it bluntly....


werewolf said:
Hey, I don't give a sh*t - if the moderator gives me permission I'll change this place from a dumb-assed boxing forum to a 911 truth forum and educate people about the 911 hoax. Anyplace any time!


I didn't mean that this boxing website was "dumb-assed", it's the best of them. I meant to say that boxing - Don King-Mafiya-Joe Cortez-Showtime-HBO- crooked boxing - is "dumb-assed".

As for these flag-waving Bush-loving war-loving torture-loving true believers of what they hear on their telavivavision sets, they're right up there on my sh*t list with the wigs, worse even, except if they have an open mind they can be helped because they probably have much better natural instincts than the wigs, that is to say they are probably not bisexual, just that their poor addled dumbed-down brains have been beaten into submission by the endless 24/7 mind control agitprop on their z o g - media. Unfortunately, they usually do not have open minds, contenting themselves to parrot their Clearchannel radio cheerleaders and make their dumb-assed little mockings, like the guys right above.

Anyhow, like I said, I am ready and willing to debate with anybody on the subject on a more appropriate venue (LF) as this 911 hoax has been my obsession since day one. I saw what it was right then and there on 911, and with all due modesty, I have since opened up a lot of peoples' eyes.

OK, back to your regularly scheduled program: talk about boxing.

wwEdited by: werewolf

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Werewolf, George Bush is not intelligent enough to be behind 911 or anything else. He's scared sh*tless of the Zionists and caters to their every whim. He didn't know about 911 before it happened, although I have seen evidence that Mossad knew, and probably manipulated the hijackers in carrying it out.

They were going to assassinate Bush's father when he was president, you know, and blame it on the Muslims, but the plan fell through. One time Bush Sr. let the words slip "The Jews are a considerable political force in America" and he was forced to apologize - proving that they indeed ARE a powerful political force!Edited by: JD1986

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
werewolf said:
By the way, did you ever hear of the Israeli sneak attack on the USS Liberty? I should say the joint Israeli-Washington DC sneak attack on the USS Liberty. How about Operation Northwoods? Do you know what that was? How about teh Lavon affair? 911 was hardly the first joint Israeli-Washington DC false flag terror attack on Americans.

The JFK assassination was orchestrated by the by the Mossad. Google "Michael Piper" and see what you come up with. Back in my boxing days in New York, I was with a young Jewish woman. After lots of drinks and sex, she bragged to me about her involvement in Edward Kennedy's car "accident", where the girl was killed. The intention was to kill him, but they were satisfied with the result.


Werewolf, George Bush is not intelligent enough to be behind 911 or anything else...


Bush behind 911? That little homosexual retard is barely intelligent enough to tie his own shoes. I think they had him on a triple dose of thorazine that day. He just sat there smirking and blinking and idly chatting about pet goats. He wasn't even smart enough to act surprised when Card whispered into his ear that the 2nd plane had struck. Ari Fleischman held up a sign for him to read from the back of the room saying, "Don't make any statements now", so it's obvious that even Ari Fleischman outranks him.

Dr Strangelove Cheney, on the other hand, was in the White House basement barking out orders - orders to do nothing! - as flight 77 - or whatever it was - closed in on the Pentagon, as related by no less than Sec. of Transportation Norman Minetta.



The JFK assassination was orchestrated by the by the Mossad. Google "Michael Piper" and see what you come up with. Back in my boxing days in New York, I was with a young Jewish woman. After lots of drinks and sex, she bragged to me about her involvement in Edward Kennedy's car "accident", where the girl was killed. The intention was to kill him, but they were satisfied with the result


Very interesting, and yes I know about JFK and the Mossad. JFK demanded that Israel open up its illegal nuclear facility at Dimona for inspection, and three months later he was dead. That was the last time that any American president dared to stand up to Israel and its lobby. After that they just followed orders.

The joint Israeli-LBJ crime gang attack on the USS Liberty was also meant to be a false flag attack. They tried to sink the Liberty and kill every man on board - with the eager assistance of LBJ and Sec of Def. Macnamara (who still lives and would be tried for high treason and hung if we had an American government in Washington). Then they would have blamed Egypt. Also, the Liberty was monitoring the Israelis who were busy liquidating their Egyptian POW's at the moment.


Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
johnnyboy said:
Kukulcan said:
I knew you would show up. I need a silver cane and bullet to protect myself from your hysteria. Regarding Mr Ron Paul, he is a pipe dream. If people were to believe you, the damage is done and this Grand Jew Cabal has already won, and we are just peons awaiting our fate in terms of lifestyle,power and fate as white men. Instead of insulting me, you should organize and prove this myth to be true. But I suppose your venting at me will suffice. Wow you and those hollywood nuts have alot in common, i.e. Charlie Sheen!

dont waste your time arguing with "weretard". he's delusional and he serves no purpose other than to make outlandish comments w/ no regard as to how stupid he sounds. he does the same exact thing at other boxing forums. the sad part is, the blacks on other forumns are quick to label him as a typical "caste footballer".

i agree with you on the republican party. its not perfect but its a hell of a lot better than the democrats. i hope everyone else here realizes how important this election is. there is a very good possibility that we may have a black guy winning the democratic nomination.....a black guy. its important we all think about this when we vote. dont throw away your vote on some fringe candidate. we need to nominate someone who can win. dont vote for the ross perots this election, do that in an election year w/out a black candidate. dont take away any votes from the republican party. this will only strengthen any shot Obama has at winning. hes the "great black hope" and the mainstream media is going to push him like no other. personally i dont have any fear of some "Grand Jew Cabal", nor do i believe in it, but i'll tell you this, i do fear a black president. you think things are bad now, close your eyes and picture a black president.


Johnnyboy, Ron Paul is not just some fringe candidate like Ross Perot; the Internet has changed that. He has a legitimate shot now more than ever.

[url] 4.shtml[/url]Edited by: Alpha Male

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006

Gentlemen, please use the boxing forum for boxing related topics, commentary on society is best held in the Happy Hour column.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Maple Leaf said:

Gentlemen, please use the boxing forum for boxing related topics, commentary on society is best held in the Happy Hour column.

Okay, you're right Maple Leaf. I'm going to go and open a thread in Happy Hour for us to discuss these matters.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
JD1986 said:
Maple Leaf said:

Gentlemen, please use the boxing forum for boxing related topics, commentary on society is best held in the Happy Hour column.

Okay, you're right Maple Leaf. I'm going to go and open a thread in Happy Hour for us to discuss these matters.

Thank you!

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Hey, this thread was started in the boxing forum by a troll anyways.


I have just added Budwieser Beer to my list of products that I will never buy. I just saw a commerical from them. It protrayed all the white men at a party as drunks, gluttons and preverts! The only 'cool/responsible guy' was...You guessed it, a negro. In the spot he proclaimed to be the responsible person during new year's eve parties and offered to give the drunks a ride home! To top it off and a fine blonde babe in the background smiled with this negro supposed actions. Unf...king real! I wonder when we as whites will stand up and demand a stop to this negative protrayal. I urge all members on this site to never buy Budwieser beer or its other products.


werewolf said:
The JFK assassination was orchestrated by the by the Mossad. Google "Michael Piper" and see what you come up with. Back in my boxing days in New York, I was with a young Jewish woman. After lots of drinks and sex, she bragged to me about her involvement in Edward Kennedy's car "accident", where the girl was killed. The intention was to kill him, but they were satisfied with the result


Very interesting, and yes I know about JFK and the Mossad. JFK demanded that Israel open up its illegal nuclear facility at Dimona for inspection, and three months later he was dead. That was the last time that any American president dared to stand up to Israel and its lobby. After that they just followed orders.

The joint Israeli-LBJ crime gang attack on the USS Liberty was also meant to be a false flag attack. They tried to sink the Liberty and kill every man on board - with the eager assistance of LBJ and Sec of Def. Macnamara (who still lives and would be tried for high treason and hung if we had an American government in Washington). Then they would have blamed Egypt. Also, the Liberty was monitoring the Israelis who were busy liquidating their Egyptian POW's at the moment.


Bro, I'm with you hugely up to a large degree. You are ahead of the game. I congratulate you. I've been reading your stuff about 911. These other guys on this forum are still getting their news from mainstream TV and radio stations. ALL major newspapers, ALL major magazines, and ALL major book publishers, they would find that FIVE giant corporations own them ALL. There used to be dozens, now there are five. They keep merging. Soon it will be ONE. It's easier to control that way, if you are a Rockefeller or Rothschild, or even higher than that. It was the same way in Nazi Germany: the poor well-meaning German on the street only read his mainstream news sources, so when the Fuhrer and Joseph Goebbels told them it was the "patriot" thing to do to invade Poland in order to "defend the Fatherland", the people bought it. Just like Americans are for invading Iraq. And when Hitler's thugs burned the Reichstag building in order to blame it on the commies to further incite the people for war, people bought that lie too. Hitler told them "God was with them" in their invasion, just like "God is with the U.S." in Iraq and Afghanistan.

All of these things the American people are now being told by our own lying propaganda media. 911 was the Reichstag all over again, as you know. But there were a few Germans who saw through the lie, even as there are a few Americans who now see through our own lie as are own country slips inevitably into fascism as did Germany. Bin Laden was always, as no doubt you know, a CIA asset. Those buildings--all THREE of them--were destroyed by controlled demolition, and the planes were the diversionary tactic, as you no doubt also know.

But listen, brother werewolf, there is another lying level that you must get through if you really want to get at the truth. Remember: the OTHER lie that the Germans were fed was that it was "all the Jews' fault."

Brother Werewolf, you've made it past all the other lies, but you are being tripped up by this final big lie. There is one final net of disinformation you need to get past. Bro, I've been down the road your on. I know where you are at. You listen to RBN and GCN and some of the other "patriot networks", right? I did too, for many years.

But I credit one alternative show host--Vyzygoth--with rescuing me and showing me beyond even the patriot networks. Vyzygoth and some of his guests, that is.

Listen, werewolf, I'm telling you, the hosts on RBN like Michael Piper and Rick Adams and Stadtmiller and Texe Marrs--all those guys who are going around blaming "the Jews" are either lying to you or they are grossly uninformed (and I suspect it's the first one in most cases). They are setting you up, brother. They are setting guys like us up for another pogrom, another Holocaust. They want well-meaning, patriotic, constitutional Americans to go after "Jews" the same way Hitler and Goebbels wanted blue-collar well-meaning Germans to go after "Jews." The "patriot" networks are lying to us, establishing a fascist state where young people will want to kill, kill, kill in the name of God.

Search your history. Ever since Christ was crucified, and down thru the Middle Ages, until today, what institution was most responsible for massacreing the most Jews AND Bible-believing Christians? What institution told Europe's nobility in the Middle Ages to hire Jews to serve as their tax collectors, so that if the peasant Gentiles ever revolted against the taxes, they would naturally blame "the jews" instead of other greedy oligarch Gentiles who hired the jews?

You trace your research up higher, go to the top of the pyramid of the Illuminati, werewolf, and you will find none other than the Vatican--and, more specifically, the Black Pope, i.e., the General of the Jesuits.

I don't blame you if you think it is nuts. So did I.

But then I did my homework, and I had to admit it.

Think about it: It's the perfect disguise: hide behind a "religion" and hire these foreignersin your own land to do your dirtyfinancial work. But this religion of Rome is nothing other than old Roman Mithraism--sun worship, which dates back to the tyrannical dictator Nimrod in the Book of Genesis, and his cunning wife Semiramis.

The Roman Empire never really went away. It just morphed into a religion. But the same ruthless desire to rule the world is still there. The Vatican wants to rule from Jerusalem. They will slaughter Jews (again) in order to do so. And they will slaughter born again bible-believing Christians again.

Hitler was a catholic. So was Mussolini. To this day, they have never been excommunicated. In fact, Pope Pius XII literally put them into power. Read the book "Hitler's Pope" by John Cornwell.

The Vatican was at the top of the conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. This is established FACT. Read "The Transformation of the Republic" by CT Wilcox or "The Suppressed Truth about the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" by Burke McCarty or "Secret Terrorists" by Bill Hughes or "50 Years in the Church of Rome" by Charles Chiniquy or "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" by Brigadier General Thomas Harris or "The Rockefellers and the Federal Reserve Conspiracy" by Emanuel Josephson or a large number of other HIGHLY suppressed books which fully confirm this. We have had our history stolen from us and whitewashed.Me, I'm pro-south. I always wanted the South to win the Civil War. But when I saw--in Wilcox's book and others--the actual letters of correspondence between Jefferson Davis and the Pope at that time, how the Pope was trying to make Jeff Davis a MONARCH had the South won, I had to gulp hard and rethink things. This was why France, at the behest of the Vatican, sent over Maximilian at that time, to take over Mexico. Had Maximilian been triumphant, catholic forces were going to head north and aid the South. But Benito Juarez, who was in contact with Lincoln, defeated the French and executed Maximilian, which is where the Mexicans get their celebration of Cinco de Mayo today. Look, the U.S. severed ties with the Vatican for over 100 years, starting in 1867, once the U.S. found out about the Vatican's role in murdering Lincoln. It wasn't until Reagan that the U.S. reestablished official diplomatic ties in 1984 with the Vatican. Coincidentally, Washington DC has a giant occult phallic symbol called the Washington Monument. Reagan was the first ever president to take his inaugural oath of office faceing the "obelisk", the washington monument. This was the sign to the Vatican that they had finally got full control over us, because the other occult phallic obelisk is in St. Peter's Square, in the Vatican.

And...the Vatican was at the top of the conspiracy to murder JFK. Among other things, JFK signed off on the assassination of Vietnamese Catholic dictator puppet Diem. JFK was dead less than three weeks later. JFK was a catholic, but he was a disobedient catholic.

The Vatican was also ultimately responsible for 911, because they've taken over the gov't of this country and are using it to clear the way for their rule in Jerusalem. They used 911 for their next and present "crusade." Bush, their puppet, even called it a crusade. Bush went to Rome and bowed down to John Paul II; so did Clinton. So will any president we get, unless that president wants to be killed. Whenever any huge portentous event happens in the world, like 911, if you check your calendar and what our president was up to leading up to the date of the event, you will see that the president had visited Rome in the days or weeks leading up to the event. And yes, Bush did indeed visit Rome right before 911. Bush, as an unregenerate freemasonic skull and bones occultist posing as a Christian (as did Hitler), takes orders from Rome. Rome captured freemasonry a couple centuries ago. The ruse that the Vatican hates masonry is a mere ploy: the Vatican owns freemasonry, which is why the arcane symbolism at the top of masonry, and at the top of the Jesuit order, are extremely similar. This is why many "patriot" talk show hosts are allowed to blame freemasonry for the rise of the New World Order, just like they are allowed to blame "the Jews." But if you get a "patriot" talk show host who blows the whistle on the Vatican, and he won't last long on that network.

Don't fall for the anti-Jew propaganda, werewolf. Don't do it. You will be doing the same horrible thing the German people did when they were tricked.

The Vatican was behind Vietnam: Read "Vietnam: Why Did We Go?" by Avro Manhattan.

I could go on and on with factual books. They're out there, but again, they are highly suppressed. They are far more suppressed than the anti-Jew literature you are probably being exposed to now. And why do you think that is?

And finally: Let's talk about those occultic talmudic jewish Rothschilds. As evil and as powerful as they are, never forget that one of their official titles is "Keepers of the Vatican's Purse." In other words, they are the employees of the Vatican.

Don't fall for it, werewolf. Don't fall for the same old lie that caused otherwise good German people to murder Jewish people. You'll be falling for the "strong delusion" that the Bible warns about in the Last Days.

If anybody on the forum has a problem with the facts I've listed, then go do your homework and see if I'm wrong. Then you can sound off at me, pro or con. But if you dismiss what I am saying without doing any research, if you condemn me as a "conspiracy kook" without doing a damn thing to actually see if what I'm saying is true or not, then I leave you with this famous quote from Albert Einstein:



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I'm guessing you're not a Notre Dame fan.

First off the boxing forum is not the place for a post like this. Second the werewolf guy is not posting here anymore although he may be lurking about, you know how werewolf's are.

The all-powerful Catholic church needs to step up in my neighborhood, they are closing churchs, they can't get anyone to be a priest, so the average age of the clergy is about 90. If those guys are running the world and are behind every important event in history, they sure aren't putting on a good show.