Cultural Genetics



While I appreciate the sentiments that has spawned such a site as this, and I share many of the opinions on this board, I'm afraid my first post here is going to make me a little less popular than a rat. But bear with me, gentlemen, I do at least sympathize with your case.

What I'm afraid I have to tell you is this: I see a lot of support for this new wave of Russian dominance of the pugilistic arts, I am sorry to tell you that a lot ofthe hoopla, as it pertains to the northern european"white" races,may be unfounded, for what we now call the "Russians" are, in fact, more closely related to the other races we find on the continent of Asia than they are related to northern europeans.

I understand they may look the same, or very similar, to northern europeans, but cultural-genetic DNA testing now conclusively shows this to be the case. I am afraid we cannot base all our conclusions--or in this case assumptions--on appearance alone.

The best illustration I can use for this, and which I have used in several of my books on cultural genetics,comes from the animal kingdom: Witness the Hyena of Africa. It looks like a canine, right? Well, although technically a predator species unique unto itself, the African Hyena is in fact more closely related (albeit a bit distantly notwithstanding) to the feline.

I have written a number of books on the subject of cultural genetics and we document these things and more, and some of the research I have even done myself.

Nevertheless in my spare time I share all of your passion for the sport of boxing which I am reading on this site, and I too am a northern european male. Call it a vice, if you will, but it is a pasttime I enjoy.

Or used to enjoy, perhaps. I admit it is getting a little dispiriting, watching for years now the lack of success of boxers of my own race. Still, I forge ahead, hoping...

Last weekend, I shared all of your grief over that "boxing" match which featured the young NE boxer Hatton being pummeled. And I too share the concerns of some on this board regarding the "dodgy" refereeing we were witness to.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
F_Deniz_Sar said:
I am sorry to tell you that a lot of the hoopla, as it pertains to the northern european "white" races, may be unfounded, for what we now call the "Russians" are, in fact, more closely related to the other races we find on the continent of Asia than they are related to northern europeans.

Thanks! I hadn't heard the argument that 'Russians' aren't white before I read your post. Now I can feel free to root for Peter over Maskaev, Brewster over Klitschko, and other superior black athletes so I can enjoy watching them pound Asians into oblivion.

Thanks for the heads up!

Are you actually claiming to be this guy, or is he just a hero of yours?

F Deniz Sar

Books by F Deniz SarEdited by: White Shogun

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
Jesus, this fight has really brought out all the trolls. Funny how you guys never come around when one of your own loses. Where were you when Taylor lost to Pavlik? Edited by: Alpha Male


White Shogun said:
F_Deniz_Sar said:
I am sorry to tell you that a lot of the hoopla, as it pertains to the northern european "white" races, may be unfounded, for what we now call the "Russians" are, in fact, more closely related to the other races we find on the continent of Asia than they are related to northern europeans.

Thanks! I hadn't heard the argument that 'Russians' aren't white before I read your post. Now I can feel free to root for Peter over Maskaev, Brewster over Klitschko, and other superior black athletes so I can enjoy watching them pound Asians into oblivion.

Thanks for the heads up!

Are you actually claiming to be this guy, or is he just a hero of yours?

F Deniz Sar

Books by F Deniz Sar

Yes, that is me. And if you must know (and I didn't want to bring this up, but since you have...), yes, northern europeans and africans share a greater similarity in the cultural genetic DNA code than do northern europeans and asiatics, including the ruso-sinics.


"what we now call the "Russians" are, in fact, more closely related to the other races we find on the continent of Asia than they are related to northern europeans.

I understand they may look the same, or very similar, to northern europeans, but cultural-genetic DNA testing now conclusively..."

Conclusively my ass! The Russians, the Rus, are an Aryan people. They have the same ancestral roots as the Germanic peoples, Scandinavians, Poles, etc. There is also an admixture of Asian blood in the vast area of Russia and the former USSR, but true Russians are Aryan (Europid).


Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
F_Deniz_Sar said:
White Shogun said:
F_Deniz_Sar said:
I am sorry to tell you that a lot of the hoopla, as it pertains to the northern european "white" races, may be unfounded, for what we now call the "Russians" are, in fact, more closely related to the other races we find on the continent of Asia than they are related to northern europeans.
Thanks! I hadn't heard the argument that 'Russians' aren't white before I read your post. Now I can feel free to root for Peter over Maskaev, Brewster over Klitschko, and other superior black athletes so I can enjoy watching them pound Asians into oblivion. Thanks for the heads up!
Are you actually claiming to be this guy, or is he just a hero of yours? F Deniz Sar Books by F Deniz Sar


Yes, that is me. And if you must know (and I didn't want to bring this up, but since you have...), yes, northern europeans and africans share a greater similarity in the cultural genetic DNA code than do northern europeans and asiatics, including the ruso-sinics.

Northern Europeans have a more similar ancestry to Africans than Asians you say. Interesting notion troll. This thread and link to a very good article says differently.

[url] N=8[/url]

...A new analysis of the dental fossils of human ancestors suggests that Asian populations played a larger role than Africans in colonizing Europe millions of years ago, said a study released Monday.
Edited by: Alpha Male


Well, Chagaev is half asian, so I would agree that he's probably not a plain old white guy. Of course on this board he is just plain white, where anybody who is half white is just plain white unless the other half is black, then they are just plain black and we hope that they get injured, lose, and fail.

I don't talk about it though because that topic always goes straight downhill into a big argument about who is white, should we root for half white athletes, how to handle half white half black athletes versus half white half non-black athletes, et cetera.

Slavs are just plain white though. I think there were a few groups in Finland that were proven to be part asian, but I don't know of any research that shows the slavs in eastern europe are not europeans.


"..A new analysis of the dental fossils of human ancestors suggests that Asian populations played a larger role than Africans in colonizing Europe millions of years ago, said a study released Monday."

Latest PC agitprop pseudo-studies notwithstanding, the reverse is the truth.

The Aryans in ancient China.

Edited by: werewolf

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Did you read the posting guidelines, "Doctor"? No attacks on white nationalities. And if you truly think Russians aren't white, I wouldn't know how to begin to respond to such an asinine statement. However, I think you're the same wierdo pseudo-intellectual who has trolled here previously, so. . . good-bye, again.


Oct 20, 2006
"I have written a number of books on the subject of cultural genetics
and we document these things and more, and some of the research I have
even done myself."

Genetics is the field of science that looks at how traits are passed down from
one generation to another through the genes, not environment. This has
nothing to do with "culture", and is a purely physical phenomenon.

You have just disqualified yourself from serious intellectual consideration.Edited by: PitBull


"northern europeans and africans share a greater similarity in the cultural genetic DNA code than do northern europeans and asiatics"

That is perfectly true if you are talking about Europeans and North Africans, because North Africa is largely White (Europid). Africa is not a synonym for Negro. Africa is a continent not a race. There are four major races and many subraces on the African continent, and until relatively recent historical times the Negro was confined to sub-saharan west central Africa.



Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
F_Deniz_Sar said:
I have written a number of books on the subject of cultural genetics and we document these things and more, and some of the research I have even done myself.

Well sir, we are all humbled and honored by your visitation. Please share your pearls of wisdom with us, and allow us to bask in your knowledge. Are you aware of the highly esteemed scholar - Dr. Malcolm T. Motembe - Professor Emeritus Jackson State University? He graced us with his presence and was highly entertaining, as you too will be, I'm sure.

Edit: That was a quick hook
Edited by: Bart


werewolf said:
No he's not.
Um, yes he is. His mother is a central asian.

Rather predictably, this instantly turned into an argument about who is white.Edited by: nevada


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
nevada said:
werewolf said:
No he's not.

Um, yes he is. His mother is a central asian.

Is that racially or geographically?

What I mean is that Asia starts at the Ural mountains in Russia. This mountain range forms the boundary between Europe and Asia. The majority of Russia lies to the east of the Urals and is therefore in Russia. The majority of Russians lie to the west of the Urals and live in Europe. Aisan Russia is very sparsely populated.
My point is you can live in central Asia and still be an ethnic Russian and totally white, but I suppose there are all kinds of mixtures to be found. The bottom line is look at the picture (above) - what do you see?Edited by: devans


Hall of Famer
Jun 3, 2007
Russians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Poles ...etc are all whites and our "guest" is just trying to soothe himself as he can't stand the fact that blacks almost always lose to whites in boxing (just like in almost every other sport). When they settle in the U.S., Slavs have to deal with the same black racism, crime, affirmative action, "white privilege" nonsense that the rest of us (Irish, Italian, French, German) have to put up with.

Ask Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton if Russians are white. Or better yet, ask the Russians themselves.

Wladimir Klitschko, Oleg Maskaev, Ruslan Chagaev and Sultan Ibragimov look like us. They are us. And they are the baddest men on the planet.

Alpha Male

May 22, 2005
nevada said:
werewolf said:
No he's not.
Um, yes he is. His mother is a central asian.

Rather predictably, this instantly turned into an argument about who is white.

You brought it up bro. Your commment didn't expand nor refute mine; it was written to agitate - nothing more.


nevada said:
werewolf said:
No he's not.
Um, yes he is. His mother is a central asian.


I see no evidence of Asian blood in his visage. Isn't he partly Tatar? Some Tatars are White and some are partly Asian, Mongol, I think. There is some Asian, Mongol, blood mixed in with many eastern Europeans. I thought I saw a touch of it in Maskaev, tho not Chagaev. I have zero problem with that. I think that Asians and Europeans are perfectly compatible. I only have problem with miscegenation with prehistoric sub-human races.


wwEdited by: werewolf

white is right

Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
I remember reading a Ring magazine from the early 90's and Yuri Arbachakov and Gussie Nazarov were interviewed by the Ring. Both fighters fought primarily out of Japan at the time. Yuri who looked partially East Asian said emphatically he was white and Nazarov said emphatically he wasn't(Nazarov looked Mongolian). There is certain cultural relevancy in how somebody from these countries would define themselves. It's similar to the one drop rule and black nationalism or aboriginal activisim in this country/continent.


Hey jerk off(Guests) you are a self loathing white honkie as I thought. Why do you put forth so much energry in disparging white people who evolved from chimps in Africa? You are the type who has an education but does everything to marginalize white culture, advancement and western society and at the same time give "reasons" for why so many blacks fail. Look at the countries of Africa. Look what is happeaning to South Africa. For Christ sakes why is it so bad for whites to root for a white fighter and fell bad if they lose. Blacks have done this for decades.

And so what if these fighterS had a little asian blood in them. Most Asians I know are great people. Look at thier civilizations,accomplishments and work ethic. You are just the worse possible person because you hate yourself and try to get other whites to ge aboard your ship called USS EMASCULATE. You try to dazzle people with your education. I will not buy it. But it is entertaining to hear your BS.

Maple Leaf

Mar 19, 2006
I have never heard such rubbish in a while. This is the type of rubbish one says to a pet rock. Russians frequently describe themselves as the purest of white people. ANYTHING less is insulting to them. But, of course, if you're anything but white yourself you would never have the priviledge to talk to them.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Not sure if you guys know this but when it says 'Guests,' their profile has been deleted.

Unless you're throwing your .02 in just in case the guy is still lurking about the board. Edited by: White Shogun
Feb 22, 2007
New Jersey
My understanding was that vikings settled the area around the caspian sea, and this later evolved into modern day Russia.

Countries like Kazakhstan (near Russia) do have an asian mix, due to conquering from Attila the Hun.

A man from KazakhstanEdited by: InfamousOne


white is right said:
I remember reading a Ring magazine from the early 90's and Yuri Arbachakov and Gussie Nazarov were interviewed by the Ring. Both fighters fought primarily out of Japan at the time. Yuri who looked partially East Asian said emphatically he was white and Nazarov said emphatically he wasn't(Nazarov looked Mongolian). There is certain cultural relevancy in how somebody from these countries would define themselves. It's similar to the one drop rule and black nationalism or aboriginal activisim in this country/continent.

Yep. A century or two ago in America a White person who had some Indian blood would generally want to keep it top secret, but now there are plenty of White folk without a drop of Indian blood who like to pretend that they they do. Changing fashions.

Big Chief Werewolf