Culpepper: Leaving Town?

White Shogun:

Missed the purpose? Me?

You must be blind to think that saying:
Cassiodorus said:
a cross between a babboon and a pimp...reference to Moss and Owens
Is 'hypothetically' similar to saying:
White Shogun said:
the Vikings lost too many games because Culpepper and his crew were too lazy and wasted from partying too much
White Shogun said:
those dirty dogs on the Vikings team who had a sex party on that boat...

If you truly cannot tell the difference in racial hostility between the first statement and the other two...You must have a very serious error in judgement.

For the second time, the Sex Boat Scandal was a joke, not a literal interpretation. I highly doubt Lewis is ignorant enough to actually do such a thing. I don't think he wants to go to jail again.

As for the media, it is not up to me what they say or do not say. You have a beef with their reporting? You think they covered the Mohammed killings poorly? Why don't you send them a letter? Give them a call? I have nothing to do with it.

By the way W.S. :
Rocker used the n-word, insulted homosexuals, hispanics, asians, etc. Canseco betrayed his teammates. Clarett robbed some people. Marcus Vick pulled out a gun to intimidate some guys. Owens openly insults his team. Caruth killed his girlfriend. J. Lewis sold drugs and was a suspect in a murder. You know, White Shogun, you don't have to be a murderer (Caruth) to be considered a bad teammate. Insulting your team (Owens), getting a one-year suspension for "whizzinating" on steroids (Smith), or calling African Americans the n-word (Rocker) and insulting other ethnicities [of which some of your teammates belong to] is more than enough. Would you like your African-American teammate if he called Caucasians a bunch of "crackas"?

Thanks for the chat,

Edited by: hollywoodnorth1
backrow said:
you are all just a bunch of pimps and baboons anyhow

I'm a pimp of baboons. Like those red butts.
no matter how you spin it, making an un-PC remark is not in the same league as killing someone.

I do have a beef with media reporting, and I do let them know about it as it occurs. Just like I'm letting you know what I think of your posts.

As far as I can tell, its okay for you to joke about the "Sex Boat Scandal, its not a literal interpretation," but you'll take things other people say literally. Typical double standard from someone who I've come to see tows the PC line, despite his supposed support of white athletes.
In an attempt to try and get this back on topic.. I think it would be a good move for the Vikings with a new coach to start fresh with a new QB. Johnson was good down the stretch by not making mistakes, something Culpepper cannot do.. he is a risk taker (easy when you have Randy Moss, not so easy anymore). Childress is coming from Philly and obviously did a good job with McNabb, however, so maybe he can return Culpepper to his pro bowl form. I'm interested to see how this will play out.
Three cheers to ocaamikedm11 for bringing this thread back on topic and under control!

And no sarcasm intended!
hollywoodnorth1 said:
By the way W.S. :
Rocker used the n-word, insulted homosexuals, hispanics, asians, etc.

Oh my god! He used the --n-word--and insulted Homos??And he's still roaming free?! Rocker is such a beast. To protect the innocent, serial insulters should be dealt with harshly. Isn't there a law against such behavior? If not there should be.

I love how you write out the n-word but have no problem insulting white people using the n-word equivalent of REDNECK. That is such a hateful term, wouldn't you rather refer to it as the r-word?

After I posted, I noticed the attempt to get back on track. Oh well.Edited by: Bart
Its okay, Bart, just edit your post to say how good outrageous it is that Daunte thinks he deserves a $10 million dollar raise after a dismal season and reconstructive knee surgery, and you'll be right back in it!
I just can't imagine all 3 ligaments popping. I mean the first pop had to suck enough, but then to hear "pop-pop" after that just has to be the most painful thing ever.
Wasn't that what happened to Robert Edwards, when he blew out his knee playing in some beach football game for charity? I know they said he rehabbed like crazy but he was never able to play again despite having tried out with a couple of NFL teams.

I haven't heard much about Daunte's progress, but it seems like he may not even be able to recover from this surgery well enough to play again, especially for one of those mobile quarterbacks.
To set straight a comment made earlier in this otherwise forgettable thread, John Rocker never said the "n-word," either during his time with the Sports Illustrated writer who took advantage of his naivete, or afterwards.
Most of the English-speaking world still uses 'spelt' (as well as 'burnt', 'spilt', and to a lesser extent 'learnt' and 'spoilt' among others...) the superfluous '-ed' stuff is a recent Americanisation (note use of 's'
), if I recall correctly, much like 'center' or 'color'...being Canadian, hollywood, please de-edit your correction with pride!

Further, I must say that the whole 'redneck' barb you tost (?) back instantly is pretty base and actually at least as offensive. From what I understand, the 'Redneck' label was actually an epithet used by early America's pompous land-owning aristocracy for the masses of poor, indentured labourers brought in from the British Isles to toil in the early agricultural period. These poor bastards were basically slaves in all but name, not unlike the serfs of feudal Europe, and the moniker is akin to...well, you can imagine.

Self-righteous Coasties and Yanks (not to mention movie-star-politicos and wanna-be-pop-agitators like 'Green Day') love tossing this gem at Southerners and other perceived Conservative Americans as some sort of all-encompassing trump card of ideological superiority. It's weak-minded, and best left unsaid...IMHO...Edited by: JerveyGotGypped