Crime Thread

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Suspect in 2 sex assaults before Molly Matheson murder


While the world of baseball ponders the " deep implications of the Adam Jones incident via masturbation" horrific black on white crimes get pushed to the margins by a media who has their heads up their asses.
2 white Boston Doctors who were engaged to get married were brutally assaulted in their home, beaten and bound by a black punk who finished them off by slitting their throats. He is currently in a Boston Hospital recovering from gun shot wounds after a confrontation with cops.
That it happened in Boston demonstrates the vicious disconnect that is going on in this country where the lines between reality ( brutal senseless murders) and unreality ( Boston is a racist town) are blurred beyond rationality.
Else where at a black pool party in Florida a 68 year old women who is part of the board where the party was taking place asked them to turn down the volume of the music. She was quickly surrounded and then one teen picked her up and then she was slammed to the ground. He then dragged her and threw her into the pool along with her dog. She could have died from head wounds from such an act. Greg Gutfeld on Fox was very angry and pointed out the obvious double standard going on in the media and said if the races were reversed in this case holy hell would have broken out and the media would been all over it like hungry rats. CNN who just can't get enough of "blacks being mistreated" ( most cases it turns out they were not being mistreated) was nowhere to be found on this story. The boy who picked her up and slammed her has been arrested. No word yet on his fellow party goers who were cheering him on.
I stumbled upon another really good site that deals with that racial crime issues and racial issues in society -
I stumbled upon another really good site that deals with that racial crime issues and racial issues in society -

Er, Ambrose is no Citizen Kane...
Subhuman dindu slams elderly White woman to the ground & (then) throws her into a pool for (her) simply asking the groidian youffs to turn their "music" down.

***When will White people wake the hell up & realize that these untermenschen vermin cannot be reasoned with?!! :mad:

They finally arrested the scumbag dindu who slammed the old lady to the concrete & tossed her into the pool. While he (direly) needs to be publicly whipped & strung up, he'll probably get away with a "slap on the wrist". >:-(
they dindu nuffin..... the white guy in the blue checkered shirt was scared shyteless....

Cowardice isn't worthy nor becoming of the great White race.
Except for the white female stewardess who was stuck Under the 2 dindus and could have been seriously hurt I agree let the dindus settle it outside mid flight
When whitey attempts to intervene in a physical altercation between two dindus, the end result frequently involves both dindus turning on the whitey. I agree, let them fight.

I'm waiting for the big reveal on what started the whole fight (currently leaning away from European philosophy and towards chicken).
I know this thread is really dedicated to crimes by dindus, but I didn't want to start a new one for just this particular article on Ted Bundy's old house.

It's an interesting read...someone bought the house to "fix-and-flip" without knowing it was his and then some very strange things started to happen.
Some Bronx Beaner, probably drunk, drove his car through a crowd in Times Square. 1 dead and 19 injured.
Caught in the same place where he was first convicted; arrest warrant out for him; own pants trip him up; dindu nuffin' y'all. Oh so dopey!!:risas3:

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A pugnacious punk 12 y/o vermin in NYC attacks 80 year old woman...multiple times. Dollars to donuts this was a dindu nuffin youff or a craptino. Regardless, the cretinous cad needs elimination from mankind.
I literally could not picture a White 12 year old committing those heinous acts.

Linked from that article is countless more black criminality.

I could go on but virtually all of the violent crime in NYC is committed but melanin enriched individuals.
Mississippi police nab suspect in killings of 8, including deputy

Video: At least eight people killed in Mississippi shooting spree


The MS Bureau of Investigation confirms eight people were shot and killed overnight in Lincoln County. One of those dead includes a Lincoln County deputy.

Agents of the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation with Lincoln County Sheriff’s deputies and District Attorney are investigating the shooting deaths of eight people, including a Lincoln County deputy. A suspect is in custody and is being treated at a Jackson hospital for a gunshot wound.

The MS Bureau of Investigation says the suspect, 35-year-old Willie Corey Godbolt, is being charged with one count of capital murder, due to the death of a Lincoln County deputy, and seven counts of first degree murder.

The shooting spree began at approximately 11:30 (CDT) with a domestic call at 2871 Lee Drive in Bogue Chitto. Four bodies, three females and the deputy, were recovered there.

The second crime scene was located at 1658 Coopertown Road in Brookhaven, the bodies of two juvenile males were located there.

The third crime scene was located at 312 East Lincoln Road, a male and a female were recovered at that location.

Officials say Godbolt is listed as having an address at 377 Brister Street in Bogue Chitto.

The deceased deputy has been identified as 36-year-old William Durr. Durr was a two year veteran of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department and a four year veteran of the Brookhaven Police Department.

The identities of the other victims are pending notification of next of kin. The investigation is on-going and any persons of interest are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Other agencies involved include the Mississippi Highway Patrol, Bureau of Narcotics, Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Pike, Walthall, Franklin, Copiah, Lawrence, Amite counties sheriff’s departments, and the Brookhaven Police Department.

This story has not been reported by CNN, MSNBC, or CBS.
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"Any persons of interest are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."

Have you ever seen that disclaimer in a story with a white suspect?

Me neither.
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