Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
I'm not one for conspiracy theories but damn Jesse does a good job of making you think outside of the box. This show is aired on TruTv and lately I've watched several episodes including the one on the Pentagon conspiracy. No plane ever hit the Pentagon, it was an inside job. It really makes you think about how shady and secretive our government is.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO


Nov 28, 2009
I'm a proud conspiracy theorist. It's simply the world we live in and the reason why things are the way they are. If someone were to call me a "conspiracy theorist", I would wear it as a badge of honor and beam with pride.

I recognize that the phrase is mostly used to try to diffuse someone's opinion or a general point-of-view (usually fact-based) because it doesn't follow a certain orthodoxy, or worse, to intentionally obfuscate or deflect their own complicity in whatever matter is being discussed or program/activity is being executed. It's just so much easier to shout "conspiracy theorist" than to present a valid and credible retort to an argument.

Of course, what I consider a "conspiracy" may differ in scope than what others believe. Although I respect "bigunreal" and enjoyed reading many of his posts, I don't go down to that level of least in his/that case.

As far as the TV show goes, it is one of the very few informative (and dangerous to the PTB) shows on TV. That's why they keep trying to "86" it by screwing with its schedule.

It's truTv's most popular program, yet Jesse and his producers had a hell of a time getting them to even air it again (for the third season)...even after the success of the first two seasons. You'd think that with the additional revenue in advertising dollars they are receiving because of the high ratings, that would be enough incentive to air it in prime time and then repeat it as many times as you can to maximize that revenue, no? After all we live in a "free market", right? Or does that only apply to commercial endeavors but not ideas? I think the site "Caste Football" proves that we don't live in a "free market" of ideas, otherwise there wouldn't be a need for it.

Anyway, for Season 3, the series was bought out by "Time Warner". They have since refused to air the episode regarding the TSA body scanners, effectively 86'ing it. Hmmm, conspiracy anyone?

The first episode of this season was good until the last 15 minutes when it completely morphed into a debunking and character-assassination attempt of David Icke. The second and third episodes were very good. I missed the fourth one but hope to catch it on YouTube or on a later repeat.

After the first episode, there was an even better program on right after it that dealt with conspiratorial-type phenomena as well, from the "Project Camelot" (of Internet fame) duo.

On that one, they were talking to an ex-NASA scientist (now renegade) who had a very high-level clearance regarding a top-secret space program involving the colonization of Mars by some super-advanced technology. He was hiding out in Argentina, I believe, and his Skype cut off in the middle of their interview. He was found dead some time later and it somehow segued into the next episode of "Conspiracy Theory". This program hasn't been aired since. It was the only episode shown, to my knowledge.

I think there was a thread created a couple years ago about this show here on CF as well.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
"Conspiracy" is an extremely flexible word. I personally trust, and respect guys who are willing to look into the rabbit hole, and see for themselves alot more than those who scoff at "conspiracy".

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
One has to be extremely naive and close-minded not to see that society is guided in certain directions. Contrast the U.S. of today with the U.S. of 50 years ago -- there have been revolutionary changes in demographics, economics, morality and in other ways with no end in sight. Does human nature change that quickly? Of course not, our nature changes very, very slowly when it changes at all.

Did the American people ever vote to endorse becoming a non-White country? For "affirmative action," Cultural Marxism, militant feminism and misandry and the destruction of healthy relations between men and women, militant homosexuality, outsourcing and deindustrialization, to become a police state, to fight undeclared and secret wars all over the world while neglecting basic infrastructure and human needs at home? It's all been imposed through a top-down process that involves the government, the government schools, the media, the advertising industry, and a closed political system that only allows for two nearly identical parties generation after generation. It's done through persuasion and indoctrination, including inculcating irrational fear of supposed foreign and internal enemies, and utilizing the strong desire most people have to conform and not defy authority and the "common wisdom" as presented non-stop and uncontradicted by the corporate media.


Oct 26, 2008
"Did the American people ever vote to endorse becoming a non-White country?"

It's funny you mention that. I was watching C-span today and there was a Jewish guy saying it's perfectly logical for the US and Mexico to become one country. They have already started on the road with Nafta and many of the elites would do it if they could. Right now it wouldn't fly, but they are going to be pushing it the next few decades. They have already decided not to enforce the border.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A lot of aware American know of this quote by Edward Bernays from 1924. Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud and is regarded as the "father" of the modern advertising industry. No other people in history have been as successfully propagandized as Americans; of course the continual and amazing improvements in technology have only made the process that much easier and more effective (though thankfully the internet has enabled many to find "forbidden knowledge" that the elites wish to suppress):

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. ...In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

-- Edward Bernays


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
No other people in history have been as successfully propagandized as Americans; of course the continual and amazing improvements in technology have only made the process that much easier and more effective (though thankfully the internet has enabled many to find "forbidden knowledge" that the elites wish to suppress):

The internet giveth and the internet taketh away.

Unfortunately the internet has also been used to manipulate people. It's very effective. Common news stories, all with the same point of view are related to people and become the common knowledge. Before the internet there were a lot of people that didn't read the paper or watch much TV so for those people the propagandizing was much less and so you had a lot of people who thought differently.

It doesn't seem that way anymore. Everyone knows the latest White hate crime, the latest Republican gaff, the correct way to respond to "homophobia" and racism. It's offset a bit by the alternate sources of information that Don mentions but it has the effect of homogenizing the populace since most people are lazy idiots and will regurgitate the crap they see on their monitors at work and at home.

I travel around the country and it's almost impossible to tell the difference between places. The same stores, fast food restaurants, chain retail outlets. Everyone dresses and responds in similar ways. When I traveled the country 30 years ago it was like visiting different countries when I would go to New York, Alabama or New Mexico for example. Not any more. From what I can tell everyone is wearing the same uniform for their age/class group, going to the same McD's./Starbucks/Walmart, and following the same few high profile news stories and of course sports. If the nazis were brought back to life they would wet their pants at the amount of control the govt can exercise over the information sources.

The possibility of the internet must be frightening to the govt though. Fortunately they have drugged and dumbed down and de-racinated/thinned the White population so that it probably won't make any difference.

Regarding conspiracies, I think there are two kinds of people. Those that will never believe a conspiracy theory and those that are amenable to them. I always listen to a good conspiracy theory. Don't always believe them, but I don't mind if other people do.


Sep 19, 2012
not Brooklyn
Conspiracy theories are tough to consume when you apply the common-sense filter that many government employees must be in on them. We see how fallible these appointees are every day with steady anecdotes of status-seeking, back-stabbing, and general absence of discretion.

When you qualify and shrink the hypothetical cabal behind a "conspiracy", it becomes more believable.

The biggest 9/11 questions for me are not logistical, ie the temperature to melt foundational steel beams. Not only do I have no idea about that, but I also have no idea how to parse expert architects and scientists who claim to know such figures. I cannot confirm that the jew billionaire who owned the Twin Towers and dined there every morning except on that day actually did that.

For 9/11, all I can do is step back and look at the bigger picture. Why did an extremist faction target some big USA landmarks on the other side of the world during a relatively non-occupational period for our military in their area? Ideologically, it could make sense. The USA represents and funds the interests of Israel, and it was fat and vulnerable at the time.

Here is the break in that thought experiment for me. If rogue Arab terrorists lashed out at the USA because they were mad at jews, why did they do such a miserable job of explaining that to the world? I cannot recall one single mention of Israel or the jews from Osama bin Laden's rare public statements, although I've been assured they were made. Once you've commanded the world's attention by destroying landmarks, why not bombard the public with proselytization? I would understand an American media filter, but surely some parts of Europe and Asia could have been bothered to make record of Enemy Number One's ravings. So instead, we were fed the message that the Taliban hated America, baseball, and blue jeans. That's what I believed in 2001.

Jesse Ventura's episode about the TSA was yanked, and the AP articles phrase this in a way that makes the TSA institution seem untouchable. The TSA is not a conspiracy: it's a massive, plodding, logical extension of government that employs the underclass to frisk their betters. I'm sure this particular episode was not inadmissible for such critique, but rather because Ventura inserted some of his 9/11 suspicions.

Ventura believes "the elites" orchestrated 9/11 to dumb us all down. I haven't ever heard him name Israel, and I don't believe he's holding his tongue so to speak to preserve any mainstream palatable appeal.

(I sat on this post for a full day and didn't feel any pride in posting definitively. if it's objectionable to anyone here, please GAY)


Nov 25, 2004
There's always things that just don't make common sense that help expose/support conspiracy theories or mainstream theories. Even if we really have no idea of the scientific technocalities or are not privy to secret information the common sense we were all born with and developed through our lives will guide us to the truth. It's really not hard to figure out when you've been lied and maybe just a little harder to figure out why you were lied to.

In 911, for example, we were told some things and not told some things that just didn't make sense. From untouched passports found on the scene, to "next day" DNA evidence, to a tower falling almost secretly for no concievable reason. From Osama Bin Laden bashing the perpetrators to grainy videos of "him" taking credit. Why? The whole anthrax timeline showing preplanned fore-knowledge not remotely connected to Bin Laden with again very little media converage on the specifics. And years he's supposedly killed and his body secretly thrown out to sea "out of respect?" You would have to be a fool.

Other things in history that just don't make common sense:

Why would Japan want to fight the much more powerful American Army when they were in a brutal war with China?

Why would Germany want to fight France, England, Russia, and the United States all at once? Were they really that delusional? Or was it the other way around?

Was Jack Rubenstein, a low-life criminal, really filled with so much patriotism that he felt compelled to kill Oswald? And why did the press report his name as Jack Ruby? Is it coincidence that he suddenly got cancer and died in prison?

I could go on and on. But I remember as a small child questioning my parents on why the Japanese would ever try to attack us since they stood no real chance of victory. I remember questioning why Germany did the same. I just didn't make common sense. I just innately knew there had to more to the story.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
To Kapitan:

This is an excerpt from a book written by Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the UK, himself Jewish, and the context of what he was referring to is the secret Jewish control of governments way back in the mid 19th century.

"So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." - Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the UK and Ireland in *Coningsby*

Speaking of Pearl Harbor, just a few weeks ago I went on a special 5 hour tour of the battleship Alabama in Mobile, AL. At one point in the tour we were down in the engine room and an engine expert, 81 years old - and spry enough to easily pass through all the narrow passageways and steep ladders - addressed us. His father was an admiral or some high poobah (I forget) in the navy, in Hawaii, and he, just a school kid at the time, said he actually slept aboard the Arizona the week before the attack. He said that his father was in close touch with FDR and he knows for a fact that FDR knew in advance of the Japanese attack, but then he went on to say that he would have done the same (high treason) that FDR did in order to get the USA into the war, despite FDR's promises not to and public sentiment in the US which was way against getting involved in another foreign war.

Every single one of their bull**** wars has been started by a set up like Pearl Harbor or the USS Maine or Ft. Sumpter, or a false flag attack like 911 or the USS Liberty (the latter failing because much to the chagrin of President LBJ and his accomplices the sailors aboard the Liberty rudely refused to allow the Israhelis to kill them all and sink their ship), always accompanied by the controlled media's fanciful horror stories about how the demon du jour is committing atrocities and planning to take over the world, developing secret weapons of mass destruction, etc etc.

War is a racket.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
"Conspiracy theories". That's their latest mind control schtick. They teach the canon fodders to shut their ears and scream "conspiracy theory!" when confronted with the evidence of conspiracies by the high and the mighty.

Of course that all doesn't apply to the officially sanctioned and stamped Glatt Kosher conpiracy theories that we are ordered to believe or else - like "Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews", like the gag about Osama bin Boogyman, CIA agent code named Tim Osmond, and Bush family business partner (Carlysle Group), who lived in many gigantic super caves in the Himalayan foothills ("He doesn't have just one, he has many of them!" - Rumsfeld)

Oops, scratch that! - a slum apartment in Karachi! (we're not supposed to remember anything, huh?), and his 19 evil Arab henchmen who hated "our way of life (and couldn't even fly a tiny Cessna let alone make impossible below tree top level turns in a giant passenger jet!).

So what do you think the high and the mighty do at their top secret getogethers that our great mass media refuses to cover - Bohemian Grove, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, CFR, etc., talk about tv shows and spectator sports? PS Disbarred lawyer Michelle Obama was on the CFR executive board. They forgot to tell you that on the news.



Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
One has to be extremely naive and close-minded not to see that society is guided in certain directions. Contrast the U.S. of today with the U.S. of 50 years ago -- there have been revolutionary changes in demographics, economics, morality and in other ways with no end in sight. Does human nature change that quickly? Of course not, our nature changes very, very slowly when it changes at all.

Did the American people ever vote to endorse becoming a non-White country? For "affirmative action," Cultural Marxism, militant feminism and misandry and the destruction of healthy relations between men and women, militant homosexuality, outsourcing and deindustrialization, to become a police state, to fight undeclared and secret wars all over the world while neglecting basic infrastructure and human needs at home? It's all been imposed through a top-down process that involves the government, the government schools, the media, the advertising industry, and a closed political system that only allows for two nearly identical parties generation after generation. It's done through persuasion and indoctrination, including inculcating irrational fear of supposed foreign and internal enemies, and utilizing the strong desire most people have to conform and not defy authority and the "common wisdom" as presented non-stop and uncontradicted by the corporate media.

In a word, conspiracies. Not "conspiracy theories", conspiracies.

Conspiracy means two or more people planning something, usually, but not necessarily, nefarious.



Nov 28, 2009
Every single one of their bull**** wars has been started by a set up like Pearl Harbor or the USS Maine or Ft. Sumpter, or a false flag attack like 911 or the USS Liberty (the latter failing because much to the chagrin of President LBJ and his accomplices the sailors aboard the Liberty rudely refused to allow the Israhelis to kill them all and sink their ship), always accompanied by the controlled media's fanciful horror stories about how the demon du jour is committing atrocities and planning to take over the world, developing secret weapons of mass destruction, etc etc.
And as far as the Roswell incident is concerned, something happened, but only those involved know for sure as one can't trust the misinformation or disinformation surrounding it. There are those that know for sure what really happened there, but one thing is for sure, only two months later the "National Security Act" was passed. Cause and effect. I'm thinking that this event may also have been a "false flag" event (or at least an excuse) that allowed for the creation of the intrusive and abusive monster that paved the way for our contemporary "Security State".


Dec 19, 2010
you can usually tell if there is truth to something if a jew whines about it

Shortly after the season two episode "Police State" aired, U.S. Representative Steve Cohen from Tennessee, who was interviewed in the episode, called for the removal of this program from truTV's lineup. He called the episode "outrageous distortion and an outright lie," as well as "dangerous and irresponsible." He stated "when the media purposely distort the facts to create confusion and mislead people, they must be held accountable. Unless we actively debunk false and misleading reports, we risk leaving the public with a dangerously skewed vision of this country." Cohen said he was "shocked and appalled" that Time Warner would air a program "so full of inaccuracies and irresponsible distortions


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
There's always things that just don't make common sense that help expose/support conspiracy theories or mainstream theories. Even if we really have no idea of the scientific technocalities or are not privy to secret information the common sense we were all born with and developed through our lives will guide us to the truth. It's really not hard to figure out when you've been lied and maybe just a little harder to figure out why you were lied to.

In 911, for example, we were told some things and not told some things that just didn't make sense. From untouched passports found on the scene, to "next day" DNA evidence, to a tower falling almost secretly for no concievable reason. From Osama Bin Laden bashing the perpetrators to grainy videos of "him" taking credit. Why? The whole anthrax timeline showing preplanned fore-knowledge not remotely connected to Bin Laden with again very little media converage on the specifics. And years he's supposedly killed and his body secretly thrown out to sea "out of respect?" You would have to be a fool.

Other things in history that just don't make common sense:

Why would Japan want to fight the much more powerful American Army when they were in a brutal war with China?

Why would Germany want to fight France, England, Russia, and the United States all at once? Were they really that delusional? Or was it the other way around?

Was Jack Rubenstein, a low-life criminal, really filled with so much patriotism that he felt compelled to kill Oswald? And why did the press report his name as Jack Ruby? Is it coincidence that he suddenly got cancer and died in prison?

I could go on and on. But I remember as a small child questioning my parents on why the Japanese would ever try to attack us since they stood no real chance of victory. I remember questioning why Germany did the same. I just didn't make common sense. I just innately knew there had to more to the story.

I did not know that Jack Ruby's real name was Rubenstein. This is the first time I've heard that. Amazing.

Regarding Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt may have known about it but that doesn't change the fact that that the Japs were going to attack. So either way there was going to be War. I don't know why Roosevelt let it go through with the Navy so unprepared. It was such a slaughter. If Roosevelt did in fact know about it he was a real scumbag for not at least having them on alert. Even a cursory attack would have been justification for a declaration of war.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I did not know that Jack Ruby's real name was Rubenstein. This is the first time I've heard that. Amazing.

Regarding Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt may have known about it but that doesn't change the fact that that the Japs were going to attack. So either way there was going to be War. I don't know why Roosevelt let it go through with the Navy so unprepared. It was such a slaughter. If Roosevelt did in fact know about it he was a real scumbag for not at least having them on alert. Even a cursory attack would have been justification for a declaration of war.

You throw that out there rather lightly. WWII killed what, 50 or 60 million people? And maybe, as time has shown, destroyed White, Christian civilization. Compare that to the 5,000 or so American men who died in Iraq in a war that many of us bitterly opposed.

Washington tried to bring Japan to its knees by limiting its access to resources and inhibiting normal trading relations with other nations, similar to what has been pursued against peaceful Iran for the past two decades. Japan eventually felt compelled to take the bait and attacked Pearl Harbor. FDR and his henchmen knew it was coming, much as the half-idiot G. W. Bush was aware of what was to take place on 9/11. Iran is a flea compared to the U.S. elephant and won't take the bait under any circumstances. But if need be, a "provocation" will happen that will be blamed on Iran.

Unfortunately, Washington's m.o. has been to start war after war and to militarily intervene wherever it feels like it, beginning long before the Zionists became dominant. Until that paradigm is ended, this country and the world faces more wars, and quite possibly World War III.
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Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
YJapan eventually felt compelled to take the bait and attacked Pearl Harbor.

How did I throw that out there lightly? Japan mobilized their navy and sent a carrier force out to destroy a nations military that it was not war with in a sneak attack. Whether FDR knew about it or not is not the question. A country shouldn't get a pass for that type of action. Japan was a pretty ruthless aggressor in many other places too. They were also a military powerhouse at that time. It's not like they were some little country trying to survive in a cruel world.

That does not excuse the actions of the US of course but just because FDR was a douche bag is no excuse for what Japan did at Pearl Harbor. Unless of course you believe that Pearl Harbor was a false flag conspiracy..... :tongue:

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
I know it's heresy in this country, but my point is that WWII was avoidable.

Almost all wars are.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
I know it's heresy in this country, but my point is that WWII was avoidable.

Almost all wars are.

I agree with that. I read Pat Buchanon's book Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost it's Empire and the West lost the World." Although that is focused more on Europe. I imagine America (or somebody) would have eventually had to face off with a Japan that invaded Korea, China, the Philippines, etc.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
That does not excuse the actions of the US of course but just because FDR was a douche bag is no excuse for what Japan did at Pearl Harbor. Unless of course you believe that Pearl Harbor was a false flag conspiracy..... :tongue:

You need a scorecard or a cheat sheet or something to help you keep your facts straight, boss.

Pearl Harbor = set up (Japanese military took the bait and attacked).

911 = False flag (No Arabs or Moslems were involved in any way except as to serve as the fall guys, patsies)
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
You throw that out there rather lightly. WWII killed what, 50 or 60 million people? And maybe, as time has shown, destroyed White, Christian civilization. Compare that to the 5,000 or so American men who died in Iraq in a war that many of us bitterly opposed.

Washington tried to bring Japan to its knees by limiting its access to resources and inhibiting normal trading relations with other nations, similar to what has been pursued against peaceful Iran for the past two decades. Japan eventually felt compelled to take the bait and attacked Pearl Harbor. FDR and his henchmen knew it was coming, much as the half-idiot G. W. Bush was aware of what was to take place on 9/11. Iran is a flea compared to the U.S. elephant and won't take the bait under any circumstances. But if need be, a "provocation" will happen that will be blamed on Iran.

Unfortunately, Washington's m.o. has been to start war after war and to militarily intervene wherever it feels like it, beginning long before the Zionists became dominant. Until that paradigm is ended, this country and the world faces more wars, and quite possibly World War III.

Maybe not so long before. There were no zionists around yet but our talmudic friends financed both sides of the American Civil War, and the House of Rothschild even had their man, Judah P. Benjamin, serving as Secretary of War and State in the CSA. After the war was over, destroying the best white blood on the north American continent in the process, Mr Benjamin retired to London and thence to Paris.