Conspiracy Theories with Jesse Ventura


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
I know it's heresy in this country, but my point is that WWII was avoidable.

Almost all wars are.

Hitler was doing everything in his power to avoid war with the USA, despite the continued provocations by the latter, spotting German subs and shipping for the British, shipping arms to Britain, deliberately ramming and otherwise attacking German vessels at sea. Meanwhile, just a week or two before Pearl Harbor, FDR was giving speeches about how he held in his hand "secret evidence" - Bush and Colin Powell didn't invent that schtick - that Germany planned to take over the world and order Christian crosses replaced by swastikas.

General S. Butler, the most highly decorated U.S. Marine in history: "War is a racket."

War is the Jews' harvest.

March 1933:



Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Maybe not so long before. There were no zionists around yet but our talmudic friends financed both sides of the American Civil War, and the House of Rothschild even had their man, Judah P. Benjamin, serving as Secretary of War and State in the CSA. After the war was over, destroying the best white blood on the north American continent in the process, Mr Benjamin retired to London and thence to Paris.

So one jewish guy in a cabinet position was able to engineer the Civil War for the Rothchilds and do their bidding to destroy the best White blood in North America? Hellava job, I bet he got plenty of shekels for that one!! :happy:


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
So one jewish guy in a cabinet position was able to engineer the Civil War for the Rothchilds and do their bidding to destroy the best White blood in North America? Hellava job, I bet he got plenty of shekels for that one!! :happy:

Who said that "one Jewish guy in a cabinet position was able to engineer the Civil War"? He no more engineered the civil war single handedly than Benjamin Netanyahu's close friend Lucky Larry Silverstein engineered 911 single handedly. And it wasn't just "a cabinet position" he had. He was arguably the second most powerful person in the Confederacy.

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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
To be fair, it is a matter of controversy whether Benjamin, who was widely disliked, was actually a Rothschild agent.


Judah P. Benjamin. Would you buy a used horse and wagon from this Hebrew attorney?
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
you can usually tell if there is truth to something if a jew whines about it

Yep, and the more they frantically scream "liar" at you, and the more nasty names they call you, you know you're getting closer to the truth.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
And as far as the Roswell incident is concerned, something happened, but only those involved know for sure as one can't trust the misinformation or disinformation surrounding it. There are those that know for sure what really happened there, but one thing is for sure, only two months later the "National Security Act" was passed. Cause and effect. I'm thinking that this event may also have been a "false flag" event (or at least an excuse) that allowed for the creation of the intrusive and abusive monster that paved the way for our contemporary "Security State".

Roswell-UFO-Area 51 is another matter, and I don't know the answer. Jackie Gleason was close friends with Richard Nixon. He once said that Nixon told him that there was something awesome in Area 51.

A few years ago i was camping in the desert wilderness not far from Area 51. I heard what sounded like a small plane overhead so I looked up. It was indeed a small propeller plane flying directly overhead, very slowly, but it was escorting an enormous flying wing aircraft, also flying very slowly, but flying totally silently.


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
Jesse Ventura's website

I went to see him speak a few years ago in _____. His speech was mainly about the 911 hoax. After the speech he had a q and a session and some stupid pimply faced kid stood up and asked him if wrestling is fake. That question really pissed him off.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Pearl Harbor

How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan's Attack on Pearl Harbor

Mises Daily: Friday, December 07, 2012 by Robert Higgs

So the proper response to "economic warfare" (which is basically one country favoring it's citizens over anothers) is to launch a massive sneak attack to destroy and kill as much of the other countries military as possible? Interesting take on finance. I guess that justifies the US govt going to war with the South since the South was preparing to wage economic warfare over the cotton trade.


Nov 25, 2004
So the proper response to "economic warfare" (which is basically one country favoring it's citizens over anothers) is to launch a massive sneak attack to destroy and kill as much of the other countries military as possible? Interesting take on finance. I guess that justifies the US govt going to war with the South since the South was preparing to wage economic warfare over the cotton trade.

I'd say unfortunetly yes. Especially when the "economic warfare" was supplying your enemy, who were in the process of turning communist, with military and economic aid. At the same time surrounding your Island with battleships ready and willing to impose any sanctions that would have surely led to a defeat at the hands of the ruthless Chinese. FDR knew that at sometime the Japanese had to attack. Whether he really knew on that day really doesn't matter, but there is evidence that he did know. The McCollum Memo outlines the plan to provoke Japan into something as irrational as attacking the U.S. I'm under no delusion that Japan or Germany wanted war with the U.S. Neither was a stupid country filled with stupid irrational people. I'm sure when Japan attacked they knew their chances were slim just as Germany knew their chances were slim. But slim is better than none and FDR had that on his side. Also on FDR's side wispering in his ears were people that hated Germany, the German people, the Nordic race, nationalism, and loved a multi-cultural society that only their people could dominate.

The fact that the Chinese won the war with Japan and then preceded to kill at least another 30 million of its own people proved that Japan's irrational fears were quite rational. Getting nuked a couple of times and fire-bombed to smithereens is still preferable to hoards of Chinese and Mongoloids running through their villages with machetes hell-bent on exterminating their entire race.

I see countries as extentions of their own people. Japanese to this day are some of the most peaceful people on Earth. Wherever they live their crime rates are ethically among the lowest. I see Germany and German people in the same way. In the end, communism, Jewish nationalism, and continuing multi-culturalism won and white nationalism lost. But at least somebody fought it which is more than I can say for the lost white countries of the allies as we continue to surrender each and every day. That's how I see it anyway.
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Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
So the proper response to "economic warfare" (which is basically one country favoring it's citizens over anothers) is to launch a massive sneak attack to destroy and kill as much of the other countries military as possible? Interesting take on finance. I guess that justifies the US govt going to war with the South since the South was preparing to wage economic warfare over the cotton trade.

What the US was doing to Japan was hardly merely "favoring its citizens over anothers". It was embargoing Japan, an act of war, especially with an island country that needed to import must of its raw materials; the USA was also surreptitiously fighting Japan (as it was Germany) a la the Flying Tigers in China. Also Roosevelt had frozen Japanese assets and issued a secret ultimatum to Japan, all this kept carefully secret from Admiral Kimmell in Hawaii, the designated fall guy, whose code breaking equipment had been nicely removed shortly before, and all the modern ships, esp. ac carriers were put to sea, and all the old and expendable battleships (and sailors!) were lined up nicely in a row even though, at the very least, the fact that the Japanese fleet had disappeared and gone silent for the prior week, and this in and of itself should have caused a high alert, but of course FDR well knew what was coming. The Japanese code had been broken and intercepted, and, as on 911 (!), emergency supplies were delivered the day before, and FDR's famous post-PH speech was completed the night before.

The US had been unable to provoke Germany into the war that the Jews were demanding, so Roosevelt did the "back door to war" trick as he knew that Germany and Japan had a mutual defense treaty.
When Hitler declared war on teh USA he gave an extraordinary extemperaneous 4 1/2 hour speech describing how he had done everything in his power to make peace with the USA and the UK. This speech, and was, of course, kept top secret from the American canon fodders (as was the real Osama bin Ladin's post-911 speech denying any responsibility).

Their so-called Good War was totally contrived like all their other wars. The Japanese loved Americans. Just a few years before when Babe Ruth visited Japan the crowds that came to see "the living god of baseball" - including the emporer! - were so vast that many were trampled. But the Zio-propaganda of the day depicted the Japanese as hate-crazed maniacal yellow fiends with buck teeth.



Nov 23, 2006
How did I throw that out there lightly? Japan mobilized their navy and sent a carrier force out to destroy a nations military that it was not war with in a sneak attack. Whether FDR knew about it or not is not the question. A country shouldn't get a pass for that type of action. Japan was a pretty ruthless aggressor in many other places too. They were also a military powerhouse at that time. It's not like they were some little country trying to survive in a cruel world.

That does not excuse the actions of the US of course but just because FDR was a douche bag is no excuse for what Japan did at Pearl Harbor. Unless of course you believe that Pearl Harbor was a false flag conspiracy..... :tongue:

In a allegory of what happen with Pearl Harbor, FDR would be the husband and Japan the guy who threaten to kill his wife if he didn't stop doing something , so the husband keeps doing it and when he learns the night that the killer is planning to kill his wife he leaves the door unlock and leaves, letting the guy kill his wife. That the husband let the guy kill his wife doesn't exonerated the murderer of murder, it makes the husband an accessory.

If the Japanese had understood the America society better, they would have simply ignore the Philippines and other U.S. assets in the Pacific and seized the resources that they needed from non-USA controlled areas and FDR would have been powerless to stop them.


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
I'm not a fan of Jesse Ventura. He says the right things from time to time but you'll never hear him address the issues of race and he's a huge proponent of open borders. He's a quasi Haight Ashbury hippie throwback from the 60's. While he deserves credit for speaking out about 9/11, I find his views on race and religion to be overly simplistic and inaccurate.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
I'm not a fan of Jesse Ventura. He says the right things from time to time but you'll never hear him address the issues of race and he's a huge proponent of open borders. He's a quasi Haight Ashbury hippie throwback from the 60's. While he deserves credit for speaking out about 9/11, I find his views on race and religion to be overly simplistic and inaccurate.

Same here. I respect his Navy background and enjoyed his "wrasslin'" commentaries and acting. However, he was a supporter of s0d0mite "rights" and pro (infanticide) "choice". :thumbdown: In addition, he strikes me as overly-arrogant at times.

All in all, he knows the scoop on globalism and is a good entertainer and self-promoter. I appreciate his positions on liberty, but I disagree with him (greatly) on "social issues" (mentioned above).


Dec 29, 2012
Miami FL
Same here. I respect his Navy background and enjoyed his "wrasslin'" commentaries and acting. However, he was a supporter of s0d0mite "rights" and pro (infanticide) "choice". :thumbdown: In addition, he strikes me as overly-arrogant at times.

All in all, he knows the scoop on globalism and is a good entertainer and self-promoter. I appreciate his positions on liberty, but I disagree with him (greatly) on "social issues" (mentioned above).

One thing that really gets me about Jesse Ventura is that he buys into the liberal lie that religion is the cause of most of the worlds conflicts and wars. A study was done that out of all the wars in recorded history, only about 7% of them were over religion. Most wars are due to race/ethnicity/tribal warfare, natrual resources, and land disputes, not religion.

To me Jesse is just someone that likes to hear himself talk. That conspiracy theory show he had a little while back was laughable.