Confederate Monuments

Evidently, the "apple" does indeed fall far from the tree, as the gutless descendants of CSA VP Alexander Stephens say to take his statue at the U.S, capitol down. They're craven cowards unworthy of his bloodlines!

***P.S. - Stephens told it exactly as it is!

Evidently, the "apple" does indeed fall far from the tree, as the gutless descendants of CSA VP Alexander Stephens say to take his statue at the U.S, capitol down. They're craven cowards unworthy of his bloodlines!

***P.S. - Stephens told it exactly as it is!

His words are as true now as they were in the 1800s. This despite decades of efforts and billions of dollars spent to lift up this race of simple minded, primitive people.

Stephen's descendants are not only cowards, they are fools. They probably feel "enlightened" compared to their "ignorant" ancestor, however he'd run circles around them in any intellectual pursuit.
More sage wisdom from a brave CSA legend...."Old Rock" Brigadier General Henry L. Benning....

"What was the reason that induced Georgia to take the step of secession? This reason may be summed up in one single proposition. It was a conviction, a deep conviction on the part of Georgia, that a separation from the North-was the only thing that could prevent the abolition of her slavery. ... If things are allowed to go on as they are, it is certain that slavery is to be abolished. By the time the north shall have attained the power, the black race will be in a large majority, and then we will have black governors, black legislatures, black juries, black everything. Is it to be supposed that the white race will stand for that? It is not a supposable case. ... war will break out everywhere like hidden fire from the earth, and it is probable that the white race, being superior in every respect, may push the other back. ... we will be overpowered and our men will be compelled to wander like vagabonds all over the earth; and as for our women, the horrors of their state we cannot contemplate in imagination. That is the fate which abolition will bring upon the white race. ... We will be completely exterminated, and the land will be left in the possession of the blacks, and then it will go back to a wilderness and become another Africa... Suppose they elevated Charles Sumner to the presidency? Suppose they elevated Fred Douglass, your escaped slave, to the presidency? What would be your position in such an event? I say give me pestilence and famine sooner than that."

— Henry Lewis Benning, Speech of Henry Benning to the Virginia Convention, February 18, 1861.

Historic Virginia church to remove George Washington and Robert E. Lee plaques to make it "welcoming" to everyone.

The cowardly Episcopalians (& UMC) have been apostate for quite a while now. They allow women in the pulpit (a direction violation of 1 Corinthians 14:34), & allow homosexuals into the congregation (a violation of numerous Bible verses). Thus it’s no surprise those craven poltroons bowed down (further) at the alter of cultural Marxism. Hopefully, the Lord will smite them for their perversion & disobediance to His Word!
The Episcopalian church is the center of poz and degeneracy of the many cucked Protestant denominations. Most of the attendees, at least here in the Northeast, are rich / upper middle class, liberal Whites who simply use the church as a social club and to virtue signal. Most don't even believe in God but push homosexuality, "equality", multiculturalism, immigration, welcoming refugees and feminism. Basically the democratic party platform.

Almost every Episcopal church I walk or drive past has a rainbow flag proudly displayed on it's grounds, welcoming all. This outreach and cucking is also a last gasp attempt to get new members as attendance is dying out. Foolish and counterproductive as all of the studies show that liberal churches are dying while conservative (read adhering to the bible and God's word) are growing. Why would anyone attend church when they can simply stay home and hear the same sh1t on MSNBC?
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The vile, disgusting, halfwit spearchux in Memphis pull an underhanded scam to take the statue of the great, CSA hero Nathan Bedford Forrest. NBF was 100x the man than all those involved with removing his statue. Those lowlife, scumbag pinkos aren’t worthy to draw another breath on this planet. :mad:

Then, chickens#1t pu$$y pukes deface another statue of NBF in Nashville, TN. This was on PRIVATE property as well. I’d take great joy in seeing the ‘removal’ each of those worthless b@$t@rds from this side of hell....& send ‘em on down there (where they belong)! :camper:
The vile, disgusting, halfwit spearchux in Memphis pull an underhanded scam to take the statue of the great, CSA hero Nathan Bedford Forrest. NBF was 100x the man than all those involved with removing his statue. Those lowlife, scumbag pinkos aren’t worthy to draw another breath on this planet. :mad:

Then, chickens#1t pu$$y pukes deface another statue of NBF in Nashville, TN. This was on PRIVATE property as well. I’d take great joy in seeing the ‘removal’ each of those worthless b@$t@rds from this side of hell....& send ‘em on down there (where they belong)! :camper:
Ya know it's funny, will removing any of these statues reduce black crime? Black illegitimacy? Black poverty? Of course fcking not. This is only the blacks asserting their dominance in the public domain and replacing OUR history with THEIRS...