Confederate Monuments

Ever since monuments became a popular topic, I have written here, and elsewhere, of the solution to privatize them to stop the controversy. Protests embolden our adversaries, and empower our servants to act as our superiors, and protests are a form of whining, complaining. Be a man, take control, and win.

Some of you may know of the Mises Istitute. Here is an article from that site published but a day ago.

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

When I was a student at the University of Colorado, I regularly walked by the Dalton Trumbo memorial fountain which was named after the communist Stalin-sympathizing novelist and screenwriter.

Once upon a time, the fountain had been simply known as "the fountain," but around 25 years ago, it was unnecessarily renamed after a controversial person.

The reason for the renaming was the same as with any memorial or monument designed to honor a person or idea — to create an emotional connection and familiarity with the person or idea connected to the place; to communicate a certain view of history.

The renaming of the fountain followed an earlier renaming controversy. One of the University's dorms, Nichols Hall, was named after a participant in the infamous Sand Creek Massacre. Even in its own time, the massacre had been denounced, earning condemnation from Indian fighters like Kit Carson. Not surprisingly, the dorm that bore Nichols's name was eventually renamed "Cheyenne Arapahoe" in honor of the Indian tribes whose members Nichols had helped attack.

As with the Trumbo fountain, the dorm's name was changed in order to send subtle messages — messages about what is valued, what is good, and what is bad.

There's nothing inherently wrong with this, of course. The problem only arises when we begin to use taxpayer funded facilities and institutions to carry out these attempts at education.

Thus, in a sense, when approaching the problem of government monuments and memorials, we encounter the same problem we have with public schools. Whose values are going to be pushed, preserved, and exalted? And, who's going to be forced to pay for it?

Ideology Changes Over Time
This problem is further complicated by the fact that these views change over time.

Over time, the "good guys" can change as majority views shift, as new groups take over the machinery of government institutions, and as ideologies change.

In 1961, when Nichols Hall was named, few people apparently cared much about the Sand Creek Massacre. 25 years later, however, views had changed considerably among both students and administrators.

For a very obvious illustration of how these changes takes place, we need look no further than the schools.

In the early days of public schooling — an institution founded by Christian nationalists to push their message — students were forced to read the King James Bible. Catholics were forced to pay taxes so schools could instruct students on how awful and dangerous Catholicism was. Immigrant families from Southern and Eastern Europe were forced to pay for schools that instructed their children on the inferiority of their non-Anglo ethnic groups.

A century later, things have changed considerably. Today, Anglo-Saxons are taught to hate themselves, and while Catholics are still despised (but for different reasons), they now are joined in their pariah status by most other Christian groups as well. Italians and Eastern Europeans who were once treated in public schools as subhuman are now reviled as members of the white oppressor class.

Similar changes have taken place in art and in public monuments and memorials.

Public Memorials Serve the Same Function as Public Schools
But the principle remains the same, whether we're talking about public schools or public monuments: we're using public funds and facilities to "educate" the public about what's good and what's not.

This has long been known by both the people who first erected today's aging monuments, and by the people who now want to tear them down. The leftist who support scrapping certain monuments actively seek to change public monuments and memorials to back up their own worldview because they recognize that it can make a difference in the public imagination. They're fine with forcing the taxpayers to support their own worldview, of course, and actively seek to use public lands, public spaces, public roads, and public buildings to subsidize their efforts. They already succeeded in doing this with public schools decades ago.

The Answer: Privatize the Monuments
In a way, the combined effect of public memorials, monuments, streets, and buildings function to turn public spaces into a type of large open-air social studies class, reinforcing some views, while ignoring others.

Libertarians have long noted the problem of public education: it's impossible to teach history in a value-neutral way, and thus public schools are likely to teach values that support the state and its agendas. Even some conservatives have finally caught on.

To combat this problem, those who object to these elements within public schooling support homeschooling, private schooling, and private-sector alternatives that diminish the role of public institutions.

Governmental public spaces offer the same problem as public schools.

In both cases the answer is the same: minimize the role of government institutions in shaping public ideology, public attitudes, and the public's view of history.

Rather than using publicly funded thoroughfares, parks, and buildings as a means of reinforcing public "education" and "shared history" as we do now, these government facilities should be stripped down to their most basic functions. Providing office space for administrative offices, providing streets for transport, and providing parks for recreation. (The last thing we need is a history lesson from the semi-illiterates on a typical city council.)

Some might argue that all these properties and facilities should be privatized themselves. That's fair enough, but as long as we're forced to live with these facilities, we need not also use them to "honor" politicians or whatever persons the current ruling class happens to find worthy of praise.

The nostalgia lobby will react with horror to this proposition. "Why, you can't do that!" they'll complain. "We'll be robbed of our heritage and history." Even assuming these people could precisely define exactly who "we" is they still need to explain why public property is necessary to preserve this alleged heritage.

After all, by this way of thinking, the preservation of one's culture and heritage relies on a subsidy from the taxpayers, and a nod of assent from government agencies.

Preserving and Promoting Culture Through Private Action
Once upon a time, however, people who actually valued their heritage did not sit around begging the government to protect it for them. Many were willing to actually take action and spend their own money on preserving the heritage that many now rather unconvincingly claim is so important to them.

A good example of the key role of private property in cases such as this can be seen in the work of the Catholic Church in the US — which has never enjoyed majority support from the population or from government institutions. If Catholics were to get their symbols and memorials in front of the public, they were going to have to build them on private property, and that's exactly what they did.

In Denver, for example, the Catholics of the early 20th century knew (correctly) that no public park or government building was going to erect any Catholic-themed art or memorials on their property. So, the Catholics proceeded to erect an enormous cathedral on a hilltop one block from the state capitol. The new cathedral was highly visible and provided easy access to religious ceremonies for the few Catholic politicians and officials who worked at the capitol. It provided meeting space. It contained stained-glass art created by German masters. Moreover, the new building served as a huge symbolic middle finger to the anti-Catholic Ku Klux Klan which was growing in importance in Denver at the time.

So, did Church officials sit around whining about how there was no crucifix on the front lawn of the State Capitol? Did they demand that the taxpayers pay to maintain a central town plaza featuring a statue of Saint Peter? Some probably did. Those who made a difference, though, took action and acquired real estate in prominent places throughout the city. They put universities on that land, and cemeteries, and convents, and friaries, and schools, and even some memorials and statues. Today, next to the cathedral, on a busy street corner, is a large statue of a Catholic pope: John Paul II. It's on private property. It's seen by thousands every day.

And why should the self-appointed protectors of American "traditional" values think they deserve anything different?
Indeed, we'd all have been saved a lot of trouble if the organizations that demanded statues of Confederate generals everywhere had put them on private land instead of in public parks. We'd all be better off if the private owners of the Stone Mountain monument hadn't sold it to the State of Georgia because they were too cheap to maintain it themselves.

In the past, had the purveyors of publicly-funded culture instead taken a principled and successful stand against using public lands and funds to push a certain view of history, no one would have to now waste his time sitting through city council meetings where politicians decide who deserves a statue, and who is to be thrown in the dustbin of history. Were we to quit using public parks as showcases for public indoctrination, we wouldn't have to worry about the Church of Satan erecting a monument in the "free speech area" of a public park — as they recently did near Minneapolis.

The next time someone wants a statue of some politician, artist, or intellectual — whether they be communists, Confederates, or satanists — they ought to be told to buy a nice little plot of land somewhere — perhaps along a busy street or next to an important street corner in town — and put their statue there.

This teardown of our monuments - Washington and Jefferson are next - is a prime example of why diversity is such a failure and completely incompatible with a functioning society. I'm just shocked that America has lasted as long as it has with blacks and now Muslims running amok while whites are constantly chided to treat them as equal and completely compatible with our heritage and traditions, which of course has always been a monumental lie.
This is one of my favorite "Confederate" artwork(s). It's theme is both strong and (currently) pertinent to the struggles of (real) White men.

"Lone Rebel"
This is one of my favorite "Confederate" artwork(s). It's theme is both strong and (currently) pertinent to the struggles of (real) White men.

"Lone Rebel"

This a great work of art! It's not just the Civil War theme it also has a philosophical type theme, one man against a group.
People Arrested for Vandalizing Confederate Statue All Have This One Shocking Thing in Common

Why are they letting all these rabid foaming at the mouth 18 year old communist thugs tear down our country...supported by the media and many of the politicians and big business too?

No surprise that they're official members of the Communist Party.

We need a Joe McCarthy in the Senate today.
No surprise that they're official members of the Communist Party.

We need a Joe McCarthy in the Senate today.
You're right. No surprise at all. I know some of our more diplomatic CF members don't probably agree with some of my uncouth and voracious terseness, but these are nothing more than "human" puss-filled boils that came from a demon's ass. Put these kyke-duped criminals way out in the ocean as shark bait.
these are nothing more than "human" puss-filled boils that came from a demon's ass. Put these kyke-duped criminals way out in the ocean as shark bait.

Perhaps keel hauling them would be an efficient means of achieving such. ;-)
Far more blacks served the Confederacy than the northern invaders -and also far more American Indians, like the last Confederate general to surrender, who was Cherokee CSA General Stand Watie. Of course they don't teach any of this to their little gender fluid antifas-in-training in the USSA schools and colleges or in their movies or tv shows. General Watie was even honored on a stamp. Of course they will now have to delete that stamp from their catalog and erase his name - as well as the entire Cherokee, Creek, Choktaw, Chikasaw, and Seminole tribes - from the new USSA history books.

People Arrested for Vandalizing Confederate Statue All Have This One Shocking Thing in Common

Why are they letting all these rabid foaming at the mouth 18 year old communist thugs tear down our country...supported by the media and many of the politicians and big business too?

All planned. They are systematically trying to destroy the white race and western civilization through immigration invasion and erasing our history. Rabid foaming at the mouth 18 year old communists punks who never worked a day in their lives tearing down our country with the full support of the mass media and many politicians and big businesses and big money behind them like the 1984 analog of Emanuel Goldstein, Giorgy Schwartz alias George Soros.
Perhaps keel hauling them would be an efficient means of achieving such. ;-)

Luckily they had just recently done away with that practice when I was in the Navy because I think that's what they wanted to do to me in that summary court martial in the captain's office. That effeminate Lieutenant JG was asking if they could just do it one more time, please...
Luckily they had just recently done away with that practice when I was in the Navy because I think that's what they wanted to do to me in that summary court martial in the captain's office. That effeminate Lieutenant JG was asking if they could just do it one more time, please...
Wow, Werewolf...Just, wow. Confession is good for the soul, so they say! Lol!
It's an amazing contrast, these beautiful monuments and statues that were erected to honor the fierce bravery of these iconic American warriors, being crumbled at the hands of gutless cowardly politicians, and seemingly no one with any clout, besides the President has enough backbone to stand up and say that enough is enough.

I still cannot get over the throngs of people cowering to the emotions of an eternally offended minority, all in the name of political correctness and appeasement...
It's a very sad thing to watch.
I don't have any problem with black people. But my descendents fought the civil war over state rights and not slavery. None of them owned slaves. I have four direct descendents that died for state rights. They fought the Yankees because they were down here. To them it had nothing to do with slavery. I disappointed in the left trying to destroy part of our history. The south fought hard for their beliefs and to take all these statues do because they think they were racism is obusured.
It's an amazing contrast, these beautiful monuments and statues that were erected to honor the fierce bravery of these iconic American warriors, being crumbled at the hands of gutless cowardly politicians, and seemingly no one with any clout, besides the President has enough backbone to stand up and say that enough is enough.

I still cannot get over the throngs of people cowering to the emotions of an eternally offended minority, all in the name of political correctness and appeasement...
It's a very sad thing to watch.

The United States is a nation that has been so hollowed out from within that it is now ripe for a full-on violent communist revolution. 40,000 loons marching in the streets of Boston over a few dozen multi-racial cucks with BLM posters supporting free speech -- no wonder "zombie apocalypse" has become such a popular trope in recent years. The media, the "educational" system, and the deep state and its partners have done their best to drive a portion of the country insane, and there are no genuine leaders standing up to the madness other than Trump in his usual flip-floppy fashion.
The United States is a nation that has been so hollowed out from within that it is now ripe for a full-on violent communist revolution. 40,000 loons marching in the streets of Boston over a few dozen multi-racial cucks with BLM posters supporting free speech -- no wonder "zombie apocalypse" has become such a popular trope in recent years. The media, the "educational" system, and the deep state and its partners have done their best to drive a portion of the country insane, and there are no genuine leaders standing up to the madness other than Trump in his usual flip-floppy fashion.

Something like Russia exactly one hundred years ago. They appeased them > then comes a "moderate revolutionary" Kerensky government > and then comes the full on slaughter house of the bolshevik rule. The red terror was sweeping through the rest of Europe too in the 1920s and 30s but the fascists and national socialists didn't kiss their ass and f'd them up instead, but then of course the judeo capitalists jumped in to save their judeo bolshevik landsmen and now here we are and now what do we have left on our side? Guys who can't even tell one side from the other. The commie scum will be marching on the White House next and what are they going to do, pepper spray them, tell them how swell they are and please don't kill us...or mow them down with machine guns? Of course i vote for plan c but I don't think they've got the balls anymore. Maybe Mr Karensky will last longer this time...
Some of you may know of the Mises Istitute. Here is an article from that site published but a day ago.

Authored by Ryan McMaken via The Mises Institute,

Some of us have been familiar with the Mises spergs since the the early 90s. In the case of Ryan McMaken he is some kind of Hispanic pro-immigration libertardian who has been gloating about the end of Anglo-Saxon America for about a decade. That article just drips with the usual leftist anti-Anglo Protestant, and therefore anti-American, propaganda. What we are seeing with the 'de-platforming' of dissident rightists by multi-billion dollar tech firms is a perfect example of libertardiansim in action: Censorship by monopolistic capitalists rather than by the state.

Anyway, there will never come a day, in any country, when the public space is completely neutral. Either you have Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jefferson statues or you have MLK and Stonewall/transgender/feminist statues. Take your pick. Once a people's heroes are removed from public space they become demoralized and a new people establish their hegemony.

BTW under this libertarian scheme what is to stop billionaires like George Soros from buying up all the statues and other artifacts of white American history then destroying them, or at least locking them away from public view? Very few people on our side can outbid billionaire liberals/leftists. Libertarianism can only be relevant in an ethnically homogenous society.
I've never seen anything like we're seeing nowadays and I've been around awhile. All-out insanity in college students and their ilk and common sense chunked out of the window and Communist/Marxism totally embraced and extolled as something great. My awakening has been in increments but I don't know how anyone can not see what is happening. That the majority of people (regardless of race) don't is extremely frustrating to me. I would say only 5-10 percent of Whites are awake and aware to any levels of significance.
UT Austin removing all of their confederate statutes.

And while on the subject of Texas,m I have to say the whole macho Texas republic perception needs to freaking die already. They are overrun with Mexicans and are 2 election cycles away from being another California
Not confederate but someone took a sledgehammer to a 200 year old Christopher Columbus monument in Baltimore this morning. Seriously F these people. Antifa and BLM are American ISIS


These demonic snakes are out of control. Do ALL monument sites need to be under surveillance 24/7? Some nutjob somewhere is going to get his panties in a wad and have some unbearable SJW menstrual cramp in any given moment, and then their "outrage" is something "justified" in Satan's MSM. So, any action taken by these criminals is deemed at the very least as okay, and noble at best in their upside down demonically-deceived minds...

God help us from these "White" (in all likelihood) individuals masquerading as humans.
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These demonic snakes are out of control. Do ALL monument sites need to be under surveillance 24/7? Some nutjob somewhere is going to get his panties in a wad and have some unbearable SJW menstrual cramp in any given moment, and then their "outrage" is something "justified" in Satan's MSM. So, any action taken by these criminals is deemed at the very least as okay, and noble at best in their upside down demonically-deceived minds...

God help us from these "White" (in all likelihood) individuals masquerading as humans.

Those verminous scum are (quite frankly) "begging" for their own obliteration. They've about pushed as far as they're going to (sans brutal retaliation).