Colts vs Jags

Jaguars fans on the team message board are already questioning
Garrard's knack for ignoring MJ when wide open, after leftwich's
realisation that he can perform.{we already knew he could}
I like going to the Jaguars message board and saying Garrard should start ahead of Leftwich.

It's trollish, but fun.
Only 1 catch for Clark and again,Stokley was totally ignorred.I have never in my life seen a star receiver like Stokley get screwed over so bad as he has this year.I'm pissed off.These guys deserve better.I would rather see them play on losing teams than to sit on the bench.Wasted talent because of skin color.
Matt Jones was hardly on the field again and when he was he was ignored. Here's a clue Jacksonville - he's 6'6" and runs a 4.3 throw the ball deep to MJ!
Nope, they would rather lose.
white lightning said:
Only 1 catch for Clark and again,Stokley was totally ignorred.I have never in my life seen a star receiver like Stokley get screwed over so bad as he has this year.I'm pissed off.

Stokley's situation has me fuming but you know what else is weird? After Dallas Clark had 125 yds. against the Bengals you'd think he would get more balls thrown his way, but that is not the case.In the last 3 games he's caught only 6 passes. Bryan Fletcher has caught 2 more during the span... what gives? I heard Bob Trumpy say that Fletcher had been cut 5 times before landing with the Colts. Now he's getting more tosses than Clark????
I know I sound like a broken record, but there is less to like about
Indy each week. With their black head coach, all-black defense, and
their two great skill position players non-factors in the offense, the
ONLY thing the Colts have going for them is Peyton Manning. I'm sorry,
but that's not enough to make me root for them, especially when it
appears that he, as the real offensive coordinator, is the one
responsible for ignoring Stokley and giving more looks to a derelict
like Fletcher than a stud like Clark. It is absolutely disgusting to
watch Clark's enthusiasm as he congratulates Harrison, Wayne, James and
Fletcher after they score TDs. No black with his talent would give more
than a passing nod in such a situation. As for Stokley, he is either an
idiot or Manning doesn't care about his feelings. How can he not have
been upset about the way this season has gone for him? How can he not
be protesting his virtual exclusion from the offense?
American Freedom News