College Football News

OU Jr TE Mark Andrews wins Mackey Award as nation's top tight end. I wonder if he'll go pro. May as well. Cash in when your stock is high.

Pretty sure I read he is declaring. Mayfield is gone and his replacement is the undersized black quarterback transfer from A&M so Andrew production would suffer if he stuck around.
Yes Sills has just announced he is returning to WV as well. Good move. He needs to tighten up his route running and add strength. Remember he is pretty green as a WR. He is still in the process of learning how to be a WR. Despite all of that he put up huge numbers.

The Grier to Sills combination is like a college version of Rodgers to Jordy. Best case scenario is both players are high draft picks in 2019.
Toledo WR Cody Thompson is returning to Toledo for a 5th year rather than going pro. With Toledo QB Logan Woodside graduating this may be a questionable decision and Thompson's production will probably suffer. I have to wonder if he thinks going back will improve his draft stock.
I am shocked by that news regarding Thompson. This could be a tough draft for WRs. Small school Jake Wieneke was considered a lock before the season and now I don't see him on the draft boards. He is border line all of a sudden. I suspect and hope Trey Quinn declares but his draft position violently swings from one extreme to another. In other words he is no lock at this point in time. Getting white WR's drafted is like climbing Mount Everest. Cripes!!!!

And it sure is getting harder to get a handle on these things nowadays as I peruse draft boards. I am long past hoping a "wild card" WR will get drafted though--see Justin Watson or Dylan Cantrell as examples. And another WR on the border line area is Austin Proehl who like Quinn would have to declare to be considered. I don't want to sound all of the alarms but things could go very bad this upcoming draft for WR's. But the dust hasn't fully settled yet and there are workouts around the corner so we can only hope for the best. That is all we can do.

Trying to put a positive spin on it Thompson returning to Toledo makes the MAC even more interesting next season.
Thompson will miss Woodside
( who should get NFL shot ). As long as Toledo doesn't go the black quarterback route he should be OK.
App. State put a whopping on Toledo. Toledo acted like they wanted to be somewhere else. I hoped this one game don't kill Woodside chances in the draft.
App. State put a whopping on Toledo. Toledo acted like they wanted to be somewhere else. I hoped this one game don't kill Woodside chances in the draft.

App St. Has been really good since entering FBS level and they were dominant in FCS. I think they deserve more credit as a program nationally. I haven't watched much film of Woodside but know he's put up ridiculous numbers, I agree hope he doesn't get knocked for a loss to a good team in App St!
Arizona fires head coach Rich Rodriguez. Overall, I probably sing a different tune on him than some others here at CF. Yes, he loved his black quarterbacks, but he had White-friendly defenses and was White-friendly at some other positions as well. Arizona looked very White in their bowl game this year.

Another twist on his firing was some "sexual harassment" allegation made against him by some female administrative assistant. The cowardly Arizona administrators are using that as justification. Watch Arizona go pretty dark now, although they may get themselves a White QB in the future to make up for it.

This is a bunch of B.S.:
In a letter sent to students, faculty and staff, Robins and Heeke explained "the decision is based on several factors, including the direction and climate of our football program." According to USA Today, a former administrative assistant threatened to file a lawsuit against Rodriguez after an outside investigation by the school into an allegation of sexual harassment and workplace misconduct found no wrongdoing on the part of the former Arizona coach. Rodriguez reportedly "cooperated fully" with the investigation, but if the lawsuit were to be filed, officials were worried that "it could bring significant negative publicity, particularly in the current national environment."
I almost always disapprove of white college basketball players jumping to the NBA early but with college football players remember most of them have been in school for three years plus so I don't have a problem with them leaving. However each case is unique.For example I think WR Trey Quinn and RB Ryan Nall are doing the RIGHT thing in declaring for the draft. I think green WR David Sills is doing the right thing in returning to school. Same thing for QB Jarrett Stidham who just announced he is returning to Auburn. I like his talent but he needs more seasoning and it will team him up again with speedster WR Will Hastings for one more season. So a good thing all the way around. Just like the Grier to Sills connection at WV.
I was hoping so. Nebraska native and (now former) UCF backup QB, transfers to Nebraska. You'd think with having a year under his belt and having success with his playing time at UCF he'd be given a scholarship, but that it doesn't appear to be the case, at least for now.

I guess UCF had a block on his transfer to Nebraska, so the only way he could would have to be as a walk on.

As a true freshman, Vedral completed 22 of 29 passes and threw for one touchdown pass this season. The Nebraska native won the backup quarterback job over classmate Darriel Mack with an impressive fall camp.
I think that, unless they're sure they'll be a very high pick, whites should stay in school. They're not going to be treated fairly at the pro level so they should get what they can in college.

They can get more education and more experience on the field. This will help them later in life. They can't realistically bank on being a pro football player.
It depends on individual circumstances. If Matt Barkley had left a year early he would have been a top five pick. He stayed an additional year at USC and it ended up torpedoing his NFL career.

I do agree that staying in school is generally the right thing for White players unless they're sure they'll be a high pick by leaving early.
Frost isn't off to a good start in Nebraska - pulling in black transfers, non-white QB. Pretty big disappointment thus far albeit it is VERY early.
Kevin Sumlin is the new head coach at Arizona, (sigh). BSPN elated, of course; "great news", "solid fit". Outside of the black quarterback, AZ was very White-friendly in their bowl game. I could've sworn I even saw a White CB play during it, but it was probably just a very light-skinned mulatto. See them darken up quickly. Both AZ coaches now black as Herm Edwards is the new coach at ASU. I don't expect Sumlin to have the success that Rodriguez had (which wasn't much), but he'll probably get five years or more to prove it.
Kelly dismisses four scholarship affletes from team. We tried to warn him...
ASU QB Brady White transferred to Memphis
Miami QB Evan Shireffs is transferring

Both have two years of eligibility remaining and can play right away.
The running back who started the season ahead of Laird last year but got injured, is transferring. So, even though Laird will always have to compete (since he's White and nothing will be given to him) he looks to be the starter going into his Senior year. If he can get stay healthy and get as many touches and production as he had during his Junior year, he'll be the next White RB with a legitimate chance in the NFL.
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