Clinton Woods

*yawn* post on the sinking of the USS liberty and Israeli espionage in the states was on an off topic thread about about what countries were America's cloest allies and had nothing to do with boxing.

And again if you think I'm the only person on boxrec who makes sarcastic posts you're even more deluded than I thought. I have nothing to hide and unlike you was man enough to post my ID on boxrec.

You lambasting me just a few days ago for being an anti white troll who hates white fighters and only shows up on castefootball when one of them lose to painting me as the second coming of William Pierce is almost too funny for words


I'm sure posters on boxrec would love your "moderate" views on "Huck only losing because of the negro ref" as well as your other gems.

Apart from exposing your immaturity, this thread has served no purpose and I do apoligize to Don for engaging in this utterly pointless slanging match with an demonsratably disturbed Canadian kid.
Trooper Thorn said:
And again if you think I'm the only person on boxrec who makes sarcastic posts you're even more deluded than I thought. I have nothing to hide and unlike you was man enough to post my ID on boxrec.

But no one else is nearly as obnoxious as you at BoxRec. I don't give my ID because I don't want to be lumped with people like you and werewolf (it's actually more accurate to describe you two as a couple of nutcases, rather than extremist white nationalists).

Trooper Thorn said:
I'm sure posters on boxrec would love your "moderate" views on "Huck only losing because of the negro ref" as well as your other gems.

That's NOT what I said - I just said the ref was biased.

I've always been careful to leave race out of my posts in BoxRec or other forums - of course I wouldn't use the word "negro" anywhere except here. But I notice YOUR comments over there are often about race.

Trooper Thorn said:
Apart from exposing your immaturity, this thread has served no purpose and I do apoligize to Don for engaging in this utterly pointless slanging match with an demonsratably disturbed Canadian kid.

Actually, if someone reads this from the beginning, and then goes through your posts over at BoxRec, they'll realize YOU'RE the one who's disturbed. You're a scary guy with a cruel, mean streak - I shudder when I think of what you might do to someone someday. You and werewolf are both flaky, but he seems like a relatively harmless nutcase.

I apologize to Don. Everybody at BoxRec just ignores Trooper Thorn's (aka ebeneezer) insults and baiting, and I should have been wise enough to do the same here. Edited by: JD1986
I don't give my ID because I don't want to be lumped with people like you and werewolf

Translation : I am a coward and a hypocrite.

But I notice YOUR comments over there are often about race.

I've made a few when anti white posters like Detsun and SandySaddler bash whites athletes and corrected a few posters who claimed whites lacked fast twitch muscle fibers and tried to use Jon Entine as a legit source.
You trying to hold this up as something that I, a supporter of caste football, should be a ashamed of is tear inducingly funny.

I shudder when I think of what you might do to someone someday.

I shudder to think what your posts would look like without the edit function.

And one more little thing you said
And I'm doubtful Colonel Callan would want to exchange PMs with you - he's one of the most intelligent posters we have here, while you come across as a hateful moron.

The good Colonel and I agree on many things,as a quick flick through his old posts will attest, and trade PMs. By following your "logic" he is now no longer an intelligent poster but now a "scary guy who will do something to somebody one day"?

I give up....
Trooper Thorn said:
Translation : I am a coward and a hypocrite.

No, I'm just being discreet. You're just not bright enough to understand that.

Trooper Thorn said:
I shudder to think what your posts would look like without the edit function.

You should learn to use it - correct your spelling errors and other mistakes.

Thooper Thorn said:
The good Colonel and I agree on many things,as a quick flick through his old posts will attest, and trade PMs. By following your "logic" he is now no longer an intelligent poster but now a "scary guy who will do something to somebody one day"?
I give up....

There's an enormous gap between your IQ and Colonel Callan's!

He expresses himself very well, while you come cross as illiterate and rather stupid - insulting people and trying to pick fights over someone saying a black ref may have been biased in a fight that took place months ago. He wouldn't stoop to doing that! Nor would he jump all over me for saying Woods was not at his best last Saturday night, even if he disagreed.

You're just flattering yourself if you think you're anything like him. He's an intelligent man, you're an arrogant, aggressive moron.
And one final parting shot to show how utterly confused you are

I hadn't seen the "Jewish privelege" post in the Kellerman thread before, or your post about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and the other Jewish stuff...

I don't want people there to lump me together with more "stormfront" type white nationalist people. My own views are more moderate

Great post, Bart. The truth is, there is nothing offensive at all about David Duke!

David Duke is not an extremist at all - he's far more sensible and intelligent than Trooper Thorn! Have you ever actually listened to him?

1. Unlike Werewolf, Duke isn't some kind of nutcase who would say "castefootball is a zionist front".

2. Unlike the neo-nazis at Stormfront, he expresses sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians. He doesn't say "it's good the sand monkeys are killing each other off", like a white supremacist would, instead he suggests the US would be better off being allied with the Arab countries. Duke is very well liked in Syria and Saudi Arabia, and even treated like royalty when he visits those countries - would the Arabs feel that way about a white supremacist? I don't think so.

3.Unlike Trooper Thorn aka ebeneezer, Duke doesn't really hate black people. He wouldn't joke about Hopkins getting anally raped in prison, Sam Peter seeming to be retarded, Taylor's speech impediment and all the other stuff that "ebeneezer" has posted at BoxRec. He has too much class for that!

David Duke is not a white supremacist, he's a white nationalist. I know you're not intelligent enough to understand the difference, Thorn! He doesn't hate other races, he just loves his own race, like I do. He doesn't hate Jews - in fact he often quotes Jewish writers - he's just against supremacism. He was in the Klan many years ago, but so were a lot of white men in his home state at that time, and he has come a long way since then.

Here's a video of a real racist, a true lunatic supremacist:

Supremacist video

David Duke is nothing like that guy!
This is the final time I respond to your surreal,juvinile arguments so this thread can finally die.

David Duke is not an extremist at all


Duke doesn't really hate black people.

"White people don't need a law against rape, but if you fill this room up with your normal black bucks, you would, because ******s are basically primitive animals.

­- The Sun (Wichita, KS), April 23, 1975"

And putting on faux moral outrage about me writing about the Israeli sinking of the USS Liberty whilst defending Duke who has penned several articles and given speeches on the very subject basically tells me all I need to know about you.

Toodle oo
Trooper Thorn, how old are you? What do you know of the Chicago 7? Did you live through those days? Our country was being torn apart by militant radical communists, who were working in lock -step with the Black Panthers to destroy the very foundations of our society. And yes, the leaders, prime movers, propagandists, and brains behindthemovement were disproportionately Jewish. Most Americans would have wanted the Chicago 7, and the Weathermen obliterated off the face of the planet.
Trooper Thorn,
i agree with 90 percent of your posts here and if you are ebeneezer at boxrec then i agree with 89 percent of your posts there.

i just wanted to say thanks for sticking up for the posters here that get labeled "trolls" becaues they don't agree with some individuals.

i will always root for white boxers/non black boxers, when i see people discredit them just bc they're not black, but i can't make excuse for white boxers when they lose. that would make me a hypocrite.

i look forward to reading your future posts.

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